module rdm_nat_orbs ! This contains routines related to natural orbitals calculations from the ! stochastically sampled reduced density matrices. use constants use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelCounts2_rot, SymLabelList2_rot use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelListInv_rot, NoOrbs, SpatOrbs use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelCounts2_rotTag, SymLabelList2_rotTag use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelListInv_rotTag use rdm_data, only: tOpenSpatialOrbs, tOpenShell use UMATCache, only: gtID use util_mod, only: near_zero, stop_all, neci_flush use Determinants, only: writebasis implicit none contains subroutine find_nat_orb_occ_numbers(rdm, irdm) use LoggingData, only: tPrintRODump use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc use Parallel_neci, only: iProcIndex use rdm_data, only: one_rdm_t use RotateOrbsMod, only: FourIndInts, FourIndIntsTag use SystemData, only: tROHF, nbasis, G1, ARR, BRR ! Diagonalises the 1-RDM (rdm%matrix) so that, after this routine, ! rdm%matrix holds the eigenfunctions of the 1-RDM (the matrix ! transforming the MO's into the NOs). This also gets the NO ! occupation numbers (evaluse) and correlation entropy. type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: rdm integer, intent(in) :: irdm integer :: ierr real(dp) :: SumDiag character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'find_nat_orb_occ_numbers' ierr = 0 if (iProcIndex == 0) then ! Diagonalises the 1-RDM. rdm%matrix goes in as the 1-RDM, comes out ! as the eigenvector of the 1-RDM (the matrix transforming the MO's ! into the NOs). call DiagRDM(rdm, SumDiag) ! Writes out the NO occupation numbers and evectors to files. call write_evales_and_transform_mat(rdm, irdm, SumDiag) if (tPrintRODump .and. tROHF) then write(stdout, *) 'ROFCIDUMP not implemented for ROHF. Skip generation of ROFCIDUMP file.' else if (tPrintRODump) then write(stdout, "(A,F10.5,A)") "This will require at least ", (real(NoOrbs, dp)**4) * 8 / 10**9, "Gb to be available on head node" allocate(FourIndInts(NoOrbs, NoOrbs, NoOrbs, NoOrbs), stat=ierr) call LogMemAlloc('FourIndInts', (NoOrbs**4), 8, t_r, & FourIndIntsTag, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then write(stdout, *) "ierr: ", ierr call Stop_All(t_r, 'Problem allocating FourIndInts array,') end if ! Then, transform2ElInts. write(stdout, *) '' write(stdout, *) 'Transforming the four index integrals' call Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM(rdm%matrix, rdm%sym_list_no) write(stdout, *) 'Re-calculating the fock matrix' call CalcFOCKMatrix_RDM(rdm) write(stdout, *) 'Refilling the UMAT and TMAT2D' ! The ROFCIDUMP is also printed out in here. call RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM(rdm%matrix, rdm%sym_list_no) call neci_flush(stdout) call writebasis(stdout, G1, nbasis, ARR, BRR) end if end if end subroutine find_nat_orb_occ_numbers subroutine write_evales_and_transform_mat(rdm, irdm, SumDiag) use LoggingData, only: tNoNOTransform use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, one_rdm_t use SystemData, only: nbasis, nel, BRR use UMatCache, only: gtID use util_mod, only: get_free_unit, int_fmt type(one_rdm_t), intent(in) :: rdm integer, intent(in) :: irdm real(dp), intent(in) :: SumDiag integer :: i, j, Evalues_unit, NatOrbs_unit, jSpat, jInd, NO_Number integer :: i_no, i_normal real(dp) :: Corr_Entropy, Norm_Evalues, SumN_NO_Occ logical :: tNegEvalue, tWrittenEvalue character(20) :: evals_filename, transform_filename if (tOpenShell) then Norm_Evalues = SumDiag / real(NEl, dp) else Norm_Evalues = 2.0_dp * (SumDiag / real(NEl, dp)) end if ! Write out normalised Evalues to file and calculate the correlation ! entropy. Corr_Entropy = 0.0_dp Evalues_unit = get_free_unit() write(evals_filename, '("NO_OCC_NUMEBRS.",'//int_fmt(irdm, 0)//')') irdm open(Evalues_unit, file=trim(evals_filename), status='unknown') write(Evalues_unit, '(A)') '# NOs (natural orbitals) ordered by occupation number' write(Evalues_unit, '(A)') '# MOs (HF orbitals) ordered by energy' write(Evalues_unit, '(A1,A5,A30,A20,A30)') '#', 'NO', 'NO OCCUPATION NUMBER', 'MO', 'MO OCCUPATION NUMBER' tNegEvalue = .false. SumN_NO_Occ = 0.0_dp NO_Number = 1 do i = 1, NoOrbs if (tOpenShell) then write(Evalues_unit, '(I6,G35.17,I15,G35.17)') i, rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues, & BRR(i), rdm%Rho_ii(i) if (rdm%evalues(i) > 0.0_dp) then Corr_Entropy = Corr_Entropy - (abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues) & * LOG(abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues))) else tNegEvalue = .true. end if if (i <= NEl) SumN_NO_Occ = SumN_NO_Occ + (rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues) else write(Evalues_unit, '(I6,G35.17,I15,G35.17)') (2 * i) - 1, rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues, & BRR((2 * i) - 1), rdm%Rho_ii(i) / 2.0_dp if (rdm%evalues(i) > 0.0_dp) then Corr_Entropy = Corr_Entropy - (2.0_dp * (abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues) & * LOG(abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues)))) else tNegEvalue = .true. end if write(Evalues_unit, '(I6,G35.17,I15,G35.17)') 2 * i, rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues, & BRR(2 * i), rdm%Rho_ii(i) / 2.0_dp if (i <= (NEl / 2)) SumN_NO_Occ = SumN_NO_Occ + (2.0_dp * (rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues)) end if end do close(Evalues_unit) write(stdout, '(1X,A45,F30.20)') 'SUM OF THE N LARGEST NO OCCUPATION NUMBERS: ', SumN_NO_Occ write(stdout, '(1X,A20,F30.20)') 'CORRELATION ENTROPY', Corr_Entropy write(stdout, '(1X,A33,F30.20)') 'CORRELATION ENTROPY PER ELECTRON', Corr_Entropy / real(NEl, dp) if (tNegEvalue) write(stdout, '(1X,"WARNING: Negative NO occupation numbers found.")') ! Write out the evectors to file. ! This is the matrix that transforms the molecular orbitals into the ! natural orbitals. rdm%evalues(i) corresponds to Evector NatOrbsMat(1:nBasis,i) ! We just want the rdm%evalues in the same order as above, but the ! 