readint.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

module read_fci
    use constants, only: dp, int64, stdout, sizeof_int, nel_uninitialized
    use util_mod, only: stop_all, get_free_unit, near_zero

    use SystemData, only: tNoSymGenRandExcits, lNoSymmetry, tROHF, tHub, tUEG, &
        tStoreSpinOrbs, tKPntSym, tRotatedOrbsReal, tFixLz, tUHF, &
        tMolpro, tReltvy, nclosedOrbs, nOccOrbs, nIrreps, &
        BasisFN, Symmetry, NullBasisFn, iMaxLz, tReadFreeFormat, &
        UMatEps, t_non_hermitian_1_body, tRIIntegrals, SYMMAX, irrepOrbOffset, &

    use SymData, only: nProp, PropBitLen, TwoCycleSymGens

    use UMatCache, only: GetCacheIndexStates, GTID, &
        UMatInd, UMatConj, UMAT2D, TUMAT2D, CacheFCIDUMP, &
        FillUpCache, GTID, nStates, GetUMatSize

    use OneEInts, only: TMatind, TMat2D, CalcTMatSize

    use Parallel_neci, only: MPIBCast, iProcIndex, MPIBcast, MPIArg
    use shared_memory_mpi, only: shared_sync_mpi, MPIBCast_inter_byte
    implicit none

    character(len=1024) :: FCIDUMP_name

    ! Variable for orbital re-ordering - a permutation of the
    ! orbitals which is applied to the content of the FCIDUMP file
    integer, allocatable, private :: orbital_permutation(:)


        logical, intent(in) :: tbin
        integer, intent(out) :: nBasisMax(5, *), LEN, LMS
        integer, intent(inout) :: NEL
        integer SYMLZ(1000), ST, III
        integer OCC(nIrreps), CLOSED(nIrreps), FROZEN(nIrreps)
        integer(int64) :: ORBSYM(1000)
        INTEGER NORB, NELEC, MS2, ISYM, i, SYML(1000), iunit, iuhf
        LOGICAL exists
        logical :: uhf, trel, tDetectSym
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'INITFROMFCID'
        real(dp), allocatable :: FOCK(:)

        CHARACTER(len=3) :: fmat
        UHF = .FALSE.
        fmat = 'NO'
        PROPBITLEN = 0
        NPROP = 0
        IUHF = 0
        TREL = .false.
        SYMLZ(:) = 0
        OCC = -1
        CLOSED = -1
        FROZEN = -1
        allocate(FOCK(1000), source=0.0_dp)
        ! [W.D. 15.5.2017:]
        ! with the new relativistic calculations, withoug a ms value in the
        ! FCIDUMP, we have to set some more defaults..
        MS2 = 0
        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            IF (TBIN) THEN
                INQUIRE (FILE='FCISYM', EXIST=exists)
                IF (.not. exists) THEN
                    CALL Stop_All(this_routine, 'FCISYM file does not exist')
                end if
                INQUIRE (FILE=FCIDUMP_name, EXIST=exists, FORMATTED=fmat)
                IF (.not. exists) THEN
                    CALL Stop_All(this_routine, 'FCIDUMP file does not exist')
                end if
                open(iunit, FILE='FCISYM', STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED')
                read(iunit, FCI)
                INQUIRE (FILE=FCIDUMP_name, EXIST=exists, UNFORMATTED=fmat)
                IF (.not. exists) THEN
                    CALL Stop_All(this_routine, 'FCIDUMP file does not exist')
                end if
                open(iunit, FILE=FCIDUMP_name, STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED')
                read(iunit, FCI)
            end if
        end if

        ! Currently, FOCK array has been introduced to prevent crashing calculations
        ! It is deallocated here, as it is not used in the code anymore.
        ! If you want to use FOCK, don't forget to add MPIBCast(FOCK).

        call reorder_sym_labels(ORBSYM, SYML, SYMLZ)

!Now broadcast these values to the other processors
        CALL MPIBCast(NORB, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(NELEC, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(MS2, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ORBSYM, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYML, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYMLZ, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(ISYM, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(UHF)
        CALL MPIBCast(tRel)
        CALL MPIBCast(NPROP, 3)
        call MPIBCast(OCC, 8)
        call MPIBCast(CLOSED, nIrreps)
        call MPIBCast(FROZEN, nIrreps)
        if (UHF .and. .not. (tUHF .or. tROHF)) then
            ! unfortunately, the `UHF` keyword in the FCIDUMP namelist indicates
            ! spin-orbital-resolved integrals, not necessarily UHF
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'UHF in FCIDUMP but neither uhf nor rohf in input.')
        end if
        ! If PropBitLen has been set then assume we're not using an Abelian
        ! symmetry group which has two cycle generators (ie the group has
        ! complex representations).
        TwoCycleSymGens = PropBitLen == 0
        tReltvy = tRel
        nOccOrbs = OCC
        nClosedOrbs = CLOSED

        IF (.not. TwoCycleSymGens .and. ((NPROP(1) + NPROP(2) + NPROP(3)) > 3)) THEN
            !We are using abelian k-point symmetry. Turn it on.
            tKPntSym = .true.
            write(stdout, "(A,I5,A)") "Using abelian k-point symmetry - ", NPROP(1) * NPROP(2) * NPROP(3), " kpoints found."
            tKPntSym = .false.
        end if

