real_space_hubbard.F90 Source File


Source Code

#include "macros.h"

! create a new module which covers all the real-space hubbard stuff in a more
! clean and more efficient way.
! I also want to implement triangular and kagome lattice types, so it is
! good to get this better sorted.
! also i definetly have to improve on the hubbard excitation generator
! i also probably should decouple all the UEG k-space hubbard at a certain
! point. because it makes things super messy and also more inefficient how it
! is done right now..
! and for the beginning i should probably stick to the already working
! lattices in NECI
! and i also want to make it compatible to restart old runs with this new
! implementation

module real_space_hubbard

    use SystemData, only: t_new_real_space_hubbard, lattice_type, length_x, &
                          length_y, length_z, uhub, nbasis, bhub, t_open_bc_x, &
                          t_open_bc_y, t_open_bc_z, G1, ecore, nel, nOccAlpha, nOccBeta, &
                          t_trans_corr, trans_corr_param, t_trans_corr_2body, &
                          trans_corr_param_2body, tHPHF, t_trans_corr_new, &
                          t_spin_dependent_transcorr, tGUGA, tgen_guga_crude, &
                          tNoBrillouin, tUseBrillouin, &
                          t_trans_corr_hop, t_uniform_excits, t_hole_focus_excits, &
                          pholefocus, t_twisted_bc, twisted_bc, lnosymmetry, &
                          t_anti_periodic, t_bipartite_order

    use lattice_mod, only: lattice, determine_optimal_time_step, lat, &
                           get_helement_lattice, get_helement_lattice_ex_mat, &
                           get_helement_lattice_general, init_dispersion_rel_cache, &
                           epsilon_kvec, setup_lattice_symmetry

    use constants, only: dp, EPS, n_int, bits_n_int, pi, maxExcit

    use procedure_pointers, only: get_umat_el

    use OneEInts, only: tmat2d, GetTMatEl, spin_free_tmat

    use fcimcdata, only: pSingles, pDoubles, excit_gen_store_type

    use tau_main, only: tau_search_method, input_tau_search_method, &
        possible_tau_search_methods, t_scale_tau_to_death, tau, assign_value_to_tau, &
        min_tau, max_tau

    use CalcData, only: matele_cutoff, pSinglesIn, pDoublesIn

    use dsfmt_interface, only: genrand_real2_dsfmt

    use DetBitOps, only: FindBitExcitLevel, EncodeBitDet, ilut_lt, ilut_gt, &

    use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot, nifd, nifguga

    use util_mod, only: &
        get_free_unit, operator(.isclose.), stop_all, clamp, operator(.div.)

    use bit_reps, only: decode_bit_det

    use sort_mod, only: sort

    use get_excit, only: make_double, make_single

    use double_occ_mod, only: count_double_orbs

    use lattice_models_utils, only: swap_excitations, pick_spin_opp_elecs, &
                                    pick_from_cum_list, pick_spin_opp_holes, &
                                    pick_random_hole, get_opp_spin, &
                                    get_spin_opp_neighbors, create_neel_state, &
                                    make_ilutJ, get_ispn

    use MPI_wrapper, only: iProcIndex

    use guga_data, only: ExcitationInformation_t, ExcitationInformation_t
    use guga_excitations, only: global_excitinfo
    use guga_main, only: generate_excitation_guga
    use guga_matrixElements, only: calc_guga_matrix_element
    use guga_bitRepOps, only: isProperCSF_ilut, convert_ilut_toGUGA, is_compatible, &
                              current_csf_i, CSF_Info_t
    use excit_mod, only: GetExcitation

    implicit none
    public :: get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_spin, &
        init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr, &
        init_umat_rs_hub_transcorr, get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_hop, &
        get_optimal_correlation_factor, init_get_helement_hubbard, &
        init_tmat, create_cum_list_rs_hubbard, &
        create_avail_neighbors_list, calc_pgen_rs_hubbard, &
        trans_corr_fac, init_real_space_hubbard, gen_excit_rs_hubbard, &
        get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub, get_umat_el_hub, &
        get_umat_rs_hub_trans, t_recalc_tmat, t_recalc_umat, &
        gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr, gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform, &
        get_umat_el, tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr, &
        umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop, lat_tau_factor, t_start_neel_state, &
        check_real_space_hubbard_input, init_spin_free_tmat, init_hopping_transcorr, &
        calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr, calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr, &
        calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform, gen_excit_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr, &

    real(dp) :: lat_tau_factor = 0.5_dp

    ! create a flag which indicate to start in a neel state
    logical :: t_start_neel_state = .false.

    real(dp), allocatable :: umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop(:, :, :, :), &
                             tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr(:, :)

    complex(dp), parameter :: imag_unit = cmplx(0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, dp)

    real(dp), allocatable :: hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(:, :, :), &
                             hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(:, :, :)

    logical :: t_recalc_umat = .false.
    logical :: t_recalc_tmat = .false.
    logical :: t_print_umat = .true.
    logical :: t_print_tmat = .true.

    interface get_helement_rs_hub
        module procedure get_helement_rs_hub_ex_mat
        module procedure get_helement_rs_hub_general
    end interface get_helement_rs_hub

    interface sum_hop_transcorr_factor
        module procedure sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec
        module procedure sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb
    end interface sum_hop_transcorr_factor

    interface sum_spin_transcorr_factor
        module procedure sum_spin_transcorr_factor_orb
        module procedure sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec
    end interface sum_spin_transcorr_factor


    ! some brainstorming:
    ! i want to change the input so that one specifies the lattice type
    ! in the System input by
    ! system hubbard [lattice-type]
    subroutine init_real_space_hubbard()
        use SystemData, only: tExch, thub, treal
        ! routine, which does all of the necessary initialisation
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_real_space_hubbard"
        ! especially do some stop_all here so no wrong input is used
        real(dp) :: tau_opt

        root_print "using new real-space hubbard implementation: "

        ! i do not need exchange integrals in the real-space hubbard model
        if (.not. t_trans_corr_hop) then
            tExch = .false.
        end if
        ! after the whole setup i can set thub to false or?
        thub = .false.
        ! and treal i can also set to false or?
        treal = .false.