1:nBasis part (corresponding to the molecular orbitals), needs to ! refer to the actual orbital labels. Want these orbitals to preferably ! be in order, run through the orbital, need the position to find the ! corresponding NatOrbs element, use rdm%sym_list_inv_no. associate(arr_ind => rdm%sym_list_inv_no) if (.not. tNoNOTransform) then NatOrbs_unit = get_free_unit() write(transform_filename, '("NO_TRANSFORM.",'//int_fmt(irdm, 0)//')') irdm open(NatOrbs_unit, file=trim(transform_filename), status='unknown') write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2A6,2A30)') '# MO', 'NO', 'Transform Coeff', 'NO OCC NUMBER' ! write out in terms of spin orbitals, all alpha then all beta. NO_Number = 1 do i_normal = 1, NoOrbs i_no = arr_ind(i_normal) tWrittenEvalue = .false. do j = 1, nBasis ! Here i corresponds to the natural orbital, and j to the ! molecular orbital. i is actually the spin orbital in ! this case. if (tOpenShell) then jInd = j else if (mod(j, 2) /= 0) then jInd = gtID(j) else cycle end if end if if (tWrittenEvalue) then if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no))) & write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,G35.17)') j, NO_Number, rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no) else if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no))) then write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,2G35.17)') j, NO_Number, rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no), & rdm%evalues(i_no) / Norm_Evalues tWrittenEvalue = .true. end if end if end do NO_Number = NO_Number + 1 if (.not. tOpenShell) then tWrittenEvalue = .false. do j = 2, nBasis, 2 ! Here i corresponds to the natural orbital, and j to ! the molecular orbital. i is actually the spin orbital ! in this case. jSpat = gtID(j) if (tWrittenEvalue) then if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no))) & write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,G35.17)') j, NO_Number, & rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no) else if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no))) then write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,2G35.17)') j, NO_Number, rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no), & rdm%evalues(i_no) / Norm_Evalues tWrittenEvalue = .true. end if end if end do NO_Number = NO_Number + 1 end if end do close(NatOrbs_unit) end if end associate end subroutine write_evales_and_transform_mat subroutine DiagRDM(rdm, SumTrace) ! The diagonalisation routine reorders the orbitals in such a way that ! the corresponding orbital labels are lost. In order to keep the spin ! and spatial symmetries, each symmetry must be fed into the ! diagonalisation routine separately. The best way to do this is to ! order the orbitals so that all the alpha orbitals follow all the beta ! orbitals, with the occupied orbitals first, in terms of symmetry, and ! the virtual second, also ordered by symmetry. This gives us ! flexibility w.r.t rotating only the occupied or only virtual and ! looking at high spin states. use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, one_rdm_t use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc use SystemData, only: G1, tUseMP2VarDenMat, tFixLz, iMaxLz type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: rdm real(dp), intent(out) :: SumTrace real(dp) :: SumDiagTrace real(dp), allocatable :: WORK2(:), EvaluesSym(:), NOMSym(:, :) integer :: ierr, i, j, spin, Sym, LWORK2, WORK2Tag, SymStartInd, NoSymBlock integer :: EvaluesSymTag, NOMSymTag, k, MaxSym logical :: tDiffSym, tDiffLzSym character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'DiagRDM' ! Test that we're not breaking symmetry. ! And calculate the trace at the same time. SumTrace = 0.0_dp do i = 1, NoOrbs do j = 1, NoOrbs tDiffSym = .false. tDiffLzSym = .false. if (tOpenShell) then if ((int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S) /= & int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S))) tDiffSym = .true. if ((int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml) /= & int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml))) tDiffLzSym = .true. else if ((int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S) /= & int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S))) tDiffSym = .true. if ((int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml) /= & int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml))) tDiffLzSym = .true. end if if (tDiffSym) then if (abs(rdm%matrix(i, j)) >= 1.0E-15_dp) then write(stdout, '(6A8,A20)') 'i', 'j', 'Label i', 'Label j', 'Sym i', & 'Sym j', 'Matrix value' if (tOpenShell) then write(stdout, '(6I3,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), & int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S), & int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S), rdm%matrix(i, j) else write(stdout, '(6I3,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), & int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S), & int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S), rdm%matrix(i, j) end if if (tUseMP2VarDenMat) then write(stdout, *) '**WARNING** - There is a non-zero 1-RDM & &value between orbitals of different symmetry.' write(stdout, *) 'These elements will be ignored, and the symmetry & &maintained in the final transformation matrix.' else write(stdout, *) 'k,SymLabelList2_rot(k),SymLabelListInv_rot(k)' do k = 1, NoOrbs write(stdout, *) k, SymLabelList2_rot(k), SymLabelListInv_rot(k) end do call neci_flush(stdout) call Stop_All(t_r, 'Non-zero rdm%matrix value between & &different symmetries.') end if end if rdm%matrix(i, j) = 0.0_dp end if if (tDiffLzSym) then if (abs(rdm%matrix(i, j)) >= 1.0E-15_dp) then write(stdout, '(6A8,A40)') 'i', 'j', 'Label i', 'Label j', 'Lz i', & 'Lz j', 'Matrix value' if (tOpenShell) then write(stdout, '(6I8,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), & int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml), & int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml), rdm%matrix(i, j) else