#ifndef CMPLX_
        if (PropBitLen /= 0) then
            !We have compiled the code in real, but we are looking at a complex FCIDUMP, potentially
            !even with multiple k-points. However, these orbitals must be real, and ensure that the
            !integrals are read in as real.
            write(stdout, "(A)") "Neci compiled in real mode, but kpoints detected."
            write(stdout, "(A)") "This will be ok if kpoints are all at Gamma or BZ boundary and are correctly rotated."
            tRotatedOrbsReal = .true.
        else if (tRel) then
            write(stdout, "(A)") "Relativistic integrals, but neci compiled in real mode."
        end if

        if (.not. tMolpro) then
            IF (tROHF .and. (.not. UHF)) THEN
                CALL Stop_All(this_routine, "ROHF specified, but FCIDUMP is not in a high-spin format.")
            end if
        end if

        tDetectSym = .true.
        DO i = 1, NORB
            IF (ORBSYM(i) == 0 .and. TwoCycleSymGens) THEN
                write(stdout, *) "** WARNING **"
                write(stdout, *) "** Unconverged symmetry of orbitals **"
                write(stdout, *) "** Turning point group symmetry off for rest of run **"
                if (.not. (tFixLz .or. tKPntSym .or. tUEG .or. tHub)) then
                    write(stdout, *) "** No symmetry at all will be used in excitation generators **"
                    tNoSymGenRandExcits = .true.
                end if
                lNoSymmetry = .true.
            end if
        end do
        if (tDetectSym) then
            !Check that there is more than one irrep
            tDetectSym = .false.
            do i = 1, Norb
                if (OrbSym(i) /= 1) then
                    tDetectSym = .true.
                end if
            end do
        end if
        if (.not. tDetectSym) then
            write(stdout, *) "Only one irrep found. Turning off symmetry for rest of calculation."
            if (.not. tFixLz .or. tKPntSym) then
                tNoSymGenRandExcits = .true.
                lNoSymmetry = .true.
            end if
        end if

        IF (NELEC /= NEL) THEN
            if( NEL == NEL_UNINITIALIZED ) then
                write(stdout,*) "No number of electrons given, using NEL in FCIDUMP"
                NEL = NELEC
                write(stdout, *)                                                 &
                    &      '*** WARNING: NEL in FCIDUMP differs from input file ***'
                write(stdout, *) ' NUMBER OF ELECTRONS : ', NEL
        end if
!         NEL=NELEC
        IF (LMS /= MS2) THEN
            write(stdout, *)                                                  &
     &      '*** WARNING: LMS in FCIDUMP differs from input file ***'
            LMS = MS2
            write(stdout, *) ' BASIS MS : ', LMS
        end if
        if (tMolpro) then
            !Molpros FCIDUMPs always indicate the number of spatial orbitals.
            !Need to x2 to get spin orbitals
            LEN = 2 * NORB
            IF (UHF .or. tRel) then
                LEN = NORB
                LEN = 2 * NORB
            end if
        end if
        NBASISMAX(1:5, 1:3) = 0
!         NBASISMAX(1,1)=1
!         NBASISMAX(1,2)=NORB
        NBASISMAX(1, 1) = 0
        NBASISMAX(1, 2) = 0
        NBASISMAX(1, 3) = 2
        NBASISMAX(4, 1) = -1
        NBASISMAX(4, 2) = 1

!the indicator of UHF (which becomes ISpinSkip or ISS later
        if (tMolpro) then
            if (tUHF) then
                NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 1
                NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 2
            end if
            tStoreSpinOrbs = tStoreSpinOrbs .or. tRel
            IF ((UHF .and. (.not. tROHF)) .or. tRel) then
                NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 1
                NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 2
            end if
        end if

! Show that there's no momentum conservation
        NBASISMAX(3, 3) = 1

        integer, intent(in) :: LEN
        integer, intent(inout) :: nBasisMax(5, *)
        integer, intent(out) :: BRR(LEN)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: ARR(LEN, 2)
        type(BasisFN), intent(out) :: G1(LEN)
        HElement_t(dp) Z
#ifndef CMPLX_
        COMPLEX(dp) :: CompInt
        integer(int64) IND, MASK
        INTEGER I, J, K, L, I1
        INTEGER ISYMNUM, ISNMAX, SYMLZ(1000), iunit
        integer OCC(nIrreps), CLOSED(nIrreps), FROZEN(nIrreps)
        integer(int64) ORBSYM(1000)
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'GETFCIBASIS'
        logical :: uhf, tRel
        integer :: orbsPerIrrep(nIrreps)
        real(dp), allocatable :: FOCK(:)
#ifdef CMPLX_
        real(dp) :: real_time_Z

        iunit = 0
        UHF = .FALSE.
        PROPBITLEN = 0
        NPROP = 0
        IUHF = 0
        TREL = .false.
        SYMLZ(:) = 0
        allocate(FOCK(len/2), source=0.0_dp)

        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            IF (TBIN) THEN
                open(iunit, FILE='FCISYM', STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED')
                read(iunit, FCI)
                open(iunit, FILE=FCIDUMP_name, STATUS='OLD', FORM='UNFORMATTED')
                open(iunit, FILE=FCIDUMP_name, STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED')
                read(iunit, FCI)
            end if
        end if

        ! Currently, FOCK array has been introduced to prevent crashing calculations
        ! It is deallocated here, as it is not used in the code anymore.
        ! If you want to use FOCK, don't forget to add MPIBCast(FOCK).

