lanczos_general.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"
module lanczos_general
    !   June 2016
    !   Implementation of the algorithm documented in:
    use constants
    use SystemData, only: nel, t_non_hermitian_2_body
    use FciMCData, only: hamiltonian, LanczosTag
    use MemoryManager, only: TagIntType, LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc
    use Parallel_neci, only: iProcIndex, nProcessors, MPIArg, MPIBarrier
    use Parallel_neci, only: MPIBCast, MPIGatherV, MPIAllGather
    use MPI_wrapper, only: root, MPI_WTime
    use ras_data
    use sparse_arrays, only: sparse_ham, hamil_diag, HDiagTag
    use hamiltonian_linalg, only: &
        full_hamil_type, &
        sparse_hamil_type, &
        parallel_sparse_hamil_type, &
        direct_ci_type, &
        HamiltonianCalcType, &
        initHamiltonianCalc, &
        multiply_hamil_and_vector, &
        direct_ci_inp, &
        direct_ci_out, &
        inner_product, &
        euclidean_norm_square, &
    use util_mod, only: stop_all, neci_flush

    implicit none

    type LanczosCalcType
        ! "super type" for common hamiltonian data
        type(HamiltonianCalcType) :: super
        ! if we're not storing the subspace basis, we'll need:
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: first_v(:), old_v(:), current_v(:)
        ! number of states to find
        integer :: n_states
        ! The beta elements which can't fit in T:
        HElement_t(dp) :: beta_0, beta_1
        ! work array for calculating each lanczos vector in turn
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: lanczos_vector(:)
        ! last estimate of each eigenvalue
        real(dp), allocatable :: ritz_values_old(:)
        ! ritz values: exact eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix in super%projected_hamil
        real(dp), allocatable :: ritz_values(:)
        ! exact eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix in super%projected_hamil
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: T_eigenvectors(:, :)
        ! approximate eigenvectors of the hamiltonian
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: ritz_vectors(:, :)
        ! final eigenvalue estimates
        real(dp), allocatable :: eigenvalues(:)
        ! final eigenvector estimates
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: eigenvectors(:, :)
        ! keep track of the states which are already converged
        logical, allocatable :: t_states_converged(:)
        ! number of restarts allowed before algorithm exits
        integer :: max_restarts
        ! the maximum difference between successive eigenvalues for each state
        ! required to trigger a loop exit before max_lanczos_vecs has been reached.
        real(dp) :: convergence_error
        ! If the overlap between any two Ritz vectors exceeds this value, a stop_all
        ! will be thrown
        real(dp) :: orthog_tolerance
    end type


    ! We're storing alpha and beta arrays in T directly, so let's use getters
    ! and setters to make this easier
    pure function getAlpha(this, i) result(val)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: i
        real(dp) :: val
        val = this%super%projected_hamil(i, i)
    end function getAlpha

    pure subroutine setAlpha(this, i, val)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: i
        real(dp), intent(in) :: val
        this%super%projected_hamil(i, i) = val
    end subroutine setAlpha

    pure function getBeta(this, i) result(val)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(in) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: i
        real(dp) :: val
        if (i > 1) then
            val = this%super%projected_hamil(i, i - 1)
        else if (i == 0) then
            val = this%beta_0
            val = this%beta_1
        end if
    end function getBeta

    subroutine setBeta(this, i, val)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: i
        ! subdiagonal and superdiagonal elements of T are norms => always real
        real(dp), intent(in) :: val
        if (i > 1) then
            this%super%projected_hamil(i - 1, i) = val
            this%super%projected_hamil(i, i - 1) = val
        else if (i == 0) then
            this%beta_0 = val
            this%beta_1 = val
        end if
    end subroutine setBeta

    subroutine addVec(this, k, vec)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: k
        HElement_t(dp), intent(in) :: vec(:)
        if (this%super%t_store_subspace_basis) then
            this%super%basis_vectors(:, k) = vec
            this%old_v = this%current_v
            if (k == 2) this%first_v = this%current_v
            this%current_v = vec
        end if
    end subroutine addVec

