parallel_hdf5_utils.F90 Source File


Source Code


#define LogAlloc(ERR,NAME,LEN,SIZE,TAG) CALL LogMemAlloc(NAME,LEN,SIZE,this_routine,TAG)
#define size_per_element(arr) int(sizeof(TempSpawnedParts), kind=int64) .div. size(TempSpawnedParts, kind=int64)
#define LogDealloc(TAG) CALL LogMemDealloc(this_routine,TAG)
#define log_dealloc(tag) LogDealloc(tag)
#define IsNullDet(nI) (any((nI) .eq. 0))

! i am too stupid to remember where the src and tgt is in ex(2,maxExcit)
#define get_src(ex) ex(1,:)
#define get_tgt(ex) ex(2,:)

! Is the specified orbital occupied or not?
! TODO: Use ilut_int/ilut_off here?
#define IsOcc(ilut,orb) btest(ilut((orb-1) .div. bits_n_int), mod(orb-1,bits_n_int))
#define IsNotOcc(ilut,orb) (.not.IsOcc(ilut,orb))
#define IsUnoccDet(sgn) all(abs(sgn) < 1.e-12_dp)

! Is the specified orbital alpha or beta? Generate the appropriate pair.
#define is_beta(orb) btest(orb, 0)
#define is_alpha(orb) (.not.is_beta(orb))
#define is_one_alpha_beta(orb1,orb2) (btest(orb1,0) .neqv. btest(orb2,0))
#define ab_pair(orb) (ieor(orb-1,1)+1)
#define get_beta(orb) (ibclr(orb-1,0)+1)
#define get_alpha(orb) (ibset(orb-1,0)+1)

! extract single step vector value of a spatial orbital from ilut
#define getStepvalue(ilut,sOrb) int(ishft(iand(ilut((sOrb-1)/bn2_),ishft(3_n_int,2*mod((sOrb-1),bn2_))),-2*mod((sOrb-1),bn2_)))
! also directly implement 0,1,2,3 comparisons
! also directly implement 0,1,2,3 comparisons
#define isZero(ilut,sOrb) \
#define isOne(ilut,sOrb) (btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)).and.(.not.btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)+1)))
#define isTwo(ilut,sOrb) (btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)+1).and.(.not.btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_))))
#define isThree(ilut,sOrb) (btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)+1).and.btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)))
#define isSingle(ilut,sOrb) (btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)+1).neqv.btest(ilut((sOrb-1).div.bn2_),2*mod(sOrb-1,bn2_)))
#define notSingle(ilut,sOrb) (.not.isSingle(ilut,sOrb))
! could write that with already provided isOcc functions too, but would have to translate between spin and spatial orbs..

! Convert spatial orbital indices to spin orbital indices
#define spatToSpinBeta(sOrb) (2*(sOrb)-1)
#define spatToSpinAlpha(sOrb) 2*(sOrb)
! Do the two orbitals have the same spin?
#define same_spin(orb1, orb2) (mod(orb1,2) == mod(orb2,2))

#define get_src(ex) ex(1,:)
#define get_tgt(ex) ex(2,:)

! this is the same as is beta, but just for clearity:
#define is_odd(i) btest(i,0)
#define is_even(i) (.not.is_odd(i))

#define is_inf(x) (abs(x) > INFINITY)
! Get the index of the replica that is paired with ind:
#define paired_replica(ind) (ind+2*mod(ind,2)-1)

! The spin where 1=alpha, 2=beta
#define get_spin(orb) (1+mod(orb,2))
! The spin where 1=alpha, -1=beta
#define get_spin_pn(orb) (1-2*mod(orb,2))

! Is the specified orbital part of a doubly occupied pair?
#define IsDoub(ilut,orb) (IsOcc(ilut,orb).and.IsOcc(ilut,ab_pair(orb)))

! salso reimplement a get_spatial orbital macro here
#define get_spatial(orb) (orb - 1)/2 + 1

! Are the two orbitals specified (may be the same orbital) from the same
! spatial orbital?
#define is_in_pair(orb1,orb2) (ibclr(orb1-1,0) == ibclr(orb2-1,0))

