guga_pchb_class.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"
module guga_pchb_class

    use aliasSampling, only: AliasSampler_1D_t
    use constants, only: n_int, dp, maxExcit, int64, stdout, int_rdm
    use bit_rep_data, only: IlutBits, GugaBits
    use SystemData, only: nel, G1, t_guga_pchb_weighted_singles, &
                          nBasis, nSpatOrbs, ElecPairs, &
                          t_analyze_pchb, t_old_pchb, t_exchange_pchb
    use FciMCData, only: excit_gen_store_type, pSingles, pDoubles
    use tau_main, only: max_tau, tau_search_method, possible_tau_search_methods
    use tau_search_hist, only: frq_ratio_cutoff, max_frequency_bound, n_frequency_bins
    use guga_data, only: ExcitationInformation_t, gen_type, excit_type
    use guga_bitrepops, only: convert_ilut_toGUGA, isProperCSF_ilut, CSF_Info_t
    use dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT
    use util_mod, only: near_zero, fuseIndex, swap, binary_search_first_ge, &
                        get_free_unit, stop_all, operator(.isclose.)
    use CalcData, only: t_matele_cutoff, matele_cutoff, t_truncate_spawns
    use sym_general_mod, only: ClassCountInd
    use SymExcitDataMod, only: OrbClassCount, SymLabelCounts2, &
                               sym_label_list_spat, SpinOrbSymLabel
    use UMatCache, only: gtID
    use MPI_wrapper, only: root
    use guga_excitations, only: assign_excitinfo_values_single, &
                                pick_elec_pair_uniform_guga, &
                                excitationIdentifier_double, get_guga_integral_contrib_spat, &
                                calc_pgen_mol_guga_single, get_excit_level_from_excitInfo, init_singleWeight, &
    use guga_bitrepops, only: identify_excitation, encode_excit_info, extract_excit_info, &
    use bit_reps, only: decode_bit_det
    use shared_array, only: shared_array_int64_t, shared_array_real_t
    use MPI_wrapper, only: iProcIndex_intra, iprocindex
    use GenRandSymExcitNUMod, only: RandExcitSymLabelProd
    use procedure_pointers, only: get_umat_el


    public :: GugaAliasSampler_t
    public :: pick_uniform_spatial_hole, pick_orbitals_pure_uniform_singles, calc_orb_pgen_uniform_singles

    type :: GugaAliasSampler_t

        type(AliasSampler_1D_t), public :: alias_sampler
        integer, allocatable :: tgtOrbs(:,:)

        type(shared_array_int64_t) :: all_info_table
        type(shared_array_int64_t), allocatable :: info_tables(:)
        procedure, public :: init => init_GugaAliasSampler_t
        procedure, public :: finalize => finalize_GugaAliasSampler_t

        procedure, public :: pick_orbitals_double_pchb
        procedure, public, nopass :: pick_orbitals_pure_uniform_singles
        procedure, public :: calc_pgen_guga_pchb

        procedure, public :: calc_orbital_pgen_contr_pchb
        procedure, public :: calc_orbital_pgen_contr_start_pchb
        procedure, public :: calc_orbital_pgen_contr_end_pchb

        procedure :: new_info_table
        procedure :: set_info_entry
        procedure :: get_info_entry

        procedure :: calc_orb_pgen_guga_pchb_double

        procedure :: setup_pchb_sampler_conditional

    end type GugaAliasSampler_t


    subroutine new_info_table(this, nEntries, entrySize)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t) :: this
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: nEntries, entrySize

        integer(int64) :: total_size
        integer(int64) :: iEntry, windowStart, windowEnd

        total_size = nEntries * entrySize
        call this%all_info_table%shared_alloc(total_size)
        do iEntry = 1, nEntries
            windowStart = (iEntry - 1) * entrySize + 1
            windowEnd = windowStart + entrySize - 1

            this%info_tables(iEntry)%ptr => this%all_info_table%ptr(windowStart:windowEnd)
        end do
    end subroutine

    function get_info_entry(this, iEntry, tgt) result(info)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: iEntry, tgt
        integer(int64) :: info

        info = this%info_tables(iEntry)%ptr(tgt)
    end function

    subroutine set_info_entry(this, iEntry, infos)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: iEntry
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: infos(:)

        if (iProcIndex_intra == 0) then
            this%info_tables(iEntry)%ptr = infos
        end if
        call this%all_info_table%sync()
    end subroutine

    subroutine init_GugaAliasSampler_t(this)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer :: a, b
        integer(int64) :: memCost, ijMax, abMax, ab