    subroutine InitLanczosCalc(this, det_list, print_info, hamil_type, n_states, max_lanczos_vecs, &
                               t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise, max_restarts, energy_precision, ritz_overlap_precision)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(out) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: det_list(:, :), hamil_type, n_states, max_lanczos_vecs, max_restarts, &
                               energy_precision, ritz_overlap_precision
        logical, intent(in) :: t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = "init_lanczos"
        logical, intent(in) :: print_info

        integer :: i, HFindex, mem_reqd, residual_mem_reqd, ierr
        integer(MPIArg) :: mpi_temp
        real(dp), allocatable :: hamil_diag_temp(:)
        real(dp), allocatable :: lowest_energies(:)
        integer, allocatable :: lowest_energy_det_indices(:)

        call InitHamiltonianCalc(this%super, print_info, hamil_type, max_lanczos_vecs, t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise)
        associate ( &
            space_size => this%super%space_size, &
            max_subspace_size => this%super%max_subspace_size &

            if (n_states > space_size) then
                call stop_all(t_r, "Not enough determinants in the space to produce the required number of approximate eigenpairs")
            end if

            ! TODO: given a target multiplicity for the many body ground state, an initial
            ! lanczos vector guess is chosen to have a good overlap with each of the
            ! ground_state_multiplicity states in the ground state WF

            ! verify the given target multiplicity for the ground state
            if (mod(nel * ground_state_multiplicity) == 0) then
                ! odd target multiplicities correspond to singlet, triplet, ... states
                ! these are only possible in closed shell systems
                ! even target multiplicities correspond to doublet, quadruplet, ... states
                ! these are only possible in open shell systems
                call stop_all(t_r, "Invalid target multiplicites for Lanczos initialisation")
            end if

            this%n_states = n_states
            this%max_restarts = max_restarts
            this%convergence_error = 10**(-real(energy_precision, dp))
            this%orthog_tolerance = 10**(-real(ritz_overlap_precision, dp))
            ! these will be larger than neccessary until the final iteration:
            safe_malloc(this%ritz_values, (max_subspace_size))
            safe_calloc(this%eigenvalues, (n_states), 0.0_dp)
            safe_calloc(this%t_states_converged, (n_states), .false.)
            safe_malloc(this%ritz_values_old, (n_states))
            safe_malloc(this%T_eigenvectors, (max_subspace_size, max_subspace_size))

            safe_calloc(this%lanczos_vector, (space_size), 0.0_dp)

            if (.not. t_store_subspace_basis) then
                safe_malloc(this%first_v, (max_subspace_size))
                safe_malloc(this%current_v, (max_subspace_size))
                safe_malloc(this%old_v, (max_subspace_size))
            end if

            ! check for previous allocation of the eigenvector estimates
            if (allocated(this%ritz_vectors)) then
                deallocate(this%ritz_vectors, stat=ierr)
                call logmemdealloc(t_r, lanczosTag, ierr)
            end if

            ! nstates columns, holding approx eigenvectors of length space_size
            safe_calloc_e(this%ritz_vectors, (space_size, n_states), 0.0_dp, ierr)
            call logmemalloc("ritz_vectors", space_size * n_states, 8, t_r, lanczosTag, ierr)

            safe_calloc_e(this%eigenvectors, (space_size, n_states), 0.0_dp, ierr)
            call logmemalloc("eigenvectors", space_size * n_states, 8, t_r, lanczosTag, ierr)

            if (iProcIndex == root) then
                safe_malloc(hamil_diag_temp, (size(hamil_diag)))
                hamil_diag_temp(:) = -hamil_diag(:)
                safe_calloc(lowest_energies, (n_states), 0.0_dp)
                safe_calloc(lowest_energy_det_indices, (n_states), 0)
                lowest_energy_det_indices(1) = maxloc(hamil_diag_temp, dim=1)
                lowest_energies(1) = hamil_diag(lowest_energy_det_indices(1))
                do i = 2, n_states
                    lowest_energy_det_indices(i) = maxloc(hamil_diag_temp, dim=1, mask=hamil_diag_temp < -lowest_energies(i - 1))
                    lowest_energies(i) = hamil_diag(lowest_energy_det_indices(i))
                end do
            end if