! Set or clear orbitals in a bit representation
#define ilut_int(orb) ((orb-1)/bits_n_int)
#define ilut_off(orb) mod(orb-1,bits_n_int)
#define set_orb(ilut, orb) ilut(ilut_int(orb))=ibset(ilut(ilut_int(orb)),ilut_off(orb))
#define clr_orb(ilut, orb) ilut(ilut_int(orb))=ibclr(ilut(ilut_int(orb)),ilut_off(orb))

! define some macros to set guga step-vectors without making mistakes
#define set_one(ilut, spat) set_orb(ilut, 2*spat - 1)
#define clr_one(ilut, spat) clr_orb(ilut, 2*spat - 1)

#define set_two(ilut, spat) set_orb(ilut, 2*spat)
#define clr_two(ilut, spat) clr_orb(ilut, 2*spat)

#define set_zero(ilut, spat) clr_orb(ilut, 2*spat);  clr_orb(ilut, 2*spat-1)
#define set_three(ilut,spat) set_orb(ilut, 2*spat);  set_orb(ilut, 2*spat-1)

! Useful for fixing things. Requires this_routine to be defined
! It would be nice print __FILE__ and __LINE__ in the ASSERT macro,
! especially it would be nice to print the failed condition with `#x`.
! Unfortunately this is not possible (without substantial work).
#ifdef DEBUG_
#define ASSERT(x) \
if (.not. (x)) then; \
 call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail in "//__FILE__); \
#define ASSERTROOT(x) \
if ((iProcIndex.eq.Root).and.(.not. (x))) then; \
 call stop_all (this_routine, "Assert fail in "//__FILE__); \
! Do some debugging if X>=Y
#define IFDEBUG(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if (PrintLevel>=ThisLevel)
#define IFDEBUGEQ(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if (PrintLevel==ThisLevel)
#define IFDEBUGEQTHEN(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if (PrintLevel==ThisLevel) then
#define IFDEBUGTHEN(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if (PrintLevel>=ThisLevel) then
#define ENDIFDEBUG endif
! Use ASSERT in otherwise pure procedures.
#define ASSERT(x)
#define ASSERTROOT(x)
#define IFDEBUG(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if(.false.)
#define IFDEBUGEQ(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if(.false.)
#define IFDEBUGEQTHEN(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if(.false.) then
#define IFDEBUGTHEN(PrintLevel,ThisLevel) if(.false.) then
#define ENDIFDEBUG endif

! define a precompiler setup for the warning workaround
#define unused_var(x) associate(x=>x); end associate
#define unused_var(x)

! Write out from the root node (concisely)
#define root_write if (iProcIndex == 0) write
#define root_print root_write (6, *)

#define if_root if (iProcIndex == 0) then
#define end_if_root end if

! Make Re / Cplx builds easier
#ifdef CMPLX_
#define ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(arr,index) cmplx(arr(2*index-1), arr(2*index), dp)
#define ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(arr,index) cmplx(arr(1), arr(2), dp)
#elif defined(DOUBLERUN_)
#define ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(arr,index) real(arr(index), dp)
#elif defined(PROG_NUMRUNS_)
#define ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(arr,index) real(arr(index), dp)
#define ARR_RE_OR_CPLX(arr,index) real(arr(1), dp)

#ifdef CMPLX_
! 1->1 ,2->1, 3->2 ...
#define part_type_to_run(pt) (1+((pt)-1)/2)
#define rotate_part(pt) ((pt) - 1 + 2*mod((pt),2))
#define min_part_type(run) (2*(run)-1)
#define max_part_type(run) (2*(run))
#define min_part_type(run) (2*(run)-1)
#define max_part_type(run) (2*(run))
#define min_part_type(run) 1
#define max_part_type(run) 2
#define mag_of_run(signs, run) sqrt((signs(min_part_type(run))**2 + signs(max_part_type(run))**2))
! 1->1 ,2->2, 3->3 ...
#define part_type_to_run(pt) pt
#define rotate_part(pt) pt
#define min_part_type(run) run
#define max_part_type(run) run
#define min_part_type(run) run
#define max_part_type(run) run
#define min_part_type(run) 1
#define max_part_type(run) 1
#define mag_of_run(signs, run) abs(signs(run))
#define is_run_unnocc(signs, run) mag_of_run(signs, run) < 1.0e-12_dp

#define av_pop(signs) sum(abs((signs)))/(inum_runs)
#define sgn_av_pop(signs) sum( (signs) ) /(inum_runs)

