LMat_calc.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"

module LMat_calc
#ifdef USE_HDF5_
    use hdf5
    use hdf5_util
    use util_mod, only: stop_all
    use tc_three_body_data
    use LMat_Indexing, only: lMatIndSym, lMatIndSpin
    use util_mod, only: get_free_unit
    use mpi_wrapper, only: iProcIndex
    use IntegralsData, only: t_hash_lmat_calc
    implicit none

    public :: read_rs_lmat_factors, readLMatFactors, freeLMatFactors, lMatCalc
    real(dp), allocatable :: qwprod(:, :, :), ycoulomb(:, :, :, :)
#ifdef USE_HDF5_
    integer(hsize_t) :: nBasis, nGrid
    integer :: nGrid
    integer(int64), allocatable :: lMatCalcHKeys(:)
    real(dp), allocatable :: lMatCalcHVals(:)
    integer(int64) :: lMatIndMax

    subroutine readLMatFactors()

        character(*), parameter :: filename = "tcfactors.h5"
        character(*), parameter :: nm_grp = "tcfactors", nm_nBasis = "nBasis", nm_nGrid = "nGrid", &
                                   nm_weights = "weights", nm_mo_vals = "mo_vals", nm_ycoulomb = "ycoulomb"
        real(dp), allocatable :: mo_vals(:, :), weights(:)
#ifdef USE_HDF5_
        integer(hid_t) :: err, file_id, grp_id, dataset, type_id
        integer(hsize_t) :: weights_dims(1), mo_vals_dims(2), ycoulomb_dims(4)
        integer i, a, b
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "readLMatFactors"
#ifdef USE_HDF5_
        write(stdout, *) "**************** Reading TcFactors File ****************"
        call h5open_f(err)

        ! open the file
        call h5fopen_f(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, err)

        call h5gopen_f(file_id, nm_grp, grp_id, err)

        call read_int64_attribute(grp_id, nm_nBasis, nBasis, required=.true.)
        write(stdout, *) "Number of basis function: ", nBasis

        call read_int64_attribute(grp_id, nm_nGrid, nGrid, required=.true.)
        write(stdout, *) "Number of grid points: ", nGrid

        ! load weights
        weights_dims = size(weights)
        call h5dopen_f(grp_id, nm_weights, dataset, err)
        call h5dget_type_f(dataset, type_id, err)
        call h5dread_f(dataset, type_id, weights, weights_dims, err)
        call h5tclose_f(type_id, err)
        call h5dclose_f(dataset, err)

        ! load mo_vals
        allocate(mo_vals(nGrid, nBasis))
        mo_vals_dims = size(mo_vals)
        call h5dopen_f(grp_id, nm_mo_vals, dataset, err)
        call h5dget_type_f(dataset, type_id, err)
        call h5dread_f(dataset, type_id, mo_vals, mo_vals_dims, err)
        call h5tclose_f(type_id, err)
        call h5dclose_f(dataset, err)

        ! load ycoulomb
        allocate(ycoulomb(3, nGrid, nBasis, nBasis))
        ycoulomb_dims = size(ycoulomb)
        call h5dopen_f(grp_id, nm_ycoulomb, dataset, err)
        call h5dget_type_f(dataset, type_id, err)
        call h5dread_f(dataset, type_id, ycoulomb, ycoulomb_dims, err)
        call h5tclose_f(type_id, err)
        call h5dclose_f(dataset, err)

        ! close the file, finalize hdf5
        call h5gclose_f(grp_id, err)
        call h5fclose_f(file_id, err)
        call h5close_f(err)

        !Combine weights and molecular oribtals
        allocate(qwprod(nGrid, nBasis, nBasis))
        do a = 1, nBasis
            do b = 1, nBasis
                qwprod(:, a, b) = mo_vals(:, a) * mo_vals(:, b) * weights
            end do
        end do

        !ycoulom and ycoulom2 are symmetric in MO. However, only the upper part is filled
        !in the script producing the HDF5 file. Therefore, we fill the lower part here
        do a = 1, nBasis
            do b = a + 1, nBasis
                ycoulomb(:, :, a, b) = ycoulomb(:, :, b, a)
            end do
        end do

        lMatIndMax = lMatIndSym(nBasis, nBasis, nBasis, nBasis, nBasis, nBasis)
        lMatCalcHSize = lMatCalcHFactor * lMatIndMax

        write(stdout, *) "Total Size of LMat: ", lMatIndMax
        write(stdout, *) "Size of LMatCalc Hash Table: ", lMatCalcHSize

        do i = 1, lMatCalcHSize
            lMatCalcHKeys(i) = -1
        end do
        lMatCalcHit = 0
        lMatCalcTot = 0
        lMatCalcHUsed = 0

        write(stdout, *) "********************************************************"
        call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
    end subroutine readLMatFactors

    subroutine freeLMatFactors()

        if (allocated(ycoulomb))      deallocate(ycoulomb)
        if (allocated(qwprod))        deallocate(qwprod)
        if (allocated(lMatCalcHKeys)) deallocate(lMatCalcHKeys)
        if (allocated(lMatCalcHVals)) deallocate(lMatCalcHVals)
    end subroutine freeLMatFactors

    function lMatCalc(i, k, m, j, l, n) result(matel)
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: i, j, k, l, m, n
        HElement_t(dp) :: matel
        integer(int64) :: hashKey, hashInd
        integer :: ii
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "lMatCalc"

        lMatCalcTot = lMatCalcTot + 1

        !First look up the value in the hash table
        if (t_hash_lmat_calc) then
            hashKey = lMatIndSym(i, k, m, j, l, n)
            hashInd = mod(hashKey - 1, lMatCalcHSize) + 1 !Try whether other hash functions could imporve the hit rate

            if (hashKey == LMatCalcHKeys(hashInd)) then
                lMatCalcHit = lMatCalcHit + 1
                matel = LMatCalcHVals(hashInd)
            end if
        end if