        ! just to be save swithc of Brillouins
        tNoBrillouin = .true.
        tUseBrillouin = .false.

        lnosymmetry = .true.

        ! first assert all the right input!
        call check_real_space_hubbard_input()

        ! which stuff do i need to initialize here?
        ! for now also use the umat in the spin-dependent transcorr
        ! although it is not
        if (t_trans_corr_hop .or. t_spin_dependent_transcorr) then
            get_umat_el => get_umat_rs_hub_trans
            get_umat_el => get_umat_el_hub
        end if

        ! also use the new lattice matrix elements

        ! i have to check if the lattice should be constructed from an fcidump
        ! or created internally..
        if (trim(adjustl(lattice_type)) == 'read') then
            ! then i have to construct tmat first
            call init_tmat()
            ! and then construct the lattice
            lat => lattice(lattice_type, length_x, length_y, length_z,.not. t_open_bc_x, &
                           .not. t_open_bc_y,.not. t_open_bc_z)
            lat => lattice(lattice_type, length_x, length_y, length_z,.not. t_open_bc_x, &
                       .not. t_open_bc_y,.not. t_open_bc_z, 'real-space', t_bipartite_order = t_bipartite_order)

            ! if nbaiss was not yet provided:
            if (nbasis <= 0) then
                nbasis = 2 * lat%get_nsites()
            end if

            call init_tmat(lat)

        end if

        ! i guess i have to setup G1 also.. argh.. i hate this!
        G1(1:nbasis - 1:2)%ms = -1
        G1(2:nbasis:2)%ms = 1

        ! Ecore should default to 0, but be sure anyway!
        ecore = 0.0_dp

        if (t_trans_corr_hop) then
            ! we have double excitations with the hopping correlation
            ! but only anti-parallel excitations!
            if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .and. allocated(pDoublesIn)) then
                if (.not. (pSinglesIn + pDoublesIn .isclose. 1.0_dp)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "pSinglesIn + pDoublesIn /= 1.0!")
                    pSingles = pSinglesIn
                    pDoubles = pDoublesIn
                end if
            else if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .and. (.not. allocated(pDoublesIn))) then
                pSingles = pSinglesIn
                pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
            else if (allocated(pDoublesIn) .and. (.not. allocated(pSinglesIn))) then
                pDoubles = pDoublesIn
                pSingles = 1.0_dp - pDoubles

            ! For consistency pParallelIn should be taken as well or error out
                pSingles = 0.8_dp
                pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
            end if
            ! and i have to point to the new hubbard excitation generator
            pSingles = 1.0_dp
            pDoubles = 0.0_dp
        end if

        ! and i have to calculate the optimal time-step for the hubbard models.
        ! where i need the connectivity of the lattice i guess?
        if (t_trans_corr_hop .and. .not. tHPHF) then
            if (t_twisted_bc) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "twisted BC + Transcorr not yet implemented!")
            end if
        end if
        ! i have to calculate the optimal time-step
        ! and maybe i have to be a bit more safe here and not be too near to
        ! the optimal time-step
        tau_opt = determine_optimal_time_step()
        if (tau < EPS) then
            root_print "setting time-step to optimally determined time-step: ", tau_opt
            root_print "times: ", lat_tau_factor
            call assign_value_to_tau(&
                clamp(lat_tau_factor * tau_opt, min_tau, max_tau), &
                'Initialization with optimal real-space Hubbard value')

            root_print "optimal time-step would be: ", tau_opt
            root_print "but tau specified in input!"
        end if

        ! re-enable tau-search if we have transcorrelation
        if (.not. (t_trans_corr_2body .or. t_trans_corr .or. t_trans_corr_hop &
                   .or. t_spin_dependent_transcorr)) then

            if (tau_search_method /= possible_tau_search_methods%OFF) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "tau-search should be switched off")
            end if
            t_scale_tau_to_death = .true.
        end if

        if (t_start_neel_state) then

            root_print "starting from the Neel state: "
            if (nel > nbasis / 2) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "more than half-filling! does neel state make sense?")
            end if

        end if

        ! i need to setup the necessary stuff for the new hopping
        ! transcorrelated real-space hubbard!
        call init_get_helement_hubbard()

    end subroutine init_real_space_hubbard

    subroutine init_hopping_transcorr()

        ! we also need the dispersion relation from the k-space hubbard!
        ! should i move this to the lattice class?
        ! this also means i have to additionally initialize parts of the
        ! k-space lattice for this transcorrelation!
        ! and i finally have to get the real-space and k-space vector
        ! relations fully correct!

        call setup_lattice_symmetry()

        call init_dispersion_rel_cache()

        ! i also need a umat array now!
        if (t_trans_corr_hop) then
            call init_umat_rs_hub_transcorr()
        else if (t_spin_dependent_transcorr) then
            call init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr()
        end if

    end subroutine init_hopping_transcorr

    real(dp) function hop_transcorr_factor(J, r_vec)
        ! compute \sum_p exp(i*p*r) exp(J,r) for the 2-body term in the
        ! hopping transcorrelated real-space hubbard
        real(dp), intent(in) :: J
        integer, intent(in) :: r_vec(3)
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "hop_transcorr_factor"
        complex(dp) :: temp
        integer :: i, n_sites, k_vec(3)


        n_sites = lat%get_nsites()

        temp = 0.0_dp

        ! i have to have the correct dot-product of the real- and k-space
        ! vectors...
        do i = 1, n_sites
            k_vec = lat%get_k_vec(i)
            temp = temp + exp(imag_unit * lat%dot_prod(k_vec, r_vec)) * &
                   exp(-J * epsilon_kvec(i))

        end do

        hop_transcorr_factor = real(temp) / real(n_sites, dp)