#define overlap_index(runA, runB) (runA)+inum_runs*((runB)-1)

! Define types for C pointers to work between various compilers with
! differing levels of brokenness.
#if defined(__PATHSCALE__) || defined(__OPEN64__) || defined(NAGF95)
#define loc_neci loc
#ifdef POINTER8
#define c_ptr_t integer(int64)
#define c_ptr_t integer(int32)
#elif defined(GFORTRAN_)
#define c_ptr_t type(c_ptr)
#define loc_neci g_loc
#define c_ptr_t type(c_ptr)
#define loc_neci c_loc

! At the moment only gfortran supports implicit none(type, external)
#ifdef GFORTRAN_
#define better_implicit_none implicit none(type, external)
#define better_implicit_none implicit none

! To make sure conjugations of both real and complex realisations of HElement_t behave on all compilers:
#ifdef CMPLX_
#define h_conjg(z) conjg(z)
#define h_conjg(z) z

! The following is useful for converting from HElement_t to an array of the appropriate length
#ifdef CMPLX_
#define h_to_array(z) [dble(z), dimag(z)]
#define h_to_array(z) [z]

! Cast a real value to HElement_t
#ifdef CMPLX_
#define h_cast(val) cmplx(val, 0.0_dp,kind=dp)
#define h_cast(val) real(val, dp)

! these macros check allocation status before performing heap management
! _e suffix indicates the use of an error stream
#define safe_free(arr) if(allocated(arr)) deallocate(arr)
#define safe_malloc(arr,shape) if(.not.allocated(arr)) allocate(arr shape)
#define safe_realloc(arr,shape) if(allocated(arr)) deallocate(arr); allocate(arr shape)
#define safe_calloc(arr,shape,zero) if(.not.allocated(arr)) allocate(arr shape); arr=zero
#define safe_calloc_e(arr,shape,zero,ierr) if(.not.allocated(arr)) allocate(arr shape, stat=ierr); arr=zero
! this one doesn't have a C counterpart but it may be useful
#define safe_recalloc(arr,shape,zero) if(allocated(arr)) deallocate(arr); allocate(arr shape); arr=zero

! Handy debugging snippets
#define debug_line(unit, msg) write(unit,*) __LINE__, __FILE__, char(9), msg ; flush(unit)
#define debug_out(unit, msg) write(unit,*), char(9), msg

! Shortcut for optional variables
#define def_default(Var_, Var, Val) if(present(Var))then;Var_=Var;else;Var_=Val;endif

#define check_abort_excit(pgen,x) if (near_zero(pgen)) then; x = 0_n_int; return; endif

#ifdef DEBUG_
#define debug_function_name(name) character(*), parameter :: this_routine = name
#define debug_function_name(name)

#define routine_name(name) character(*), parameter :: this_routine = name
#define test_name(name) character(*), parameter :: test_name = name

! This should be the last end if

module parallel_hdf5_utils

    use constants, only: dp, hdf_err
    use MPI_wrapper, only: MPI_SUM
    use Parallel_neci, only: MPIAllReduce, MPIAllGather, iProcIndex, nProcessors
    use util_mod, only: stop_all
#ifdef USE_HDF_
    use hdf5, only: hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, &
                    h5dclose_f, h5sclose_f, h5pclose_f, h5dwrite_f, h5sselect_hyperslab_f, &
                    h5sselect_none_f, h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f, h5screate_simple_f, h5pcreate_f, &
                    h5dcreate_f, h5dread_f, h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f, h5dget_space_f, &
                    h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f, h5dopen_f

    implicit none
    public :: read_data_phdf5, write_data_phdf5

    interface write_data_phdf5
        module procedure write_1d_integer_data_phdf5
        module procedure write_2d_integer_data_phdf5
        module procedure write_1d_real_data_phdf5
        module procedure write_2d_real_data_phdf5
    end interface

    interface read_data_phdf5
        module procedure read_1d_integer_data_phdf5
        module procedure read_2d_integer_data_phdf5
        module procedure read_1d_real_data_phdf5
        module procedure read_2d_real_data_phdf5
    end interface