        ! also set some more strict defaults for the PCHB implo:
        root_print "Setting reasonable defaults for GUGA-PCHB:"
        if (tau_search_method == possible_tau_search_methods%HISTOGRAMMING) then
            if (frq_ratio_cutoff < 0.999999) then
                root_print "setting frequency cutoff to 0.999999"
                frq_ratio_cutoff = 0.999999
            end if
            if (max_frequency_bound < 1e5) then
                root_print "setting  max_frequency_bound to 1e5"
                max_frequency_bound = 1e5
            end if
            if (n_frequency_bins < 1e5) then
                root_print "setting n_frequency_bins to 1e5"
                n_frequency_bins = 1e5
            end if
        end if

        if (.not. t_truncate_spawns) then
            root_print "'truncate-spawns' not activated! consider turning it &
                &on if too many blooms happen!"
        end if

        write(stdout,*) "Allocating GUGA PCHB excitation generator objects"
        ! initialize the mapping ab -> (a,b)
        abMax = fuseIndex(nSpatOrbs,nSpatOrbs)
        allocate(this%tgtOrbs(2,0:abMax), source = 0)
        do a = 1, nSpatOrbs
            do b = a, nSpatOrbs
                ab = fuseIndex(a,b)
                this%tgtOrbs(1,ab) = a
                this%tgtOrbs(2,ab) = b
            end do
        end do

        ! enable catching exceptions
        this%tgtOrbs(:,0) = 0

        ijMax = fuseIndex(nSpatOrbs, nSpatOrbs)
        memCost = abMax*ijMax*24*2
        write(stdout,*) "Excitation generator requires", &
            real(memCost,dp)/2.0_dp**30, "GB of memory"
        write(stdout,*) "Generating samplers for PCHB excitation generator"

        call this%setup_pchb_sampler_conditional()

        write(stdout,*) "Finished GUGA PCHB excitation generator initialization"
    end subroutine init_GugaAliasSampler_t

    subroutine setup_pchb_sampler_conditional(this)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer :: i, j, ij, a, b, ab
        integer(int64) :: ijMax, abMax
        integer(int64), allocatable :: excit_info(:)
        real(dp), allocatable :: w(:)

        ijMax = fuseIndex(nSpatOrbs, nSpatOrbs)
        abMax = fuseIndex(nSpatOrbs, nSpatOrbs)
        ! just to be save also code up a setup function with the
        ! necessary if statements, so i can check if my optimized
        ! sampler is correct (and if it is even faster..)
        ! weights per pair
        allocate(w(abMax), source = 0.0_dp)
        ! excitation information per pair:

        ! allocate: all samplers have the same size
        call this%alias_sampler%shared_alloc(int(ijMax), int(abMax), "GUGA-pchb")
        ! todo: do the same for the excit_info array!
        call this%new_info_table(ijMax, abMax)

        ! the encode_excit_info function encodes as: E_{ai}E_{bj)
        ! but for some index combinations we have to change the input so
        ! actually E_{aj}E_{bi} is encoded! convention to use only
        ! certain type of excit-types
        do i = 1, nSpatOrbs
            do j = i, nSpatOrbs
                w = 0.0_dp
                ij = fuseIndex(i,j)
                excit_info = 0_int64
                do a = 1, nSpatOrbs
                    do b = a, nSpatOrbs
                        ! shoud i point group symmetry restrctions here?
                        ! this would avoid unnecessary if statements..