        ! Re-order the orbitals symmetry labels if required
        call reorder_sym_labels(ORBSYM, SYML, SYMLZ)

!Now broadcast these values to the other processors (the values are only read in on root)
        CALL MPIBCast(NORB, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(NELEC, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(MS2, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ORBSYM, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYML, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYMLZ, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(ISYM, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(IUHF, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(UHF)
        CALL MPIBCast(TREL)
        CALL MPIBCast(NPROP, 3)
        ! If PropBitLen has been set then assume we're not using an Abelian
        ! symmetry group which has two cycle generators (ie the group has
        ! complex representations).
        TwoCycleSymGens = PropBitLen == 0
        tReltvy = tRel

        ISYMNUM = 0
        ISNMAX = 0
        ISPINS = 2

        IF ((UHF .and. (.not. tROHF)) .or. tReltvy) ISPINS = 1

        IF (tROHF) THEN
            if (.not. tMolpro) then
                write(stdout, *) "Reading in Spin-orbital FCIDUMP but storing as spatial orbitals."
!             write(stdout,*) "*** Warning - Fock energy of orbitals will be "&
!     &                //"incorrect ***"
!We are reading in the symmetry of the orbitals in spin-orbitals - we need to change this to spatial orbitals
                DO i = 1, NORB - 1, 2
                    IF (ORBSYM(i) /= ORBSYM(i + 1)) THEN
                        CALL Stop_All("GetFCIBASIS", "Spin-orbitals are not ordered in symmetry pairs")
                    end if
                    ORBSYM((i + 1) / 2) = ORBSYM(i)
                    SYML((i + 1) / 2) = SYML(i)
                    SYMLZ((i + 1) / 2) = SYMLZ(i)
                end do
!NORB is the length in spatial orbitals, LEN is spin orbitals (both spin for UHF)
                NORB = NORB / 2
                DO i = NORB + 1, 1000
                    ORBSYM(i) = 0
                    SYML(i) = 0
                    SYMLZ(i) = 0
                end do
                !Molpro goes here. tROHF is handled exactly the same way as RHF.
                !Therefore, the arrays should be the correct length anyway
                write(stdout, *) "Reading in ROHF FCIDUMP, and storing as spatial orbitals."
            end if
        end if

        ! Count the number of orbs per irrep
        if (any(ORBSYM(1:NORB) == 0)) then
            write(stdout, *) "WARNING: Invalid ORBSYM in FCIDUMP, are you sure you know what you are doing?"
            orbsPerIrrep = 0
            do i = 1, NORB
                orbsPerIrrep(ORBSYM(i)) = orbsPerIrrep(ORBSYM(i)) + ISPINS
            end do
            irrepOrbOffset(1) = 0
            do i = 2, nIrreps
                irrepOrbOffset(i) = irrepOrbOffset(i - 1) + orbsPerIrrep(i - 1)
            end do
        end if

        !For Molpro, ISPINS should always be 2, and therefore NORB is spatial, and len is spin orbtials
        IF (LEN /= ISPINS * NORB) call stop_all(t_r, 'LEN .NE. NORB in GETFCIBASIS')
        G1(1:LEN) = NullBasisFn
        ARR = 0.0_dp

        IF (iProcIndex == 0 .and. (.not. tMolpro)) THEN
!Just read in integrals on head node. This is only trying to read in fock energies, which aren't written out by molpro anyway

            IF (TBIN) THEN
                if (tMolpro) call stop_all(t_r, 'UHF Bin read not functional through molpro')
                IF (UHF .or. tROHF) call stop_all(t_r, 'UHF Bin read not functional')
                MASK = (2**16) - 1

                !IND contains all the indices in an integer(int64) - use mask of 16bit to extract them
2               read(iunit, END=99) Z, IND
                L = int(iand(IND, MASK))
                IND = Ishft(IND, -16)
                K = int(iand(IND, MASK))
                IND = Ishft(IND, -16)
                J = int(iand(IND, MASK))
                IND = Ishft(IND, -16)
                I = int(iand(IND, MASK))

!                I=Index(I)
!                J=Index(J)
!                K=Index(K)
!                L=Index(L)

!.. Each orbital in the file corresponds to alpha and beta spinorbitals
                !Fill ARR with the energy levels
                IF (I /= 0 .AND. K == 0 .AND. I == J) THEN
                    IF (I > 1) THEN
                        IF (ORBSYM(I) /= ORBSYM(I - 1)) THEN
                            IF (ISYMNUM > ISNMAX) ISNMAX = ISYMNUM
                            ISYMNUM = 0
                        end if
                    end if
                    ISYMNUM = ISYMNUM + 1
                    ARR(2 * I - 1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                    ARR(2 * I, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                else if (I /= 0 .AND. K == 0 .AND. J == 0) THEN
                    ARR(2 * I - 1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                    ARR(2 * I, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                end if
!.. At the moment we're ignoring the core energy
                IF (I /= 0) GOTO 2