        ! will this be ever comlex? check the size
        ASSERT(abs(aimag(temp)) < EPS)

    end function hop_transcorr_factor

    subroutine init_hop_trancorr_fac_cached_vec(J_fac, in_lat)
        ! maybe it is better to cache it to be accessible by the r-vecs,
        ! since this is the main use of this functionality and then we would
        ! not need to map r-vectors to orbital indices..
        real(dp), intent(in) :: J_fac
        class(lattice), intent(in) :: in_lat
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_hop_trancorr_fac_cached_vec"
        integer :: n_sites, i, j, k, ri(3), rj(3), r_vec(3), r_min(3), r_max(3)
        integer :: k_vec(3)
        complex(dp) :: temp, temp_m

        ! similar to Kais way of initializing the BZ zone i need to find the
        ! lower and upper bounds of our arrays..
        ! if the bounds are not .and. allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec
        ! then init them
        call in_lat%init_hop_cache_bounds(r_min, r_max)

        if (.not. (t_recalc_umat .or. t_recalc_tmat) .and. allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec)) then
            ! then we have already done that..
        end if

        if (allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec)) deallocate(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec)
        if (allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m)) deallocate(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m)

        allocate (hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec( &
                  r_min(1):r_max(1), r_min(2):r_max(2), r_min(3):r_max(3)))

        ! i also need one for -J!
        allocate (hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m( &
                  r_min(1):r_max(1), r_min(2):r_max(2), r_min(3):r_max(3)))

        hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec = 0.0_dp
        hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m = 0.0_dp

        n_sites = in_lat%get_nsites()

        do i = 1, n_sites
            ri = in_lat%get_r_vec(i)
            do j = 1, n_sites
                rj = in_lat%get_r_vec(j)
                r_vec = ri - rj

                temp = 0.0_dp
                temp_m = 0.0_dp

                do k = 1, n_sites
                    k_vec = in_lat%get_k_vec(k)

                    temp = temp + exp(imag_unit * lat%dot_prod(k_vec, r_vec)) * &
                           exp(-J_fac * epsilon_kvec(k))

                    temp_m = temp_m + exp(imag_unit * lat%dot_prod(k_vec, r_vec)) * &
                             exp(J_fac * epsilon_kvec(k))
                end do

                ASSERT(abs(aimag(temp)) < EPS)
                ASSERT(abs(aimag(temp_m)) < EPS)

                hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(r_vec(1), r_vec(2), r_vec(3)) = &
                    real(temp) / real(n_sites, dp)

                hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(r_vec(1), r_vec(2), r_vec(3)) = &
                    real(temp_m) / real(n_sites, dp)
            end do
        end do

    end subroutine init_hop_trancorr_fac_cached_vec

    real(dp) function sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec(r1, r2)
        ! function to perform the summation over the two spin-hopping
        ! transcorrelation factors in the modified 1-body term in the
        ! spin-dependent hopping trancorrelated real-space hubbard model
        integer, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3)
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec"
        integer :: i, m_vec(3), ind_1(3), ind_2(3)


        sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec = 0.0_dp

        if (allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec)) then
            do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                m_vec = lat%get_r_vec(i)

                ind_1 = r1 - m_vec
                ind_2 = m_vec - r2

                sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec = sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec + &
                                                hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_1(1), ind_1(2), ind_1(3)) * &
                                                hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_2(1), ind_2(2), ind_2(3))

            end do
            do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()

                m_vec = lat%get_r_vec(i)
                ! the exponential factor is actually the same!
                sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec = sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec + &
                                                hop_transcorr_factor(trans_corr_param, r1 - m_vec) * &
                                                hop_transcorr_factor(-trans_corr_param, m_vec - r2)

            end do
        end if

    end function sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec

    real(dp) function sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec(r1, r2, r3, r4)
        ! function to perform the summation over the four hopping
        ! transcorrelation factors in the 2-body term of the hopping
        ! transcorrelated real-space hubbard model
        integer, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3), r3(3), r4(3)
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec"
        integer i, m_vec(3)
        integer :: ind_1(3), ind_2(3), ind_3(3), ind_4(3)


        sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec = 0.0_dp

        if (allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec)) then
            do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                m_vec = lat%get_r_vec(i)

                ind_1 = r1 - m_vec
                ind_2 = r2 - m_vec
                ind_3 = m_vec - r3
                ind_4 = m_vec - r4

                sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec = sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec + &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_1(1), ind_1(2), ind_1(3)) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_2(1), ind_2(2), ind_2(3)) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_3(1), ind_3(2), ind_3(3)) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_4(1), ind_4(2), ind_4(3))
            end do

            do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                ! i need a routine to give me the real-space coordinates/vector
                ! and i also need to store that now!
                m_vec = lat%get_r_vec(i)
                sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec = sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec + &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(trans_corr_param, r1 - m_vec) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(trans_corr_param, r2 - m_vec) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(-trans_corr_param, m_vec - r3) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(-trans_corr_param, m_vec - r4)

            end do
        end if

    end function sum_hop_transcorr_factor_vec

    real(dp) function sum_spin_transcorr_factor_orb(i, j)
        ! similat to below, but just for the spin-transcorrelated
        ! real-space hubbard model.
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "sum_spin_transcorr_factor_orb"
        integer :: r1(3), r2(3)