write(stdout, '(6I8,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), & int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml), & int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml), rdm%matrix(i, j) end if write(stdout, '(A)') ' **WARNING** - There is a non-zero 1-RDM element & &between orbitals of different Lz symmetry.' end if end if end do SumTrace = SumTrace + rdm%matrix(i, i) end do write(stdout, *) '' write(stdout, *) 'Calculating eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the 1-RDM' call neci_flush(stdout) ! If we want to maintain the symmetry, we cannot have all the orbitals ! jumbled up when the diagonaliser reorders the eigenvectors. Must ! instead feed each symmetry block in separately. This means that ! although the transformed orbitals are jumbled within the symmetry blocks, ! the symmetry labels are all that are relevant and these are unaffected. Sym = 0 LWORK2 = -1 if (tOpenShell) then if (tFixLz) then MaxSym = (16 * ((2 * iMaxLz) + 1)) - 1 else MaxSym = 15 end if else if (tFixLz) then MaxSym = (8 * ((2 * iMaxLz) + 1)) - 1 else MaxSym = 7 end if end if do while (Sym <= MaxSym) NoSymBlock = SymLabelCounts2_rot(2, Sym + 1) SymStartInd = SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, Sym + 1) - 1 ! This is one less than the index that the symmetry starts, so that when we ! run through i=1,..., we can start at SymStartInd+i. if (NoSymBlock > 1) then allocate(NOMSym(NoSymBlock, NoSymBlock), stat=ierr) call LogMemAlloc('NOMSym', NoSymBlock**2, 8, t_r, NOMSymTag, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating NOMSym.") allocate(EvaluesSym(NoSymBlock), stat=ierr) call LogMemAlloc('EvaluesSym', NoSymBlock, 8, t_r, EvaluesSymTag, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating EvaluesSym.") LWORK2 = 3 * NoSymBlock + 1 allocate(WORK2(LWORK2), stat=ierr) call LogMemAlloc('WORK2', LWORK2, 8, t_r, WORK2Tag, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating WORK2.") do j = 1, NoSymBlock do i = 1, NoSymBlock NOMSym(i, j) = rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + i, SymStartInd + j) end do end do call dsyev('V', 'L', NoSymBlock, NOMSym, NoSymBlock, EvaluesSym, WORK2, LWORK2, ierr) ! NOMSym goes in as the original NOMSym, comes out as the ! eigenvectors (Coefficients). ! EvaluesSym comes out as the eigenvalues in ascending order. do i = 1, NoSymBlock rdm%evalues(SymStartInd + i) = EvaluesSym(NoSymBlock - i + 1) end do ! CAREFUL if eigenvalues are put in ascending order, this may not be ! correct, with the labelling system. ! may be better to just take coefficients and transform TMAT2DRot ! in transform2elints. ! a check that comes out as diagonal is a check of this routine anyway. do j = 1, NoSymBlock do i = 1, NoSymBlock rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + i, SymStartInd + j) = NOMSym(i, NoSymBlock - j + 1) end do end do ! Directly fill the coefficient matrix with the eigenvectors from ! the diagonalization. deallocate(WORK2) call LogMemDealloc(t_r, WORK2Tag) deallocate(NOMSym) call LogMemDealloc(t_r, NOMSymTag) deallocate(EvaluesSym) call LogMemDealloc(t_r, EvaluesSymTag) else if (NoSymBlock == 1) then ! The eigenvalue is the lone value, while the eigenvector is 1. rdm%evalues(SymStartInd + 1) = rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + 1, SymStartInd + 1) rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + 1, SymStartInd + 1) = 1.0_dp end if Sym = Sym + 1 end do write(stdout, *) 'Matrix diagonalised' call neci_flush(stdout) SumDiagTrace = 0.0_dp do i = 1, NoOrbs SumDiagTrace = SumDiagTrace + rdm%evalues(i) end do if ((abs(SumDiagTrace - SumTrace)) > 1.0_dp) then write(stdout, *) 'Sum of diagonal 1-RDM elements : ', SumTrace write(stdout, *) 'Sum of eigenvalues : ', SumDiagTrace write(stdout, *) 'WARNING : & &The trace of the 1RDM matrix before diagonalisation is ' write(stdout, *) 'not equal to that after.' end if ! The MO's still correspond to SymLabelList2_rot. ! Although the NO's are slightly jumbled, they are only jumbled within ! their symmetry blocks. They still correspond to the symmetries of ! SymLabelList2_rot, which is the important part. ! But in order to look at the output, it is easier to consider them in ! terms of highest occupied to lowest occupied - i.e. in terms of the ! NO eigenvalues (occupation numbers). call order_one_rdm(rdm) end subroutine DiagRDM subroutine order_one_rdm(rdm) ! Here, if symmetry is kept, we are going to have to reorder the ! eigenvectors according to the size of the eigenvalues, while taking ! the orbital labels (and therefore symmetries) with them. This will ! be put back into MP2VDM from MP2VDMTemp. ! Want to reorder the eigenvalues from largest to smallest, taking the ! eigenvectors with them and the symmetry as well. If using spin ! orbitals, do this for the alpha spin and then the beta. ! The newly sorted SymLabelList2_rot and SymLabelListInv_rot will be ! stored in rdm%sym_list_no and rdm%sym_list_inv_no (as they are ! specific to this RDM). use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, one_rdm_t use sort_mod, only: sort use SystemData, only: nbasis type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: rdm integer :: spin, i, j, ierr, StartSort, EndSort character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'order_one_rdm' integer, allocatable :: SymLabelList_temp(:) real(dp), allocatable :: one_rdm_Temp(:, :), EvaluesTemp(:) integer :: Orb, New_Pos ! Temporary arrays. allocate(one_rdm_Temp(NoOrbs, NoOrbs), stat=ierr) allocate(SymLabelList_temp(NoOrbs), stat=ierr) allocate(EvaluesTemp(NoOrbs), stat=ierr) ! This is just a temporary array for some sorting. SymLabelList_temp = SymLabelList2_rot ! This object will contain the updated version of SymLabelList2_rot, ! specifically for this RDM, and ordered with the 1-RDM eigenvalues. rdm%sym_list_no = SymLabelList2_rot StartSort = 1 EndSort = SpatOrbs ! Unfortunately this sort routine orders the orbitals in ascending ! order... which is not quite what we want. Just remember this when ! printing