Popsfile.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"

MODULE PopsfileMod

    use SystemData, only: nel, tHPHF, tFixLz, nBasis, tNoBrillouin, tReal, &
                          AB_elec_pairs, par_elec_pairs, tMultiReplicas, tReltvy, &
                          t_lattice_model, t_non_hermitian_2_body, t_3_body_excits
    use CalcData, only: DiagSft, tWalkContGrow, nEquilSteps, aliasStem, &
                        ScaleWalkers, tReadPopsRestart, tPopsJumpShift, &
                        InitWalkers, tReadPopsChangeRef, nShiftEquilSteps, &
                        iWeightPopRead, iPopsFileNoRead, tPopsAlias, &
                        MemoryFacPart, tLetInitialPopDie, &
                        MemoryFacSpawn, tSemiStochastic, tTrialWavefunction, &
                        pops_norm, tWritePopsNorm, &
                        tScaleBlooms, pSinglesIn, pDoublesIn, pTriplesIn, &
                        hdf5_diagsft, tAutoAdaptiveShift, &
                        pParallelIn, tStoredDets

    use DetBitOps, only: DetBitLT, FindBitExcitLevel, DetBitEQ, EncodeBitDet, &
                         ilut_lt, ilut_gt, get_bit_excitmat

    use procedure_pointers, only: scaleFunction

    use load_balance_calcnodes, only: DetermineDetNode, RandomOrbIndex

    use hash, only: FindWalkerHash, clear_hash_table, &
                    fill_in_hash_table, add_hash_table_entry

    use Determinants, only: get_helement
    use DeterminantData, only: write_det
    use hphf_integrals, only: hphf_diag_helement, hphf_off_diag_helement
    USE dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT
    use bit_rep_data, only: extract_sign, flag_deterministic, flag_removed, &
        flag_connected, flag_trial, flag_determ_parent, nifd, test_flag, &
        NIfTot, IlutBits, test_flag
    use bit_reps, only: get_initiator_flag, clr_flag, get_initiator_flag_by_run, &
        extract_flags, decode_bit_det, encode_bit_rep, encode_sign, &
        clr_flag_multi, set_flag, writebitdet, encode_flags
    use DetBitOps, only: count_open_orbs
    use FciMCData, only: WalkVecDets, MaxWalkersPart
    use constants
    use Parallel_neci
    use LoggingData, only: iWritePopsEvery, tPopsFile, iPopsPartEvery, tBinPops, &
                           tPrintPopsDefault, tIncrementPops, tPrintInitiators, &
                           tSplitPops, tZeroProjE, tRDMonFly, tExplicitAllRDM, &
                           binarypops_min_weight, tHDF5PopsRead, tHDF5PopsWrite, &
                           t_print_frq_histograms, tPopAutoAdaptiveShift, &
                           tPopScaleBlooms, tPopAccumPops, tAccumPops, tAccumPopsActive, &
                           iAccumPopsCounter, PopAccumPopsCounter, iAccumPopsIter
    use sort_mod, only: sort
    use tau_main, only: input_tau_search_method, tau_search_method, &
        possible_tau_search_methods, max_death_cpt, tau_start_val, possible_tau_start, &
        t_scale_tau_to_death, min_tau, max_tau, tau, assign_value_to_tau
    use tau_search_conventional, only: tau_search_stats
    use tau_search_hist, only: finalize_hist_tau_search, t_fill_frequency_hists
    use FciMcData, only: pSingles, pDoubles, pSing_spindiff1, pDoub_spindiff1, pDoub_spindiff2, &
                         t_initialized_roi, ilutref, perturbation, CurrentDets, AllSumENum, &
                         AllSumNoatHF, tSinglePartPhase, ProjEDet, SumNoatHF, ValidSpawnedList, &
                         SpawnVec, InitialSpawnedSlots, SpawnVec2, TotParts, iter_data_fciqmc, &
                         AllTotParts, AllTotPartsOld, AllTotWalkers, AllTotWalkersOld, Hii, &
                         iLutHF, MaxSpawned, PreviousCycles, ProjectionE, SpawnedParts, SpawnedParts2, &
                         spawnvectag, spawnvec2tag, SumENum, TotWalkers, TotWalkersOld, tPopsAlreadyRead, &
                         tReplicaReferencesDiffer, WalkVecDetsTag, tEScaleWalkers, Iter, pParallel, &
                         TotImagTime, iBlockingIter, HashIndex, &
                         iEndFreeSlot, InstNoatHF, iStartFreeSlot, NoatHF, nWalkerHashes, popsfile_dets, &
    use dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT
    use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDeAlloc
    use global_det_data, only: global_determinant_data, init_global_det_data, set_det_diagH, &
                               set_det_offdiagH, store_decoding, max_ratio_size, fvals_size, &
                               apvals_size, set_supergroup_idx
    use gasci_supergroup_index, only: lookup_supergroup_indexer
    use tc_three_body_data, only: pTriples, tReadPTriples
    use fcimc_helper, only: update_run_reference, TestInitiator, calc_proje
    use replica_data, only: set_initial_global_data
    use load_balance, only: pops_init_balance_blocks
    use matel_getter, only: get_diagonal_matel, get_off_diagonal_matel
    use load_balance_calcnodes, only: tLoadBalanceBlocks, balance_blocks
    use hdf5_popsfile, only: write_popsfile_hdf5, read_popsfile_hdf5, &
    use gdata_io, only: gdata_io_t
    use util_mod

    use fortran_strings, only: str

    use lattice_mod, only: get_helement_lattice

    use SystemData, only: tGUGA
    use guga_data, only: ExcitationInformation_t
    use guga_matrixElements, only: calc_guga_matrix_element

    use real_time_data, only: t_real_time_fciqmc, phase_factors, t_kspace_operators, &

    use guga_bitrepops, only: CSF_Info_t, getExcitation_guga


    logical :: tRealPOPSfile

        module subroutine ChangeRefDet(DetCurr)
            integer, intent(in) :: DetCurr(nel)
        end subroutine
    end interface


    !   V.3/4 POPSFILE ROUTINES   !
    !This routine reads in particle configurations from a POPSFILE v.3-4.
    !EndPopsList is the number of entries in the POPSFILE to read, and ReadBatch is the number of determinants
    !which can be read in in a single batch.
    subroutine ReadFromPopsfile(EndPopsList, ReadBatch, CurrWalkers, &
                                CurrParts, CurrHF, Dets, DetsLen, &
                                pops_nnodes, pops_walkers, PopNifSgn, &
                                PopNel, PopBalanceBlocks, gdata_read_handler, &
                                tCalcExtraInfo, filename_stem)

        integer(int64), intent(in) :: EndPopsList  !Number of entries in the POPSFILE.
        integer, intent(in) :: ReadBatch       !Size of the batch of determinants to read in in one go.
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: CurrWalkers    !Number of determinants which end up on a given processor.
        real(dp), intent(out) :: CurrHF(lenof_sign)
        integer, intent(inout) :: PopNel
        ! If true, then calculate the diagonal Hamiltonian elements of the
        ! read-in popsfile, and, if using the linear scaling algorithm,
        ! fill in the walker hash table.
        logical, intent(in) :: tCalcExtraInfo
        integer, intent(in) :: pops_nnodes
        integer, intent(inout) :: PopBalanceBlocks
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: pops_walkers(0:nProcessors - 1)
        type(gdata_io_t), intent(in) :: gdata_read_handler
        real(dp) :: CurrParts(lenof_sign)
        integer :: iunit
        integer(int64) :: i
        integer :: err
        integer(int64) :: AllCurrWalkers
        logical :: formpops, binpops
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: SignTemp
        integer :: PopsVersion
        character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = 'ReadFromPopsfile'
        HElement_t(dp) :: HElemTemp, HElemTemp2
        character(255) :: popsfile
        !variables from header file
        logical :: tPopHPHF, tPopLz, tPop64Bit
        integer :: iPopLenof_sign, iPopIter, PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag
        integer :: PopNIfTot, PopBlockingIter, read_nnodes, Popinum_runs
        integer :: PopRandomHash(2056)
        integer(int64) :: iPopAllTotWalkers
        real(dp) :: PopDiagSft(inum_runs), read_tau, read_psingles
        real(dp) :: read_pparallel, read_ptriples
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: PopSumNoatHF
        integer(int64) :: read_walkers_on_nodes(0:nProcessors - 1)
        integer, intent(in) :: DetsLen
        INTEGER(kind=n_int), intent(out) :: Dets(0:nIfTot, DetsLen)
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: filename_stem
        character(12) :: tmp_num
        character(255) :: tmp_char, identifier
        HElement_t(dp) :: PopAllSumENum(inum_runs)
        integer, allocatable :: TempnI(:)
        logical :: trimmed_parts
        real(dp) :: pops_norm_temp
        type(timer), save :: read_timer, process_timer

        ! Tme the overall popsfile read in
        read_timer%timer_name = 'POPS-read'
        process_timer%timer_name = 'POPS-process'
        if (present(filename_stem)) then
            identifier = filename_stem
            identifier = 'POPSFILE'

        call set_timer(read_timer)
        ! These values might not be present in some popsfile versions, causing
        ! potential undefined behaviour
        read_psingles = 0.0_dp
        read_ptriples = 0.0_dp
        read_pparallel = 0.0_dp
        read_tau = 0.0_dp
        PopDiagSft = 0.0_dp

        ! For the following operations, the mapping of determinants to processors
        ! has to be initialized
        if (.not. t_initialized_roi) call stop_all(this_routine, &
                                                   "Random orbital mapping indices un-initialized at popsfile read")

        if (tHDF5PopsRead) then

            CurrWalkers = read_popsfile_hdf5(dets)


            call open_pops_head(iunit, formpops, binpops, identifier)
            ! Determine version number.
            PopsVersion = FindPopsfileVersion(iunit)
            IF (FormPops) THEN
                if (PopsVersion == 3) then
                    call ReadPopsHeadv3(iunit, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, PopNel, &
                                        iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                                        PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot)
                    call ReadPopsHeadv4(iunit, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, PopNel, &
                                        iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                                        PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, Popinum_runs, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, read_tau, &
                                        PopBlockingIter, PopRandomHash, read_psingles, read_pparallel, &
                                        read_ptriples, read_nnodes, read_walkers_on_nodes, PopBalanceBlocks)

                if (EndPopsList /= iPopAllTotWalkers) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "Error in assessing number of entries in POPSFILE")

            else if (BinPops) then
                ! If we are reading a binary popsfile, then we want to close the
                ! header file and open the file containing the determinants.
                ! We don't need to bother reading in the header, it has already
                ! been done (as it has been for non-binary popsfiles, too).
                if (iProcIndex == root .or. (bNodeRoot .and. tSplitPops)) then
                    ! Close the header file.
                    close (iunit)

                    ! Use the correct pops file name.
                    tmp_char = trim(identifier)//'BIN'
                    if (tSplitPops) then
                        write (tmp_num, '(i12)') iProcIndex
                        tmp_char = trim(tmp_char)//'-'//trim(adjustl(tmp_num))
                    end if
                    call get_unique_filename(trim(tmp_char), tIncrementPops, &
                                             .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
                    open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='old', form='unformatted')

                ! We need to consider the same parameters for particle
                ! distribution
                read_nnodes = pops_nnodes
                read_walkers_on_nodes = pops_walkers
            end if

            allocate (TempnI(PopNel))

            call mpibarrier(err)

            IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN
                IF (abs(iWeightPopRead) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
                    write (stdout, "(A,I15,A,es17.10,A)") "Although ", EndPopsList, &
                        " configurations will be read in, only determinants &
                        &with a weight of over ", iWeightPopRead, " will be stored."
                    write (stdout, "(A,I15,A)") "Reading in a total of ", EndPopsList, " configurations from POPSFILE."
                !if(abs(ScaleWalkers - 1) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
                !call warning_neci(this_routine,"ScaleWalkers parameter found, but not implemented in POPSFILE v3 - ignoring.")
                call neci_flush(stdout)

            ! If read in particles are removed due to being unoccupied, or
            ! below the threshold, this is recorded here.
            trimmed_parts = .false.

            ! Which of the POPSFILE reading routines are we going to make use of?
            if (tSplitPops) then
                CurrWalkers = read_pops_splitpops(iunit, PopNel, TempnI, BinPops, &
                                                  Dets, DetsLen, PopNIfSgn, &
                                                  gdata_read_handler, trimmed_parts)
                CurrWalkers = read_pops_general(iunit, PopNel, TempnI, BinPops, Dets, &
                                                DetsLen, ReadBatch, EndPopsList, &
                                                PopNIfSgn, gdata_read_handler, trimmed_parts)
                ! The walkers will be redistributed in a default manner. Ignore
                ! the balancing information in the POPSFILE
                PopBalanceBlocks = -1
            end if

            ! Add the contributions to the norm of the popsfile wave function from
            ! all processes.
            pops_norm_temp = pops_norm
            call MPISumAll(pops_norm_temp, pops_norm)

            ! Close the popsfiles.
            if (iProcIndex == Root .or. (tSplitPops .and. bNodeRoot)) then
                close (iunit)

            ! Test we have still got all determinants
            write (stdout, *) "initial number of walker read-in: CurrWalkers: ", CurrWalkers
            call MPISum(CurrWalkers, 1, AllCurrWalkers)
            if (iProcIndex == Root) then
                if (AllCurrWalkers /= EndPopsList .and. .not. trimmed_parts) then
                    write (stdout, *) "AllCurrWalkers: ", AllCurrWalkers
                    write (stdout, *) "EndPopsList: ", EndPopsList

                    if (tSplitPops) then
                        write (stdout, *)
                        write (stdout, *) '*******************************************'
                        write (stdout, *) 'Currently using: ', nProcessors, ' processors'
                        write (stdout, *)
                        write (stdout, *) 'Using pre-split popsfiles (SPLIT-POPS, &
                        write (stdout, *) 'Ensure that the number of processors and &
                                   &number of POPSFILEs match.'
                        write (stdout, *) '*******************************************'
                    end if

                    call stop_All(this_routine, "Not all walkers accounted for &
                                                &when reading in")

        end if

        ! Clear all deterministic and trial flags so that they can be changed later.
        do i = 1, CurrWalkers
            call clr_flag_multi(Dets(:, i), flag_deterministic)
            call clr_flag(Dets(:, i), flag_determ_parent)
            call clr_flag(Dets(:, i), flag_trial)
            call clr_flag(Dets(:, i), flag_connected)
            call clr_flag(Dets(:, i), flag_removed)

            ! store the determinant
            if (tStoredDets) then
                call decode_bit_det(TempnI, Dets(:, i))
                call store_decoding(int(i), TempnI)
            end if
        end do

        call halt_timer(read_timer)
        call set_timer(process_timer)

        if (tCalcExtraInfo) then

            call clear_hash_table(HashIndex)
            call fill_in_hash_table(HashIndex, nWalkerHashes, Dets, int(CurrWalkers), .true.)