        r1 = lat%get_r_vec(i)
        r2 = lat%get_r_vec(j)

        sum_spin_transcorr_factor_orb = sum_spin_transcorr_factor_vec(r1, r2)

    end function sum_spin_transcorr_factor_orb

    real(dp) function sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb(i, j, k, l)
        ! function to perform the summation over the four hopping
        ! transcorrelation factors in the 2-body term of the hopping
        ! transcorrelated real-space hubbard model
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb"
        integer :: r1(3), r2(3), r3(3), r4(3)
        integer :: ind_1(3), ind_2(3), ind_3(3), ind_4(3)
        integer m, m_vec(3)


        sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb = 0.0_dp

        r1 = lat%get_r_vec(i)
        r2 = lat%get_r_vec(j)
        r3 = lat%get_r_vec(k)
        r4 = lat%get_r_vec(l)

        if (allocated(hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec)) then
            do m = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                m_vec = lat%get_r_vec(m)

                ind_1 = r1 - m_vec
                ind_2 = r2 - m_vec
                ind_3 = m_vec - r3
                ind_4 = m_vec - r4

                sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb = sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb + &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_1(1), ind_1(2), ind_1(3)) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_2(1), ind_2(2), ind_2(3)) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_3(1), ind_3(2), ind_3(3)) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_4(1), ind_4(2), ind_4(3))

            end do
            do m = 1, lat%get_nsites()

                ! i need a routine to give me the real-space coordinates/vector
                ! and i also need to store that now!
                m_vec = lat%get_r_vec(m)
                sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb = sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb + &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(trans_corr_param, r1 - m_vec) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(trans_corr_param, r2 - m_vec) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(-trans_corr_param, m_vec - r3) * &
                                               hop_transcorr_factor(-trans_corr_param, m_vec - r4)

            end do
        end if

    end function sum_hop_transcorr_factor_orb

    subroutine init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr()
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr"
        integer :: n_sites, i, j
        real(dp) :: elem
        integer :: iunit


        if (allocated(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr) .and. .not. t_recalc_tmat) then
            if (allocated(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr)) deallocate(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr)
        end if

        call init_hop_trancorr_fac_cached_vec(trans_corr_param, lat)

        n_sites = lat%get_nsites()
        if (t_print_tmat) then
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            open(iunit, file="TMAT")
        end if
        root_print "initializing spin-dependent TMAT"

        ! tmat is stored with spin-orbitals!
        allocate(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr(2 * n_sites, 2 * n_sites))
        tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr = 0.0_dp

        do i = 1, n_sites
            do j = 1, n_sites
                ! the alpha spin are the transcorrelated ones! even numbers!
                ! but the sum_ function gets accessed with spatial orbitals!
                elem = nOccBeta * uhub * sum_spin_transcorr_factor(i, j)
                if (abs(elem) > matele_cutoff) then
                    if (t_print_tmat) then
                        write(iunit, *) 2 * i, 2 * j, elem
                    end if
                    tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr(2 * i, 2 * j) = elem
                end if
            end do
        end do

        if (t_print_tmat) then
        end if
        root_print "Done!"

    end subroutine init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr

    subroutine init_umat_rs_hub_transcorr()
        ! for now do it really stupidly without any concern for the symmetry
        ! of the integrals
        integer :: n_sites, i, j, k, l
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_umat_rs_hub_transcorr"
        real(dp) :: elem
        integer :: iunit


        if (allocated(umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop) .and. .not. t_recalc_umat) then
            ! already initialized
            if (allocated(umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop)) deallocate(umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop)
        end if

        ! try to fetch the stored matrix elements also for each orbital after.
        call init_hop_trancorr_fac_cached_vec(trans_corr_param, lat)

        n_sites = lat%get_nsites()

        ! create an fcidump file:
        if (t_print_umat) then
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            open(iunit, file='UMAT')
        end if
        root_print "initializing UMAT:"

        ! with the correct header

        ! and also try to allocate a umat_cache
        allocate(umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop(n_sites, n_sites, n_sites, n_sites))
        umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop = 0.0_dp

        do i = 1, n_sites
            do j = 1, n_sites
                do k = 1, n_sites
                    do l = 1, n_sites
                        elem = uhub * sum_hop_transcorr_factor(i, j, k, l)
                        ! write to the dumpfile
                        if (abs(elem) > matele_cutoff) then
                            if (t_print_umat) then
                                write(iunit, *) i, j, k, l, elem
                            end if
                            ! and also store in the umat
                            umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop(i, j, k, l) = elem
                        end if
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do
        if (t_print_umat) then
            root_print "Done"
        end if

    end subroutine init_umat_rs_hub_transcorr

    subroutine init_get_helement_hubbard

        get_helement_lattice_ex_mat => get_helement_rs_hub_ex_mat
        get_helement_lattice_general => get_helement_rs_hub_general
        if (t_trans_corr_hop .or. t_spin_dependent_transcorr) then
            call init_hopping_transcorr()
        end if

        call init_tmat(lat)

    end subroutine init_get_helement_hubbard

    subroutine check_real_space_hubbard_input()
        use SystemData, only: tReltvy, tUEG, tUEG2, tHub, &
                              tKPntSym, tLatticeGens, tUEGNewGenerator, &
                              tGenHelWeighted, tGen_4ind_weighted, tGen_4ind_reverse, &
                              tUEGNewGenerator, tGen_4ind_part_exact, &
                              tGen_4ind_2, tGen_4ind_2_symmetric, tGen_4ind_unbound, tStoreSpinOrbs, &
        use OneEInts, only: tcpmdsymtmat, tOneelecdiag

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "check_real_space_hubbard_input"
        ! do all the input checking here, so no wrong input is used!

        if (tReltvy) call stop_all(this_routine, "tReltvy set to true!")