        !> Writes in parallel contiguous up to 2D data distributed over MPI ranks into an archive.
        !> This routine assumes that the data varies across MPI ranks only in the final
        !> dimension
        subroutine write_1d_integer_data_phdf5(wrt_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Data to be written
                integer, intent(in) , dimension(:) :: wrt_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'write_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of group that dataset should be written into
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: filespace, memspace, dset_id, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(1), count(1), offset(1)
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err
            !> total length, i.e. sum of number of data on each MPI rank
            !> List containing length of distributed data on each MPI rank
            !> MPI error code
            integer :: tot_len_data, list_len_data(nProcessors), mpierr, data_shape(1)

            data_shape = shape(wrt_buf)
            ! inquire about the size of the last dimension on each MPI rank and
            ! their sum which is required for mapping out the disk space.
            call MPIAllGather(data_shape(size(data_shape)), list_len_data, mpierr)
            call MPIAllReduce(data_shape(size(data_shape)), MPI_SUM, tot_len_data)
                dimsf = [tot_len_data]
            rank = 1
            ! rank and length of dataspace
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, filespace, err)
            ! create the corresponding dataset and get dset_id
                call h5dcreate_f(grp_id, dataset_name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, &
                                 filespace, dset_id, err)
            ! writing from memory a block called "count", mapping out the memspace
            count = shape(wrt_buf)
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, count, memspace, err)

            ! Given two arrays of (4,2,2) and (4,2,20), the first one has offset
            ! (0,0,0) and the second (0,0,2)
            ! This also ensures that the ordering of different data sets can
            ! be correlated.
            if (iProcIndex == 0) then
                offset = 0 * data_shape
                offset = [sum(list_len_data(1:iProcIndex))]
            end if

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)
            ! In HDF5 collective I/O mode all collective operations have to be
            ! called the same number of times by each MPI rank; however, this call
            ! may happen asynchronously. On some MPI ranks there might be no data,
            ! then file- and memspace have to be selected as none.
            if (data_shape(size(data_shape)) == 0) then
                call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, err)
                call h5sselect_none_f(memspace, err)
                call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, &
                                           count, err)
            end if
                call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, wrt_buf, count, err, &
                                file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
          end subroutine write_1d_integer_data_phdf5

          !> Read up to 2D data from an HDF5 archive in parallel on all processors.
          subroutine read_1d_integer_data_phdf5(rec_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Receive buffer
                integer, intent(inout) , dimension(:) :: rec_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of the group containing data set
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: dset_id, filespace, memspace, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(1), count(1), offset(1), &
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err

            call h5dopen_f(grp_id, dataset_name, dset_id, err)
            call h5dget_space_f(dset_id, filespace, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(filespace, rank, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(filespace, dimsf, maxdimsf, err)

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)

            ! define memory dataspace and hyperslab
            offset = 0 * dimsf
            count = dimsf
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, memspace, err)
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

            ! define filespace hyperslab
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

                call h5dread_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, rec_buf, dimsf, err, &
                               file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
        end subroutine
        !> Writes in parallel contiguous up to 2D data distributed over MPI ranks into an archive.
        !> This routine assumes that the data varies across MPI ranks only in the final
        !> dimension
        subroutine write_2d_integer_data_phdf5(wrt_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Data to be written
                integer, intent(in) , dimension(:, :) :: wrt_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'write_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of group that dataset should be written into
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: filespace, memspace, dset_id, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(2), count(2), offset(2)
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err
            !> total length, i.e. sum of number of data on each MPI rank
            !> List containing length of distributed data on each MPI rank
            !> MPI error code
            integer :: tot_len_data, list_len_data(nProcessors), mpierr, data_shape(2)

            data_shape = shape(wrt_buf)
            ! inquire about the size of the last dimension on each MPI rank and
            ! their sum which is required for mapping out the disk space.
            call MPIAllGather(data_shape(size(data_shape)), list_len_data, mpierr)
            call MPIAllReduce(data_shape(size(data_shape)), MPI_SUM, tot_len_data)
                dimsf = [data_shape(1:1), tot_len_data]
            rank = 2
            ! rank and length of dataspace
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, filespace, err)
            ! create the corresponding dataset and get dset_id
                call h5dcreate_f(grp_id, dataset_name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, &
                                 filespace, dset_id, err)
            ! writing from memory a block called "count", mapping out the memspace
            count = shape(wrt_buf)
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, count, memspace, err)