            ! If there is only one determinant per state in the space being diagonalised:
            if (space_size == n_states) then
                if (iProcIndex == root) then
                    this%eigenvalues(:) = lowest_energies(:)
                    do i = 1, n_states
                        this%eigenvectors(lowest_energy_det_indices(i), i) = 1.0_dp
                    end do
                end if
                this%super%skip_calc = .true.
            end if

            if (iProcIndex == root) then
                ! with the memory management done, now we can start setting up the pre-iteration
                ! numerics. Set the first basis vector to be an equal, normalised superposition
                ! of the nstates lowest lying determinants

                do i = 1, n_states
                    write(stdout, *) det_list(:, lowest_energy_det_indices(i))
                    this%lanczos_vector(lowest_energy_det_indices(i)) = 1.0_dp / sqrt(real(n_states, dp))
                end do

                this%lanczos_vector(:) = this%lanczos_vector(:) / euclidean_norm(this%lanczos_vector(:))

            end if
        end associate

    end subroutine InitlanczosCalc

    subroutine FreeLanczosCalc(this)
        ! deallocate all working arrays, but leave results
        use hamiltonian_linalg, only: DestroyHamiltonianCalc
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        ! destroy the super type instance
        call DestroyHamiltonianCalc(this%super)
    end subroutine

    subroutine DestroyLanczosCalc(this)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        call FreeLanczosCalc(this)
        ! deallocate results as well
    end subroutine DestroyLanczosCalc

    subroutine perform_orthogonality_test(this)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer :: i, j
        real(dp) :: overlap, largest_overlap
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = "perform_orthogonality_test"
        largest_overlap = 0.0_dp
        if (this%n_states > 1) then
            do i = 2, this%n_states
                do j = 1, i - 1
                    overlap = inner_product(this%ritz_vectors(:, i), this%ritz_vectors(:, j))

                    if (abs(overlap) > largest_overlap) then
                        largest_overlap = abs(overlap)
                    end if
                    if (abs(overlap) > this%orthog_tolerance) then
                        write(stdout, '(" Largest Ritz vector overlap: ", 5ES16.7)') largest_overlap
                        call stop_all(t_r, "Ritz vector overlap is unacceptably large")
                    end if
                end do
            end do
            write(stdout, '(" Largest Ritz vector overlap: ", 5ES16.7)') largest_overlap
            write(stdout, '(" Ritz vectors are mutually orthogonal to a tolerance of ", 5ES16.7)') this%orthog_tolerance
        end if
    end subroutine perform_orthogonality_test

    subroutine project_hamiltonian_lanczos(this, basis_index)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: basis_index

        if (this%super%t_store_subspace_basis) then
            if (iprocindex == root) then
                call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%super%basis_vectors(:, basis_index), this%lanczos_vector)
                call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%super%basis_vectors(:, basis_index), this%super%temp_out)
            end if
            if (iprocindex == root) then
                call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%current_v, this%lanczos_vector)
                call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%current_v, this%super%temp_out)
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine project_hamiltonian_lanczos

    subroutine diagonalise_tridiagonal_non_hermitian(this, N, t_calc_eigenvectors)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: N
        logical, intent(in) :: t_calc_eigenvectors
        integer :: lwork, info
        real(dp) :: rwork(4 * N)
        character :: jobz
        real(dp) :: dummy_ev(N), dummy_vec(1, N), e_vectors(N, N)
        logical :: t_sort = .true.
        integer :: sort_ind(N)