        ! what else..
        if (tUEG) call stop_all(this_routine, "tUEG set to true!")
        if (tUEG2) call stop_all(this_routine, "tUEG2 set to true!")
        if (tHub) call stop_all(this_routine, "tHub set to true!")
        if (tReal) call stop_all(this_routine, "tReal set to true!")
        if (tKPntSym) call stop_all(this_routine, "tKPntSym set to true!")
        if (tLatticeGens) call stop_all(this_routine, "tLatticeGens set to true!")
        if (tUEGNewGenerator) call stop_all(this_routine, "tUEGNewGenerator set to true!")
        if (tGenHelWeighted) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGenHelWeighted")
        if (tGen_4ind_weighted) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGen_4ind_weighted")
        if (tGen_4ind_reverse) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGen_4ind_reverse")
        if (tGen_4ind_part_exact) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGen_4ind_part_exact")
        if (tGen_4ind_2) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGen_4ind_2")
        if (tGen_4ind_2_symmetric) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGen_4ind_2_symmetric")
        if (tGen_4ind_unbound) call stop_all(this_routine, "tGen_4ind_unbound")
        if (tStoreSpinOrbs) call stop_all(this_routine, "tStoreSpinOrbs")
        if (tcpmdsymtmat) call stop_all(this_routine, "tcpmdsymmat")
        if (tOneelecdiag) call stop_all(this_routine, "tOneelecdiag")

        if (any(t_anti_periodic) .and. t_twisted_bc) &
            call stop_all(this_routine, "anti-periodic and twisted BCs not compatible!")

        if (tHPHF .and. t_uniform_excits .and. t_trans_corr_hop) then
            call stop_all(this_routine, "HPHF, transcorr and uniform excits is broken")
        end if

    end subroutine check_real_space_hubbard_input

    function get_optimal_correlation_factor() result(corr_factor)
        ! Hongjuns derivation was for the k-space hubbard and in the low
        ! density and U limit though..
        real(dp) :: corr_factor
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_optimal_correlation_factor"


        ! the sign is not quite sure here.. which i need to take to
        ! calculate the hermitian matrix elements..
        corr_factor = -log(abs(real(uhub, dp) / real(4 * lat%get_ndim() * bhub, dp)) + 1.0_dp)

    end function get_optimal_correlation_factor

    subroutine init_tmat(lat)
        class(lattice), optional :: lat

        ! i should create a new, more flexible routine which sets up the
        ! TMAT for the different lattice types. although i am not sure if
        ! we need this anymore
        ! this also depends on the boundary conditions
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_tmat"

        integer :: i, ind, iunit, r_i(3), r_j(3), diff(3), j, iunit2
        HElement_t(dp) :: mat_el
        complex(dp) :: imag
        real(dp) :: hop

        ! depending on the input i either create tmat2d here or is have to
        ! set it up, so it can be used to create the lattice..
        ! but for the beginning i think i want to set it up here from the
        ! lattice structure!
        ! if the lattice class is alread set up and initialized, this indicates
        ! that it was build-in created and tmat has to be calculated from it
        ! now!
        if (present(lat)) then

            if (t_print_tmat) then
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                open(iunit, file='TMAT')
                iunit2 = get_free_unit()
                open(iunit2, file = 'spatial-tmat', status = 'replace')
            end if

            if (t_twisted_bc) then
                ! this is the twist implementation with complex hopping
                ! elements
                if (associated(tmat2d)) deallocate(tmat2d)
                allocate(tmat2d(nbasis, nbasis))
                tmat2d = 0.0_dp

                do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                    ind = lat%get_site_index(i)

                    r_i = lat%get_r_vec(i)

                    associate(next => lat%get_neighbors(ind))

                        do j = 1, size(next)

                            r_j = lat%get_r_vec(next(j))

                            diff = r_i - r_j

                            ! x-hopping
                            if (abs(diff(1)) /= 0) then
                                if (abs(diff(1)) == 1) then
                                    ! no hop over boundary
                                    if (diff(1) == 1) then
                                        ! then we hop left
                                        ! twisted BCs are given in units of
                                        ! 2pi/L so a twist of 1 corresponds to
                                        ! the same system!
                                        imag = exp(-cmplx(0.0, &
                                                          2 * pi / lat%get_length(1) * twisted_bc(1), dp))

                                    else if (diff(1) == -1) then
                                        imag = exp(cmplx(0.0, &
                                                         2 * pi / lat%get_length(1) * twisted_bc(1), dp))

                                        call stop_all(this_routine, "something wrong!")
                                    end if
                                    ! hopping over boundary
                                    ! directions are otherwise
                                    if (diff(1) > 0) then
                                        imag = exp(cmplx(0.0, &
                                                         2 * pi / lat%get_length(1) * twisted_bc(1), dp))
                                        imag = exp(-cmplx(0.0, &
                                                          2 * pi / lat%get_length(1) * twisted_bc(1), dp))
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if

                            if (lat%get_ndim() > 1) then
                                ! y-hopping
                                if (abs(diff(2)) /= 0) then
                                    if (abs(diff(2)) == 1) then
                                        ! no hop over boundary
                                        if (diff(2) == 1) then
                                            ! then we hop left
                                            imag = exp(-cmplx(0.0, &
                                                              2 * pi / lat%get_length(2) * twisted_bc(2), dp))

                                        else if (diff(2) == -1) then
                                            imag = exp(cmplx(0.0, &
                                                             2 * pi / lat%get_length(2) * twisted_bc(2), dp))