                        if (RandExcitSymLabelProd(&
                                        SpinOrbSymLabel(2*i), SpinOrbSymLabel(2*j)) &
                                /= RandExcitSymLabelProd(&
                                        SpinOrbSymLabel(2*a), SpinOrbSymLabel(2*b))) then
                        end if

                        ab = fuseIndex(a,b)
                        call get_weight_and_info(i, j, a, b, w(ab), excit_info(ab))
                    end do
                end do
                call this%alias_sampler%setup_entry(ij, root, w)
                call this%set_info_entry(ij, excit_info)

            end do
        end do
    end subroutine setup_pchb_sampler_conditional

    subroutine finalize_GugaAliasSampler_t(this)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(inout) :: this
        call this%alias_sampler%finalize()
        call this%all_info_table%shared_dealloc()
    end subroutine

    subroutine pick_orbitals_double_pchb(this, ilut, nI, csf_i, excitInfo, pgen)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:GugaBits%len_tot)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(out) :: excitInfo
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pgen

        integer :: src(2), sym_prod, sum_ml, i, j, a, b, orbs(2), ij, ab
        real(dp) :: pgen_elec, pgen_orbs


        ! maybe I will also produce a weighted electron pickin in the
        ! GUGA formalism.. but for now pick them uniformly:
        call pick_elec_pair_uniform_guga(nI, src, sym_prod, sum_ml, pgen_elec)
        ! make a different picker, which does not bias towards doubly
        ! occupied orbitals here too!

        ASSERT( src(1) < src(2) )

        i = gtID(src(1))
        j = gtID(src(2))

        if (i /= j) then
            if (csf_i%stepvector(i) == 3) pgen_elec = 2.0_dp * pgen_elec
            if (csf_i%stepvector(j) == 3) pgen_elec = 2.0_dp * pgen_elec
        end if

        ! use the sampler for this electron pair -> order of src electrons
        ! does not matter
        ij = fuseIndex(i, j)

        ! get a pair of orbitals using the precomputed weights
        call this%alias_sampler%sample(ij,ab,pgen_orbs)

        ! unfortunately, there is a super-rare case when, due to floating point error,
        ! an excitation with pGen=0 is created. Those are invalid, too
        if(near_zero(pgen_orbs)) then
            excitInfo%valid = .false.
            pgen = 0.0_dp
            ! Yes, print. Those events are signficant enough to be always noted in the output
            print *, "WARNING: Generated excitation with probability of 0"

        ! split the index ab (using a table containing mapping ab -> (a,b))
        orbs = this%tgtOrbs(:,ab)

        a = orbs(1)
        b = orbs(2)

        ! check if the picked orbs are a valid choice - if they are the same, match one
        ! occupied orbital or are zero (maybe because there are no allowed picks for
        ! the given source) abort
        ! these are the 'easy' checks for GUGA.. more checks need to be done
        ! to see if it is actually a valid combination..
        if (any(orbs == 0) &
                .or. csf_i%stepvector(a) == 3 &
                .or. csf_i%stepvector(b) == 3 &
                .or. a == b .and. csf_i%stepvector(b) /= 0) then
            excitInfo%valid = .false.
        end if

        ! setup a getInfo functionality in the sampler!
        call extract_excit_info(this%get_info_entry(ij, ab), excitInfo)

        pGen = pgen_elec * pgen_orbs

    end subroutine pick_orbitals_double_pchb

    subroutine pick_orbitals_pure_uniform_singles(ilut, nI, csf_i, excitInfo, pgen)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:GugaBits%len_tot)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(out) :: excitInfo
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pgen

        integer :: src_orb, tgt_orb, i
        real(dp) :: pgen_hole
        integer, allocatable :: occ_spat_orbs(:)
            !! The occupied spatial orbitals
        unused_var(ilut); unused_var(nI)

        occ_spat_orbs = pack([(i, i = 1, size(csf_i%Occ_int))], csf_i%stepvector /= 0)
        src_orb = occ_spat_orbs(1 + int(genrand_real2_dSFMT() * size(occ_spat_orbs)))

        call pick_uniform_spatial_hole(csf_i, src_orb, tgt_orb, pgen_hole)

        if (near_zero(pgen_hole) .or. tgt_orb == 0) then
            pgen = 0.0_dp
            tgt_orb = 0
            excitInfo%valid = .false.
            pgen = 1._dp / real(size(occ_spat_orbs), dp) * pgen_hole
            if (tgt_orb < src_orb) then
                excitInfo = assign_excitinfo_values_single(&
                                gen_type%R, tgt_orb, src_orb, tgt_orb, src_orb)
                excitInfo = assign_excitinfo_values_single(&
                                gen_type%L, tgt_orb, src_orb, src_orb, tgt_orb)
            end if
            excitInfo%valid = checkCompatibility_single(csf_i, excitInfo)
            if (excitInfo%valid) then
                ASSERT(pgen .isclose. calc_orb_pgen_uniform_singles(csf_i, excitInfo))
                pgen = 0._dp
            end if
        end if