        lwork = 4 * N
        if (t_calc_eigenvectors) then
            jobz = 'V'
            jobz = 'N'
        end if

        if (.not. t_calc_eigenvectors) then
            this%ritz_values_old(1:this%n_states) = this%ritz_values(1:this%n_states)
            this%super%projected_hamil_work(1:N, 1:N) = this%super%projected_hamil(1:N, 1:N)
        end if

        call dgeev( &
            'N', &
            jobz, &
            N, &
            this%super%projected_hamil_work(1:N, 1:N), &
            N, &
            this%ritz_values(1:N), &
            dummy_ev, &
            dummy_vec, &
            1, &
            e_vectors, &
            N, &
            rwork, &
            lwork, &

        if (t_calc_eigenvectors) then
            ! move the eigenvectors out of the working array
#ifdef CMPLX_
            this%T_eigenvectors(1:N, 1:this%n_states) = &
                cmplx(e_vectors(1:N, 1:this%n_states), kind=dp)
            this%T_eigenvectors(1:N, 1:this%n_states) = &
                e_vectors(1:N, 1:this%n_states)
        end if

    end subroutine diagonalise_tridiagonal_non_hermitian

    subroutine diagonalise_tridiagonal(this, N, t_calc_eigenvectors)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: N
        logical, intent(in) :: t_calc_eigenvectors
        integer :: lwork, info
        real(dp), allocatable :: rwork(:)
        character :: jobz

        lwork = max(1, 3 * N + 1)
        safe_malloc(rwork, (lwork))
        if (t_calc_eigenvectors) then
            jobz = 'V'
            jobz = 'N'
        end if

        if (.not. t_calc_eigenvectors) then
            this%ritz_values_old(1:this%n_states) = this%ritz_values(1:this%n_states)
            this%super%projected_hamil_work(1:N, 1:N) = this%super%projected_hamil(1:N, 1:N)
        end if

        call dsyev( &
            jobz, &
            'U', &
            N, &
            this%super%projected_hamil_work(1:N, 1:N), &
            N, &
            this%ritz_values(1:N), &
            rwork, &
            lwork, &
            info &

        if (t_calc_eigenvectors) then
            ! move the eigenvectors out of the working array
#ifdef CMPLX_
            this%T_eigenvectors(1:N, 1:this%n_states) = &
                cmplx(this%super%projected_hamil_work(1:N, 1:this%n_states), kind=dp)
            this%T_eigenvectors(1:N, 1:this%n_states) = &
                this%super%projected_hamil_work(1:N, 1:this%n_states)
        end if
    end subroutine diagonalise_tridiagonal

    function check_deltas(this, k) result(t)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer :: k
        logical :: t
        if (k <= this%n_states) then
            t = .false.
        end if
        t = .not. any(abs(this%ritz_values(1:this%n_states) - this%ritz_values_old(1:this%n_states)) > this%convergence_error)
    end function check_deltas

    function check_delta(this, k, i_state) result(t)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer :: k, i_state
        logical :: t
        if (k <= this%n_states) then
            t = .false.
        end if
        t = (abs(this%ritz_values(i_state) - this%ritz_values_old(i_state)) < this%convergence_error)
    end function check_delta

    subroutine compute_ritz_vectors(this, k)
        ! now we project the eigenvalues of T into the full space to obtain
        ! estimates for the state vectors
        !   rows, columns:                                       M                                N
        ! ritz_vectors(n_states, space_size) = T_eigenvectors(n_states, k) x basis_vectors(k, space_size)
        !   we want to do (column-major):
        ! ritz_vectors(space_size, n_states) = T_eigenvectors(k, n_states) x basis_vectors(space_size, k)