                                            call stop_all(this_routine, "something wrong!")
                                        end if
                                        ! hopping over boundary
                                        ! directions are otherwise
                                        if (diff(2) > 0) then
                                            imag = exp(cmplx(0.0, &
                                                             2 * pi / lat%get_length(2) * twisted_bc(2), dp))
                                            imag = exp(-cmplx(0.0, &
                                                              2 * pi / lat%get_length(2) * twisted_bc(2), dp))
                                        end if
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if

                            if (lat%get_ndim() > 2) then
                                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                                              "twisted BCs only implemented up to 2D")
                            end if

#ifdef CMPLX_
                            mat_el = imag * bhub
                            mat_el = h_cast(imag) * bhub

                            ! beta orbitals:
                            tmat2d(2 * ind - 1, 2 * next(j) - 1) = mat_el
                            ! alpha:
                            tmat2d(2 * ind, 2 * next(j)) = mat_el

                            if (t_print_tmat) then
                                write(iunit, *) 2 * ind - 1, 2 * next(j) - 1, mat_el
                                write(iunit, *) 2 * ind, 2 * next(j), mat_el
                                write(iunit2,*) ind, next(j), mat_el
                            end if

                        end do

                        ASSERT(all(next > 0))
                        ASSERT(all(next <= nbasis / 2))
                    end associate
                    ASSERT(lat%get_nsites() == nbasis / 2)
                    ASSERT(ind > 0)
                    ASSERT(ind <= nbasis / 2)

                end do

            else if (any(t_anti_periodic)) then
                ! implement anti-periodic BCs specifically
                ! t_anti_periodic is a vector for the x and y flag
                ! seperately
                if (associated(tmat2d)) deallocate(tmat2d)
                allocate(tmat2d(nbasis, nbasis))
                tmat2d = 0.0_dp

                do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                    ind = lat%get_site_index(i)

                    r_i = lat%get_r_vec(i)

                    associate(next => lat%get_neighbors(ind))

                        do j = 1, size(next)

                            r_j = lat%get_r_vec(next(j))

                            diff = r_i - r_j

                            ! x-hopping
                            if (abs(diff(1)) /= 0) then
                                if (abs(diff(1)) == 1) then
                                    ! no hop over boundary
                                    hop = 1.0_dp
                                    if (t_anti_periodic(1)) then
                                        hop = -1.0_dp
                                        hop = 1.0_dp
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if

                            if (lat%get_ndim() > 1) then
                                ! y-hopping
                                if (abs(diff(2)) /= 0) then
                                    if (abs(diff(2)) == 1) then
                                        ! no hop over boundary
                                        hop = 1.0_dp
                                        if (t_anti_periodic(2)) then
                                            hop = -1.0_dp
                                            hop = 1.0_dp
                                        end if
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if

                            if (lat%get_ndim() > 2) then
                                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                                              "anti-periodic BCs only implemented up to 2D")
                            end if

                            mat_el = hop * bhub

                            ! beta orbitals:
                            tmat2d(2 * ind - 1, 2 * next(j) - 1) = mat_el
                            ! alpha:
                            tmat2d(2 * ind, 2 * next(j)) = mat_el

                            if (t_print_tmat) then
                                write(iunit, *) 2 * ind - 1, 2 * next(j) - 1, mat_el
                                write(iunit, *) 2 * ind, 2 * next(j), mat_el
                                write(iunit2,*) ind, next(j), mat_el
                            end if

                        end do

                        ASSERT(all(next > 0))
                        ASSERT(all(next <= nbasis / 2))
                    end associate
                    ASSERT(lat%get_nsites() == nbasis / 2)
                    ASSERT(ind > 0)
                    ASSERT(ind <= nbasis / 2)

                end do
                ! what do i need to do?
                ! loop over the indices in the lattice and get the neighbors
                ! and i have to store it in spin-indices remember that!
                if (associated(tmat2d)) deallocate(tmat2d)
                allocate(tmat2d(nbasis, nbasis))
                tmat2d = 0.0_dp

                do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                    ind = lat%get_site_index(i)

                    associate(next => lat%get_neighbors(ind))
                        ! beta orbitals:
                        tmat2d(2 * ind - 1, 2 * next - 1) = bhub
                        ! alpha:
                        tmat2d(2 * ind, 2 * next) = bhub

                        ASSERT(all(next > 0))
                        ASSERT(all(next <= nbasis / 2))

                        if (t_print_tmat) then
                            do j = 1, size(next)
                                write(iunit, *) 2 * ind - 1, 2 * next(j) - 1, bhub
                                write(iunit, *) 2 * ind, 2 * next(j), bhub
                                write(iunit2,*) ind, next(j), bhub
                            end do
                        end if
                    end associate
                    ASSERT(lat%get_nsites() == nbasis / 2)
                    ASSERT(ind > 0)
                    ASSERT(ind <= nbasis / 2)

                end do
            end if

            ! this indicates that tmat has to be created from an fcidump
            ! and the lattice is set up afterwards!
        end if

        if (t_print_tmat) then
        end if

    end subroutine init_tmat

    subroutine init_spin_free_tmat(lat)
        ! also construct a spin-free form of the hopping matrix
        class(lattice), optional :: lat
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_spin_free_tmat"

        integer :: i, ind

        if (present(lat)) then
            if (associated(spin_free_tmat)) deallocate(spin_free_tmat)
            allocate(spin_free_tmat(nBasis / 2, nBasis / 2), source=h_cast(0.0_dp))

            do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                ind = lat%get_site_index(i)

                ASSERT(lat%get_nsites() == nBasis / 2)
                ASSERT(ind > 0)
                ASSERT(ind <= nBasis / 2)

                associate(next => lat%get_neighbors(ind))

                    ASSERT(all(next > 0))
                    ASSERT(all(next <= nBasis / 2))

                    spin_free_tmat(ind, next) = bhub

                end associate
            end do
            call stop_all(this_routine, "not yet implemented!")
        end if

    end subroutine init_spin_free_tmat

    subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                                                      ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store, run)
        ! also create an uniform excitation generator for the hopping
        ! transcorrelated hubbard. mainly to test where the instabilities
        ! in the weighted come from