        !It does not exist. So let's calculate it

        matel = 0.0_dp
        !Manual Optimization:
        !1-loop over first index is unrolled.
        !2-indpendent summations are done in seperate loops to enhance CPU-cahce utilization
        do ii = 1, nGrid
            matel = matel - qwprod(ii, m, n) * ( &
                    ycoulomb(1, ii, i, j) * ycoulomb(1, ii, k, l) + &
                    ycoulomb(2, ii, i, j) * ycoulomb(2, ii, k, l) + &
                    ycoulomb(3, ii, i, j) * ycoulomb(3, ii, k, l))
        end do
        do ii = 1, nGrid
            matel = matel - qwprod(ii, k, l) * ( &
                    ycoulomb(1, ii, i, j) * ycoulomb(1, ii, m, n) + &
                    ycoulomb(2, ii, i, j) * ycoulomb(2, ii, m, n) + &
                    ycoulomb(3, ii, i, j) * ycoulomb(3, ii, m, n))
        end do
        do ii = 1, nGrid
            matel = matel - qwprod(ii, i, j) * ( &
                    ycoulomb(1, ii, k, l) * ycoulomb(1, ii, m, n) + &
                    ycoulomb(2, ii, k, l) * ycoulomb(2, ii, m, n) + &
                    ycoulomb(3, ii, k, l) * ycoulomb(3, ii, m, n))
        end do

        if (t_hash_lmat_calc) then
            !Store the new value in the hash table
            if (LMatCalcHKeys(hashInd) == -1) then
                LMatCalcHUsed = LMatCalcHUsed + 1
            end if
            LMatCalcHKeys(hashInd) = hashKey
            LMatCalcHVals(hashInd) = matel
        end if

    end function

    subroutine read_rs_lmat_factors
        character(*), parameter :: filename_mo = "mos_in_r"
        character(*), parameter :: filename_ints = "x_w_ij_r"
        character(*), parameter :: filename_info = "n_grid_pts_mo_num"
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "read_rs_lmat_factors"

        integer :: iunit, ierr, i, j, k, l
        integer(int64) :: ii, num_mos
        real(dp) :: integral
        real(dp), allocatable :: array_mos(:,:)

        root_print "Reading in range-separated TC factors"

        iunit = get_free_unit()
        ! Read the number of grid points and MOs
        open(iunit, file=filename_info, status='old')
        read(iunit, *, iostat=ierr) ngrid
        read(iunit, *, iostat=ierr) num_mos

        root_print "with: ", ngrid, " grid points"
        root_print "and ", num_mos, " orbitals"

        ! read the MOs file
        allocate(array_mos(ngrid, num_mos), source=0.0_dp)
        iunit = get_free_unit()
        open(iunit, file=filename_mo, status='old')
            read(iunit, *, iostat=ierr) i, j, array_mos(i, j)
            if (ierr < 0) then
            else if (ierr > 0) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "error reading " // filename_mo)
            end if
        end do

        ! fill in the qwprod file:
        allocate(qwprod(ngrid, num_mos, num_mos), source=0.0_dp)
        do i = 1, int(num_mos)
            do j = 1, int(num_mos)
                qwprod(:, i, j) = array_mos(:, i) * array_mos(:, j)
            end do
        end do

        allocate(ycoulomb(3, ngrid, num_mos, num_mos), source=0.0_dp)
        iunit = get_free_unit()
        open(iunit, file=filename_ints, status='old')
            read(iunit, *, iostat=ierr) i, j, k, l, integral
            if (ierr < 0) then
            else if (ierr > 0) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "error reading " // filename_ints)
            end if
            ycoulomb(j, i, k, l) = integral
        end do

        if (t_hash_lmat_calc) then
            lMatIndMax = lMatIndSym(num_mos, num_mos, num_mos, num_mos, num_mos, num_mos)
            lMatCalcHSize = int( real(lMatCalcHFactor,dp) * real(lMatIndMax,dp), int64)

            root_print "Total Size of LMat: ", lMatIndMax
            root_print "Size of LMatCalc Hash Table: ", lMatCalcHSize

            do ii = 1_int64, lMatCalcHSize
                lMatCalcHKeys(i) = -1
            end do
            lMatCalcHit = 0
            lMatCalcTot = 0
            lMatCalcHUsed = 0
        end if

        root_print "Done: reading in range-separated TC factors"

    end subroutine read_rs_lmat_factors

end module LMat_calc