out the Evalues. call sort(rdm%EValues(startSort:endSort), & rdm%matrix(1:NoOrbs, startSort:endSort), & rdm%sym_list_no(startSort:endSort)) if (tOpenShell) then StartSort = SpatOrbs + 1 EndSort = nBasis call sort(rdm%EValues(startSort:endSort), & rdm%matrix(1:NoOrbs, startSort:endSort), & rdm%sym_list_no(startSort:endSort)) end if ! We now have the NO's ordered according to the size of their Evalues ! (occupation numbers). This will have jumbled up their symmetries. ! Want to reorder the MO's to match this ordering (so that we only ! have one SymLabelList array). ! Need a new SymLabelListInv_rot too. This will be stored in ! rdm%sym_list_inv_no. rdm%sym_list_inv_no = 0 do i = 1, NoOrbs rdm%sym_list_inv_no(rdm%sym_list_no(NoOrbs - i + 1)) = i end do one_rdm_Temp = rdm%matrix rdm%matrix = 0.0_dp do i = 1, NoOrbs do j = 1, NoOrbs ! In position j, the MO orbital Orb is currently there. Orb = SymLabelList_temp(j) ! Want to move it to the position the NO's are in. New_Pos = rdm%sym_list_inv_no(Orb) ! But we also want to reverse the order of everything... rdm%matrix(New_Pos, NoOrbs - i + 1) = one_rdm_Temp(j, i) end do end do SymLabelList_temp = rdm%sym_list_no EvaluesTemp = rdm%evalues do i = 1, NoOrbs rdm%sym_list_no(i) = SymLabelList_temp(NoOrbs - i + 1) rdm%evalues(i) = EvaluesTemp(NoOrbs - i + 1) end do deallocate(one_rdm_Temp) deallocate(SymLabelList_temp) deallocate(EvaluesTemp) end subroutine order_one_rdm subroutine Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) ! This is an M^5 transform, which transforms all the two-electron ! integrals into the new basis described by the Coeff matrix. ! This is very memory inefficient and currently does not use any ! spatial symmetry information. use IntegralsData, only: umat use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc use RotateOrbsMod, only: FourIndInts use UMatCache, only: UMatInd real(dp), intent(in) :: one_rdm(:, :) integer, intent(in) :: sym_list(:) integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, g, d, ierr, Temp4indintsTag, a2, d2, b2, g2 real(dp), allocatable :: Temp4indints(:, :) character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM' #ifdef CMPLX_ call stop_all('Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM', & 'Rotating orbitals not implemented for complex orbitals.') #endif ! Zero arrays from previous transform. allocate(Temp4indints(NoOrbs, NoOrbs), stat=ierr) call LogMemAlloc('Temp4indints', NoOrbs**2, 8, & 'Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM', Temp4indintsTag, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All('Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM', & 'Problem allocating memory to Temp4indints.') FourIndInts(:, :, :, :) = 0.0_dp ! Calculating the two-transformed, four index integrals. ! The untransformed <alpha beta | gamma delta> integrals are found from ! UMAT(UMatInd(i,j,k,l) ! All our arrays are in spin orbitals - if tStoreSpinOrbs is false, ! UMAT will be in spatial orbitals - need to account for this. ! Running through 1,NoOrbs - the actual orbitals corresponding to that ! index are given by sym_list. do b = 1, NoOrbs b2 = sym_list(b) do d = 1, NoOrbs d2 = sym_list(d) do a = 1, NoOrbs a2 = sym_list(a) do g = 1, NoOrbs g2 = sym_list(g) ! if tStoreSpinOrbs is false but NoOrbs == nBasis, the UMAT ! indices have to be converted if (tOpenSpatialOrbs) then a2 = gtID(a2) b2 = gtID(b2) g2 = gtID(g2) d2 = gtID(d2) end if ! UMatInd in physical notation, but FourIndInts in ! chemical (just to make it more clear in these ! transformations). This means that here, a and g are ! interchangable, and so are b and d. FourIndInts(a, g, b, d) = real(UMAT(UMatInd(a2, b2, g2, d2)), dp) end do end do Temp4indints(:, :) = 0.0_dp call dgemm('T', 'N', NoOrbs, NoOrbs, NoOrbs, 1.0_dp, one_rdm, NoOrbs, & FourIndInts(1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs, b, d), NoOrbs, 0.0_dp, & Temp4indints(1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs), NoOrbs) ! Temp4indints(i,g) comes out of here, so to transform g to k, ! we need the transpose of this. call dgemm('T', 'T', NoOrbs, NoOrbs, NoOrbs, 1.0_dp, one_rdm, NoOrbs, & Temp4indints(1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs), NoOrbs, 0.0_dp, & FourIndInts(1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs, b, d), NoOrbs) ! Get Temp4indits02(i,k). end do end do ! Calculating the 3 transformed, 4 index integrals. ! 01=a untransformed,02=b,03=g,04=d. do i = 1, NoOrbs do k = 1, NoOrbs Temp4indints(:, :) = 0.0_dp call dgemm('T', 'N', NoOrbs, NoOrbs, NoOrbs, 1.0_dp, one_rdm, NoOrbs, & FourIndInts(i, k, 1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs), NoOrbs, 0.0_dp, & Temp4indints(1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs), NoOrbs) call dgemm('T', 'T', NoOrbs, NoOrbs, NoOrbs, 1.0_dp, one_rdm, & NoOrbs, Temp4indints(1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs), NoOrbs, 0.0_dp, & FourIndInts(i, k, 1:NoOrbs, 1:NoOrbs), NoOrbs) end do end do deallocate(Temp4indints) call LogMemDeAlloc('Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM', Temp4indintsTag) end subroutine Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM subroutine CalcFOCKMatrix_RDM(rdm) ! Calculate the fock matrix in the natural orbital basis. use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc use rdm_data, only: one_rdm_t use SystemData, only: nbasis, ARR, BRR type(one_rdm_t), intent(in) :: rdm integer :: i, j, k, l, a, b, ierr, ArrDiagNewTag real(dp) :: FOCKDiagSumHF, FOCKDiagSumNew character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'CalcFOCKMatrix_RDM' real(dp), allocatable :: ArrDiagNew(:) ! This subroutine calculates and writes out the fock matrix for the ! transformed orbitals. ! ARR is originally the fock matrix in the HF basis. ! ARR(:,1) - ordered by energy, ARR(:,2) - ordered by spin-orbital index. ! When transforming the orbitals into approximate natural orbitals, we ! want to save memory, so don't bother calculating the whole matrix, ! just the diagonal elements that we actually