            ! Run through all determinants on each node, and calculate the total number of walkers, and noathf
            CurrHF = 0.0_dp
            CurrParts = 0.0_dp
            do i = 1, CurrWalkers
                call extract_sign(Dets(:, i), SignTemp)

                CurrParts = CurrParts + abs(SignTemp)
                if (DetBitEQ(Dets(:, i), iLutRef(:, 1), nifd)) then
                    if (abs(CurrHF(1)) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
                        call stop_all(this_routine, "HF already found, but shouldn't have")
                    CurrHF = CurrHF + SignTemp
                    if (.not. tSemiStochastic) then
                        call set_det_diagH(int(i), 0.0_dp)
                        call set_det_offdiagH(int(i), h_cast(0_dp))
                    end if
                    if (.not. tSemiStochastic) then
                        ! Calculate diagonal matrix element
                        call decode_bit_det(TempnI, Dets(:, i))
                        HElemTemp = get_diagonal_matel(TempnI, Dets(:,i))
                        HElemTemp2 = get_off_diagonal_matel(TempnI, Dets(:,i))
                        call set_det_diagH(int(i), real(HElemTemp, dp) - Hii)
                        call set_det_offdiagH(int(i), HElemTemp2)

        end if

        ! If we are doing load balancing, do an initial balance now that we
        ! have read the particles in
        ! n.b. This must be done after the hash tables have been initialised
        ! properly, or everything will break!
        if (tLoadBalanceBlocks .and. tCalcExtraInfo) &
            call pops_init_balance_blocks(PopBalanceBlocks)

        call mpibarrier(err)

        if (allocated(TempnI)) deallocate (TempnI)

        call halt_timer(process_timer)

    end subroutine ReadFromPopsfile

    function read_pops_splitpops(iunit, PopNel, det_tmp, binary_pops, &
                                 det_list, max_dets, PopNIfSgn, gdata_read_handler, &
                                 trimmed_parts) &

        ! A routine to read in split popsfiles to each of the nodes.
        ! In: iunit       - The popsfile being read from
        !     binary_pops - Is this a binary popsfile?

        integer, intent(in) :: iunit, PopNel, max_dets, PopNIfSgn
        integer, intent(out) :: det_tmp(PopNel)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: det_list(0:NifTot, max_dets)
        logical, intent(in) :: binary_pops
        type(gdata_io_t), intent(in) :: gdata_read_handler
        integer(int64) :: CurrWalkers
        logical, intent(inout) :: trimmed_parts
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_pops_splitpops'
        integer :: gdata_size
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: BatchRead(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdata(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdata_tmp(:)
        logical :: tEOF
        integer :: proc
        integer(int64) :: nread

        allocate (BatchRead(0:NifTot, 1:MaxWalkersPart))

        write (stdout, *) 'Reading a maximum of ', MaxWalkersPart, ' particles to &
                   &each node from split POPSFILES'

        ! Initialise the relevant counters
        CurrWalkers = 0
        pops_norm = 0.0_dp

        gdata_size = gdata_read_handler%entry_size()
        allocate (gdata(gdata_size, MaxWalkersPart))
        allocate (gdata_tmp(gdata_size))
        ! If we are using pre-split popsfiles, then we need to do the
        ! reading on all of the nodes.
        if (bNodeRoot) then

            ! Get ready for reading in the next batch of walkers
            do while (.true.)

                ! Read the next entry
                ! The decoded form is placed in det_tmp
                ! n.b. reading entry after CurrWalkers --> +1
                tEOF = read_popsfile_det(iunit, PopNel, binary_pops, &
                                         det_list(:, CurrWalkers + 1), &
                                         det_tmp, PopNIfSgn, &
                                         .true., nread, gdata_tmp, &

                ! When we have got to the end of the file, we are done.
                if (tEOF) exit

                CurrWalkers = CurrWalkers + 1
                gdata(:, CurrWalkers) = gdata_tmp(:)

                ! Add the contribution from this determinant to the
                ! norm of the popsfile wave function.
                call add_pops_norm_contrib(det_list(:, CurrWalkers))

                ! And a test that this split popsfile is somewhat valid...
                proc = DetermineDetNode(PopNel, det_tmp, 0)
                if (proc /= iProcIndex) &
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "Determinant in the &
                                   &wrong Split POPSFILE")



        ! store the global det data (if available)
        call gdata_read_handler%read_gdata(gdata, int(CurrWalkers))
        deallocate (gdata)
        deallocate (gdata_tmp)
        deallocate (BatchRead)

    end function read_pops_splitpops

    function read_pops_general(iunit, PopNel, det_tmp, binary_pops, det_list, &
                               max_dets, ReadBatch, EndPopsList, &
                               PopNIfSgn, gdata_read_handler, trimmed_parts) &

        ! General all-purpose pops reading routine.
        ! In: iunit     - The popsfile being read from
        !     ReadBatch - The size of the buffer array to use. Normally
        !                 MaxSpawned, unless specified manually.

        integer, intent(in) :: iunit, PopNel, ReadBatch, max_dets
        integer, intent(out) :: det_tmp(PopNel)
        integer, intent(in) :: PopNIfSgn
        logical, intent(in) :: binary_pops
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: det_list(0:NIfTot, max_dets)
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: EndPopsList
        type(gdata_io_t), intent(in) :: gdata_read_handler
        integer(int64) :: CurrWalkers
        logical, intent(inout) :: trimmed_parts
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_pops_general'

        logical :: tEOF
        logical :: tReadAllPops
        integer(MPIArg) :: sendcounts(nNodes), disps(nNodes), recvcount
        integer :: PopsInitialSlots(0:nNodes - 1), PopsSendList(0:nNodes - 1)
        integer :: batch_size, MaxSendIndex, i, j, nBatches, err, proc
        integer(n_int) :: ilut_tmp(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdataRead(:, :), gdata(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdata_tmp(:)
        integer :: gdata_size
        integer(int64) :: det_attempt, nread
        integer :: nelem
        real(dp) :: gdata_factor
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: BatchRead(:, :)

        ! If we are on the root processor, we need a buffer array which stores
        ! the particles as they are read in.
        ! If we are on another processor, allocate a one-element array to avoid
        ! segfaults in MPIScatter.
        allocate (BatchRead(0:NIfTot, merge(ReadBatch, 1, iProcIndex == root)))

        ! global determinant data (if available)
        gdata_size = gdata_read_handler%entry_size()
        allocate (gdataRead(gdata_size, ReadBatch))
        allocate (gdata_tmp(gdata_size))

        if (iProcIndex == root) then

            ! This is the size of the batches in the above array (only has
            ! meaning on the root processor)
            batch_size = int(real(ReadBatch, dp) / real(nNodes, dp))

            ! What is the first element in the buffer array that the particles
            ! for ! each processor are placed in?
            forall (i=0:nNodes - 1) PopsInitialSlots(i) = batch_size * i + 1

            write (stdout, '(a,i12,a)') "Reading in a maximum of ", ReadBatch, &
                " determinants at a time from POPSFILE"
            call neci_flush(stdout)
        end if

        ! Keep reading until all of the particles have been read in!
        det_attempt = 1
        tReadAllPops = .false.
        CurrWalkers = 0
        pops_norm = 0.0_dp
        nBatches = 0
        sendcounts = 0
        disps = 0
        MaxSendIndex = 1
        r_loop: do while (.not. tReadAllPops)

            ! We read in the particles on the root node.
            ! --> Only do particle receiving on teh other nodes
            if (iProcIndex == root) then

                ! Get ready for reading in the next batch of walkers
                nBatches = nBatches + 1
                BatchRead(:, :) = 0
                PopsSendList(:) = PopsInitialSlots(:)

                do while (.true.)

                    ! Read the next entry, and store the walker in ilut_tmp.
                    ! The decoded form is placed in det_tmp
                    tEOF = read_popsfile_det(iunit, PopNel, binary_pops, &
                                             ilut_tmp, det_tmp, PopNIfSgn, &
                                             .true., nread, gdata_tmp, &
                    det_attempt = det_attempt + nread
                    ! When we have got to the end of the file, we are done.
                    if (tEOF) then
                        if (det_attempt <= EndPopsList) then
                            call stop_all(this_routine, &
                                          "Too few determinants found.")
                        end if
                    end if

                    ! Add the contribution from this determinant to the
                    ! norm of the popsfile wave function.
                    call add_pops_norm_contrib(ilut_tmp)

                    ! Where should this particle be going?
                    proc = DetermineDetNode(PopNel, det_tmp, 0)

                    ! Store the found determinant in the temporary list,
                    ! and if we have filled up the slot in the list then
                    ! distribute it when it is full.
                    BatchRead(:, PopsSendList(proc)) = ilut_tmp(:)
                    gdataRead(:, PopsSendList(proc)) = gdata_tmp(:)
                    PopsSendList(proc) = PopsSendList(proc) + 1

                    ! If we have filled up the lists, exit the loop so that the
                    ! particles get distributed
                    if (proc /= nNodes - 1) then
                        if (PopsInitialSlots(proc + 1) - PopsSendList(proc) < 2) &
                        if (ReadBatch - PopsSendList(proc) < 2) exit

                ! Have we read in all of the particles?
                if (det_attempt > EndPopsList) tReadAllPops = .true.

                ! Prep the counts for transmitting the particles to all of
                ! the nodes.
                do j = 0, nNodes - 1
                    sendcounts(j + 1) = &
                        int((PopsSendList(j) - PopsInitialSlots(j)) * &
                            (NIfTot + 1), MPIArg)
                    disps(j + 1) = &
                        int((PopsInitialSlots(j) - 1) * (NIfTot + 1), MPIArg)
                MaxSendIndex = (disps(nNodes) + sendcounts(nNodes)) &
                               / (nIfTot + 1)


            ! Now scatter the particles read in to their correct processors.
            if (bNodeRoot) then

                ! How much data goes to each processor?
                call MPIScatter(sendcounts, recvcount, err, roots)
                ! allocate the buffer for the acc/tot spawns
                allocate (gdata(gdata_size, recvcount / (NIfTot + 1)))
                if (err /= 0) &
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "MPI scatter error")

                ! Transfer the walkers.
                call MPIScatterV(BatchRead(:, 1:MaxSendIndex), sendcounts, &
                                 disps, &
                                 det_list(:, CurrWalkers + 1:CurrWalkers + 1 + (recvcount / (NIfTot + 1))), &
                                 recvcount, err, Roots)
                if (err /= 0) &
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "MPI scatterV error")

                ! number of communicated elements
                nelem = int(recvcount) .div.int(NIfTot + 1)
                ! in auto-adaptive shift mode, also communicate the accumulated
                ! acc/tot spawns so far
                ! same for the Hij/pgen ratios, if available
                ! aas data has a different first dimension -> rescale
                gdata_factor = real(gdata_size, dp) / real(NIfTot + 1, dp)
                recvcount = int(recvcount * gdata_factor, MPIArg)
                sendcounts = int(sendcounts * gdata_factor, MPIArg)
                call MPIScatterV(gdataRead(1:gdata_size, 1:MaxSendIndex), sendcounts, disps, &
                                 gdata(1:gdata_size, 1:nelem), recvcount, err, Roots)
                call gdata_read_handler%read_gdata(gdata, nelem, int(CurrWalkers) + 1)
                deallocate (gdata)

                CurrWalkers = CurrWalkers + nelem

            end if

            ! Are we done?
            call MPIBCast(tReadAllPops)
        end do r_loop

        write (stdout, "(a,i8)") "Number of batches required to distribute all &
                          &determinants in POPSFILE: ", nBatches
        write (stdout, *) "Number of configurations read in to this process: ", &

        deallocate (gdataRead)
        deallocate (BatchRead)

    end function read_pops_general

    ! This routine reads the next determinant entry from a popsfile and stores
    ! it in WalkerTemp, ready to be distributed.
    ! This should only be called from root node.
    ! iunit = unit
    ! BinPops = Binary popsfile or formatted
    ! WalkerTemp = Determinant entry returned
    function read_popsfile_det(iunit, nel_loc, BinPops, WalkerTemp, nI, &
                               PopNifSgn, decode_det, &
                               nread, gdata_tmp, read_max, trimmed_parts) result(tEOF)

        integer, intent(in) :: iunit
        integer, intent(in) :: nel_loc
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: WalkerTemp(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nI(nel_loc)
        integer, intent(in) :: PopNifSgn
        logical, intent(in) :: decode_det
        logical, intent(in) :: BinPops
        logical, intent(inout), optional :: trimmed_parts
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: nread
        integer(int64), intent(in), optional :: read_max
        real(dp), intent(out) :: gdata_tmp(:)
        integer(n_int) :: sgn_int(PopNifSgn)
        integer :: flg, stat, k
        real(dp) :: sgn(PopNifSgn)
        real(dp) :: new_sgn(lenof_sign)
        integer(n_int) :: flg_read
        logical :: tStoreDet, tEOF