            ELSE   !Reading in formatted FCIDUMP file

                ! Can't use * as need to be backward compatible with existing
                ! FCIDUMP files, some of which have more than 100 basis
                ! functions and so the integer labels run into each other.
                ! This means it won't work with more than 999 basis
                ! functions...
#ifdef CMPLX_
1                   if (t_complex_ints) then
                    read(iunit, *, END=99) Z, I, J, K, L
                    read(iunit, *, END=99) real_time_Z, I, J, K, L
                    Z = dcmplx(real_time_Z, 0.0_dp)
                end if
1               CONTINUE
                !It is possible that the FCIDUMP can be written out in complex notation, but still only
                !have real orbitals. This occurs with solid systems, where all kpoints are at the
                !gamma point or BZ boundary and have been appropriately rotated. In this case, all imaginary
                !components should be zero to numerical precision.
                if (tRotatedOrbsReal) then
                    !Still need to read in integrals as complex numbers - this FCIDUMP will be from VASP.
                    read(iunit, *, END=99) CompInt, I, J, K, L
                    Z = real(CompInt, dp)
                    if (abs(aimag(CompInt)) > 1.0e-7_dp) then
                        write(stdout, *) "Using the *real* neci compiled code, &
                                   &however non-zero imaginary parts of &
                                   &integrals found"
                        write(stdout, *) "If all k-points are at Gamma or BZ &
                                   &boundary, orbitals should be able to be &
                                   &rotated to be real"
                        write(stdout, *) "Check this is the case, or rerun in &
                                   &complex mode to handle complex integrals."
                        call stop_all("GETFCIBASIS", "Real orbitals indicated,&
                                      & but imaginary part of integrals larger&
                                      & than 1.0e-7_dp")
                    end if
                    if (tMolpro .or. tReadFreeFormat) then
                        !If calling from within molpro, integrals are written out to greater precision
                        !Here is where we read integrals in Molcas/NECI interface
                        read(iunit, *, END=99) Z, I, J, K, L
                        read(iunit, '(1X,G20.12,4I3)', END=99) Z, I, J, K, L
                    end if
                end if
                ! If a permutation is loaded, apply it to the read indices
                call reorder_orb_label(I)
                call reorder_orb_label(J)
                call reorder_orb_label(K)
                call reorder_orb_label(L)

                IF (tROHF .and. (.not. tMolpro)) THEN
!The FCIDUMP file is in spin-orbitals - we need to transfer them to spatial orbitals (unless from molpro, where already spatial).
                    IF (I /= 0) THEN
                        I1 = GTID(I)
                        I1 = 0
                    end if
                    IF (J /= 0) THEN
                        J = GTID(J)
                    end if
                    IF (K /= 0) THEN
                        K = GTID(K)
                    end if
                    IF (L /= 0) THEN
                        L = GTID(L)
                    end if
                    I1 = I    !Create new I index, since ROHF wants both spin and spatial indicies to get the fock energies right.
                end if

!.. Each orbital in the file corresponds to alpha and beta spinorbitals
                !Fill ARR with the energy levels
                IF (I1 /= 0 .AND. K == 0 .AND. I1 == J) THEN
                    IF (I1 > 1) THEN
                        IF (ORBSYM(I1) /= ORBSYM(I1 - 1)) THEN
                            IF (ISYMNUM > ISNMAX) ISNMAX = ISYMNUM
                            ISYMNUM = 0
                        end if
                    end if
                    ISYMNUM = ISYMNUM + 1

!This fills the single particle energy array (ARR) with the diagonal one-electron integrals, so that if
!there are no fock energies printed out in the FCIDUMP, then we can still order the orbitals in some way.
!If the fock energies are printed out before the one-electron integrals, this will cause problems.
!These integrals must be real.
                    IF (ISPINS == 1) THEN
                        ARR(I1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                    else if (tROHF) THEN
                        ARR(I, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                        ARR(2 * I1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                        ARR(2 * I1 - 1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                    end if

                else if (I1 /= 0 .AND. K == 0 .AND. J == 0) THEN
!                    write(stdout,*) I
                    IF (ISPINS == 1) THEN
                        ARR(I1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                    else if (tROHF) THEN
                        ARR(I, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                        ARR(2 * I1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                        ARR(2 * I1 - 1, 1) = real(Z, dp)
                    end if

!                    DO ISPN=1,ISPINS
!                        ARR(ISPINS*I-ISPN+1,1)=real(Z,dp)
!                    end do

                end if
!.. At the moment we're ignoring the core energy
                IF (I1 /= 0) GOTO 1
            end if
99          CONTINUE

        end if

        if (tMolpro .and. (iProcIndex == 0)) close(iunit)

!We now need to broadcast all the information we've just read in...
        CALL MPIBCast(ISNMAX, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ISYMNUM, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(Arr, LEN * 2)

        SYMMAX = 1
        iMaxLz = 0
        DO I = 1, NORB
            DO ISPN = 1, ISPINS
                BRR(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1) = ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1
                if (TwoCycleSymGens) then
                    G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%Sym%s = ORBSYM(I) - 1
                    G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%Sym%s = ORBSYM(I)
                end if
                IF (tFixLz) THEN
                    G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%Ml = SYMLZ(I)
                    G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%Ml = 0
                end if
!.. set momentum to 0
                G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%k(1) = 0
                G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%k(2) = 0
                G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%k(3) = 0
                G1(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1)%Ms = -MOD(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1, 2) * 2 + 1
                IF (SYMMAX < ORBSYM(I)) SYMMAX = int(ORBSYM(I))
                IF (abs(SYMLZ(I)) > iMaxLz) iMaxLz = abs(SYMLZ(I))
            end do
        end do
        IF (.not. tFixLz) iMaxLz = 0
        if (.not. TwoCycleSymGens) then
            SYMMAX = ISYM
            ! We use bit strings to store symmetry information.
            ! SYMMAX needs to be the smallest power of 2 greater or equal to
            ! the actual number of symmetry representations spanned by the basis.
            SYMMAX = 2**ceiling(log(real(SYMMAX, dp)) / log(2.0_dp))
        end if
        IF (tFixLz) write(stdout, "(A,I3)") "Maximum Lz orbital: ", iMaxLz
        write(stdout, "(A,I3)") "  Maximum number of symmetries: ", SYMMAX
        NBASISMAX(1, 1) = 0
        NBASISMAX(1, 2) = 0
        NBASISMAX(5, 1) = 0
        NBASISMAX(5, 2) = SYMMAX - 1
        NBASISMAX(2, 1) = 0
        NBASISMAX(2, 2) = 0