need. allocate(ArrDiagNew(nBasis), stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, 'Problem allocating ArrDiagNew array,') call LogMemAlloc('ArrDiagNew', nBasis, 8, t_r, ArrDiagNewTag, ierr) ArrDiagNew(:) = 0.0_dp ! First calculate the sum of the diagonal elements, ARR. ! Check if this is already being done. FOCKDiagSumHF = 0.0_dp do a = 1, nBasis FOCKDiagSumHF = FOCKDiagSumHF + Arr(a, 2) end do ! Then calculate the fock matrix in the transformed basis, and the sum ! of the new diagonal elements. FOCKDiagSumNew = 0.0_dp do j = 1, NoOrbs l = rdm%sym_list_no(j) if (tOpenShell) then ArrDiagNew(l) = 0.0_dp else ArrDiagNew(2 * l) = 0.0_dp ArrDiagNew((2 * l) - 1) = 0.0_dp end if do a = 1, NoOrbs b = rdm%sym_list_no(a) if (tOpenShell) then ArrDiagNew(l) = ArrDiagNew(l) + (rdm%matrix(a, j) * ARR(b, 2) * rdm%matrix(a, j)) else ArrDiagNew(2 * l) = ArrDiagNew(2 * l) + (rdm%matrix(a, j) * ARR(2 * b, 2) * rdm%matrix(a, j)) ArrDiagNew((2 * l) - 1) = ArrDiagNew((2 * l) - 1) + (rdm%matrix(a, j) * ARR((2 * b) - 1, 2) * rdm%matrix(a, j)) end if end do if (tOpenShell) then FOCKDiagSumNew = FOCKDiagSumNew + (ArrDiagNew(l)) else FOCKDiagSumNew = FOCKDiagSumNew + (ArrDiagNew(2 * l)) FOCKDiagSumNew = FOCKDiagSumNew + (ArrDiagNew((2 * l) - 1)) end if end do ! If we are truncation the virtual space, only the unfrozen entries will ! be transformed. ! Refill ARR(:,1) (ordered in terms of energies), and ARR(:,2) ! (ordered in terms of orbital number). ! ARR(:,2) needs to be ordered in terms of symmetry and then energy ! (like SymLabelList), so currently this ordering will not be correct ! when reading in qchem INTDUMPs as the orbital number ordering is by energy. do j = 1, nBasis ARR(j, 2) = ArrDiagNew(j) ARR(j, 1) = ArrDiagNew(BRR(j)) end do deallocate(ArrDiagNew) call LogMemDealloc(t_r, ArrDiagNewTag) end subroutine CalcFOCKMatrix_RDM subroutine RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) ! This routine refills these to more easily write out the ROFCIDUMP, ! and originally to be able to continue a calculation (although I doubt ! this works at the moment). ! UMat is in spin or spatial orbitals, TMAT2D only spin. use IntegralsData, only: umat use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc use OneEInts, only: TMAT2D use rdm_data, only: tRotatedNOs use RotateOrbsMod, only: FourIndInts use SystemData, only: nbasis use UMatCache, only: UMatInd real(dp), intent(in) :: one_rdm(:, :) integer, intent(in) :: sym_list(:) integer :: l, k, j, i, a, b, g, d, c integer :: nBasis2, TMAT2DPartTag, ierr real(dp) :: NewTMAT real(dp), allocatable :: TMAT2DPart(:, :) character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM' #ifdef CMPLX_ call stop_all('RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM', & 'Rotating orbitals not implemented for complex orbitals.') #endif ! TMAT2D is always in spin orbitals. allocate(TMAT2DPart(nBasis, nBasis), stat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, 'Problem allocating TMAT2DPart array,') call LogMemAlloc('TMAT2DPart', nBasis * nBasis, 8, & 'RefillUMAT_RDM', TMAT2DPartTag, ierr) TMAT2DPart = 0.0_dp ! Make the UMAT elements the four index integrals. ! These are calculated by transforming the HF orbitals using the ! coefficients that have been found. do l = 1, NoOrbs d = sym_list(l) do k = 1, NoOrbs b = sym_list(k) do j = 1, NoOrbs g = sym_list(j) do i = 1, NoOrbs a = sym_list(i) if (tOpenSpatialOrbs) then a = gtID(a) b = gtID(b) g = gtID(g) d = gtID(d) end if ! The FourIndInts are in chemical notation, the UMatInd ! in physical. UMAT(UMatInd(a, b, g, d)) = FourIndInts(i, j, k, l) end do end do end do end do ! Also calculate the 2 index integrals, and make these the elements ! of the TMAT2D matrix. TMAT2D is in spin orbitals. do a = 1, nBasis do k = 1, NoOrbs i = sym_list(k) NewTMAT = 0.0_dp do b = 1, NoOrbs d = sym_list(b) if (tOpenShell) then NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(b, k) * real(TMAT2D(d, a), dp)) else NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(b, k) * real(TMAT2D(2 * d, a), dp)) end if end do if (tOpenShell) then TMAT2DPart(i, a) = NewTMAT else if (mod(a, 2) == 0) then TMAT2DPart(2 * i, a) = NewTMAT else TMAT2DPart((2 * i) - 1, a) = NewTMAT end if end if end do end do do k = 1, nBasis do l = 1, NoOrbs j = sym_list(l) NewTMAT = 0.0_dp do a = 1, NoOrbs c = sym_list(a) if (tOpenShell) then NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(a, l) * TMAT2DPart(k, c)) else NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(a, l) * TMAT2DPart(k, 2 * c)) end if end do if (tOpenShell) then TMAT2D(k, j) = NewTMAT else if (mod(k, 2) == 0) then TMAT2D(k, 2 * j) = NewTMAT else TMAT2D(k, (2 * j) - 1) = NewTMAT end if end if end do end do deallocate(TMAT2DPart) call LogMemDeAlloc('RefillUMAT_RDM', TMAT2DPartTag) if (.not. tRotatedNOs) then call PrintROFCIDUMP_RDM("ROFCIDUMP") end if end subroutine RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM subroutine PrintROFCIDUMP_RDM(filename) ! This prints out a new FCIDUMP file in the same format as the old one. use IntegralsData, only: umat use LoggingData, only: tBrokenSymNOs use OneEInts, only: TMAT2D use rdm_data, only: tRotatedNOs use SystemData, only: nel, G1, tFixLz, tStoreSpinOrbs, lms, ARR, ecore use UMatCache, only: UMatInd use util_mod, only: get_free_unit integer :: i, j, k, l, iunit, orb, a, b, g, d character(len=9) :: filename ! PrintROFCIDUMP_Time%timer_name='PrintROFCIDUMP' ! call set_timer(PrintROFCIDUMP_Time,30) iunit = get_free_unit() open(iunit, file=filename, status='unknown') !'ROFCIDUMP',status='unknown') write(iunit, '(2A6,I3,A7,I3,A5,I2,A)') '&FCI ', 'NORB=', NoOrbs, ',NELEC=', NEl, ',MS2=', LMS, ',' write(iunit, '(A9)', advance='no') 'ORBSYM=' do i = 1, NoOrbs if (tOpenShell) then write(iunit, '(I1,A1)', advance='no') int(G1(i)%sym%S) + 1, ',' else if (tRotatedNOs .and. tBrokenSymNOs) then write(iunit, '(I1,A1)', advance='no') 1, ',' else write(iunit, '(I1,A1)', advance='no') int(G1(i * 2)%sym%S) + 1, ',' end if end if end do write(iunit, *) '' if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then