        WalkerTemp = 0_n_int
        flg_read = 0_n_int
        tStoreDet = .false.
        tEOF = .false.
        nread = 0
        r_loop: do while (.not. tStoreDet)

            ! If we have specified a maximum number of read attempts, then
            ! stick to that!
            if (present(read_max)) then
                if (nread == read_max) then
                    tEOF = .true.
                end if
            end if
            gdata_tmp = 0.0_dp
            ! All basis parameters match --> Read in directly.
            if (tRealPOPSfile) then
                if (BinPops) then
                    read (iunit, iostat=stat) WalkerTemp(0:nifd), sgn, &
                        flg_read, gdata_tmp
                    read (iunit, *, iostat=stat) WalkerTemp(0:nifd), &
                        sgn, flg_read, gdata_tmp
                end if
                if (BinPops) then
                    read (iunit, iostat=stat) WalkerTemp(0:nifd), &
                        sgn_int, flg_read, gdata_tmp
                    read (iunit, *, iostat=stat) WalkerTemp(0:nifd), &
                        sgn_int, flg_read, gdata_tmp
                end if

                sgn = sgn_int
            end if
            if (stat < 0) then
                tEOF = .true. ! End of file reached.
                exit r_loop
            end if
            nread = nread + 1

            if ((inum_runs == 2) .and. (PopNifSgn == 1)) then
                !Read in pops from a single run. Distribute an identical set of walkers to each walker set
                !and then propagate the two independently
                new_sgn(1) = sgn(1)
                new_sgn(inum_runs) = sgn(1)
                do k = 1, lenof_sign
                    new_sgn(k) = sgn(k)

            ! Store the sign and flag information in the determinant.
            flg = int(flg_read)

            call encode_sign(WalkerTemp, new_sgn)
            call encode_flags(WalkerTemp, flg)

            if ((inum_runs == 2) .and. (PopNifSgn == 1)) then
                if (test_flag(WalkerTemp, get_initiator_flag(1))) then
                    call set_flag(WalkerTemp, get_initiator_flag(2))
                    call clr_flag(WalkerTemp, get_initiator_flag(2))

            ! Test if we actually want to store this walker...
            ! SDS: If we have the odd empty site, don't worry about it.
            if (any(abs(sgn) >= iWeightPopRead) .and. .not. IsUnoccDet(sgn)) then
                tStoreDet = .true.
                if (present(trimmed_parts)) trimmed_parts = .true.
            end if
        enddo r_loop

        ! Decode the determinant as required
        if (.not. tEOF .and. decode_det) then
            call decode_bit_det(nI, WalkerTemp)

    end function read_popsfile_det

    subroutine read_popsfile_wrapper(perturbs)

        type(perturbation), intent(in), allocatable, optional :: perturbs(:)

        integer :: iunithead, PopsVersion
        ! Variables from popsfile header...
        integer :: iPopLenof_sign, PopNel, iPopIter, PopNIfD, WalkerListSize
        integer :: PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, PopBlockingIter, read_nnodes
        integer :: Popinum_runs
        integer :: PopRandomHash(2056)
        logical :: formpops, binpops
        logical :: tPopHPHF, tPop64Bit, tPopLz
        integer(int64) :: iPopAllTotWalkers
        integer(int64) :: read_walkers_on_nodes(0:nProcessors - 1)
        real(dp) :: PopDiagSft(inum_runs), read_tau
        real(dp) :: read_psingles, read_pparallel, read_ptriples
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: PopSumNoatHF
        HElement_t(dp) :: PopAllSumENum(inum_runs)
        integer :: perturb_ncreate, perturb_nannihilate, PopBalanceBlocks

        character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = "read_popsfile_wrapper"

        read_psingles = 0.0_dp
        read_ptriples = 0.0_dp
        read_pparallel = 0.0_dp
        read_tau = 0.0_dp
        PopDiagSft = 0.0_dp

        ! Read the header.
        call open_pops_head(iunithead, formpops, binpops)

        PopsVersion = FindPopsfileVersion(iunithead)

        if (PopsVersion == 4) then
            call ReadPopsHeadv4(iunithead, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, PopNel, &
                                iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                                PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, Popinum_runs, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, &
                                read_tau, PopBlockingIter, PopRandomHash, read_psingles, &
                                read_pparallel, read_ptriples, read_nnodes, read_walkers_on_nodes, &
            call stop_all(this_routine, "Only version 4 popsfile are supported with kp-fciqmc.")

        ! Check the number of electrons created and annihilated by the
        ! perturbation operators.
        if (present(perturbs)) then
            perturb_ncreate = perturbs(1)%ncreate
            perturb_nannihilate = perturbs(1)%nannihilate
            perturb_ncreate = 0
            perturb_nannihilate = 0
        end if

        call CheckPopsParams(tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, PopNel, &
                             iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                             PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfTot, &
                             WalkerListSize, read_tau, PopBlockingIter, read_psingles, read_pparallel, &
                             read_ptriples, perturb_ncreate, perturb_nannihilate)

        if (iProcIndex == root) close (iunithead)

        call InitFCIMC_pops(iPopAllTotWalkers, PopNIfSgn, PopNel, read_nnodes, &
                            read_walkers_on_nodes, perturbs, PopBalanceBlocks, &

        ! If requested output the norm of the *unperturbed* walkers in the POPSFILE.
        if (tWritePopsNorm) call write_pops_norm()

    end subroutine read_popsfile_wrapper

    subroutine InitFCIMC_pops(iPopAllTotWalkers, PopNIfSgn, PopNel, &
                              pops_nnodes, pops_walkers, perturbs, &
                              PopBalanceBlocks, PopDiagSft, source_name)

        use CalcData, only: iReadWalkersRoot
        use hash, only: clear_hash_table, fill_in_hash_table
        use perturbations, only: apply_perturbation_array
        use semi_stoch_procs, only: fill_in_diag_helements

        integer(int64), intent(in) :: iPopAllTotWalkers
        integer, intent(in) :: PopNIfSgn
        integer, intent(inout) :: PopBalanceBlocks
        ! Note that PopNel might be recalculated in ReadFromPopsfile (and might
        ! not have even been set on input).
        integer, intent(inout) :: PopNel
        integer, intent(in) :: pops_nnodes
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: pops_walkers(0:nProcessors - 1)
        real(dp), intent(in) :: PopDiagSft(inum_runs)
        ! Perturbation operators to apply to the determinants after they have
        ! been read in.
        type(perturbation), intent(in), allocatable, optional :: perturbs(:)
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: source_name
        integer(int64) :: tot_walkers
        integer :: run, ReadBatch
        logical :: apply_pert
        integer :: TotWalkersIn
        character(255) :: identifier
        integer(int64) :: l
        real(dp) :: TempSign(lenof_sign)
        character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = "InitFCIMC_pops"
        type(gdata_io_t) :: gdata_read_handler
        HElement_t(dp):: InstE(inum_runs)

        if (iReadWalkersRoot == 0) then
            ! ReadBatch is the number of walkers to read in from the
            ! popsfile at one time. The larger it is, the fewer
            ! communictions will be needed to scatter the particles.
            ! By default, the new array (which is only created on the
            ! root processors) is the same length as the spawning
            ! arrays.
            ReadBatch = MaxSpawned
            ReadBatch = iReadWalkersRoot
        end if

        apply_pert = .false.
        if (present(perturbs)) then
            if (allocated(perturbs)) apply_pert = .true.
        end if

        ! Only active the accumlation of populations if the popsfile has
        ! apvals and accum-pops is specified with a proper iteration
        tAccumPopsActive = .false.
        if (tAccumPops .and. tPopAccumPops) then
            if (iAccumPopsIter <= PreviousCycles) then
                tAccumPopsActive = .true.
                iAccumPopsCounter = PopAccumPopsCounter
                write (stdout, *) "Accumulated populations are found. Accumulation will continue."
                write (stdout, *) "Accumulated populations are found, but will be discarded."
                write (stdout, *) "Accumulation will restart at iteration: ", iAccumPopsIter
        ! decide which global det data is read
        call gdata_read_handler%init_gdata_io(tPopAutoAdaptiveShift, tPopScaleBlooms, &
                                              tPopAccumPops, fvals_size, max_ratio_size, apvals_size)

        if (present(source_name)) then
            identifier = source_name
            if (tPopsAlias) then
                identifier = aliasStem
                identifier = 'POPSFILE'

        ! If applying perturbations, read the popsfile into the array
        ! popsfile_dets and then apply the perturbations to the determinants
        ! in this array.
        ! If not, then read the popsfile straight into CurrentDets.
        if (apply_pert) then
            call ReadFromPopsfile(iPopAllTotWalkers, ReadBatch, TotWalkers, TotParts, NoatHF, &
                                  popsfile_dets, MaxWalkersPart, pops_nnodes, pops_walkers, PopNIfSgn, &
                                  PopNel, PopBalanceBlocks, gdata_read_handler, tCalcExtraInfo=.false., &

            write (stdout, *) "Applying perturbation to read-in walker confguration!"
            write (stdout, *) "Total number of walkers before perturbation: ", TotWalkers
            ! also store the original walker number in the real-time FCIQMC

            TotWalkersIn = int(TotWalkers)

            ! also store this original value
            if (t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                TotWalkers_orig = TotWalkersIn
                if (t_kspace_operators .and. tReal) then
                    call apply_perturbation_array(perturbs, TotWalkersIn, popsfile_dets, &
                                                  CurrentDets, phase_factors)
                    call apply_perturbation_array(perturbs, TotWalkersIn, popsfile_dets, &
                call apply_perturbation_array(perturbs, TotWalkersIn, popsfile_dets, CurrentDets)
            TotWalkers = int(TotWalkersIn, int64)

            write (stdout, *) "Total number of walkers after perturbation: ", TotWalkers
            call ReadFromPopsfile(iPopAllTotWalkers, ReadBatch, TotWalkers, TotParts, NoatHF, &
                                  CurrentDets, MaxWalkersPart, pops_nnodes, pops_walkers, PopNIfSgn, &
                                  PopNel, PopBalanceBlocks, gdata_read_handler, tCalcExtraInfo=.false., &
            if (t_real_time_fciqmc) TotWalkers_orig = TotWalkers
        end if

        if (abs(ScaleWalkers - 1) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
            write (stdout, *) "Rescaling walkers by a factor of: ", ScaleWalkers
            do l = 1, TotWalkers
                call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, l), TempSign)
                !do j = 1, lenof_sign
                !r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                !if(r.lt.abs(FracPart)) then
                !if(FracPart.lt.0) then
                !end do
                call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, l), TempSign * ScaleWalkers)

            SumNoatHF = SumNoatHF * ScaleWalkers
            AllSumNoatHF = AllSumNoatHF * ScaleWalkers
            SumENum = SumENum * ScaleWalkers
            AllSumENum = AllSumENum * ScaleWalkers
            InstNoatHF = InstNoatHF * ScaleWalkers
        end if

        call fill_in_diag_helements()
        if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then
                integer :: i, nI(nel)
                do i = 1, int(TotWalkers)
                    call decode_bit_det(nI, CurrentDets(:, i))
                    call set_supergroup_idx( &
                        i, lookup_supergroup_indexer%idx_nI(nI))
                end do
            end block
        end if

        call clear_hash_table(HashIndex)
        call fill_in_hash_table(HashIndex, nWalkerHashes, CurrentDets, int(TotWalkers), .true.)

        ! If we are doing load balancing, do an initial balance now that we
        ! have read the particles in
        ! n.b. This must be done after the hash tables have been initialised
        ! properly, or everything will break!
        if (tLoadBalanceBlocks) then
            ! n.b. The free-slot list will be empty after reading from POPS
            ! (which are densely packed). Not otherwised initialised by here.
            iStartFreeSlot = 1
            iEndFreeSlot = 0
            call pops_init_balance_blocks(PopBalanceBlocks)
        end if

        !Set initial global data after potentially load balancing
        call set_initial_global_data(TotWalkers, CurrentDets)

        ! If tWalkContGrow has been set, and therefore the shift reset, in
        ! when the POPSFILE header was read, check that we aren't already
        ! beyond the walker threshold. Otherwise unexpected (but technically
        ! "correct") behaviour occurs.
        ! n.b. 0.95 makes this a soft limit. Otherwise on restarting a calc
        !      it might have (randomly) dropped just below the target.
        if (tWalkContGrow) then
            tot_walkers = int(0.95 * InitWalkers * nNodes, int64)
            do run = 1, inum_runs

#ifdef CMPLX_
                if ((tLetInitialPopDie .and. sum(AllTotParts(min_part_type(run):max_part_type(run))) < tot_walkers) .or. &
                    ((.not. tLetInitialPopDie) .and. sum(AllTotParts(min_part_type(run):max_part_type(run))) > tot_walkers)) then
                    write (stdout, '("WALKCONTGROW set in input, but simulation already exceeds target number of particles")')
                    write (stdout, '("Continuing with DIAGSHIFT from POPSFILE")')
                    if (tHDF5PopsRead) then
                        root_print "diagshift:", hdf5_diagsft(run)
                        DiagSft(run) = hdf5_diagsft(run)
                        root_print "diagshift:", PopDiagSft
                        DiagSft(run) = PopDiagSft(run)
                    end if
                    tSinglePartPhase(run) = .false.
                end if
                if ((tLetInitialPopDie .and. AllTotParts(run) < tot_walkers) .or. &
                    ((.not. tLetInitialPopDie) .and. AllTotParts(run) > tot_walkers)) then
                    write (stdout, '("WALKCONTGROW set in input, but simulation already exceeds target number of particles")')
                    write (stdout, '("Continuing with DIAGSHIFT from POPSFILE for run ",i4)') run
                    if (tHDF5PopsRead) then
                        root_print "diagshift:", hdf5_diagsft(run)
                        DiagSft(run) = hdf5_diagsft(run)
                        root_print "diagshift:", PopDiagSft
                        DiagSft(run) = PopDiagSft(run)
                    end if
                    tSinglePartPhase(run) = .false.
                end if
            end do
        end if