        integer, intent(in) :: NBASIS
        real(dp), intent(out) :: ECORE
        HElement_t(dp), intent(inout) :: UMAT(:)
        integer(MPIArg) :: umat_win
        HElement_t(dp) Z
#ifndef CMPLX_
        COMPLEX(dp) :: CompInt
        INTEGER(int64) :: ZeroedInt, NonZeroInt, LzDisallowed
        INTEGER I, J, K, L, X, Y, iSpinType, iunit
        integer(int64) ORBSYM(1000)
        logical :: uhf
        integer OCC(nIrreps), CLOSED(nIrreps), FROZEN(nIrreps)
        INTEGER TMatSize, IUHF
        integer(int64) :: UMatSize
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'READFCIINT'
        real(dp) :: diff
        logical :: tbad, tRel
        integer(int64) :: start_ind, end_ind
        integer(int64), parameter :: chunk_size = 1000000
        integer:: bytecount
        real(dp), allocatable :: FOCK(:)
#if defined(CMPLX_)
        real(dp) :: real_time_Z

        LWRITE = .FALSE.
        UHF = .FALSE.
        TREL = .false.
        IUHF = 0
        PROPBITLEN = 0
        NPROP = 0
        SYMLZ(:) = 0
        ZeroedInt = 0
        LzDisallowed = 0
        NonZeroInt = 0
        iunit = 0
        allocate(FOCK(nbasis/2), source=0.0_dp)

        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            open(iunit, FILE=FCIDUMP_name, STATUS='OLD')
            read(iunit, FCI)
        end if

        ! Currently, FOCK array has been introduced to prevent crashing calculations
        ! It is deallocated here, as it is not used in the code anymore.
        ! If you want to use FOCK, don't forget to add MPIBCast(FOCK).

        ! Re-order the orbitals symmetry labels if required
        call reorder_sym_labels(ORBSYM, SYML, SYMLZ)

!Now broadcast these values to the other processors (the values are only read in on root)
        CALL MPIBCast(NORB, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(NELEC, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(MS2, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ORBSYM, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYML, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYMLZ, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(ISYM, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(IUHF, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(UHF)
        CALL MPIBCast(TREL)
        CALL MPIBCast(NPROP, 3)
        ! If PropBitLen has been set then assume we're not using an Abelian
        ! symmetry group which has two cycle generators (ie the group has
        ! complex representations).
        TwoCycleSymGens = PropBitLen == 0
        tReltvy = tRel

        ISPINS = 2
        IF (UHF .and. (.not. tROHF)) ISPINS = 1
        if (tMolpro .and. tUHF) ISPINS = 1
        if (tReltvy) ISPINS = 1

        IF (tROHF .and. (.not. tMolpro)) THEN
!We are reading in the symmetry of the orbitals in spin-orbitals - we need to change this to spatial orbitals
!NORB is the length in spatial orbitals, LEN is spin orbitals (both spin for UHF)
            NORB = NORB / 2
        end if

        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN

            write (stdout, '("Two-electron integrals with a magnitude over ", &
                      &g16.7," are screened")') UMatEps

            if (tMolpro .and. tUHF) then
                !In molpro, UHF FCIDUMPs are written out as:
                !1: aaaa
                !2: bbbb
                !3: aabb
                !4: aa
                !5: bb
                !with delimiters of 0.000000 0 0 0 0
                iSpinType = 1
                iSpinType = 0
            end if
            TMAT2D(:, :) = (0.0_dp)
            ! Can't use * as need to be backward compatible with existing
            ! FCIDUMP files, some of which have more than 100 basis
            ! functions and so the integer labels run into each other.
            ! This means it won't work with more than 999 basis
            ! functions...
#if defined(CMPLX_)
101         if (t_complex_ints) then
                read(iunit, *, END=199) Z, I, J, K, L
                read(iunit, *, END=199) real_time_Z, I, J, K, L
                Z = dcmplx(real_time_Z, 0.0_dp)
            end if
101         CONTINUE
            !It is possible that the FCIDUMP can be written out in complex notation, but still only
            !have real orbitals. This occurs with solid systems, where all kpoints are at the
            !gamma point or BZ boundary and have been appropriately rotated. In this case, all imaginary
            !components should be zero to numerical precision.
            if (tRotatedOrbsReal) then
                !Still need to read in integrals as complex numbers - this FCIDUMP will be from VASP.
                read(iunit, *, END=199) CompInt, I, J, K, L
                Z = real(CompInt, dp)
                if (abs(aimag(CompInt)) > 1.0e-7_dp) then
                    call stop_all("READFCIINT", "Real orbitals indicated, but imaginary part of integrals larger than 1.0e-7_dp")
                end if
                if (tMolpro .or. tReadFreeFormat) then
                    read(iunit, *, END=199) Z, I, J, K, L
                    read(iunit, '(1X,G20.12,4I3)', END=199) Z, I, J, K, L
                end if
            end if

            ! If a permutation is loaded, apply it to the read indices
            call reorder_orb_label(I)
            call reorder_orb_label(J)
            call reorder_orb_label(K)
            call reorder_orb_label(L)