write(iunit, '(A7,I1,A11)') 'ISYM=', 1, ' UHF=.TRUE.' else write(iunit, '(A7,I1,A12)') 'ISYM=', 1, ' UHF=.FALSE.' end if if (tFixLz) then write(iunit, '(A7)', advance='no') 'SYML=' do i = 1, NoOrbs if (i == NoOrbs) then write(iunit, '(I3,A1)') - 20, ',' else write(iunit, '(I3,A1)', advance='no') - 20, ',' end if end do write(iunit, '(A8)', advance='no') 'SYMLZ=' do i = 1, NoOrbs orb = i if (.not. tOpenShell) orb = 2 * orb write(iunit, '(i3,",")', advance='no') int(g1(orb)%ml) end do write(iunit, *) end if write(iunit, '(A5)') '&end' do i = 1, NoOrbs do j = 1, NoOrbs do l = 1, j ! Potential to put symmetry in here, have currently taken it out, ! because when we're only printing non-zero values, it is kind ! of unnecessary - although it may be used to speed things up. do k = 1, i ! UMatInd is in physical notation <ij|kl>, but the indices ! printed in the FCIDUMP are in chemical notation (ik|jl). if (tOpenSpatialOrbs) then a = gtID(i) b = gtID(j) g = gtID(k) d = gtID(l) else a = i b = j g = k d = l end if if (.not. near_zero(real(UMat(UMatInd(a, b, g, d)), dp))) & write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') & real(UMat(UMatInd(a, b, g, d)), dp), a, g, b, d end do end do end do end do ! TMAT2D stored as spin orbitals. do i = 1, NoOrbs ! Symmetry? do k = 1, NoOrbs if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then if (.not. near_zero(real(TMAT2D(i, k), dp))) then write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') real(TMAT2D(i, k), dp), i, k, 0, 0 end if else if (tOpenSpatialOrbs) then a = gtID(i) b = gtID(k) else a = i b = k end if if (.not. near_zero(real(TMAT2D(2 * a, 2 * b), dp))) then write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') real(TMAT2D(2 * a, 2 * b), dp), a, b, 0, 0 end if if (.not. near_zero(real(TMAT2D(2 * a, 2 * b), dp))) then write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') real(TMAT2D(2 * a, 2 * b), dp), a, b, 0, 0 end if end if end do end do ! ARR has the energies of the orbitals (eigenvalues). ! ARR(:,2) has ordering we want. ! ARR is stored as spin orbitals. do k = 1, NoOrbs if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') Arr(k, 2), k, 0, 0, 0 else if (tOpenSpatialOrbs) then a = gtID(k) else a = k end if write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') Arr(2 * a, 2), a, 0, 0, 0 end if end do write(iunit, '(F21.12,4I5)') ECore, 0, 0, 0, 0 call neci_flush(iunit) close(iunit) ! call halt_timer(PrintROFCIDUMP_Time) end subroutine PrintROFCIDUMP_RDM subroutine BrokenSymNO(evalues, occ_numb_diff) ! This rouine finds natural orbitals (NOs) whose occupation ! numbers differ by a small relative threshold (occ_numb_diff) and ! rotates them by calling the Rotate2Orbs routine in order to ! break symmetry and maximally localise the NOs ! We'd like to keep both the original NOs (Natural Orbitals) ! and the broken maximally localised NOs for checking. ! This is not very (time-) efficient at the moment. use IntegralsData, only: umat use LoggingData, only: tBreakSymNOs, local_cutoff, tagRotNOs, RotNOs use LoggingData, only: rottwo, rotthree, rotfour use MemoryManager, only: LogMemDealloc use Parallel_neci, only: iProcIndex use rdm_data, only: tRotatedNOs use SystemData, only: nel, tStoreSpinOrbs use UMatCache, only: UMatInd real(dp), intent(in) :: evalues(:) real(dp), intent(in) :: occ_numb_diff real(dp) :: diffnorm, SumDiag, sum_old, sum_new, selfint_old real(dp), allocatable :: one_rdm(:, :), trans_2orbs_coeffs(:, :) real(dp), allocatable :: selfint(:) integer, allocatable :: rotate_list(:, :), rotorbs(:, :) integer, allocatable :: sym_list(:) integer :: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, m, n integer :: iumat, jumat logical :: partnerfound, localdelocal allocate(one_rdm(NoOrbs, NoOrbs)) allocate(sym_list(NoOrbs)) allocate(trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 2)) allocate(rotorbs(6, 2)) allocate(rotate_list((NoOrbs * (NoOrbs - 1)), 4)) allocate(selfint(NoOrbs)) if (iProcIndex == 0) then ! No symmetry ordering is applied. do l1 = 1, NoOrbs sym_list(l1) = l1 end do ! Normalisation. SumDiag = sum(evalues) if (tOpenShell) then diffnorm = SumDiag / dble(NEl) else diffnorm = 2.0_dp * (SumDiag / dble(NEl)) end if trotatedNOs = .true. if (tStoreSpinorbs) then call Stop_all("BrokenSymNO", "Broken symmetry NOs currently not implemented for UHF") end if write(stdout, *) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(stdout, *) 'Localising NOs whose occupation numbers differ by less than threshold' write(stdout, *) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' if (tBreakSymNOs) then write(stdout, *) 'Rotating specified NOs' else write(stdout, *) 'Threshold for orbitals to rotate:', occ_numb_diff end if ! Self-interactions. selfint(:) = 0.0_dp do l1 = 1, NoOrbs selfint(l1) = Umat(UmatInd(l1, l1, l1, l1)) end do write(stdout, *) 'Self-interactions for NOs:' do l1 = 1, NoOrbs write(stdout, '(I3,3X,G25.12)') l1, selfint(l1) end do write(stdout, *) 'Sum of NO selfinteractions:', sum(selfint) selfint_old = sum(selfint) ! If the NOs to be rotated are specified in the input file. if (tBreakSymNOs) then rotate_list(:, :) = 0 rotorbs(:, :) = 0 m = 0 do l1 = 2, (2 * rottwo), 2 m = m + 1 rotate_list(m, 1) = RotNOs(l1 - 1) rotate_list(m, 2) = RotNOs(l1) end do do l1 = ((2 * rottwo) + 3), ((2 * rottwo) + (3 * rotthree)), 3 m = m + 1 rotate_list(m, 1) = RotNOs(l1 - 2) rotate_list(m, 2) = RotNOs(l1 - 1) rotate_list(m, 3) = RotNOs(l1) end do do l1 = ((2 * rottwo) + (3 * rotthree) + 4), ((2 * rottwo) + (3 * rotthree) + (4 * rotfour)), 4 m = m + 1 rotate_list(m, 1) = RotNOs(l1 - 3) rotate_list(m, 2) = RotNOs(l1 - 2) rotate_list(m, 3) = RotNOs(l1 - 1) rotate_list(m, 4) = RotNOs(l1) end do else ! If the threshold is used to generate a list of NOs to be ! rotated. ! Generate the list of orbitals which are rotated amongst each ! other. rotate_list(:, :) = 0 rotorbs(:, :) = 0 ! Need to account for spatial and spin orbital representations ! since orbitals of different spin cannot be mixed. ! List contains the NOs which are rotated. ! It