        ! If necessary, recalculate the instantaneous projected energy, and
        ! then update the shift to that value.
        if (tPopsJumpShift .and. .not. tWalkContGrow) then
            call calc_proje(InstE)
            DiagSft = real(InstE, dp)
            write (stdout, *) 'Calculated instantaneous projected energy', DiagSft
        end if

    end subroutine InitFCIMC_pops

    subroutine CheckPopsParams(tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, iPopNel, &
                               iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                               PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfTot, &
                               WalkerListSize, read_tau, PopBlockingIter, read_psingles, &
                               read_pparallel, read_ptriples, perturb_ncreate, perturb_nann)
        use LoggingData, only: tZeroProjE
        logical, intent(in) :: tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz
        integer, intent(in) :: iPopLenof_sign, iPopNel, iPopIter, PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfTot
        integer, intent(in) :: PopBlockingIter
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: iPopAllTotWalkers
        real(dp), intent(in) :: PopDiagSft(inum_runs), read_tau
        real(dp), intent(in) :: read_psingles, read_pparallel, read_ptriples
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign), intent(in) :: PopSumNoatHF
        HElement_t(dp), intent(in) :: PopAllSumENum(inum_runs)
        integer, intent(in) :: perturb_ncreate, perturb_nann
        integer, intent(out) :: WalkerListSize
        character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = 'CheckPopsParams'

        !Ensure all NIF and symmetry options the same as when popsfile was written out.
#ifdef INT64_
        if (.not. tPop64Bit) call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile created with 32 bit walkers, but now using 64 bit.")
        if (tPop64Bit) call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile created with 64 bit walkers, but now using 32 bit.")
        if (tPopHPHF .neqv. tHPHF) call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile HPHF and input HPHF not same")
        if (tPopLz .neqv. tFixLz) call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile Lz and input Lz not same")
        if (iPopNEl + perturb_ncreate - perturb_nann /= NEl) call stop_all(this_routine, "The number of electrons &
            &in the POPSFILE is not consistent with the number you have asked to run with.")
        if (PopNIfD /= NIfD) call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile NIfD and calculated NIfD not same")
        if (inum_runs == 1) then
            !We allow these two values to be different if we're reading in a popsfile fine inum_runs=1 and we want to
            !continue the calculation with inum_runs=2
            ! also allow these values to differ for a real-time fciqmc calc.
            ! started from a converged groundstate, which is assumed to be
            ! real valued only
            if (iPopLenof_sign /= lenof_sign) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile lenof_sign and input lenof_sign not same")
            end if
            if (PopNIfSgn /= IlutBits%len_pop) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "Popsfile NIfSgn and calculated NIfSgn not same")
            end if

        if (inum_runs == 1 .and. .not. t_real_time_fciqmc) then
            if (PopNIfTot /= NIfTot) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "Popsfile NIfTot and calculated NIfTot not same")
            end if

        if (.not. tWalkContGrow) then
            DiagSft = PopDiagSft
        end if

        if (abs(PopDiagSft(1)) < 1.0e-12_dp) then
            !If the popsfile has a shift of zero, continue letting the population grow
            tWalkContGrow = .true.
            if (inum_runs == 2) then
                DiagSft(1) = PopDiagSft(1)
                DiagSft(inum_runs) = PopDiagSft(1)
                DiagSft = PopDiagSft(1)

        if (tWalkContGrow) then
            tSinglePartPhase = .true.
            !If continuing to grow, ensure we can allocate enough memory for what we hope to get the walker population to,
            !rather than the average number of determinants in the popsfile.
            WalkerListSize = int(max(int(initwalkers, int64), NINT(real(iPopAllTotWalkers, dp) / real(nNodes, dp), int64)))
            tSinglePartPhase = .false.
            WalkerListSize = NINT(real(iPopAllTotWalkers, dp) / real(nNodes, dp))

        AllSumENum(1:inum_runs) = PopAllSumENum
        AllSumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign) = PopSumNoatHF
        PreviousCycles = iPopIter
        write (stdout, *) "Number of iterations in previous simulation: ", PreviousCycles
        IF (NEquilSteps > 0) THEN
            write (stdout, *) "Removing equilibration steps since reading in from POPSFILE."
            NEquilSteps = 0
        IF (TZeroProjE) THEN
            !Reset energy estimator
            write (stdout, *) "Resetting projected energy counters to zero..."
            AllSumENum = 0.0_dp
            AllSumNoatHF = 0
        if (near_zero(read_tau)) then
            !Using popsfile v.3, where tau is not written out.
            !Exit if trying to dynamically search for timestep
            if (tau_start_val == possible_tau_start%from_popsfile) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "Cannot read tau from popsfile version <= 3.x")
            write (stdout, *) "Old popsfile detected."
            write (stdout, *) "Therefore automatic blocking will only start from current run"
            iBlockingIter = PreviousCycles

            if (t_real_time_fciqmc) then
                ! if reading from a real-time popsfile, also read in tau
                ! this works because the real-time popsfile is read last
                if (tau_start_val == possible_tau_start%from_popsfile) then
                    call assign_value_to_tau(clamp(read_tau, min_tau, max_tau), 'Initialization from popsfile.')

                ! also use the adjusted pSingle etc. if provided
                if (.not. near_zero(read_psingles)) then
                    pSingles = read_psingles
                    pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                    write (stdout, *) " use pSingles and pDoubles provided by POPSFILE!"
                    write (stdout, *) " pSingles set to: ", pSingles
                    write (stdout, *) " pDoubles set to: ", pDoubles
                end if
                tReadPTriples = .false.
                if (.not. near_zero(read_ptriples)) then
                    pTriples = read_ptriples
                    tReadPTriples = .true.
                    write (stdout, *) "Using pTriples provided by POPSFILE"
                end if

                ! also do that for pParallel
                if (.not. near_zero(read_pparallel)) then
                    write (stdout, *) " use pParallel provided by POPSFILE: ", read_pparallel
                    pParallel = read_pparallel
                end if

                !Using popsfile v.4, where tau is written out and read in
                which_tau_to_use: if (tau_start_val == possible_tau_start%from_popsfile) then
                    call assign_value_to_tau(clamp(read_tau, min_tau, max_tau), 'Initialization from popsfile.')

                    ! If we have been searching for tau, we may have been searching
                    ! for psingles (it is done at the same time).
                    if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .or. allocated(pDoublesIn)) then
                        write (stdout, *) "using pSingles/pDoubles specified in input file!"
                        if (.not. near_zero(read_psingles)) then
                            pSingles = read_psingles
                            if (.not. tReltvy) then
                                pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                            end if

                            write (stdout, "(A)") "Using pSingles and pDoubles from POPSFILE: "
                            write (stdout, "(A,F12.8)") " pSingles: ", pSingles
                            write (stdout, "(A,F12.8)") " pDoubles: ", pDoubles

                        end if
                    end if

                    if (allocated(pParallelIn)) then
                        write (stdout, "(A)") "Using pParallel specified in input file!"
                        if (.not. near_zero(read_pparallel)) then
                            pParallel = read_pparallel
                            write (stdout, "(A)") "Using pParallel from POPSFILE: "
                            write (stdout, "(A,F12.8)") " pParallel: ", pParallel
                        end if
                    end if
                end if which_tau_to_use

                if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .or. allocated(pDoublesIn)) then
                    write (stdout, *) "using pSingles/pDoubles specified in input file!"
                    if (.not. near_zero(read_psingles)) then
                        pSingles = read_psingles
                        if (.not. tReltvy) then
                            pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                        end if
                        write (stdout, *) "Using read-in pSingles=", pSingles
                        write (stdout, *) "Using read-in pDoubles=", pDoubles
                    end if
                end if

                tReadPTriples = .false.
                if (allocated(pTriplesIn)) then
                    write (stdout, "(A)") "Using pTriples specified in input file!"
                    if (.not. near_zero(read_pTriples)) then
                        pTriples = read_pTriples
                        tReadPTriples = .true.
                    end if
                end if
            iBlockingIter = PopBlockingIter

    end subroutine CheckPopsParams

!Routine for reading in from iunit the header information from a popsile v3 file.
    subroutine ReadPopsHeadv3(iunithead, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, iPopNel, &
                              iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                              PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot)
        integer, intent(in) :: iunithead
        logical, intent(out) :: tPop64Bit, tPopLz, tPopHPHF
        integer, intent(out) :: iPopLenof_sign, iPopNel, iPopIter, PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: iPopAllTotWalkers
        real(dp), intent(out) :: PopDiagSft(inum_runs)
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign/inum_runs), intent(out) :: PopSumNoatHF
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: PopAllSumENum(inum_runs)
        character(len=24) :: junk, junk2, junk3, junk4, junk5
        integer :: PopsVersion
        integer :: PopNifY

        PopsVersion = FindPopsfileVersion(iunithead)
        if (PopsVersion /= 3) call stop_all("ReadPopsfileHeadv3", "Wrong popsfile version for this routine.")

        PopDiagSft = 0
        PopAllSumENum = 0
        if (iProcIndex == root) then
            read (iunithead, '(A12,L5,A8,L5,A8,L5,A13,I5,A7,I6)') junk, tPop64Bit, junk2, tPopHPHF, junk3, &
                tPopLz, junk4, iPopLenof_sign, junk5, iPopNEl
            read (iunithead, *) iPopAllTotWalkers
            read (iunithead, *) PopDiagSft(1)
            read (iunithead, *) PopSumNoatHF
            read (iunithead, *) PopAllSumENum(1)
            read (iunithead, *) iPopIter
            read (iunithead, *) PopNIfD
            read (iunithead, *) PopNifY
            read (iunithead, *) PopNIfSgn
            read (iunithead, *) PopNIfFlag
            read (iunithead, *) PopNIfTot
        !Broadcast the read in values from the header to all nodes.
        call MPIBCast(tPop64Bit)
        call MPIBCast(tPopHPHF)
        call MPIBCast(tPopLz)
        call MPIBCast(iPopLenof_sign)
        call MPIBCast(iPopNEl)
        call MPIBCast(iPopAllTotWalkers)
        call MPIBCast(PopDiagSft)
        call MPIBCast(PopSumNoatHF)
        call MPIBCast(PopAllSumENum)
        call MPIBCast(iPopIter)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfD)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfSgn)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfFlag)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfTot)

    end subroutine ReadPopsHeadv3

    !Routine for reading in from iunit the header information from a popsile v4 file.
    subroutine ReadPopsHeadv4(iunithead, tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, iPopLenof_Sign, iPopNel, &
                              iPopAllTotWalkers, PopDiagSft, PopSumNoatHF_out, PopAllSumENum, iPopIter, &
                              PopNIfD, PopNIfSgn, Popinum_runs, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, read_tau, &
                              PopBlockingIter, PopRandomHash, read_psingles, read_pparallel, read_ptriples, &
                              read_nnodes, read_walkers_on_nodes, PopBalanceBlocks)
        integer, intent(in) :: iunithead
        logical, intent(out) :: tPop64Bit, tPopHPHF, tPopLz
        integer, intent(out) :: iPopLenof_sign, iPopNel, iPopIter, PopNIfD
        integer, intent(out) :: PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot
        integer, intent(out) :: PopBlockingIter, read_nnodes, Popinum_runs
        integer, intent(out) :: PopRandomHash(2056), PopBalanceBlocks
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: read_walkers_on_nodes(0:nProcessors - 1)
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: iPopAllTotWalkers
        real(dp), intent(out) :: PopDiagSft(inum_runs), read_tau, read_psingles, read_ptriples
        real(dp), intent(out) :: PopSumNoatHF_out(lenof_sign)
        real(dp) :: PopSumNoatHF(2056), PopMultiSft(2056)
        real(dp) :: PopMultiSumENum(2056), PopMultiSumNoatHF(2056)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: read_pparallel
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: PopAllSumENum(inum_runs)
        integer :: PopsVersion
        !Variables for the namelist
        logical :: Pop64Bit, PopLz, PopHPHF
        integer :: PopLensign, PopNEl, PopCyc, PopiBlockingIter
        integer, parameter :: max_nodes = 30000
        integer(int64) :: PopTotwalk
        integer(int64), allocatable :: PopWalkersOnNodes(:)
        integer :: PopNNodes
        real(dp) :: PopSft, PopTau, PopPSingles, PopPParallel, PopGammaSing, PopPTriples
        real(dp) :: PopPDoubles, PopPSing_spindiff1, PopPDoub_spindiff1, PopPDoub_spindiff2
        real(dp) :: PopGammaDoub, PopGammaTrip, PopGammaOpp, PopGammaPar, PopMaxDeathCpt
        real(dp) :: PopTotImagTime, PopSft2, PopParBias
        real(dp) :: PopGammaSing_spindiff1, PopGammaDoub_spindiff1, PopGammaDoub_spindiff2
        integer :: PopAccumPopsCounter
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'ReadPopsHeadv4'
        ! need dummy read-in variable, since we start from a converged real
        ! calculation usually! atleast thats the default for now!
        HElement_t(dp) :: PopSumENum
        integer :: PopNifY

        namelist /POPSHEAD/ Pop64Bit, PopHPHF, PopLz, PopLensign, PopNEl, &
            PopTotwalk, PopSft, PopSft2, PopSumNoatHF, PopSumENum, &
            PopCyc, PopNIfD, PopNifY, PopNIfSgn, PopNIfFlag, PopNIfTot, &
            PopTau, PopiBlockingIter, PopRandomHash, &
            PopPSingles, PopPSing_spindiff1, PopPDoubles, PopPDoub_spindiff1, PopPDoub_spindiff2, PopPTriples, &
            PopPParallel, PopNNodes, PopWalkersOnNodes, PopGammaSing, &
            PopGammaDoub, PopGammaTrip, PopGammaOpp, PopGammaPar, PopMaxDeathCpt, &
            PopGammaSing_spindiff1, PopGammaDoub_spindiff1, PopGammaDoub_spindiff2, &
            PopTotImagTime, Popinum_runs, PopParBias, PopMultiSft, &
            PopMultiSumNoatHF, PopMultiSumENum, PopBalanceBlocks, &
            tPopAutoAdaptiveShift, tPopScaleBlooms, &
            tPopAccumPops, PopAccumPopsCounter

        PopsVersion = FindPopsfileVersion(iunithead)
        if (PopsVersion /= 4) call stop_all("ReadPopsfileHeadv4", "Wrong popsfile version for this routine.")