            ! Remove integrals that are too small
            ! NOTE we need I > 0 in case we have a UHF-type FCIDUMP, as the spin
            ! delimiter has Z == 0
            if (abs(Z) < UMatEps .and. I > 0) then
                if (ZeroedInt < 100) then
                    write(stdout, '(a,2i4,a,2i4,a)', advance='no') &
                        'Ignoring integral (chem. notation) (', i, j, '|', k, &
                        l, '): '
                    write(stdout, *) Z
                else if (ZeroedInt == 100) then
                    write(stdout, *) 'Ignored more than 100 integrals.'
                    write(stdout, *) 'Further threshold truncations not reported explicitly'
                end if
                ZeroedInt = ZeroedInt + 1
                goto 101
            end if

            ! If we are fixing Lz symmetry, test if symmetry-zero elements
            ! are being included
            if (tFixLz) then
                tbad = .false.
                if (i /= 0 .and. j /= 0 .and. k /= 0 .and. l /= 0) then
                    if (SymLz(i) + symLz(k) /= SymLz(j) + SymLz(l)) &
                        tbad = .true.
                end if
                if (i /= 0 .and. j /= 0 .and. k == 0 .and. l == 0) then
                    if (SymLz(i) /= SymLz(j)) &
                        tbad = .true.
                end if
                if (tbad) then
                    if (LzDisallowed < 100) then
                        write(stdout, '(a,2i4,a,2i4,a)', advance='no') &
                            'Ignoring Lz disallowed integral (chem. notation)&
                            & (', i, j, '|', k, l, '): '
                        write(stdout, *) Z
                    else if (LzDisallowed == 100) then
                        write(stdout, *) 'Ignored more than 100 integrals.'
                        write(stdout, *) 'Further threshold truncations not reported explicitly'
                    end if
                    LzDisallowed = LzDisallowed + 1
                    goto 101
                end if
            end if

            IF (tROHF .and. (.not. tMolpro)) THEN
!The FCIDUMP file is in spin-orbitals - we need to transfer them to spatial orbitals (unless molpro).
                IF (I /= 0) THEN
                    I = GTID(I)
                end if
                IF (J /= 0) THEN
                    J = GTID(J)
                end if
                IF (K /= 0) THEN
                    K = GTID(K)
                end if
                IF (L /= 0) THEN
                    L = GTID(L)
                end if
            else if (tMolpro .and. tUHF) then
                if (i /= 0) then
                    !Need to transfer the orbital index into spin orbital notation
                    if ((iSpinType == 1) .or. (iSpinType == 4)) then
                        I = I * 2 - 1
                        J = J * 2 - 1
                        if (iSpinType == 1) K = K * 2 - 1   !(just so it doesn't give -1!)
                        if (iSpinType == 1) L = L * 2 - 1
                    else if ((iSpinType == 2) .or. (iSpinType == 5)) then
                        I = I * 2
                        J = J * 2
                        K = K * 2
                        L = L * 2
                    else if (iSpinType == 3) then
                        !aabb spin type (remember its still in chemical notation!)
                        I = I * 2 - 1
                        J = J * 2 - 1
                        K = K * 2
                        L = L * 2
                    end if
                end if
            end if
!.. Each orbital in the file corresponds to alpha and beta spinorbitalsa
            IF (I == 0) THEN
                if (tMolpro .and. tUHF .and. (iSpinType /= 6)) then
                    if (abs(real(z, dp)) > 1.0e-8_dp) then
                        call stop_all(t_r, "This is not a delimiter in the FCIDUMP reading")
                    end if
                    iSpinType = iSpinType + 1
!.. Core energy
                    ECORE = real(Z, dp)
                end if
            else if (J == 0) THEN
!C.. HF Eigenvalues
!                ARR(I*2-1,2)=real(Z,dp)
!                ARR(I*2,2)=real(Z,dp)
!                ARR(BRR(I*2-1),1)=real(Z,dp)
!                ARR(BRR(I*2),1)=real(Z,dp)
!                LWRITE=.TRUE.
            else if (K == 0) THEN
!.. 1-e integrals
!.. These are stored as spinorbitals (with elements between different spins being 0
                DO ISPN = 1, ISPINS