can deal with a maximum of four NOs which are mixed. m = 0 n = 1 do l1 = 1, NoOrbs if ((m /= 0) .and. (l1 <= rotate_list(m, n))) cycle partnerfound = .false. n = 1 do l2 = (l1 + 1), NoOrbs if ((abs((evalues(l1) / diffnorm) - (evalues(l2) / diffnorm)) / abs((evalues(l2) / diffnorm)))& & < occ_numb_diff) then if (.not. partnerfound) then m = m + 1 n = n + 1 rotate_list(m, 1) = l1 rotate_list(m, 2) = l2 partnerfound = .true. else if (partnerfound) then n = n + 1 ! this is for up to 2-fold degenearcy ! if ( then ! n = 2 ! write(stdout,*) '***Warning***' ! write(stdout,*) 'Threshold generated more than 2-fold degeneracy' ! write(stdout,*) 'NOs around:',l2 ! cycle ! don't want to rotate more than 2 orbitals ! end if ! this is for up to four-fold degeneracy if (n > 4) then n = 4 write(stdout, *) '***Warning***' write(stdout, *) 'Threshold generated more than 4-fold degeneracy' write(stdout, *) 'NOs around:', l2 cycle ! don't want to rotate more than 4 orbitals end if rotate_list(m, n) = l2 end if end if end do end do end if write(stdout, *) 'The following pairs of orbitals will be rotated:' do l1 = 1, m write(stdout, '(I3,3X,4(I3))') l1, rotate_list(l1, :) end do one_rdm(:, :) = 0.0_dp do l1 = 1, NoOrbs one_rdm(l1, l1) = 1.0_dp end do ! Rotate two-fold degenerate pairs first. do l1 = 1, m ! If only two orbitals have the same occupation numbers. if (rotate_list(l1, 3) == 0) then write(stdout, '(A20,4(I3))') 'Rotating NOs:', rotate_list(l1, :) iumat = rotate_list(l1, 1) jumat = rotate_list(l1, 2) if (jumat <= local_cutoff) then localdelocal = .false. else if (jumat > local_cutoff) then localdelocal = .true. end if call Rotate2Orbs(iumat, jumat, trans_2orbs_coeffs, selfint(iumat),& &selfint(jumat), localdelocal) ! The new NOs are ! phi_{i'} = cos a p_{i} + sin a p_{j} ! phi_{j'} = -sin a p_{i} + cos a p_{j} one_rdm(iumat, iumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 1) one_rdm(jumat, iumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 1) one_rdm(iumat, jumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 2) one_rdm(jumat, jumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 2) write(stdout, *) 'Sum of rotated NO self-interactions:', sum(selfint) selfint_old = sum(selfint) end if end do ! Transform integral corresponding to rotated NO. ! These are required for not printing out RPFCIDUMP or ! BSFCIDUMP every time. trotatedNOs = .true. call Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) call RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) ! If three orbitals are degenerate. do l1 = 1, m if ((rotate_list(l1, 3) /= 0) .and. (rotate_list(l1, 4) == 0)) then sum_new = sum(selfint) rotorbs(1, 1) = 1 rotorbs(1, 2) = 2 rotorbs(2, 1) = 1 rotorbs(2, 2) = 3 rotorbs(3, 1) = 2 rotorbs(3, 2) = 3 ! These have to be done self-consistently since all ! three orbitals can intermix. do sum_old = sum_new write(stdout, '(A20,4(I3))') 'Rotating NOs:', rotate_list(l1, :) do l3 = 1, 3 iumat = rotate_list(l1, rotorbs(l3, 1)) jumat = rotate_list(l1, rotorbs(l3, 2)) one_rdm = 0.0_dp do l4 = 1, NoOrbs if ((l4 /= iumat) .and. (l4 /= jumat)) then one_rdm = 1.0_dp end if end do if (jumat <= local_cutoff) then localdelocal = .false. else if (jumat > local_cutoff) then localdelocal = .true. end if call Rotate2Orbs(iumat, jumat,& &trans_2orbs_coeffs, selfint(iumat), selfint(jumat)& &, localdelocal) ! The new NOs are ! phi_{i'} = cos a p_{i} + sin a p_{j} ! phi_{j'} = -sin a p_{i} + cos a p_{j} one_rdm(iumat, iumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 1) one_rdm(jumat, iumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 1) one_rdm(iumat, jumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 2) one_rdm(jumat, jumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 2) ! Transform integral corresponding to rotated NO. ! These are required for not printing out ! RPFCIDUMP or BSFCIDUMP every time. trotatedNOs = .true. call Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) call RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) end do ! Check for convergence. sum_new = sum(selfint) write(stdout, '(A50,2G20.12)') 'Current and previous selfinteraction:',& &sum_new, sum_old if (abs(sum_new - sum_old) < 1e-12_dp) then exit end if end do write(stdout, *) 'Sum of rotated NO self-interactions:', sum(selfint) selfint_old = sum(selfint) else if ((rotate_list(l1, 3) /= 0) .and. (rotate_list(l1, 4) /= 0)) then sum_new = sum(selfint) rotorbs(1, 1) = 1 rotorbs(1, 2) = 2 rotorbs(2, 1) = 3 rotorbs(2, 2) = 4 rotorbs(3, 1) = 1 rotorbs(3, 2) = 3 rotorbs(4, 1) = 2 rotorbs(4, 2) = 4 rotorbs(5, 1) = 1 rotorbs(5, 2) = 4 rotorbs(6, 1) = 2 rotorbs(6, 2) = 3 ! These have to be done self-consistently since all ! three orbitals can intermix. do sum_old = sum_new write(stdout, '(A20,4(I3))') 'Rotating NOs:', rotate_list(l1, :) do l3 = 1, 3 one_rdm(:, :) = 0.0_dp do l4 = 1, NoOrbs if ((l4 /= rotate_list(l1, 1)) .and. (l4 /= rotate_list(l1, 2))& & .and. (l4 /= rotate_list(l1, 3)) .and. (l4 /= rotate_list(l1, 4))) then one_rdm(l4, l4) = 1.0_dp end if end do ! Rotate these two independently. do l5 = 0, 1 iumat = rotate_list(l1, rotorbs(((2 * l3) - l5), 1)) jumat = rotate_list(l1, rotorbs(((2 * l3) - l5), 2)) if (jumat <= local_cutoff) then localdelocal = .false. else if (jumat > local_cutoff) then localdelocal = .true. end if call Rotate2Orbs(iumat, jumat, trans_2orbs_coeffs, & selfint(iumat), selfint(jumat), localdelocal) ! The new NOs are ! phi_{i'} = cos a p_{i} + sin a p_{j} ! phi_{j'} = -sin a p_{i} + cos a p_{j} one_rdm(iumat, iumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 1) one_rdm(jumat, iumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 1) one_rdm(iumat, jumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 2) one_rdm(jumat, jumat) = trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 2) end do ! Transform integral corresponding to rotated NO. ! These are required for not printing out ! RPFCIDUMP or BSFCIDUMP every time. trotatedNOs = .true. call Transform2ElIntsMemSave_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) call RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list) end do ! Check for convergence. sum_new = sum(selfint) write(stdout, "(A50,2G20.12)") 'Current and previous selfinteractions:',& &sum_new, sum_old if (abs(sum_new - sum_old) < 1e-12_dp) then exit end if end do write(stdout, *) 'Sum of rotated NO self-interactions:', sum(selfint) selfint_old = sum(selfint) end if end do write(stdout, *) 'Final self-interactions for rotated NOs:' do l1 = 1, NoOrbs write(stdout, '(I3,3X,G25.12)') l1, selfint(l1) end do write(stdout, *) 'Sum of rotated NO self-interactions:', sum(selfint) write(stdout, *) '------------------------------------------------------' write(stdout, *) 'Writing out BSFCIDUMP...' write(stdout, *) '------------------------------------------------------' call PrintROFCIDUMP_RDM("BSFCIDUMP") end if deallocate(one_rdm) deallocate(sym_list) deallocate(trans_2orbs_coeffs) deallocate(rotate_list) deallocate(rotorbs) deallocate(selfint) if (tBreakSymNOs) then deallocate(RotNOs) call LogMemDealloc('BrokenSymNO', tagRotNOs) end if end subroutine BrokenSymNO subroutine Rotate2Orbs(i, j, trans_2orbs_coeffs, selfintorb1, selfintorb2, localdelocal) ! This routine takes two orbitals i,j, and rotates them in order to ! maximally localise these. It employs an Edminston-Ruedenberg type ! localisation which maximises the self-interaction ! \sum_{i=1}^{2} \sum_{r,s,u,v} (c_{ir})*(c_{is})*c_{iu}c_{iv} <p_{i}p_{i}|u|p_{i}p_{i}> ! where p_{i} are the original NOs. ! The coefficients c are given by the following matrix: ! c = cos a sin a ! -sin a cos a ! Then angle a is found by differentiating and setting it equal to 0 ! which gives the following analytical expression of the form ! tan a = -x/y ! where x and y are sums of the original NO four index integrals. use IntegralsData, only: umat use UMatCache, only: UMatInd real(dp), allocatable, intent(inout) :: trans_2orbs_coeffs(:, :) real(dp), intent(inout) :: selfintorb1, selfintorb2 real(dp) :: alpha2(17) real(dp) :: selfinteractions(17) real(dp) :: coeffcos, coeffsin, maxint integer :: maxangle(1) integer :: indicesij(2) integer, intent(in) :: i, j integer :: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5 logical, intent(in) :: localdelocal indicesij(1) = i indicesij(2) = j trans_2orbs_coeffs(:, :) = 0.0_dp ! Umat(UMatInd(i,j,k,l)) contains the four-index integrals ! <ij|kl> (physical notation) in the NO basis coeffcos = Umat(UmatInd(i, i, i, j)) + Umat(UmatInd(i, i, j, i)) + Umat(UmatInd(i, j, i, i)) & & - Umat(UmatInd(i, j, j, j)) + Umat(UmatInd(j, i, i, i)) - Umat(UmatInd(j, i, j, j)) & & - Umat(UmatInd(j, j, i, j)) - Umat(UmatInd(j, j, j, i)) coeffsin = -Umat(UmatInd(i, i, i, i)) + Umat(UmatInd(i, i, j, j)) + Umat(UmatInd(i, j, i, j)) & & + Umat(UmatInd(i, j, j, i)) + Umat(UmatInd(j, i, i, j)) + Umat(UmatInd(j, i, j, i)) & & + Umat(UmatInd(j, j, i, i)) - Umat(UmatInd(j, j, j, j)) ! atan return a value in [-pi/2,pi/2] ! because of the 4*alpha in the equation there are 8 distinct solutions ! i.e. in the range 0,2*pi ! i.e. possible solutions are separated by (2*pi/8)=pi/4 ! for safety 16 solutions are evaluated. alpha2(9) = atan((-coeffcos / coeffsin)) alpha2(9) = alpha2(9) / 4.0_dp do l1 = 8, 1, -1 alpha2(l1) = alpha2(l1 + 1) - (pi / 4.0_dp) end do do l1 = 10, 17 alpha2(l1) = alpha2(l1 - 1) + (pi / 4.0_dp) end do ! second derivatives to find maximum (necessary since the minimum, i.e. fully delocalised ! orbitals satisfy the same conditions !secondderiv(1) = (4.0_dp*coeffsin*cos(4.0_dp*alpha(1))) - (4.0_dp*coeffcos*sin(4.0_dp*alpha(1))) !secondderiv(2) = (4.0_dp*coeffsin*cos(4.0_dp*alpha(2))) - (4.0_dp*coeffcos*sin(4.0_dp*alpha(2))) ! Compute selfinteractions to check which one is largest. ! This is a better measure than the second derivatives. selfinteractions(:) = 0.0_dp do l1 = 1, 17 trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 1) = cos(alpha2(l1)) trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 1) = sin(alpha2(l1)) trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 2) = -sin(alpha2(l1)) trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 2) = cos(alpha2(l1)) do l2 = 1, 2 do l3 = 1, 2 do l4 = 1, 2 do l5 = 1, 2 selfinteractions(l1) = selfinteractions(l1) + trans_2orbs_coeffs(l2, 1)& &* trans_2orbs_coeffs(l3, 1) *& &trans_2orbs_coeffs(l4, 1) * trans_2orbs_coeffs(l5, 1) *& &Umat(UmatInd(indicesij(l2), indicesij(l3), indicesij(l4), indicesij(l5))) end do end do end do end do do l2 = 1, 2 do l3 = 1, 2 do l4 = 1, 2 do l5 = 1, 2 selfinteractions(l1) = selfinteractions(l1) + trans_2orbs_coeffs(l2, 2)& &* trans_2orbs_coeffs(l3, 2) *& &trans_2orbs_coeffs(l4, 2) * trans_2orbs_coeffs(l5, 2) *& &Umat(UmatInd(indicesij(l2), indicesij(l3), indicesij(l4), indicesij(l5))) end do end do end do end do end do ! Choose the angle which maximises the self interactions. if (.not. localdelocal) then ! Maximally delocalised. maxangle = minloc(selfinteractions) maxint = minval(selfinteractions) else if (localdelocal) then ! Maximally localised. maxangle = maxloc(selfinteractions) maxint = maxval(selfinteractions) end if ! Return transformatin coefficients. trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 1) = cos(alpha2(maxangle(1))) trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 1) = sin(alpha2(maxangle(1))) trans_2orbs_coeffs(1, 2) = -sin(alpha2(maxangle(1))) trans_2orbs_coeffs(2, 2) = cos(alpha2(maxangle(1))) ! New self-interactions for transformed orbitals. selfintorb1 = 0.0_dp selfintorb2 = 0.0_dp do l2 = 1, 2 do l3 = 1, 2 do l4 = 1, 2 do l5 = 1, 2 selfintorb1 = selfintorb1 + trans_2orbs_coeffs(l2, 1)& &* trans_2orbs_coeffs(l3, 1) *& &trans_2orbs_coeffs(l4, 1) * trans_2orbs_coeffs(l5, 1) *& &Umat(UmatInd(indicesij(l2), indicesij(l3), indicesij(l4), indicesij(l5))) selfintorb2 = selfintorb2 + trans_2orbs_coeffs(l2, 2)& &* trans_2orbs_coeffs(l3, 2) *& &trans_2orbs_coeffs(l4, 2) * trans_2orbs_coeffs(l5, 2) *& &Umat(UmatInd(indicesij(l2), indicesij(l3), indicesij(l4), indicesij(l5))) end do end do end do end do end subroutine Rotate2Orbs end module rdm_nat_orbs