        PopParBias = 0.0_dp
        PopPParallel = 0.0_dp
        PopPSingles = 0.0_dp
        PopPTriples = 0.0_dp
        PopMultiSft = 0.0_dp
        PopMaxDeathCpt = 0.0_dp
        PopTotImagTime = 0.0_dp
        allocate(PopWalkersOnNodes(max_nodes), source=0_int64)

        PopBalanceBlocks = -1
        PopNNodes = 0
        tPopAutoAdaptiveShift = .false.
        tPopScaleBlooms = .false.
        tPopAccumPops = .false.
        if (iProcIndex == root) then
            read (iunithead, POPSHEAD)
        !Broadcast the read in values from the header to all nodes.
        call MPIBCast(Pop64Bit)
        call MPIBCast(PopHPHF)
        call MPIBCast(PopLz)
        call MPIBCast(PopLensign)
        call MPIBCast(PopNEl)
        call MPIBCast(PopTotwalk)
        call MPIBCast(PopSft)
        call MPIBCast(PopSft2)
        call MPIBCast(PopSumENum)
        call MPIBCast(PopCyc)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfD)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfSgn)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfFlag)
        call MPIBCast(PopNIfTot)
        call MPIBCast(Popinum_runs)
        call MPIBCast(PopTau)
        call MPIBCast(PopiBlockingIter)
        call MPIBCast(PopPSingles)
        call MPIBCast(PopPTriples)
        if (tReltvy) then
            call MPIBCast(PopPDoubles)
            call MPIBCast(PopPSing_spindiff1)
            call MPIBCast(PopPDoub_spindiff1)
            call MPIBCast(PopPDoub_spindiff2)
        call MPIBCast(PopPParallel)
        call MPIBCast(PopParBias)
        call MPIBCast(PopNNodes)
        call MPIBcast(PopTotImagTime)
        call MPIBCast(PopMultiSft)
        call MPIBCast(PopMultiSumNoatHF)
        call MPIBCast(PopMultiSumENum)
        if (PopNNodes == nProcessors) then
            ! What is the maximum number of nodes currently supported. We might
            ! need to update this...
            if (PopNNodes > max_nodes) &
                call stop_all(this_routine, "Too many processors in POPSFILE. Update &

            call MPIBCast(PopWalkersOnNodes(1:PopNNodes))
            read_walkers_on_nodes(0:PopNNodes - 1) = &
        end if
        call MPIBcast(PopGammaSing)
        call MPIBcast(PopGammaDoub)
        call MPIBcast(PopGammaTrip)
        if (tReltvy) then
            call MPIBcast(PopGammaSing_spindiff1)
            call MPIBcast(PopGammaDoub_spindiff1)
            call MPIBcast(PopGammaDoub_spindiff2)
        call MPIBcast(PopGammaOpp)
        call MPIBCast(PopGammaPar)
        call MPIBcast(PopMaxDeathCpt)
        call MPIBcast(PopRandomHash)
        call MPIBcast(PopBalanceBlocks)
        call MPIBCast(tPopAutoAdaptiveShift)
        call MPIBCast(tPopScaleBlooms)
        call MPIBCast(tPopAccumPops)

        tPop64Bit = Pop64Bit
        tPopHPHF = PopHPHF
        tPopLz = PopLz
        iPopLenof_sign = PopLensign
        iPopNel = PopNel
        iPopAllTotWalkers = PopTotwalk
        iPopIter = PopCyc
        read_tau = PopTau
        PopBlockingIter = PopiBlockingIter
        read_psingles = PopPSingles
        read_pTriples = PopPTriples
        if (abs(PopParBias) > 1.0e-12_dp .and. abs(PopPParallel) < 1.0e-12_dp) then
            popPParallel = (PopParBias * par_elec_pairs) &
                           / (PopParBias * par_elec_pairs + AB_elec_pairs)
        end if
        read_pParallel = PopPParallel
        read_nnodes = PopNNodes
        TotImagTime = PopTotImagTime

        ! in output generation, these fields are used when tMultiReplicas is set, so this should be
        ! used here, too (not tReplicaReferencesDiffer), given that the number of runs did not
        ! change (this would break the read)

        if (tMultiReplicas) then
            PopDiagSft = PopMultiSft(1:inum_runs)
            PopAllSumENum = PopMultiSumENum(1:inum_runs)
            PopSumNoatHF_out = PopMultiSumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign)
            ! If we want the walker number to be stable, take the shift
            ! from the POPSFILE, otherwise, keep the input value.
            if (inum_runs == 2) then
                if (Popinum_runs == 2) then
                    PopDiagSft(1) = PopSft
                    PopDiagSft(inum_runs) = PopSft2
                    ! Previously we only had a single run, now we are
                    ! restarting with double run
                    PopDiagSft(1) = PopSft
                    PopDiagSft(inum_runs) = PopSft
                    ! I do not think this works, because PopSumNoatHF will not be of size lenof_sign
                PopSumNoatHF_out = PopSumNoatHF(1)
                PopDiagSft(1:inum_runs) = PopSft
                ! Here, lenof_sign = lenof_sign/inum_runs
                PopSumNoatHF_out = PopSumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign)
            PopAllSumENum(1:inum_runs) = PopSumENum
        end if
        call MPIBCast(PopSumNoatHF_out)

        ! Fill the tau-searching accumulators, to avoid blips in tau etc.
        tau_search_stats%gamma_sing = PopGammaSing
        tau_search_stats%gamma_doub = PopGammaDoub
        tau_search_stats%gamma_trip = PopGammaTrip
        if (tReltvy) then
            tau_search_stats%gamma_sing_spindiff1 = PopGammaSing_spindiff1
            tau_search_stats%gamma_doub_spindiff1 = PopGammaDoub_spindiff1
            tau_search_stats%gamma_doub_spindiff2 = PopGammaDoub_spindiff2
        tau_search_stats%gamma_opp = PopGammaOpp
        tau_search_stats%gamma_par = PopGammaPar
        max_death_cpt = PopMaxDeathCpt

    end subroutine ReadPopsHeadv4

    !NOTE: This should only be used for the v3 POPSFILEs, since we only open the POPSFILE on the head node.
    subroutine open_pops_head(iunithead, formpops, binpops, filename_stem)
        integer, intent(out) :: iunithead
        logical, intent(out) :: formpops, binpops
        character(255) :: popsfile
        character(255), intent(in), optional :: filename_stem
        character(255) :: identifier

        if (present(filename_stem)) then
            identifier = filename_stem
            identifier = "POPSFILE"

        if (iProcIndex == root) then
            iunithead = get_free_unit()
            call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier), tIncrementPops, .false., &
                                     iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
            inquire (file=popsfile, exist=formpops)

            if (formpops) then
                print *, "READING", popsfile
                open (iunithead, file=popsfile, status='old')
                binpops = .false.
                ! If we are using split popsfiles, the filenames are a bit
                ! different.
                if (tSplitPops) then
                    call get_unique_filename('POPSFILEBIN-0', tIncrementPops, &
                                             .false., iPopsFileNoRead, &
                    call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier)//'BIN', tIncrementPops, &
                                             .false., iPopsFileNoRead, &
                end if
                inquire (file=popsfile, exist=binpops)
                if (binpops) then
                    call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier)//'HEAD', tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
                    open (iunithead, file=popsfile, status='old')
                    call stop_all("open_pops_head", "No POPSFILEs detected...")
            rewind (iunithead)
        call MPIBCast(binpops)
        call MPIBCast(formpops)

    end subroutine open_pops_head

!Return the version number of the popsfile
    integer function FindPopsfileVersion(iunithead)
        integer, intent(in) :: iunithead
        integer :: stat
        character(255) :: FirstLine

        ! Default value
        tRealPOPSfile = .true.

        if (iProcIndex == root) then
            rewind (iunithead)
            read (iunithead, '(a255)') FirstLine

            if (index(FirstLine, 'VERSION') == 0) then
                FindPopsfileVersion = 1
                rewind (iunithead)
                read (iunithead, *) FirstLine, FirstLine, FirstLine, FindPopsfileVersion

            ! We need to be able to deal with popsfiles created with the
            ! (old) integer version of the code
            ! --> No direct option was included for the output files to
            !     indicate if they used integers or real coefficients
            ! --> We need to take a (slight) guess...
            if (FindPopsfileVersion == 4 .and. tBinPops) then
                do while (.true.)
                    ! Read until the end of the file.
                    read (iunithead, '(a255)', iostat=stat) FirstLine
                    if (stat < 0) exit

                    ! If we have the line with PopSumNoatHF in it, check if
                    ! the reported number is a real number. If it is, we know
                    ! the popsfile was created by the realcoeff branch.
                    if (index(FirstLine, 'PopSumNoatHF=') /= 0) then
                        if (index(FirstLine, '.') /= 0) then
                            tRealPOPSfile = .true.
                            tRealPOPSfile = .false.
                        end if
                    end if
                end do

                ! Rewind to allow normal reading of the header.
                rewind (iunithead)
                read (iunithead, *) FirstLine, FirstLine, FirstLine, FindPopsfileVersion
            end if

        call MPIBCast(FindPopsfileVersion)
        call MPIBcast(tRealPOPSfile)

    end function FindPopsfileVersion

!This routine is the same as WriteToPopsfilePar, but does not require two
! main arrays to hold the data.
!The root processors data will be stored in a temporary array while it
! recieves the data from the other processors.
!This routine will write out to a popsfile. It transfers all walkers to the
! head node sequentially, so does not want to be called too often
    SUBROUTINE WriteToPopsfileParOneArr(Dets, nDets, filename_stem)
        use constants, only: size_n_int, n_int
        use CalcData, only: iPopsFileNoWrite
        use MemoryManager, only: TagIntType
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: nDets !The number of occupied entries in Dets
        integer(kind=n_int), intent(inout) :: Dets(0:nIfTot, 1:nDets)
        character(255), intent(in), optional :: filename_stem
        INTEGER :: error
        integer(int64) :: WalkersonNodes(0:nNodes - 1), writeoutdet
        integer(int64) :: node_write_attempts(0:nNodes - 1)
        INTEGER :: Tag, Tag2, fTag
        INTEGER :: i, j
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int), ALLOCATABLE :: Parts(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdata(:, :)
        INTEGER(TagIntType) :: PartsTag = 0
        integer :: nMaxDets
        integer :: iunit, iunit_2, Initiator_Count, nwrite
        integer(int64) :: write_count, write_count_sum
        CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: this_routine = 'WriteToPopsfileParOneArr'
        character(255) :: popsfile
        real(dp) :: TempSign(lenof_sign)
        character(1024) :: out_tmp
        character(255) :: identifier
        character(12) :: num_tmp
        type(timer), save :: write_timer
        ! manages the output of global determinant data
        type(gdata_io_t) :: gdata_write_handler
        ! size of the global determinant data per determinant
        integer :: gdata_size

        ! Tme the overall popsfile read in
        write_timer%timer_name = 'POPS-write'
        call set_timer(write_timer)

        if (present(filename_stem)) then
            identifier = filename_stem
            identifier = 'POPSFILE'

        ! If we are using the new popsfile format, then use it!
        if (tHDF5PopsWrite) then
            call write_popsfile_hdf5()

            ! And stop timing
            call halt_timer(write_timer)

        end if

        CALL MPIBarrier(error)  !sync
!        write(stdout,*) "Get Here",nDets
!        CALL neci_flush(stdout)

!First, make sure we have up-to-date information - again collect AllTotWalkers
! ,AllSumNoatHF and AllSumENum...
!Calculate the energy by summing all on HF and doubles - convert number at HF
        !  to a real since no int*8 MPI data type
        if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc) then
            ! Not required for real-time popsfiles: those values have no meaning there
            CALL MPISum(SumNoatHF, 1, AllSumNoatHF)
            CALL MPISum(SumENum, 1, AllSumENum)

        Tag = 125
        Tag2 = 126
        fTag = 127

!We have to make the distinction here between the number of entries to expect,
!and the number of determinants we are writing out. Since the list is not
!necessarily contiguous any more, we have to calculate Alltotwalkers seperately.
        Writeoutdet = 0
        do i = 1, int(nDets)
            call extract_sign(Dets(:, i), TempSign)
            if (sum(abs(tempsign)) > binarypops_min_weight) then
                !Count this det in AllTotWalkers
                Writeoutdet = Writeoutdet + 1
        writeoutdet = int(writeoutdet / iPopsPartEvery)
        call mpisum(writeoutdet, 1, AllTotWalkers)

        ! We also need to tell the root processor how many particles to expect
        ! from each node - these are gathered into WalkersonNodes
        if (bNodeRoot) then
            call MPIAllGather(ndets, node_write_attempts, error, Roots)
            call MPIAllGather(writeoutdet, WalkersonNodes, error, Roots)
        end if