    end subroutine pick_orbitals_pure_uniform_singles

    subroutine pick_uniform_spatial_hole(csf_i, src_orb, tgt_orb, pgen)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        integer, intent(in) :: src_orb
        integer, intent(out) :: tgt_orb
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pgen

        integer :: cc_i, nOrb, sym_index
        integer, allocatable :: sym_orbs(:), valid_orbs(:)
        ! get the symmetry index for this electron
        cc_i = ClassCountInd(1, SpinOrbSymLabel(2*src_orb), G1(2*src_orb)%ml)
        ! and the number of orbitals
        nOrb = OrbClassCount(cc_i)
        ! get the symmetry index for later use
        sym_index = SymLabelCounts2(1, cc_i)
        sym_orbs = sym_label_list_spat(sym_index : sym_index + nOrb - 1)
        ! now keep drawing from the symmetry orbitals until we pick an
        ! non-doubly occupied orbital that is not the source.
        valid_orbs = pack(sym_orbs, csf_i%stepvector(sym_orbs) /= 3 .and. sym_orbs /= src_orb)

        if (size(valid_orbs) == 0) then
            pgen = 0.0_dp
            tgt_orb = 0
            tgt_orb = valid_orbs(1 + floor(genrand_real2_dSFMT() * size(valid_orbs)))
            pgen = 1.0_dp / real(size(valid_orbs), dp)
        end if
    end subroutine pick_uniform_spatial_hole

    function calc_orb_pgen_uniform_singles(csf_i, excitInfo) result(pgen)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(in) :: excitInfo
        real(dp) :: pgen

        integer :: nOrb, so_elec, cc_i, nOcc, sym_index, nUnocc

        ASSERT(1 <= excitInfo%i .and. excitInfo%i <= nSpatOrbs)
        ASSERT(1 <= excitInfo%j .and. excitInfo%j <= nSpatOrbs)

        if (excitInfo%i == excitInfo%j &
                .or. csf_i%stepvector(excitInfo%i) == 3 &
                .or. csf_i%stepvector(excitInfo%j) == 0) then
            pgen = 0.0_dp
            nOcc = count(csf_i%Occ_int /= 0)
            so_elec = 2 * excitInfo%j

            cc_i = ClassCountInd(1, SpinOrbSymLabel(so_elec), G1(so_elec)%ml)
            nOrb = OrbClassCount(cc_i)
            ! get the symmetry index for later use
            sym_index = SymLabelCounts2(1, cc_i)

            associate(sym_allowed_orbs => sym_label_list_spat(sym_index : sym_index + nOrb - 1))
                nUnocc = count(csf_i%stepvector(sym_allowed_orbs) /= 3 &
                               .and. sym_allowed_orbs /= excitInfo%j)
            end associate

            pgen = 1.0_dp / real(nOcc * nUnocc, dp)
        end if
    end function calc_orb_pgen_uniform_singles

    function calc_pgen_guga_pchb(this, ilutI, csf_i, ilutJ, excitInfo_in) result(pgen)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:GugaBits%len_tot), ilutJ(GugaBits%len_tot)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(in), optional :: excitInfo_in
        type(ExcitationInformation_t) :: excitInfo
        real(dp) :: pgen
        integer :: ic
        integer :: nI(nel), nJ(nel)

        if (present(excitInfo_in)) then
            excitInfo = excitInfo_in
            excitInfo = identify_excitation(ilutI, ilutJ)
        end if

        ic = get_excit_level_from_excitInfo(excitInfo)

        if (ic == 1) then
            if (t_guga_pchb_weighted_singles) then
                call decode_bit_det(nI, ilutI)
                call decode_bit_det(nJ, ilutJ)
                pgen = calc_pgen_mol_guga_single( &
                            ilutI, nI, csf_i, ilutJ, nJ, excitInfo)
                pgen = calc_orb_pgen_uniform_singles(csf_i, excitInfo)
            end if

            pgen = pgen * pSingles

        else if (ic == 2) then

            pgen = pDoubles * this%calc_orb_pgen_guga_pchb_double(excitInfo)