                    ! Have read in T_ij.  Check it's consistent with T_ji
                    ! (if T_ji has been read in).
                    diff = abs(TMAT2D(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1, ISPINS * J - ISPN + 1) - Z)
                    if (.not. near_zero(TMAT2D(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1, ISPINS * J - ISPN + 1)) &
                        .and. diff > 1.0e-7_dp &
                        .and. .not. t_non_hermitian_1_body) then
                        write(stdout, *) i, j, Z, TMAT2D(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1, ISPINS * J - ISPN + 1)
                        call stop_all("ReadFCIInt", "Error filling TMAT - different values for same orbitals")
                    end if
                    if (.not. t_non_hermitian_1_body) then
                        TMAT2D(ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1, ISPINS * J - ISPN + 1) = Z
#ifdef CMPLX_
                        TMAT2D(ISPINS * J - ISPN + 1, ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1) = conjg(Z)
                        TMAT2D(ISPINS * J - ISPN + 1, ISPINS * I - ISPN + 1) = Z
                    end if
                end do
!.. 2-e integrals
!.. UMAT is stored as just spatial orbitals (not spinorbitals)
!..  we're reading in (IJ|KL), but we store <..|..> which is <IK|JL>
#ifdef CMPLX_
                Z = UMatConj(I, K, J, L, Z)
                IF (TUMAT2D) THEN
                    IF (I == J .and. I == K .and. I == L) THEN
                        UMAT2D(I, I) = Z
                    else if ((I == J .and. K == L)) THEN
                        !<ij|ij> - coulomb - 1st arg > 2nd arg
                        X = MAX(I, K)
                        Y = MIN(I, K)
                        UMAT2D(Y, X) = Z
                    else if (I == L .and. J == K) THEN
                        !<ij|ji> - exchange - 1st arg < 2nd arg
                        X = MIN(I, J)
                        Y = MAX(I, J)
                        UMAT2D(Y, X) = Z
                    else if (I == K .and. J == L) THEN
                        !<ii|jj> - equivalent exchange for real orbs
                        X = MIN(I, J)
                        Y = MAX(I, J)
                        UMAT2D(Y, X) = Z
                    else if (tRIIntegrals) THEN
                        CALL Stop_All("ReadFCIINTS", "we should not be " &
     &                        //"reading in generic 2e integrals from " &
     &                        //"the FCIDUMP file with ri.")
                        NonZeroInt = NonZeroInt + 1
!Read in all integrals as normal.
                        UMAT(UMatInd(I, K, J, L)) = Z
                    end if
                else if (tRIIntegrals) THEN
                    CALL Stop_All("ReadFCIInts", "TUMAT2D should be set")
                    UMAT(UMatInd(I, K, J, L)) = Z
                    NonZeroInt = NonZeroInt + 1
                end if
            end if
!             IF(I.NE.0) GOTO 101
            GOTO 101
199         CONTINUE

            if (tMolpro .and. tUHF .and. (iSpinType /= 6)) then
                call stop_all(t_r, "Error in reading UHF FCIDUMP from molpro")
            end if
        end if

!Now broadcast the data read in
        CALL MPIBCast(ZeroedInt, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(LzDisallowed, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(NonZeroInt, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ECore, 1)
!Need to find out size of TMAT before we can BCast
        CALL CalcTMATSize(nBasis, TMATSize)
        CALL MPIBCast(TMAT2D, TMATSize)
        IF (TUMAT2D) THEN
!Broadcast TUMAT2D...
            CALL MPIBCast(UMAT2D, nStates**2)
        end if
        IF (.not. tRIIntegrals) THEN
            CALL GetUMATSize(nBasis, UMatSize)

            ! If we are on a 64bit system, the maximum dimensions for MPI are
            ! still limited by 32bit limits.
            ! --> We need to loop around this
            start_ind = 1
            end_ind = min(UMatSize, chunk_size)

            do while (start_ind <= UMatSize)
                !use MPI_BYTE for transfer to be independent of the data type of UMat
                bytecount = int(end_ind - start_ind + 1_int64) * int(sizeof(UMat(1)))
                call MPIBCast_inter_byte(UMat(start_ind), bytecount)
                start_ind = end_ind + 1
                end_ind = min(UMatSize, end_ind + chunk_size)
            end do

            !make sure the shared memory data is synchronized on all tasks
            call shared_sync_mpi(umat_win)
        end if

        if (ZeroedInt /= 0 .and. iProcIndex == 0) then
            write(stdout, *) 'Number of removed two-index integrals: ', zeroedint
        end if
        if (LzDisallowed /= 0 .and. iProcIndex == 0) then
            write(stdout, *) 'Number of Lz disallowed two-index integrals: ', &
        end if
        write(stdout, *) 'Number of non-zero integrals: ', NonZeroInt


    !This is a copy of the routine above, but now for reading in binary files of integrals
        real(dp), intent(out) :: ECORE
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: UMAT(*)
        HElement_t(dp) Z
        integer(int64) MASK, IND
        INTEGER I, J, K, L, iunit
        LWRITE = .FALSE.
        iunit = get_free_unit()
        open(iunit, FILE=FCIDUMP_name, STATUS='OLD', FORM='UNFORMATTED')

        MASK = (2**16) - 1
        !IND contains all the indices in an integer(int64) - use mask of 16bit to extract them
101     read(iunit, END=199) Z, IND
        L = int(iand(IND, MASK))
        IND = Ishft(IND, -16)
        K = int(iand(IND, MASK))
        IND = Ishft(IND, -16)
        J = int(iand(IND, MASK))
        IND = Ishft(IND, -16)
        I = int(iand(IND, MASK))

!.. Each orbital in the file corresponds to alpha and beta spinorbitalsa
        IF (I == 0) THEN
!.. Core energy
            ECORE = real(Z, dp)
        else if (J == 0) THEN
!C.. HF Eigenvalues
!            ARR(I*2-1,2)=real(Z,dp)
!            ARR(I*2,2)=real(Z,dp)
!            ARR(BRR(I*2-1),1)=real(Z,dp)
!            ARR(BRR(I*2),1)=real(Z,dp)
!            LWRITE=.TRUE.
        else if (K == 0) THEN
!.. 1-e integrals
!.. These are stored as spinorbitals (with elements between different spins being 0
            if (.not. t_non_hermitian_1_body) then
                TMAT2D(2 * I - 1, 2 * J - 1) = Z
                TMAT2D(2 * I, 2 * J) = Z
            end if

            TMAT2D(2 * J - 1, 2 * I - 1) = Z
            TMAT2D(2 * J, 2 * I) = Z
!.. 2-e integrals
!.. UMAT is stored as just spatial orbitals (not spinorbitals)
!..  we're reading in (IJ|KL), but we store <..|..> which is <IK|JL>
            UMAT(UMatInd(I, K, J, L)) = Z
        end if
!         write(14,'(1X,F20.12,4I3)') Z,I,J,K,L
        IF (I /= 0) GOTO 101
199     CONTINUE
! If we've changed the eigenvalues, we write out the basis again
!         IF(LWRITE) THEN
!            write(stdout,*) "1-electron energies have been read in."
!            CALL writebasis(stdout,G1,NBASIS,ARR,BRR)
!         end if