        ! We only want to be using space/speed saving devices if we are doing
        ! them to the best of our ability.
        if (tSplitPops .and. .not. tBinPops) then
            call stop_all(this_routine, "Split pops files only works with &
                                         &binary pops files")
        end if

        ! set the module variables for global det data i/o
        call gdata_write_handler%init_gdata_io(tAutoAdaptiveShift, tScaleBlooms, &
                                               tAccumPopsActive, fvals_size, max_ratio_size, apvals_size)

        if (iProcIndex == root) then

            ! Construct an output string to give feedback about what is
            ! being done.
            write (stdout, *)
            write (stdout, '("*********************************")')
            write (out_tmp, '("Writing a ", i2, "-bit")') bits_n_int
            if (iPopsPartEvery /= 1) out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//" reduced"
            out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//" POPSFILE"
            if (tBinPops) out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//"BIN"
            out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//"..."
            write (stdout, '(a)') trim(adjustl(out_tmp))

            ! If we aren't outputting all of the walkers, indicate how many
            ! we are going to output.
            !if (iPopsPartEvery /= 1) then
            write (num_tmp, '(i12)') AllTotWalkers
            write (stdout, '("Writing a total of ",a," determinants.")') &
            !end if

            ! If we are only outputting determinants with a certain weight
            if (tBinPops .and. abs(binarypops_min_weight) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
                write (num_tmp, '(f12.3)') binarypops_min_weight
                write (stdout, '("Only outputting determinants holding >= ",a,&
                           &" walkers")') trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
            end if
            write (stdout, '("*********************************")')
            write (stdout, *)

            ! With a normal popsfile, the header is written at the start.
            ! Thus we need to do that now.
            if (.not. tBinPops) then
                call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier), tIncrementPops, .true., &
                                         iPopsFileNoWrite, popsfile)
                print *, "WRITING", popsfile, tIncrementPops
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                ! We set recl=50000, which allows the line length written to be
                ! up to 50000 characters long. This allows popsfiles to be
                ! written in jobs with up to around 2940 MPI processes (the
                ! default value caused crashes when using over 2000 processes).
                open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='replace', recl=50000)
                call write_popsfile_header(iunit, AllTotWalkers, &
            end if

        end if

        write_count = 0
        write_count_sum = 0

        nMaxDets = int(maxval(node_write_attempts))
        gdata_size = gdata_write_handler%entry_size()
        allocate (gdata(gdata_size, nMaxDets), stat=error)
        call gdata_write_handler%write_gdata(gdata, int(ndets))

        if ((tSplitPops .and. bNodeRoot) .or. iProcIndex == root) then

            ! For a binary popsfile, the actual data is stored more
            ! compactly.
            if (tBinPops) then
                if (tSplitPops) then
                    write (num_tmp, '(i12)') iProcIndex
                    out_tmp = 'POPSFILEBIN-'//trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
                    out_tmp = trim(identifier)//'BIN'
                end if

                ! We need to get another unit, as not all nodes will go
                ! through the header-output section.
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                call get_unique_filename(trim(out_tmp), tIncrementPops, &
                                         .true., iPopsFileNoWrite, popsfile)
                open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='replace', &
            end if

            ! Are we outputting initiators as well?
            if (tPrintInitiators) then
                iunit_2 = get_free_unit()
                if (tSplitPops) then
                    write (num_tmp, '(i12)') iProcIndex
                    out_tmp = 'INITIATORS-'//trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
                    out_tmp = 'INITIATORS'
                end if
                open (iunit_2, file=trim(out_tmp), status='UNKNOWN')
                Initiator_Count = 0
            end if

            !if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
            !iunit_3 = get_free_unit()
            !if (tSplitPops) then
            !        write(num_tmp, '(i12)') iProcIndex
            !        out_tmp = 'RDM_AV_POP-' // trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
            !    else
            !        out_tmp = 'RDM_AV_POP'
            !    end if
            !    open(iunit_3, file=trim(out_tmp), status='UNKNOWN', form='unformatted')

            ! Write out the dets from this node (the head node, unless we
            ! are in split-pops mode.
            do j = 1, int(ndets)
                ! Count the number of written particles
                if (write_pops_det(iunit, iunit_2, Dets(:, j), j, gdata)) then
                    write_count = write_count + 1
                end if
            end do

            if (.not. tSplitPops) then
                ! Allocate a temporary array to store the data being received
                ! from the other nodes.
                ! BEWARE - this is a potential crash point with a big
                !          calculation.
                ! TODO: If this is the end of the run (say on a big machine),
                !       should we have deallocated spawnedparts by here to
                !       ensure we have room, or does the deallocated space from
                !       dealing with freezing give us plenty of room?
                allocate (Parts(0:NIfTot, nMaxDets), stat=error)

                call LogMemAlloc('Parts', int(nMaxDets, int32) * (NIfTot + 1), &
                                 size_n_int, this_routine, PartsTag, error)

                ! Loop over the other nodes in the system sequentially, receive
                ! their walker lists, and output to the popsfiles.
                do i = 1, nNodes - 1

                    ! Calculate the amount of data to receive, and get it.
                    j = int(node_write_attempts(i)) * (NIfTot + 1)
                    call MPIRecv(Parts(:, 1:node_write_attempts(i)), j, &
                                 NodeRoots(i), Tag, error)
                    j = int(node_write_attempts(i)) * gdata_size
                    call MPIRecv(gdata(1:gdata_size, 1:node_write_attempts(i)), j, NodeRoots(i), &
                                 fTag, error)
                    ! SDS: Catherine seems to have disabled writing these out
                    !      so no need to communicate them.
                    !!!if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
                    !!!    ! And now for CurrentH
                    !!!    j = int(WalkersonNodes(i)) * (1+2*lenof_sign)
                    !!!    call MPIRecv (AllCurrentH(:, 1:WalkersonNodes(i)), j, &
                    !!!                  NodeRoots(i), Tag2, error)

                    ! Then write it out in the same way as above.
                    nwrite = int(node_write_attempts(i))
                    do j = 1, nwrite
                        if (write_pops_det(iunit, iunit_2, Parts(:, j), j, gdata)) then
                            !if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
                            !    write(iunit_3) AllCurrentH(1:1+2*lenof_sign,j)
                            write_count = write_count + 1
                        end if
                    end do

                end do

            end if

            ! Close the output files
            call neci_flush(iunit)
            close (iunit)
            if (tPrintInitiators) close (iunit_2)

        else if (bNodeRoot) then

            ! Send the data on this processor to the root node for outputting
            ! in a combined popsfile
            ASSERT(.not. tSplitPops)
            j = int(nDets) * (NIfTot + 1)
            call MPISend(Dets(0:NIfTot, 1:nDets), j, root, Tag, error)
            ! gdata have already been written
            j = int(nDets) * gdata_size
            call MPISend(gdata(1:gdata_size, 1:nDets), j, root, fTag, error)
            !!!if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
            !!!    j = int(nDets) * (1+2*lenof_sign)
            !!!    call MPISend (CurrentH(1:1+2*lenof_sign, 1:nDets), j, root, Tag2, error)

        end if

        ! With binary popsfiles, the header is written once the popsfiles
        ! have been created, so that we can store the number of particles
        ! actually written, rather than the total within the system.
        ! Note that for non-binary popsfiles, all particles are written.
        if (tBinPops) then

            ! Get a count of the number of particles written
            call MPISum(write_count, write_count_sum)
            if (abs(binarypops_min_weight) < 1.0e-12_dp .and. &
                write_count_sum /= AllTotwalkers) then
                write (stdout, *) 'WARNING: Number of particles written (', &
                    write_count_sum, ') does not equal AllTotWalkers (', &
                    AllTotWalkers, ')'
            end if

            ! Now we need to actually write the header
            if (iProcIndex == root) then
                call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier)//'HEAD', tIncrementPops, &
                                         .true., iPopsFileNoWrite, popsfile)
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                ! We set recl=50000, which allows the line length written to be
                ! up to 50000 characters long. This allows popsfiles to be
                ! written in jobs with up to around 2940 MPI processes (the
                ! default value caused crashes when using over 2000 processes).
                open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='replace', recl=50000)
                call write_popsfile_header(iunit, write_count_sum, &
                close (iunit)
            end if
        end if

        ! And stop timing
        call halt_timer(write_timer)

        if (allocated(Parts)) then
            deallocate (Parts)
            call LogMemDealloc('Popsfile', PartsTag)
        end if

        if (allocated(gdata)) deallocate (gdata)
        ! Reset some globals
        AllSumNoatHF = 0
        AllSumENum = 0
        AllTotWalkers = 0

    end subroutine WriteToPopsfileParOneArr

    subroutine write_popsfile_header(iunit, num_walkers, WalkersonNodes)

        ! Write the popsfile header into the file specified.

        integer, intent(in) :: iunit
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: num_walkers
        integer :: pops_niftot, pops_nifflag, i
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: WalkersonNodes(:)

        ! If the popsfile uses flags, but we have combined the
        ! representation of flags in memory, then the representation in
        ! the popsfile is one unit longer than in memory.
        pops_niftot = NIfTot
        pops_nifflag = 1

        write (iunit, '(a)') '# POPSFILE VERSION 4'
        write (iunit, '("&POPSHEAD Pop64Bit=",l1)') build_64bit
        write (iunit, '(a,l1,a,l1,a,i2,a,i4,a)') &
            'PopHPHF=', tHPHF, ',PopLz=', tFixLz, ',PopLensign=', &
            lenof_sign, ',PopNEl=', NEl, ','
        write (iunit, '(a,i15)') 'PopTotwalk=', num_walkers

        if (.not. tMultiReplicas) then
            write (iunit, *) 'PopSft=', DiagSft(1)
            ! if tMultiReplicas is not set, inum_runs=1, so this will write AllSumNoatHF
            write (iunit, *) 'PopSumNoatHF=', AllSumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign)
            write (iunit, *) 'PopSumENum=', AllSumENum(1)
            write (iunit, *) 'PopMultiSft=', DiagSft(1:inum_runs)
            write (iunit, *) 'PopMultiSumNoatHF=', AllSumNoatHF(1:lenof_sign)
            write (iunit, *) 'PopMultiSumENum=', AllSumENum(1:inum_runs)
        end if

        write (iunit, '(a,i16,a,i2,a,i2,a,i2,a)') &
            'PopCyc=', Iter + PreviousCycles, ',PopNIfD=', NIfD, ',PopNifY=', 0, &
            ',PopNIfSgn=', IlutBits%len_pop, ','
        write (iunit, '(a,i2,a,i2,a,f18.12,a)') &
            'PopNIfFlag=', pops_nifflag, ',PopNIfTot=', pops_niftot, &
            ',PopTau=', Tau, ','
        write (iunit, '(a,i16)') 'PopiBlockingIter=', iBlockingIter(1)
        write (iunit, '(a,f18.12,a,f18.12)') 'PopPSingles=', pSingles, &
            ',PopPParallel=', pParallel, &
            ',PopPDoubles=', pDoubles, &
            ',PopPTriples=', pTriples, &
            ',PopPSing_spindiff1=', pSing_spindiff1, &
            ',PopPDoub_spindiff1=', pDoub_spindiff1, &
            ',PopPDoub_spindiff2=', pDoub_spindiff2

        ! What is the current total imaginary time? Should continue from where
        ! we left off, so that plots work correctly.
        write (iunit, '(a,f18.12)') 'PopTotImagTime=', TotImagTime

        ! Write out accumulated data used for tau searching, to ensure there
        ! are no blips in particle growth, tau, etc.
        write (iunit, '(6(a,g18.12))') 'PopGammaSing=', tau_search_stats%gamma_sing, &
            ',PopGammaDoub=', tau_search_stats%gamma_doub, &
            ',PopGammaTrip=', tau_search_stats%gamma_trip, &
            ',PopGammaOpp=', tau_search_stats%gamma_opp, &
            ',PopGammaPar=', tau_search_stats%gamma_par, &
            ',PopMaxDeathCpt=', max_death_cpt
        write (iunit, '(5(a,g18.12))') ',PopGammaSing_spindiff1=', tau_search_stats%gamma_sing_spindiff1, &
            ',PopGammaDoub_spindiff1=', tau_search_stats%gamma_doub_spindiff1, &
            ',PopGammaDoub_spindiff2=', tau_search_stats%gamma_doub_spindiff2

        if (tLoadBalanceBlocks) &
            write (iunit, '(a,i7)') 'PopBalanceBlocks=', balance_blocks

        if (.not. tSplitPops) then
            ! Write out the number of particles on each processor.
            write (iunit, '(a,i6)') 'PopNNodes=', nNodes
            write (iunit, '(a)', advance='no') "PopWalkersOnNodes="
            do i = lbound(WalkersonNodes, 1), ubound(WalkersonNodes, 1)
                write (iunit, '(i16,",")', advance='no') WalkersOnNodes(i)
            end do
            write (iunit, *)
        end if

        ! add information about the global data stored in the popsfile:
        ! is auto-adaptive shift data available?
        write (iunit, *) "tPopAutoAdaptiveShift=", tAutoAdaptiveShift
        ! are the maximum spawn amplitued available?
        if (tScaleBlooms) then
            write (iunit, *) "tPopScaleBlooms=", tScaleBlooms
        ! are accumlated populations available?
        if (tAccumPopsActive) then
            write (iunit, *) "tPopAccumPops=", tAccumPopsActive
            write (iunit, *) "PopAccumPopsCounter=", iAccumPopsCounter

        ! Store the random hash in the header to allow later processing
        ! n.b. RandomHash has been renamed to RandomOrbIndex for clarity
        !      but we need to retain the POPSFILE format for compatibility
        write (iunit, '(a)', advance='no') "PopRandomHash= "
        do i = 1, nbasis
            write (iunit, '(i12,",")', advance='no') RandomOrbIndex(i)
        end do
        write (iunit, *)

        write (iunit, '(a5)') '&END'

    end subroutine

    function write_pops_det(iunit, iunit_2, det, j, gdata) result(bWritten)