        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: k
        integer :: i, j

        associate(space_size => this%super%space_size)

            if (this%super%t_store_subspace_basis) then
                ! for each state, find the ritz vector
                ! TODO: do this with BLAS
                do i = 1, this%n_states
                    do j = 1, space_size
                        this%ritz_vectors(j, i) = inner_product(this%super%basis_vectors(j, 1:k), this%T_eigenvectors(1:k, i))
                    end do
                end do
                ! TODO: must reconstitute the basis vectors one at a time
            end if
        end associate
    end subroutine compute_ritz_vectors

    function get_rayleigh_quotient(this, i_state) result(exp_val)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: i_state
        integer :: ierr
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: H_ket(:)
        real(dp) :: exp_val

        safe_malloc(H_ket, (this%super%space_size))

        call MPIBCast(this%eigenvectors)
        if (iprocindex == root) then
            call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state), H_ket)
            call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state), this%super%temp_out)
        end if
        if (iprocindex == root) then
            exp_val = real(inner_product(this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state), H_ket), dp)
            exp_val = exp_val / euclidean_norm_square(this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state))
            exp_val = 0.0_dp
        end if
    end function get_rayleigh_quotient

    function compute_residual_norm(this, i_state) result(norm)
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: i_state
        integer :: ierr
        HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: H_ket(:)
        real(dp) :: norm

        safe_malloc(H_ket, (this%super%space_size))
        H_ket = 0.0_dp
        call MPIBCast(this%eigenvectors)
        call MPIBCast(this%eigenvalues)
        if (iprocindex == root) then
            call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state), H_ket)
            call multiply_hamil_and_vector(this%super, this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state), this%super%temp_out)
        end if
        norm = euclidean_norm(H_ket - this%eigenvalues(i_state) * this%eigenvectors(1:this%super%space_size, i_state))
    end function

    function get_det_ms(det) result(ms)
        integer, intent(in) :: det(:)
        integer :: ms
        ms = nel - count(mod(det, 2) == 0)
    end function

    function get_state_ms(det_list, vec) result(ms)
        integer, intent(in) :: det_list(:, :)
        HElement_t(dp), intent(in) :: vec(:)
        integer :: i
        real(dp) :: ms
        ms = 0.0_dp
        do i = 1, size(vec)
            ms = ms + real(get_det_ms(det_list(:, i)), dp) * abs(vec(i))**2.0_dp
        end do
        ms = ms * 0.5_dp
    end function

    subroutine perform_lanczos(this, det_list, n_states, hamil_type, print_info_in)
        use CalcData, only: t_lanczos_orthogonalise, t_lanczos_store_vecs, &
                            lanczos_max_restarts, lanczos_max_vecs, &
                            lanczos_energy_precision, lanczos_ritz_overlap_precision
        use hamiltonian_linalg, only: orthogonalise_against_previous_basis_vectors
        type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: det_list(:, :), n_states, hamil_type
        logical, intent(in) :: print_info_in
        logical :: print_info, t_deltas_pass
        integer :: k, i, ierr, delta_check_outcome, restart_counter
        real(dp) :: start_time, end_time
        real(dp) :: exp_val, overlap
        character(40) :: main_output_fmt, final_output_fmt
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = "perform_lanczos"

        if (.not. t_lanczos_store_vecs .and. t_lanczos_orthogonalise) then
            call stop_all(t_r, "storage of Lanczos method basis vectors needed for orthogonalisation")
        end if

        ! format specifier formatting!
        ! ensure that enough places are displayed to show convergence to the desired accuracy
        write(main_output_fmt, '("(8X,i4,3X,i2,2x,f",i2,".",i2,",2x,f9.3)")') lanczos_energy_precision + 7, lanczos_energy_precision
        write(final_output_fmt, '("(1x,",A7,",i2,4X,f",i2,".",i2,")")') '"State"', lanczos_energy_precision + 7, lanczos_energy_precision