            ! Given two arrays of (4,2,2) and (4,2,20), the first one has offset
            ! (0,0,0) and the second (0,0,2)
            ! This also ensures that the ordering of different data sets can
            ! be correlated.
            if (iProcIndex == 0) then
                offset = 0 * data_shape
                offset = [0 * data_shape(1:1), sum(list_len_data(1:iProcIndex))]
            end if

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)
            ! In HDF5 collective I/O mode all collective operations have to be
            ! called the same number of times by each MPI rank; however, this call
            ! may happen asynchronously. On some MPI ranks there might be no data,
            ! then file- and memspace have to be selected as none.
            if (data_shape(size(data_shape)) == 0) then
                call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, err)
                call h5sselect_none_f(memspace, err)
                call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, &
                                           count, err)
            end if
                call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, wrt_buf, count, err, &
                                file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
          end subroutine write_2d_integer_data_phdf5

          !> Read up to 2D data from an HDF5 archive in parallel on all processors.
          subroutine read_2d_integer_data_phdf5(rec_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Receive buffer
                integer, intent(inout) , dimension(:, :) :: rec_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of the group containing data set
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: dset_id, filespace, memspace, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(2), count(2), offset(2), &
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err

            call h5dopen_f(grp_id, dataset_name, dset_id, err)
            call h5dget_space_f(dset_id, filespace, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(filespace, rank, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(filespace, dimsf, maxdimsf, err)

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)

            ! define memory dataspace and hyperslab
            offset = 0 * dimsf
            count = dimsf
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, memspace, err)
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

            ! define filespace hyperslab
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

                call h5dread_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, rec_buf, dimsf, err, &
                               file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
        end subroutine
        !> Writes in parallel contiguous up to 2D data distributed over MPI ranks into an archive.
        !> This routine assumes that the data varies across MPI ranks only in the final
        !> dimension
        subroutine write_1d_real_data_phdf5(wrt_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Data to be written
                real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:) :: wrt_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'write_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of group that dataset should be written into
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: filespace, memspace, dset_id, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(1), count(1), offset(1)
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err
            !> total length, i.e. sum of number of data on each MPI rank
            !> List containing length of distributed data on each MPI rank
            !> MPI error code
            integer :: tot_len_data, list_len_data(nProcessors), mpierr, data_shape(1)

            data_shape = shape(wrt_buf)
            ! inquire about the size of the last dimension on each MPI rank and
            ! their sum which is required for mapping out the disk space.
            call MPIAllGather(data_shape(size(data_shape)), list_len_data, mpierr)
            call MPIAllReduce(data_shape(size(data_shape)), MPI_SUM, tot_len_data)
                dimsf = [tot_len_data]
            rank = 1
            ! rank and length of dataspace
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, filespace, err)
            ! create the corresponding dataset and get dset_id
                call h5dcreate_f(grp_id, dataset_name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
                                 filespace, dset_id, err)
            ! writing from memory a block called "count", mapping out the memspace
            count = shape(wrt_buf)
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, count, memspace, err)

            ! Given two arrays of (4,2,2) and (4,2,20), the first one has offset
            ! (0,0,0) and the second (0,0,2)
            ! This also ensures that the ordering of different data sets can
            ! be correlated.
            if (iProcIndex == 0) then
                offset = 0 * data_shape
                offset = [sum(list_len_data(1:iProcIndex))]
            end if

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)
            ! In HDF5 collective I/O mode all collective operations have to be
            ! called the same number of times by each MPI rank; however, this call
            ! may happen asynchronously. On some MPI ranks there might be no data,
            ! then file- and memspace have to be selected as none.
            if (data_shape(size(data_shape)) == 0) then
                call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, err)
                call h5sselect_none_f(memspace, err)
                call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, &
                                           count, err)
            end if
                call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, wrt_buf, count, err, &
                                file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
          end subroutine write_1d_real_data_phdf5

          !> Read up to 2D data from an HDF5 archive in parallel on all processors.
          subroutine read_1d_real_data_phdf5(rec_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Receive buffer
                real(dp), intent(inout) , dimension(:) :: rec_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of the group containing data set
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: dset_id, filespace, memspace, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(1), count(1), offset(1), &
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err

            call h5dopen_f(grp_id, dataset_name, dset_id, err)
            call h5dget_space_f(dset_id, filespace, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(filespace, rank, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(filespace, dimsf, maxdimsf, err)