            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

    end function calc_pgen_guga_pchb

    pure function calc_orb_pgen_guga_pchb_double(this, excitInfo) result(pgen)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(in) :: this
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(in) :: excitInfo
        real(dp) :: pgen

        integer :: ij, ab
        real(dp) :: p_elec

        ! i, j, k and l entries have the info about the electrons and
        ! holes of the excitation: E_{ij}E_{kl} is the convention ...
        ij = fuseIndex(excitInfo%j, excitInfo%l)

        p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(ElecPairs, dp)

        ab = fuseIndex(excitInfo%i, excitInfo%k)
        pgen = p_elec * this%alias_sampler%get_prob(ij, ab)

    end function calc_orb_pgen_guga_pchb_double

    ! I need the pgen-recalculation routines for exchange type excitations
    ! also for the PCHB excit-gen
    pure subroutine calc_orbital_pgen_contr_pchb(this, csf_i, occ_orbs, cpt_a, cpt_b)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(in) :: this
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        integer, intent(in) :: occ_orbs(2)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: cpt_a, cpt_b

        integer :: ij
        ! this function can in theory be called with both i < j and i > j..
        ! to take the correct values here!
        ! although for the fuseIndex function the order is irrelevant

        ! i think i have to consider both the above and below contribution..
        ! but i am not so sure how.. in this PCHB case..
        ! maybe in PCHB those 2 are just the same.. i am confused
        ij = fuseIndex(gtID(occ_orbs(1)), gtID(occ_orbs(2)))

        ! and both I and J are electron and hole indices here
        cpt_a = this%alias_sampler%get_prob(ij, ij) / 2.0_dp
        ! but since they will get added in later routines i actually have
        ! do divide by 2 here..

        ! and in the PCHB there is no difference between the 2!
        cpt_b = cpt_a

    end subroutine calc_orbital_pgen_contr_pchb

    ! i think it would be better if i 'just' reimplement:
    pure subroutine calc_orbital_pgen_contr_start_pchb(this, csf_i, occ_orbs, a, orb_pgen)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(in) :: this
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        integer, intent(in) :: occ_orbs(2), a
        real(dp), intent(out) :: orb_pgen

        integer :: i, j, ij, ab

        ! Has to be there for function pointer interface

        ! depending on type (R->L / L->R) a can be > j or < j, but always > i
        i = gtID(occ_orbs(1))
        j = gtID(occ_orbs(2))

        ASSERT( i < a )

        ! here i is both electron and hole index!

        ij = fuseIndex(i, j)
        ab = fuseIndex(i, a)

        orb_pgen = this%alias_sampler%get_prob(ij, ab)

    end subroutine calc_orbital_pgen_contr_start_pchb

    pure subroutine calc_orbital_pgen_contr_end_pchb(this, csf_i, occ_orbs, a, orb_pgen)
        class(GugaAliasSampler_t), intent(in) :: this
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        integer, intent(in) :: occ_orbs(2), a
        real(dp), intent(out) :: orb_pgen

        integer :: i, j, ij, ab

        ! Has to be there for function pointer interface

        i = gtID(occ_orbs(1))
        j = gtID(occ_orbs(2))

        ! and j is at the same time electron and hole index!

        ! depending on L->R or R->L type a can be > i o r < i, but always < j!
        ASSERT( a < j )

        ! j here is both elec and hole ind!
        ij = fuseIndex(i,j)

        ab = fuseIndex(a,j)

        orb_pgen = this%alias_sampler%get_prob(ij,ab)

    end subroutine calc_orbital_pgen_contr_end_pchb

    function get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b, typ) result(integral)
        ! specialized function to obtain the guga-integral contrib for
        ! the pchb weights
        integer, intent(in) :: a, i, b, j, typ
        real(dp) :: integral
        logical :: flag_
        HElement_t(dp) :: cpt1, cpt2, cpt3, cpt4