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: hel
        type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store
        integer, intent(in), optional :: run
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform"

        integer :: elecs(2), orbs(2), src(2), spin
        real(dp) :: p_elec, p_orb
#ifdef DEBUG_
        real(dp) :: temp_pgen


        ilutJ = 0_n_int
        ic = 0
        nJ(1) = 0
        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
        if (present(run)) then
        end if


        if (genrand_real2_dsfmt() < pDoubles) then

            ic = 2

            call pick_spin_opp_elecs(nI, elecs, p_elec)

            src = nI(elecs)

            ASSERT(.not. same_spin(src(1), src(2)))

            call pick_spin_opp_holes(ilutI, orbs, p_orb)

            ASSERT(.not. same_spin(orbs(1), orbs(2)))

            if (any(orbs == 0)) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ! do i need a factor of 2? since orbitals could be switched
            ! the other way around?
            pgen = p_elec * p_orb * pDoubles

            call make_double(nI, nJ, elecs(1), elecs(2), orbs(1), orbs(2), ex, tParity)
            ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, 2)

            ! to be compatible with my test-suite actually calculate the
            ! matrix element here..
            if (abs(get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, .false.)) < EPS) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ic = 1

            elecs(1) = 1 + int(genrand_real2_dsfmt() * nel)

            src(1) = nI(elecs(1))

            p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)

            spin = get_spin(src(1)) - 1
            ! and now pick a spin-parallel hole!
            call pick_random_hole(ilutI, orbs(1), p_orb, spin)

            if (orbs(1) == 0) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            pgen = p_elec * p_orb * (1.0_dp - pDoubles)

            call make_single(nI, nJ, elecs(1), orbs(1), ex, tParity)
            ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, 1)

            if (abs(get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ex, .false.)) < EPS) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if
        end if

#ifdef DEBUG_
        temp_pgen = calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform(ex, ic)
        if (abs(pgen - temp_pgen) > EPS) then
            root_print "calculated pgen differ for exitation: "
            root_print "nI: ", nI
            root_print "ex: ", ex
            root_print "ic: ", ic
            root_print "pgen: ", pgen
            root_print "calc. pgen: ", temp_pgen
            root_print "H_ij: ", get_helement_lattice(nI, nJ, ic)
        end if

    end subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform

    function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform(ex, ic) result(pgen)
        integer, intent(in) :: ex(2, 2), ic
        real(dp) :: pgen
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform"

        if (ic == 1) then

            ASSERT(same_spin(ex(1, 1), ex(2, 1)))

            if (is_beta(ex(1, 1))) then
                pgen = 1.0_dp / real(nel * (nBasis / 2 - nOccBeta), dp)
                pgen = 1.0_dp / real(nel * (nBasis / 2 - nOccAlpha), dp)
            end if

            pgen = pgen * (1.0_dp - pDoubles)

        else if (ic == 2) then

            ASSERT(.not. same_spin(ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2)))
            ASSERT(.not. same_spin(ex(2, 1), ex(2, 2)))

            pgen = 1.0_dp / real(nOccAlpha * nOccBeta * &
                                 (nBasis / 2 - nOccAlpha) * (nBasis / 2 - nOccBeta), dp)

            pgen = pgen * pDoubles

            pgen = 0.0_dp

        end if

    end function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr_uniform

    subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                                              ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store, run)
        ! new excitation generator for the real-space hubbard model with
        ! the hopping transcorrelation, which leads to double excitations
        ! and long-range single excitations in the real-space hubbard..
        ! this complicates things alot!

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: hel
        type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store
        integer, intent(in), optional :: run

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr"

        integer :: ind, elec, src, orb
        real(dp) :: cum_arr(nBasis / 2)
        real(dp) :: cum_sum, p_elec, p_orb
#ifdef DEBUG_
        real(dp) :: temp_pgen


        ilutJ = 0_n_int
        ic = 0
        nJ(1) = 0
        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
        if (present(run)) then
        end if


        if (genrand_real2_dsfmt() < pDoubles) then
            ic = 2

            call gen_double_excit_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, ex, tParity, pgen)

            pgen = pDoubles * pgen

            if (nJ(1) == 0) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ic = 1

            ! still choose an electron at random
            elec = 1 + int(genrand_real2_dsfmt() * nel)

            p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)
            ! and then from the neighbors of this electron we pick an empty
            ! spinorbital randomly, since all have the same matrix element
            src = nI(elec)

            ! now we can have more than only nearest neighbor hopping!
            ! so implement a new cum-list creator
            call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single(nI, ilutI, src, cum_arr, cum_sum)

            ! the rest stays the same i guess..
            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr, cum_sum, ind, p_orb)

            ! all orbitals are possible i guess, so make cum_arr for all
            ! orbitals as ind already. we "just" have to fix the spin
            if (is_beta(src)) then
                orb = 2 * ind - 1
                orb = 2 * ind
            end if

            pgen = p_elec * p_orb * (1.0_dp - pDoubles)

            call make_single(nI, nJ, elec, orb, ex, tParity)

        end if

        ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, ic)

#ifdef DEBUG_
        temp_pgen = calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr(nI, ilutI, ex, ic)
        if (abs(pgen - temp_pgen) > EPS) then
            root_print  "calculated pgen differ for exitation: "
            root_print  "nI: ", nI
            root_print  "ex: ", ex
            root_print  "ic: ", ic
            root_print  "pgen: ", pgen
            root_print  "calc. pgen: ", temp_pgen
            root_print  "H_ij: ", get_helement_lattice(nI, nJ, ic)
        end if

    end subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr

    subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_hole_focus(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                                                         ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store, run)
        ! new excitation generator for the real-space hubbard model with
        ! the hopping transcorrelation, which leads to double excitations
        ! and long-range single excitations in the real-space hubbard..
        ! this complicates things alot!