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)

            ! define memory dataspace and hyperslab
            offset = 0 * dimsf
            count = dimsf
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, memspace, err)
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

            ! define filespace hyperslab
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

                call h5dread_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, rec_buf, dimsf, err, &
                               file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
        end subroutine
        !> Writes in parallel contiguous up to 2D data distributed over MPI ranks into an archive.
        !> This routine assumes that the data varies across MPI ranks only in the final
        !> dimension
        subroutine write_2d_real_data_phdf5(wrt_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Data to be written
                real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:, :) :: wrt_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'write_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of group that dataset should be written into
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: filespace, memspace, dset_id, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(2), count(2), offset(2)
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err
            !> total length, i.e. sum of number of data on each MPI rank
            !> List containing length of distributed data on each MPI rank
            !> MPI error code
            integer :: tot_len_data, list_len_data(nProcessors), mpierr, data_shape(2)

            data_shape = shape(wrt_buf)
            ! inquire about the size of the last dimension on each MPI rank and
            ! their sum which is required for mapping out the disk space.
            call MPIAllGather(data_shape(size(data_shape)), list_len_data, mpierr)
            call MPIAllReduce(data_shape(size(data_shape)), MPI_SUM, tot_len_data)
                dimsf = [data_shape(1:1), tot_len_data]
            rank = 2
            ! rank and length of dataspace
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, filespace, err)
            ! create the corresponding dataset and get dset_id
                call h5dcreate_f(grp_id, dataset_name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
                                 filespace, dset_id, err)
            ! writing from memory a block called "count", mapping out the memspace
            count = shape(wrt_buf)
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, count, memspace, err)

            ! Given two arrays of (4,2,2) and (4,2,20), the first one has offset
            ! (0,0,0) and the second (0,0,2)
            ! This also ensures that the ordering of different data sets can
            ! be correlated.
            if (iProcIndex == 0) then
                offset = 0 * data_shape
                offset = [0 * data_shape(1:1), sum(list_len_data(1:iProcIndex))]
            end if

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)
            ! In HDF5 collective I/O mode all collective operations have to be
            ! called the same number of times by each MPI rank; however, this call
            ! may happen asynchronously. On some MPI ranks there might be no data,
            ! then file- and memspace have to be selected as none.
            if (data_shape(size(data_shape)) == 0) then
                call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, err)
                call h5sselect_none_f(memspace, err)
                call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, &
                                           count, err)
            end if
                call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, wrt_buf, count, err, &
                                file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
          end subroutine write_2d_real_data_phdf5

          !> Read up to 2D data from an HDF5 archive in parallel on all processors.
          subroutine read_2d_real_data_phdf5(rec_buf, dataset_name, grp_id)
            !> Receive buffer
                real(dp), intent(inout) , dimension(:, :) :: rec_buf
            !> Name of dataset
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
#ifndef USE_HDF_
            integer, intent(in) :: grp_id
            character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_nD_data_phdf5'
#ifdef USE_HDF_
            !> ID of the group containing data set
            integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: grp_id
            !> Various filespace handles, rank of the tensor to be written
            integer(hid_t) :: dset_id, filespace, memspace, plist_id
            integer :: rank
            !> dimension of dataset to be written, block size during writing and write offset
            integer(hsize_t) :: dimsf(2), count(2), offset(2), &
            !> HDF5 error code
            integer(hdf_err) :: err

            call h5dopen_f(grp_id, dataset_name, dset_id, err)
            call h5dget_space_f(dset_id, filespace, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(filespace, rank, err)
            call h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(filespace, dimsf, maxdimsf, err)

            ! set I/O pattern to "collective"
            call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, plist_id, err)
            call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, err)

            ! define memory dataspace and hyperslab
            offset = 0 * dimsf
            count = dimsf
            call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, memspace, err)
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

            ! define filespace hyperslab
            call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset, count, err)

                call h5dread_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, rec_buf, dimsf, err, &
                               file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &

            call h5dclose_f(dset_id, err)
            call h5pclose_f(plist_id, err)
            call h5sclose_f(filespace, err)
            call h5sclose_f(memspace, err)
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'HDF5 support not enabled at compile time')
        end subroutine

end module