        ! Output a particle to a popsfile in format acceptable for popsfile v4

        integer, intent(in) :: iunit, iunit_2
        integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: det(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), intent(in) :: gdata(:, :)
        real(dp) :: real_sgn(lenof_sign), detenergy
        HElement_t(dp) :: hf_helemt, hf_helemt_trans
        integer :: flg, j, k, ex_level, nopen, nI(nel), ex(2, nel)
        logical :: bWritten, is_init, is_init_tmp
        integer :: gdata_size
        character(12) :: format_string
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "write_pops_det"
        type(ExcitationInformation_t) :: excitInfo

        bWritten = .false.

        call extract_sign(det, real_sgn)
        !real_sgn = real_sgn * 1000
        ! We don't want to bother outputting empty particles, or those
        ! with a weight which is lower than specified as the cutoff
        if (sum(abs(real_sgn)) > binarypops_min_weight) then
            if (mod(j, iPopsPartEvery) == 0) then
                bWritten = .true.
            end if
        end if

        if (bWritten) then

            gdata_size = size(gdata, dim=1)

            ! Write output in the desired format. If INT64_, we are
            ! including the flag information with the signs in storage in
            ! memory --> need to extract these before outputting them.
            flg = extract_flags(det)
            if (tBinPops) then
                ! All write statements MUST be on the same line, or we end
                ! up with multiple records.
                ! TODO: For POPSFILE V5 --> stream output.
                write (iunit) det(0:NIfD), real_sgn, int(flg, n_int), gdata(1:gdata_size, j)
                do k = 0, nifd
                    write (iunit, '(i24)', advance='no') det(k)
                end do
                do k = 1, lenof_sign
                    write (iunit, '(f30.8)', advance='no') real_sgn(k)
                end do
                write (iunit, '(i24)', advance='no') flg
                do k = 1, gdata_size
                    write (iunit, '(f30.8)', advance='no') gdata(k, j)
                end do
                write (iunit, *)
            end if

            if (tPrintInitiators) then
                is_init = .false.
                do k = 1, inum_runs
                    ! Testing with the TestInititator routine to prevent code
                    ! duplication
                    is_init_tmp = test_flag(det, get_initiator_flag_by_run(k))
                    is_init = is_init .or. TestInitiator(det, j, is_init_tmp, k)
                if (is_init) then
                    call decode_bit_det(nI, det)
                    nopen = count_open_orbs(det)

                    hf_helemt = 0.0_dp
                    hf_helemt_trans = 0.0_dp

                    if (tGUGA) then
                        ASSERT(.not. t_non_hermitian_2_body)
                        call calc_guga_matrix_element(&
                                det, CSF_Info_t(det), iLutRef(:, 1), CSF_Info_t(iLutRef(:, 1)), &
                                excitInfo, hf_helemt, .true.)
                        ex_level = excitInfo%excitLvl
                        if (ex_level == -1) ex_level = 0
                        ex_level = FindBitExcitLevel(ilutRef(:, 1), det, nel, .true.)
                        if (ex_level <= 2 .or. (ex_level == 3 .and. t_3_body_excits)) then
                            if (tHPHF) then
                                hf_helemt = hphf_off_diag_helement(ProjEDet(:, 1), &
                                                                   nI, iLutRef(:, 1), det)

                                if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                                    hf_helemt_trans = hphf_off_diag_helement(nI, &
                                                                             ProjEDet(:, 1), det, iLutRef(:, 1))

                                end if
                                if (t_lattice_model) then
                                    hf_helemt = get_helement_lattice(ProjEDet(:, 1), &
                                                                     nI, ex_level)
                                    if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                                        hf_helemt_trans = get_helement_lattice(nI, &
                                                                               ProjEDet(:, 1), ex_level)
                                    end if
                                    hf_helemt = get_helement(ProjEDet(:, 1), nI, &
                                                             ex_level, iLutRef(:, 1), det)
                                    if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                                        hf_helemt_trans = get_helement(nI, ProjEDet(:, 1), &
                                                                       ex_level, det, iLutRef(:, 1))
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if
                        end if
                    end if

                    ! for singles and doubles also include the excitation matrix
                    ! for GUGA this does not make really sense..
                    ex = 0
                    if (ex_level <= 2) then
                        if (tGUGA) then
                            call getExcitation_guga(ProjEDet(:, 1), nI, ex)
                            call get_bit_excitmat(ilutRef(:, 1), det, ex, ex_level)
                        end if
                    end if

                    if (tHPHF) then
                        detenergy = hphf_diag_helement(nI, det)
                        detenergy = get_helement(nI, nI, 0)

                    write (format_string, '(a,i0,a)') '(', lenof_sign, 'f20.10,a2)'

                    write (iunit_2, format_string, advance='no') real_sgn, ''

                    ! If energy-scaled walkers are used, also print the scaled number of
                    ! walkers
                    if (tEScaleWalkers) then
                        write (iunit_2, '(f20.10,a20)', advance='no') &
                            real_sgn(1) / scaleFunction(get_diagonal_matel(nI, det) - Hii), ''

                    call writebitdet(iunit_2, det, .false.)
                    if (t_non_hermitian_2_body) then
                        write (iunit_2, '(i5,i5,3f20.10,4i5)') &
                            ex_level, nopen, detenergy, hf_helemt, &
                            hf_helemt_trans, ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2), ex(2, 1), ex(2, 2)
                        write (iunit_2, '(i5,i5,2f20.10,4i5)') &
                            ex_level, nopen, detenergy, hf_helemt, ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2), ex(2, 1), ex(2, 2)
                    end if
            end if
        end if

    end function write_pops_det

!This routine reads in particle configurations from a POPSFILE.
    SUBROUTINE ReadFromPopsfilePar()

        use rdm_data, only: rdm_definitions

        LOGICAL :: exists, tBinRead
        Real(dp) :: NodeSumNoatHF(nProcessors)
        INTEGER :: WalkerstoReceive(nProcessors)
        integer(int64) :: AvWalkers
        integer(int64) :: TempCurrWalkers
        INTEGER :: TempInitWalkers, error, i, j, l, total, ierr, MemoryAlloc, Tag, Proc, CurrWalkers, ii
        INTEGER, DIMENSION(lenof_sign) :: TempSign
        integer(int64) :: TempSign64
        real(dp) :: RealTempSign(lenof_sign)
        integer(int64) :: iLutTemp64(0:nBasis / 64 + 1)
        INTEGER :: iLutTemp32(0:nBasis / 32 + 1)
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int) :: iLutTemp(0:NIfTot)
        INTEGER :: AvSumNoatHF, IntegerPart, TempnI(NEl), ExcitLevel
        integer :: NIfWriteOut, pos, orb, PopsVersion, iunit, run
        real(dp) :: r, FracPart, Gap, DiagSftTemp, tmp_dp
        HElement_t(dp) :: HElemTemp, HElemTemp2
        character(255) :: popsfile, FirstLine, stem
        character(len=24) :: junk, junk2, junk3, junk4
        LOGICAL :: tPop64BitDets, tPopHPHF, tPopLz, tPopInitiator
        integer(n_int) :: ilut_largest(0:NIfTot, inum_runs)
        real(dp) :: sign_largest(inum_runs)
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'ReadFromPopsfilePar'

        write (stdout, *) "THIS IS THE POPSFILE ROUTINE WE'RE USING"

        if (lenof_sign /= 1) &
            call Stop_All(this_routine, "Popsfile V.2 does not work with &
                                        &complex walkers")

        PreviousCycles = 0    !Zero previous cycles
        SumENum = 0.0_dp
        TotParts = 0
        SumNoatHF = 0
        DiagSft = 0.0_dp
        Tag = 124             !Set Tag

        if (tPopsAlias) then
            stem = aliasStem
            stem = 'POPSFILE'

        call get_unique_filename(stem, tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
        iunit = get_free_unit()
        INQUIRE (FILE=popsfile, EXIST=exists)
        IF (exists) THEN
            open (iunit, FILE=popsfile, Status='old')
            tBinRead = .false.
            tBinRead = .true.
            call stop_all("READ PAR", "BINARY")
            call get_unique_filename('POPSFILEHEAD', tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
            INQUIRE (FILE=popsfile, EXIST=exists)
            IF (.not. exists) THEN
                call get_unique_filename('POPSFILEBIN', tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
                INQUIRE (FILE=popsfile, EXIST=exists)
                IF (.not. exists) THEN
                    CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "No POPSFILEs of any kind found.")
                    CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "POPSFILEBIN(.x) found, but POPSFILEHEAD(.x) also needed for header information")
                call get_unique_filename('POPSFILEBIN', tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
                INQUIRE (FILE=popsfile, EXIST=exists)
                IF (.not. exists) THEN
                    CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "POPSFILEHEAD(.x) found, but no POPSFILEBIN(.x) " &
                    & //"for particle information - this is also needed")
                    call get_unique_filename('POPSFILEHEAD', tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
                    open (iunit, FILE=popsfile, Status='old')

        READ (iunit, '(a255)') FirstLine

        IF (INDEX(FirstLine, 'VERSION') == 0) THEN
!No version number to be found
            PopsVersion = 1
            REWIND (iunit)
            !Found version - which number is it?
            REWIND (iunit)
            READ (iunit, *) FirstLine, FirstLine, FirstLine, PopsVersion
        write (stdout, "(A,I5,A)") "Version", PopsVersion, " POPSFILE detected"

!Read in initial data on processors which have a popsfile
        IF (PopsVersion == 2) THEN
            READ (iunit, '(A12,L5,A8,L5,A8,L5,A12,L5)') junk, tPop64BitDets, junk2, tPopHPHF, junk3, tPopLz, junk4, tPopInitiator
            write (stdout, '(A)') "Reading in from deprecated POPSFILE - assuming that parameters " &
            & //"are the same as when POPSFILE was written"
        READ (iunit, *) tmp_dp
        AllTotWalkers = int(tmp_dp, int64)
        READ (iunit, *) DiagSftTemp
        READ (iunit, *) AllSumNoatHF
        READ (iunit, *) AllSumENum
        READ (iunit, *) PreviousCycles

        IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN
            IF (abs(iWeightPopRead) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
                write (stdout, "(A,I15,A,I4,A)") "Although ", AllTotWalkers, &
                    " configurations will be read in, only determinants with a weight of over ", iWeightPopRead, " will be stored."

        IF (.not. tWalkContGrow) THEN
!If we want the walker number to continue growing, then take the diagonal
! shift from the input, rather than the POPSFILE.
            DiagSft = DiagSftTemp

        IF (abs(DiagSftTemp) < 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
            tWalkContGrow = .true.
            DiagSft = DiagSftTemp

        IF (tBinRead) THEN
!Test for the end of the file.
!If this is not the end of the file, there is one more keyword that tells us
! the calculation had not entered variable shift mode yet.
!Want to put this test at the end of the non-binary file too.
            close (iunit)
            call get_unique_filename('POPSFILEBIN', tIncrementPops, .false., iPopsFileNoRead, popsfile)
            open (iunit, FILE=popsfile, Status='old', form='unformatted')

        IF (iProcIndex == Root) THEN

            write (stdout, *) "Number of cycles in previous simulation: ", PreviousCycles
            IF (NEquilSteps > 0) THEN
                write (stdout, *) "Removing equilibration steps since reading in from POPSFILE."
                NEquilSteps = 0
            IF (TZeroProjE) THEN
!Reset energy estimator
                write (stdout, *) "Resetting projected energy counters to zero..."
                AllSumENum = 0.0_dp
                AllSumNoatHF = 0

!Need to calculate the number of walkers each node will receive...
            AvWalkers = NINT(AllTotWalkers / real(nProcessors, dp), int64)

!Divide up the walkers to receive for each node
            do i = 1, nProcessors - 1
                WalkerstoReceive(i) = int(AvWalkers)
!The last processor takes the 'remainder'
            WalkerstoReceive(nProcessors) = int(AllTotWalkers - (AvWalkers * (nProcessors - 1)))

!Quick check to ensure we have all walkers accounted for
            total = 0
            do i = 1, nProcessors
                total = total + WalkerstoReceive(i)
            if (total /= AllTotWalkers) then
                CALL Stop_All("ReadFromPopsfilePar", "All Walkers not accounted for when reading in from POPSFILE")

!InitWalkers needs to be reset for the culling criteria
            IF (.not. tWalkContGrow) THEN
!Now, let the total space allocated for storing walkers which have been read in to be equal to the initwalkers from the input file.
!                InitWalkers=AvWalkers
                TSinglePartPhase = .true.
            SumENum = AllSumENum / REAL(nProcessors, dp)     !Divide up the SumENum over all processors
            AvSumNoatHF = int(AllSumNoatHF(1) / nProcessors) !This is the average Sumnoathf
            do i = 1, nProcessors - 1
                NodeSumNoatHF(i) = real(INT(AvSumNoatHF, int64), dp)
            NodeSumNoatHF(nProcessors) = real(AllSumNoatHF(1) - INT((AvSumNoatHF * (nProcessors - 1)), int64), dp)

            ProjectionE = AllSumENum / real(AllSumNoatHF(1), dp)

!Reset the global variables
            AllSumENum = 0.0_dp
            AllSumNoatHF = 0


        CALL MPIBarrier(error)  !Sync

!Now we need to scatter the WalkerstoReceive to each node, and allocate the desired memory to each node...
!Broadcast info which needs to go to all processors
        CALL MPIBCast(DiagSft)
        CALL MPIBCast(SumENum)
        CALL MPIBCast(InitWalkers)
        CALL MPIBCast(NEquilSteps)
        CALL MPIBCast(NShiftEquilSteps)
        CALL MPIBCast(TSinglePartPhase)
!        CALL MPI_BCast(tChangenProcessors,1,MPI_LOGICAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD,error)
!Scatter the number of walkers each node will receive to TempInitWalkers, and
! the SumNoatHF for each node which is distributed approximatly equally
        CALL MPIScatter(WalkerstoReceive, TempInitWalkers, error)
        CALL MPIScatter(NodeSumNoatHF, SumNoatHF(1), error)