        ASSERT(0 < a .and. a <= nSpatOrbs)
        ASSERT(0 < i .and. i <= nSpatOrbs)
        ASSERT(0 < b .and. b <= nSpatOrbs)
        ASSERT(0 < j .and. j <= nSpatOrbs)

        if (t_old_pchb) then
            integral = get_guga_integral_contrib_spat([i,j],a,b)
        end if

        flag_ = t_exchange_pchb

        select case (typ)

        ! i need to get the correct indices for the integral contributions!
        case (excit_type%single_overlap_L_to_R)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, a, i, j) + get_umat_el(a, a, j, i)) / 2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%single_overlap_R_to_L)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, b, i, i) + get_umat_el(b, a, i, i)) / 2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%double_lowering, excit_type%double_raising)

            cpt1 = (get_umat_el(a, b, i, j) + get_umat_el(b, a, j, i))
            cpt2 = (get_umat_el(b, a, i, j) + get_umat_el(a, b, j, i))
            cpt3 = abs(cpt1 + cpt2) / 2.0_dp
            cpt4 = abs(cpt1 - cpt2) / 2.0_dp

            cpt1 = abs(cpt1)
            cpt2 = abs(cpt2)

            if (flag_) then
                integral = abs(cpt4)
                integral = maxval(abs([cpt1, cpt2, cpt3, cpt4]))
            end if

        case (excit_type%double_L_to_R_to_L, excit_type%double_R_to_L_to_R, &
              excit_type%double_L_to_R, excit_type%double_R_to_L)

            cpt1 = (get_umat_el(a, b, j, i) + get_umat_el(b, a, i, j))
            cpt2 = (get_umat_el(b, a, j, i) + get_umat_el(a, b, i, j))

            cpt3 = abs(cpt2 - cpt1)
            ! cpt4 = abs(cpt1 + cpt2)
            cpt4 = abs(cpt2 - 2.0_dp * cpt1)/2.0_dp

            if (flag_) then
                integral = abs(cpt2)
                integral = maxval(abs([cpt1, cpt2 / 2.0_dp, cpt3, cpt4]))
            end if

        case (excit_type%fullstop_lowering, excit_type%fullstart_raising)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, a, i, j) + get_umat_el(a, a, j, i))/2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%fullstop_raising, excit_type%fullstart_lowering)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, b, i, i) + get_umat_el(b, a, i, i))/2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%fullstop_R_to_L, excit_type%fullstop_L_to_R)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(b, a, j, b) + get_umat_el(a, b, b, j))/2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%fullstart_L_to_R, excit_type%fullstart_R_to_L)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, b, i, a) + get_umat_el(b, a, a, i))/2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%fullstart_stop_alike)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, a, i, i))/2.0_dp

        case (excit_type%fullstart_stop_mixed)

            integral = abs(get_umat_el(a, i, i, a) + get_umat_el(i, a, a, i)) / 2.0_dp

#ifdef DEBUG_
        case default
            call stop_all(this_routine, "wrong excit-type")