        ! Only let the root processor print information.
        print_info = print_info_in .and. (iProcIndex == root)

        if (.not. allocated(this%lanczos_vector)) then
            call InitLanczosCalc(this, det_list, print_info, hamil_type, n_states, &
                                 lanczos_max_vecs, t_lanczos_store_vecs, t_lanczos_orthogonalise, &
                                 lanczos_max_restarts, lanczos_energy_precision, lanczos_ritz_overlap_precision)
        end if

        if (print_info) then
            write(stdout, '(1X,"Perfoming a Lanczos Diagonalisation of the trial space")')
            if (this%super%t_orthogonalise) then
                write(stdout, '(/,1X,"Orthogonalising Lanczos vectors")')
                write(stdout, '(/,1X,"Not orthogonalising Lanczos vectors")')
            end if
        end if
        associate ( &
            basis_vectors => this%super%basis_vectors, &
            current_v => this%current_v, &
            old_v => this%old_v &

            ! start Lanczos restart loop
            restart_counter = 0
                if (iprocindex == root) then
                    call addVec(this, 1, this%lanczos_vector)
                end if
                call MPIBCast(this%lanczos_vector)
                call MPIBCast(this%super%basis_vectors(:, 1))
                ! set lanczos vector 1 to H*first_v
                call project_hamiltonian_lanczos(this, 1)

                if (print_info) then
                    write(stdout, '(/,1X,"Iteration",4x,"State",12X,"Energy",7X,"Time")'); call neci_flush(stdout)
                end if
                ! start Lanczos main loop
                do k = 1, this%super%max_subspace_size - 1
                    if (this%super%skip_calc) exit

                    start_time = MPI_WTIME()

                    if (iprocindex == root) then
                        if (this%super%t_orthogonalise .and. t_lanczos_store_vecs) then
                            ! Although Lanczos vectors computed in exact arithmetic are orthogonal,
                            ! those generated on a machine will stray increasingly from orthogonal with
                            ! each iteration: so do GS procedure here
                            call orthogonalise_against_previous_basis_vectors(this%super, k + 1)
                        end if

                        if (t_lanczos_store_vecs) then
                            overlap = real(inner_product(basis_vectors(:, k), this%lanczos_vector), dp)
                            call setAlpha(this, k, overlap)
                            call addVec(this, k + 1, this%lanczos_vector - getAlpha(this, k) * basis_vectors(:, k))
                            call setBeta(this, k + 1, euclidean_norm(basis_vectors(:, k + 1)))
                            basis_vectors(:, k + 1) = basis_vectors(:, k + 1) / getBeta(this, k + 1)
                            overlap = real(dot_product(this%current_v, this%lanczos_vector), dp)
                            call setAlpha(this, k, overlap)
                            call addVec(this, k + 1, this%lanczos_vector - getAlpha(this, k) * current_v)
                            call setBeta(this, k + 1, sqrt(real(dot_product(current_v, current_v), dp)))
                            current_v = current_v / getBeta(this, k + 1)
                        end if

                    end if

                    if (t_lanczos_store_vecs) then
                        call MPIBCast(this%super%basis_vectors(:, k + 1))
                        call MPIBCast(this%current_v)
                    end if

                    call project_hamiltonian_lanczos(this, k + 1)

                    end_time = MPI_WTIME()

                    if (iprocindex == root) then
                        if (t_lanczos_store_vecs) then
                            this%lanczos_vector = this%lanczos_vector - getBeta(this, k + 1) * basis_vectors(:, k)
                            this%lanczos_vector = this%lanczos_vector - getBeta(this, k + 1) * old_v
                        end if

                        if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                            call diagonalise_tridiagonal_non_hermitian(this, k, .false.)
                            call diagonalise_tridiagonal(this, k, .false.)
                        end if
                        ! if all states have converged we can end the main loop prematurely
                        t_deltas_pass = .true.
                        do i = 1, this%n_states
                            t_deltas_pass = t_deltas_pass .and. check_delta(this, k, i)
                            if (.not. this%t_states_converged(i)) then
                                if (print_info) then
                                    write(stdout, trim(main_output_fmt)) k, i, this%ritz_values(i), end_time - start_time
                                    call neci_flush(stdout)
                                end if
                            end if
                        end do
                        write(stdout, *)
                    end if

                    call MPIBCast(t_deltas_pass)
                    if (t_deltas_pass) then
                    end if
                    call MPIBCast(this%lanczos_vector)
                    ! end Lanczos main loop
                end do

                if (iprocindex == root) then
                    if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                        call diagonalise_tridiagonal_non_hermitian(this, k, .true.)
                        call diagonalise_tridiagonal(this, k, .true.)
                    end if
                    call compute_ritz_vectors(this, k)
                end if