        IF (MemoryFacPart <= 1.0_dp) THEN
            write (stdout, *) 'MemoryFacPart must be larger than 1.0 when reading in a POPSFILE - increasing it to 1.50.'
            MemoryFacPart = 1.50

!Now we want to allocate memory on all nodes.
!InitWalkers here is simply the average number of walkers per node, not actual
        MaxWalkersPart = NINT(MemoryFacPart * (NINT(InitWalkers * ScaleWalkers)))
        MaxSpawned = NINT(MemoryFacSpawn * (NINT(InitWalkers * ScaleWalkers * inum_runs)))

        Gap = REAL(MaxSpawned, dp) / REAL(nProcessors, dp)
        do i = 0, nProcessors - 1
            InitialSpawnedSlots(i) = NINT(Gap * i) + 1
!ValidSpawndList now holds the next free position in the newly-spawned list,
! but for each processor.
        ValidSpawnedList(:) = InitialSpawnedSlots(:)

        CALL MPIBarrier(error)  !Sync

!Allocate memory to hold walkers at least temporarily
        ALLOCATE (WalkVecDets(0:NIfTot, MaxWalkersPart), stat=ierr)
        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL Stop_All(this_routine, 'Problem allocating WalkVecDets array.')
        CALL LogMemAlloc('WalkVecDets', MaxWalkersPart * (NIfTot + 1), size_n_int, this_routine, WalkVecDetsTag, ierr)
        WalkVecDets(:, :) = 0
        MemoryAlloc = (NIfTot + 1) * MaxWalkersPart * size_n_int    !Memory Allocated in bytes

!Just allocating this here, so that the SpawnParts arrays can be used for sorting the determinants when using direct annihilation.
        write (stdout, "(A,I12,A)") " Spawning vectors allowing for a total of ", MaxSpawned, &
         &" particles to be spawned in any one iteration."
        ALLOCATE (SpawnVec(0:NIfTot, MaxSpawned), stat=ierr)
        CALL LogMemAlloc('SpawnVec', MaxSpawned * (NIfTot + 1), size_n_int, this_routine, SpawnVecTag, ierr)
        SpawnVec(:, :) = 0
        ALLOCATE (SpawnVec2(0:NIfTot, MaxSpawned), stat=ierr)
        CALL LogMemAlloc('SpawnVec2', MaxSpawned * (NIfTot + 1), size_n_int, this_routine, SpawnVec2Tag, ierr)
        SpawnVec2(:, :) = 0
        MemoryAlloc = MemoryAlloc + MaxSpawned * (1 + NIfTot) * 2 * size_n_int

!Point at correct spawning arrays
        SpawnedParts => SpawnVec
        SpawnedParts2 => SpawnVec2
!Allocate pointer to the correct walker array...
        CurrentDets => WalkVecDets

        ! Allocate storage for persistent data to be stored alongside
        ! the current determinant list (particularly diagonal matrix
        ! elements, i.e. CurrentH; now global_determinant_data).
        call init_global_det_data(rdm_definitions%nrdms_standard, rdm_definitions%nrdms_transition)

! The hashing will be different in the new calculation from the one where the
!  POPSFILE was produced, this means we must recalculate the processor each
! determinant wants to go to.
! This is done by reading in all walkers to the root and then distributing
! them in the same way as the spawning steps are done - by finding the
!  determinant and sending it there.
        IF ((PopsVersion /= 1) .and. tHPHF .and. (.not. tPopHPHF)) THEN
            CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "HPHF on, but HPHF was not used in creation of the POPSFILE")
        IF ((PopsVersion /= 1) .and. tFixLz .and. (.not. tPopLz)) THEN
            CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "Lz on, but Lz was not used in creation of the POPSFILE")
        IF ((PopsVersion /= 1) .and. (.not. tHPHF) .and. tPopHPHF) THEN
            CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "HPHF off, but HPHF was used for creation of the POPSFILE")
        IF ((PopsVersion /= 1) .and. (.not. tFixLz) .and. tPopLz) THEN
            CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "Lz off, but Lz was used for creation of the POPSFILE")
        IF (PopsVersion == 1) THEN
            tPop64BitDets = .false.
            NIfWriteOut = nBasis / 32
            IF (.not. tPop64BitDets) THEN
                NIfWriteOut = nBasis / 32
                NIfWriteOut = nBasis / 64

        CurrWalkers = 0
        sign_largest = 0
        ilut_largest = 0
        do i = 1, int(AllTotWalkers)
            iLutTemp(:) = 0
            IF (PopsVersion /= 1) THEN
                IF (tBinRead) THEN
                    IF (tPop64BitDets) THEN
                        READ (iunit) iLutTemp64(0:NIfWriteOut), TempSign
                        READ (iunit) iLutTemp32(0:NIfWriteOut), TempSign
                    IF (tPop64BitDets) THEN
                        READ (iunit, *) iLutTemp64(0:NIfWriteOut), TempSign
                        READ (iunit, *) iLutTemp32(0:NIfWriteOut), TempSign
                !POPSFILE v. 1 only printed out 32 bit determinant strings.
                IF (tBinRead) THEN
                    READ (iunit) iLutTemp32(0:NIfWriteOut), TempSign
                    READ (iunit, *) iLutTemp32(0:NIfWriteOut), TempSign
            do j = 1, lenof_sign
                TempSign64 = TempSign(j)
                RealTempSign(j) = transfer(TempSign64, RealTempSign(j))

#ifdef INT64_
            if (.not. tPop64BitDets) then
                ! If we are using 64 bit integers, but have read in 32 bit
                ! integers, then we need to convert them.
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "WD: I removed nifdbo as i assumes its always = nifd.. this is a problem here")
                ! do ii=0,nBasis/32
                !     do j=0,31
                !         if(btest(iLutTemp32(ii),j)) then
                !             orb=(ii*32)+j+1
                !             pos=(orb-1)/bits_n_int
                !             iLutTemp(pos)=ibset(iLutTemp(pos),mod(orb-1,bits_n_int))
                !         endif
                !     enddo
                ! enddo
                ! iLutTemp(NIfD+1:NIfDBO) = iLutTemp64(ii:NIfWriteOut)
                iLutTemp(0:nifd) = iLutTemp64(0:nifd)

            ! If we are using 32 bit integers, but have read in 64 bit
            ! integers, then we need to convert them.
            if (tPop64BitDets) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "WD: I removed nifdbo as i assumes its always = nifd.. this is a problem here")
                ! do ii=0,nBasis/64
                !     do j=0,63
                !         if(btest(iLutTemp64(ii),j)) then
                !             orb=(ii*64)+j+1
                !             pos=(orb-1)/bits_n_int
                !             iLutTemp(pos)=ibset(iLutTemp(pos),mod(orb-1,bits_n_int))
                !         endif
                !     enddo
                ! enddo
                ! iLutTemp(NIfD+1:NIfDBO) = iLutTemp32(ii:NIfWriteOut)
                iLutTemp(0:nifd) = iLutTemp32(0:nifd)

            call decode_bit_det(TempnI, iLutTemp)
            Proc = DetermineDetNode(nel, TempnI, 0)
            IF ((Proc == iNodeIndex) .and. (abs(RealTempSign(1)) >= iWeightPopRead)) THEN
                CurrWalkers = CurrWalkers + 1
                !Do not need to send a flag here...
                call encode_bit_rep(CurrentDets(:, CurrWalkers), iLutTemp(0:nifd), RealTempSign, 0)
                !TODO: Add flag for complex walkers to read in both

!>>>"                CurrentH(1:1+2*lenof_sign,CurrWalkers)=CurrentHEntry(1:1+2*lenof_sign)

            ! Keep track of what the most highly weighted determinant is
            do run = 1, inum_runs
                if (abs(RealTempSign(run)) > sign_largest(run)) then
                    sign_largest(run) = abs(RealTempSign(run))
                    ilut_largest(:, run) = iLutTemp
            end do
        close (iunit)
        TempCurrWalkers = int(CurrWalkers, int64)

        ! Sort the lists so that they are in order if we change the number
        ! of processors.
        call sort(currentdets(:, 1:CurrWalkers), &
                  global_determinant_data(:, 1:CurrWalkers))

        ! Check that the bit-det comparisons agree that it is in order.
        do i = 2, currwalkers
            if (DetBitLT(CurrentDets(:, i), CurrentDets(:, i - 1), nifd) == 1) then
                print *, 'Walkers: ', i - 1, i
                print *, 'bit reps: '
                print *, currentdets(:, i - 1)
                print *, currentdets(:, i)
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'Main list out of order')

        CALL MPIBarrier(error)  !Sync
        CALL MPIAllReduce(TempCurrWalkers, MPI_SUM, AllTotWalkers)

       IF (iProcIndex == root) write (stdout, '(I10,A)') INT(AllTotWalkers, int64), " configurations read in from POPSFILE and distributed."

        IF (abs(ScaleWalkers - 1) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN

            write (stdout, *) "Rescaling walkers by a factor of: ", ScaleWalkers

! CurrWalkers is the number of determinants on a particular node, AllTotWalkers is the total over all nodes.
            IntegerPart = INT(ScaleWalkers)
            FracPart = ScaleWalkers - REAL(IntegerPart, dp)

            do l = 1, CurrWalkers
                call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, l), RealTempSign)
                RealTempSign = RealTempSign * IntegerPart
                r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                IF (r < FracPart) THEN
!Stochastically create another particle
                    IF (RealTempSign(1) < 0) THEN
                        RealTempSign(1) = RealTempSign(1) - 1
                        RealTempSign(1) = RealTempSign(1) + 1
                call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, l), RealTempSign)

            InitWalkers = NINT(InitWalkers * ScaleWalkers)  !New (average) number of initial particles for culling criteria
!Other parameters don't change (I think) because the number of determinants isn't changing.
            TotWalkers = CurrWalkers
            TotWalkersOld = CurrWalkers
            IF (iProcIndex == root) THEN
!                AllTotWalkers=TotWalkers
                AllTotWalkersOld = AllTotWalkers
                write (stdout, '(A,I10)') " Number of initial walkers on this processor is now: ", INT(TotWalkers, int64)

!We are not scaling the number of walkers...

            TotWalkers = CurrWalkers
            TotWalkersOld = CurrWalkers
            IF (iProcIndex == root) THEN
!                AllTotWalkers=TotWalkers
                AllTotWalkersOld = AllTotWalkers
                write (stdout, '(A,I10)') " Number of initial walkers on this processor is now: ", INT(TotWalkers, int64)


        write (stdout, *) "Initial Diagonal Shift (ECorr guess) is now: ", DiagSft(1)
        write (stdout, "(A,F14.6,A)") " Initial memory (without excitgens) consists of : ", REAL(MemoryAlloc, dp) / 1048576.0_dp, " Mb"
        write (stdout, *) "Initial memory allocation successful..."
        write (stdout, *) "Excitgens will be regenerated when they are needed..."
        CALL neci_flush(stdout)

        ! If we are changing the reference determinant to the largest
        ! weighted one in the file, do it here
        if (tReadPopsChangeRef .or. tReadPopsRestart) then
            do run = 1, inum_runs

                ! If using the same reference for all runs, then don't consider
                ! the populations seperately.
                if (run /= 1 .and. .not. tReplicaReferencesDiffer) &

                if (.not. DetBitEq(ilut_largest(:, run), iLutRef(:, run))) &
                    call update_run_reference(ilut_largest(:, run), run)

            end do

        ! Calculate the stored data for the particlse that have been read in
        TotParts = 0
        do j = 1, int(TotWalkers)
            call decode_bit_det(TempnI, currentDets(:, j))
            ! note on GUGA: here it is fine since working out excit level = 0
            ! works and thats all what is necessary here!
            Excitlevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF, CurrentDets(:, j), 2)
            IF (Excitlevel == 0) THEN
                call set_det_diagH(j, 0.0_dp)
                HElemTemp = get_diagonal_matel(TempnI, CurrentDets(:,j))
                call set_det_diagH(j, real(HElemTemp, dp) - Hii)
            HElemTemp2 = get_off_diagonal_matel (TempnI, CurrentDets(:,j))
            call set_det_offdiagH(j, HElemTemp2)
            call store_decoding(j, TempnI)
            call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, j), RealTempSign)
            TotParts(1) = TotParts(1) + abs(RealTempSign(1))
            TotParts(inum_runs) = TotParts(1)

        CALL MPIBarrier(error)  !Sync
        CALL MPIReduce(TotParts, MPI_SUM, AllTotParts)

        IF (iProcIndex == root) then
            AllTotPartsOld = AllTotParts
            iter_data_fciqmc%tot_parts_old = AllTotParts
        write (stdout, '(A,i20)') ' The total number of particles read from the POPSFILE is: ', AllTotParts(1)

        if (tReadPopsRestart) then
            tPopsAlreadyRead = .true.
            call ChangeRefDet(ProjEDet(:, 1))
            tPopsAlreadyRead = .false.

    END SUBROUTINE ReadFromPopsfilePar

    subroutine write_pops_norm()

        use CalcData, only: pops_norm_unit

        if (iProcIndex /= root) return

        ! When calling for the first time, clear any current POPS_NORM file.
        if (pops_norm_unit == 0) then
            pops_norm_unit = get_free_unit()
            open (pops_norm_unit, file='POPS_NORM', status='replace')
        end if

        write (pops_norm_unit, '(1x,es19.12)') sqrt(pops_norm)

    end subroutine write_pops_norm

END MODULE PopsfileMod