        end select

    end function get_pchb_integral_contrib

    subroutine get_weight_and_info(i, j, a, b, w, info)
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j, a, b
        real(dp), intent(out) :: w
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: info
        if (i == j) then
            if (a == b) then
                ! here we only have a contribution if
                ! a != i
                if (a < i) then
                    ! _RR_(a) -> ^RR^(i)
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b, &
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%fullstart_stop_alike, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                else if (a > i) then
                    ! _LL_(i) > ^LL^(a)
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b, &
                        typ = excit_type%fullstart_stop_alike)
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%fullstart_stop_alike, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                end if
            elseif (a /= b) then
                ! here we have to determine where (a) and
                ! (b) are relative to (i=j) and a == i or
                ! b == i are NOT allowed!
                if (a < i) then
                    if (b < i) then
                        ! _R(a) -> _RR(b) -> ^RR^(i)
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b, &
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%fullstop_raising, &
                            a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                    else if (b > i) then
                        ! _R(a) -> ^RL_(i) -> ^L(b)
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b, &
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%single_overlap_R_to_L, &
                            a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                    end if
                else if (a > i) then
                    ! since b > a ensured only:
                    ! _LL_(i) -> ^LL(a) -> ^L(b)
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b, &
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%fullstart_lowering, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                end if
            end if
        else if ( i /= j) then
            if (a == b) then
                ! a == i or a == j NOT allowed!
                if (a < i) then
                    ! _RR_(a) -> ^RR(i) -> ^R(j)
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b,&
                        typ = excit_type%fullstart_raising)
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%fullstart_raising, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                else if (a > i .and. a < j) then
                    ! _L(i) -> ^LR_(a) -> ^R(j)
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b,&
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%single_overlap_L_to_R, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                else if (a > j) then
                    ! _L(i) -> _LL(j) -> ^LL^(a)
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(i, j, a, b,&
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%fullstop_lowering, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                end if
            else if (a /= b) then
                ! this is the most general case. a lot of IFs
                if (a < i) then
                    if (b < i) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=b, b=a, &
                        ! in E_{ai}E_{bi} form this would be
                        ! _R(a) -> RR_(b) -> ^RR(i) -> ^R(j)
                        ! which would have the opposite
                        ! sign conventions for the x1
                        ! elements as in the Shavitt 81
                        ! paper.
                        ! (technically it would not matter
                        !  here since both are flipped,
                        !  but lets stay consistent!)
                        ! for E_{bj}E_{ai}
                        ! _R(a) -> _RR(b) -> RR^(i) -> ^R(j)
                        ! it would fit! so:
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ = excit_type%double_raising, &
                            a=b, i=j, b=a, j=i)
                    ! else if (b == i) then
                        ! b == i also NOT allowed here,
                        ! since this would correspond to
                        ! a single!
                    else if (b > i .and. b < j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! for E_{ai}E_{bj} this would
                        ! correspond to a non-overlap:
                        ! _R(a) -> ^R(i) + _R(b) > ^R(j)
                        ! which are not directly sampled
                        ! However for E_{aj}E_{bj} this is
                        ! _R{a} -> _LR(i) -> ^LR(b) -> ^R(j)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%double_R_to_L_to_R, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    else if (b == j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! here we also have to switch
                        ! indices to E_{aj}E_{bi} to get:
                        ! _R(i) -> _LR(a) -> ^LR^(j)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%fullstop_R_to_L, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)

                    else if (b > j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! here we have to switch to
                        ! E_{aj}E_{bi} to get:
                        ! _R(a) > _LR(i) -> LR^(j) -> ^L(b)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%double_R_to_L, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    end if
                else if (a == i) then
                    ! b > i is ensured here since b > a in here!
                    if (b < j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! here we have to switch again:
                        ! E_{aj}E_{bi}:
                        ! _RL_(i) -> ^LR(b) -> ^R(j)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%fullstart_L_to_R, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    else if (b == j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! switch again: E_{aj}E_{bi}
                        ! _RL_(i) -> _RL_(j)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%fullstart_stop_mixed, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    else if (b > j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! switch again: E_{aj}E_{bi}
                        ! _RL_(i) -> ^RL(j) -> ^L(b)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%fullstart_R_to_L, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    end if
                else if (a > i .and. a < j) then
                    ! b > a still ensured!
                    if (b < j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! switch: E_{aj}E_{bi}:
                        ! _L(j) -> _RL(a) -> ^LR(b) -> ^R(j)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%double_L_to_R, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)

                    else if (b == j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! switch: E_{aj}E_{bi}
                        ! _L(i) -> _RL(a) -> ^RL^(j)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%fullstop_L_to_R, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    else if (b > j) then
                        w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                            i=j, j=i, a=a, b=b, &
                        ! switch: E_{aj}E_{bi}
                        ! _L(i) -> _RL(a) - > ^RL(j) -> ^L(b)
                        info = encode_excit_info(&
                            typ=excit_type%double_L_to_R_to_L, &
                            a=a, i=j, b=b, j=i)
                    end if
                ! else if (a == j) then
                    ! a == j also NOT allowed here!
                else if (a > j) then
                    ! b > a > j implied here!
                    w = get_pchb_integral_contrib(&
                        i=i, j=j, a=a, b=b, &
                    ! E_{ai}E_{bj} would lead to:
                    ! _L(i) -> LL_(j) -> ^LL(a) -> ^L(b)
                    ! which has the correct sign convention
                    ! as in the Shavitt 81 paper
                    info = encode_excit_info(&
                        typ=excit_type%double_lowering, &
                        a=a, i=i, b=b, j=j)
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine

end module guga_pchb_class