                ! we now evaluate the quality of the convergence achieved. If a state is sufficiently
                ! well converged, save it and its energy otherwise, add the current best ritz vector
                ! for the state to the restarting Lanczos vector such that we restart with an equal
                ! superposition of the best guesses for the unconverged states.
                if (iProcIndex == root) then
                    this%lanczos_vector(:) = h_cast(0.0_dp)
                    do i = 1, this%n_states
                        if (this%t_states_converged(i)) then
                        end if
                        if (.not. check_delta(this, k, i)) then
                            this%lanczos_vector = this%lanczos_vector + this%ritz_vectors(:, i)
                            this%eigenvectors(:, i) = this%ritz_vectors(:, i)
                            this%eigenvalues(i) = this%ritz_values(i)
                            this%t_states_converged(i) = .true.
                        end if
                    end do
                end if
                call MPIBCast(this%t_states_converged)

                if (.not. any(.not. this%t_states_converged)) then
                end if

                ! only normalize the lanczos vector if we are not
                ! already converged, as it will be 0 else
                this%lanczos_vector = this%lanczos_vector / euclidean_norm(this%lanczos_vector)

                restart_counter = restart_counter + 1
                if (restart_counter < this%max_restarts) then
                    if (print_info) then
                        write(stdout, '(/,1x,"Maximum iteration number reached, restarting Lanczos algorithm (",i3,"/",i3")")') &
                            restart_counter, this%max_restarts
                    end if
                    if (print_info) then
                        write(stdout, '(/,1x,"Maximum restart number reached. Some states may not be converged.")')
                    end if
                end if
                ! end Lanczos restart loop
            end do

            ! serialize the printout
            if (iprocindex == root) then
                do i = 1, this%n_states
                    this%eigenvectors(:, i) = this%ritz_vectors(:, i)
                    this%eigenvalues(i) = this%ritz_values(i)
                end do

                if (check_deltas(this, k)) then
                    if (print_info) then
                        write(stdout, '(i2" eigenvalues(s) were successfully converged to within ",5ES16.7)') &
                            this%n_states, this%convergence_error
                        call neci_flush(stdout)
                    end if
                end if

                call perform_orthogonality_test(this)

                if (print_info) then
                    write(stdout, '(/,1x,"Final calculated energies:")')
                    do i = 1, this%n_states
                        write(stdout, final_output_fmt) i, this%eigenvalues(i)
                        call neci_flush(stdout)
                    end do
                end if
            end if

            ! how good are the ritz vectors?
            write(stdout, '(/,1x,"Ritz vector expectation energies:")')
            do i = 1, this%n_states
                exp_val = get_rayleigh_quotient(this, i)
                if (print_info) then
                    write(stdout, final_output_fmt) i, exp_val
                    call neci_flush(stdout)
                end if
            end do

            write(stdout, '(/,1x,"Ritz vector residual norms:")')
            do i = 1, this%n_states
                exp_val = compute_residual_norm(this, i)
                if (print_info) then
                    write(stdout, final_output_fmt) i, exp_val
                    call neci_flush(stdout)
                end if
            end do

            write(stdout, '(/,1x,"End of Lanczos procedure.",/)')

            ! wait for final diagonalisation before freeing any memory
            call MPIBarrier(ierr)
            call FreeLanczosCalc(this)
        end associate
    end subroutine perform_lanczos

end module lanczos_general