    SUBROUTINE ReadPropInts(nBasis, PropFile, CoreVal, OneElInts)

        integer, intent(in) :: nBasis
        HElement_t(dp) :: OneElInts(nBasis, nBasis)
        HElement_t(dp) z
        real(dp) :: CoreVal
        integer :: i, j, k, l, iunit
        integer :: NORB, NELEC, MS2, ISYM, SYML(1000), IUHF
        integer(int64) :: ORBSYM(1000)
        integer :: iSpins, ispn, SYMLZ(1000), ST, III
        integer(int64) :: ZeroedInt
        real(dp) :: diff, core
        character(len=100) :: file_name, PropFile
        logical :: TREL, UHF
        real(dp), allocatable :: FOCK(:)
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'ReadPropInts'
                       SYMLZ, PROPBITLEN, NPROP, ST, III, FOCK

        ZeroedInt = 0
        UHF = .false.
        allocate(FOCK(nbasis/2), source=0.0_dp)

        if (iProcIndex == 0) then
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            file_name = PropFile
            write(stdout, *) 'Reading integral from the file:', trim(file_name)
            open(iunit, FILE=file_name, STATUS='OLD')
            read(iunit, FCI)
        end if

        ! Currently, FOCK array has been introduced to prevent crashing calculations
        ! It is deallocated here, as it is not used in the code anymore.
        ! If you want to use FOCK, don't forget to add MPIBCast(FOCK).

        ! Re-order the orbitals symmetry labels if required

!Now broadcast these values to the other processors (the values are only read in on root)
        CALL MPIBCast(NORB, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(NELEC, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(MS2, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ORBSYM, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYML, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYMLZ, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(ISYM, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(IUHF, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(UHF)
        CALL MPIBCast(TREL)
        CALL MPIBCast(NPROP, 3)

        core = 0.0d0
        iSpins = 2
        IF ((UHF .and. (.not. tROHF)) .or. tReltvy) ISPINS = 1

        if (iProcIndex == 0) then
101         continue
            read(iunit, *, END=199) z, i, j, k, l

            ! Remove integrals that are too small
            if (abs(z) < UMatEps) then
                if (ZeroedInt < 100) then
                    write(stdout, '(a,2i4,a,2i4,a)', advance='no') &
                        'Ignoring integral (chem. notation) (', i, j, '|', k, &
                        l, '): '
                    write(stdout, *) z
                else if (ZeroedInt == 100) then
                    write(stdout, *) 'Ignored more than 100 integrals.'
                    write(stdout, *) 'Further threshold truncations not reported explicitly'
                end if
                ZeroedInt = ZeroedInt + 1
                goto 101
            end if

            if (i == 0) then
! Reading the zero-electron part of the integrals
                core = real(z, dp)
            else if (k == 0) then
! Reading the one-electron part of the integrals
                do ispn = 1, iSpins
                    ! Have read in T_ij.  Check it's consistent with T_ji
                    ! (if T_ji has been read in).
                    diff = abs(OneElInts(iSpins * i - ispn + 1, iSpins * j - ispn + 1) - z)
                    if (abs(OneElInts(iSpins * i - ispn + 1, iSpins * j - ispn + 1)) > 0.0d-6 .and. diff > 1.0e-7_dp) then
                        write(stdout, *) i, j, z, OneElInts(iSpins * i - ispn + 1, iSpins * j - ispn + 1)
                        call Stop_All(t_R, "Error filling OneElInts - different values for same orbitals")
                    end if

                    OneElInts(iSpins * I - ispn + 1, iSpins * J - ispn + 1) = z
#ifdef CMPLX_
                    OneElInts(iSpins * J - ispn + 1, iSpins * I - ispn + 1) = conjg(z)
                    OneElInts(iSpins * J - ispn + 1, iSpins * I - ispn + 1) = z
                end do

                call stop_all(t_r, 'Cannot currently deal with two-electron properties')
            end if
            goto 101
        end if
199     continue
        if (iProcIndex == 0) close(iunit)

        CoreVal = core


    subroutine load_orb_perm(perm)
        integer, intent(in) :: perm(:)

        orbital_permutation = perm
    end subroutine load_orb_perm

    subroutine clear_orb_perm()
        if (allocated (orbital_permutation)) deallocate(orbital_permutation)
    end subroutine clear_orb_perm

    subroutine reorder_sym_labels(ORBSYM, SYML, SYMLZ)
        integer(int64), intent(inout) :: ORBSYM(:)
        integer, intent(inout) :: SYML(:), SYMLZ(:)

        integer :: NORB

        if (allocated(orbital_permutation)) then
            NORB = size(orbital_permutation, dim = 1)
            ORBSYM(1:NORB) = ORBSYM(orbital_permutation)
            SYML(1:NORB) = SYML(orbital_permutation)
            SYMLZ(1:NORB) = SYMLZ(orbital_permutation)
        end if
    end subroutine reorder_sym_labels

    subroutine reorder_orb_label(label)
        integer, intent(inout) :: label

        if (allocated(orbital_permutation) .and. label > 0) then
            label = orbital_permutation(label)
        end if
    end subroutine reorder_orb_label

end module read_fci