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: hel
        type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store
        integer, intent(in), optional :: run

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_hole_focus"

        integer :: ind, elec, src, orb
        real(dp) :: cum_arr(nBasis / 2)
        real(dp) :: cum_sum, p_elec, p_orb
#ifdef DEBUG_
        real(dp) :: temp_pgen
        integer :: n_spatial_hole, ind_spatial_hole(nBasis / 2), n_e_h_pair, ind_e_h_pair(4 * nel, 2), i
        integer, allocatable :: neighbors(:)


        ilutJ = 0_n_int
        ic = 0
        nJ(1) = 0
        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)


        if (genrand_real2_dsfmt() < pDoubles) then
            ic = 2

            call gen_double_excit_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, ex, tParity, pgen)

            pgen = pDoubles * pgen

            if (nJ(1) == 0) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ic = 1
            if (genrand_real2_dsfmt() < pholefocus) then
                ! Here we make the 1 body excitations focus more on the hopping of the 'spatial holes'.
                ! 1)Find the list of all spatial holes;
                ! 2)For every hole  find its all nearest neighbor electrons and list all such electron hole pairs,
                ! 3)Select one of these pairs and construct exitation
                n_spatial_hole = 0
                do i = 1, nBasis / 2
                    if (IsOcc(ilutI, 2 * i - 1) .or. IsOcc(ilutI, 2 * i)) cycle
                    n_spatial_hole = n_spatial_hole + 1
                    ind_spatial_hole(n_spatial_hole) = 2 * i - 1
                end do
                if (n_spatial_hole == 0) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "n_spatial_hole is 0, HOLE-FOCUS doesn't apply")
                end if

                n_e_h_pair = 0
                do ind = 1, n_spatial_hole
                    src = ind_spatial_hole(ind)
                    neighbors = lat%get_spinorb_neighbors(src)
                    do i = 1, size(neighbors)
                        if (IsOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i))) then
                            n_e_h_pair = n_e_h_pair + 1
                            ind_e_h_pair(n_e_h_pair, 1) = neighbors(i)
                            ind_e_h_pair(n_e_h_pair, 2) = src
                        end if
                        if (IsOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i) + 1)) then
                            n_e_h_pair = n_e_h_pair + 1
                            ind_e_h_pair(n_e_h_pair, 1) = neighbors(i) + 1
                            ind_e_h_pair(n_e_h_pair, 2) = src + 1
                        end if
                    end do
                end do
                if (n_e_h_pair == 0) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "Bug!!, no electron hole pair detected.")
                end if

                ind = 1 + int(genrand_real2_dsfmt() * n_e_h_pair)

                src = ind_e_h_pair(ind, 1)
                orb = ind_e_h_pair(ind, 2)
                ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src))
                ASSERT(.not. IsOcc(ilutI, orb))
                ASSERT(same_spin(src, orb))

                do elec = 1, nel
                    if (nI(elec) == src) goto 112
                end do
                call stop_all(this_routine, "BUG! Wrong index of hole neighbor")
112             pgen = (1.0_dp - pdoubles) * pholefocus / n_e_h_pair

                ! still choose an electron at random
                elec = 1 + int(genrand_real2_dsfmt() * nel)

                p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)
                ! and then from the neighbors of this electron we pick an empty
                ! spinorbital randomly, since all have the same matrix element
                src = nI(elec)

                ! now we can have more than only nearest neighbor hopping!
                ! so implement a new cum-list creator
                call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single(nI, ilutI, src, cum_arr, cum_sum)

                ! the rest stays the same i guess..
                if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                    nJ(1) = 0
                    pgen = 0.0_dp
                end if

                call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr, cum_sum, ind, p_orb)

                ! all orbitals are possible i guess, so make cum_arr for all
                ! orbitals as ind already. we "just" have to fix the spin
                if (is_beta(src)) then
                    orb = 2 * ind - 1
                    orb = 2 * ind
                end if

                !remove those hole focus part
                if (is_beta(orb)) then
                    i = orb + 1
                    i = orb - 1
                end if
                if (.not. IsOcc(iLutI, i)) then
                    neighbors = lat%get_spinorb_neighbors(orb)
                    do i = 1, size(neighbors)
                        if (neighbors(i) == src) then
                            nJ(1) = 0
                            pgen = 0.0_dp
                        end if
                    end do
                end if

                pgen = p_elec * p_orb * (1.0_dp - pDoubles) * (1.0_dp - pholefocus)
            end if

            call make_single(nI, nJ, elec, orb, ex, tParity)

        end if

        ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, ic)

#ifdef DEBUG_
        temp_pgen = calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr(nI, ilutI, ex, ic)
        if (abs(pgen - temp_pgen) > EPS) then
            root_print "calculated pgen differ for exitation: "
            root_print "nI: ", nI
            root_print "ex: ", ex
            root_print "ic: ", ic
            root_print "pgen: ", pgen
            root_print "calc. pgen: ", temp_pgen
            root_print "H_ij: ", get_helement_lattice(nI, nJ, ic)
        end if

    end subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr_hole_focus

    subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                                                             ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store, run)
        ! new excitation generator for the real-space hubbard model with
        ! the hopping transcorrelation, which leads to double excitations
        ! and long-range single excitations in the real-space hubbard..
        ! this complicates things alot!
        ! this is the specific implementation for spin-dependent
        ! trans-correlation

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: hel
        type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store
        integer, intent(in), optional :: run

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_excit_rs_hubbard_transcorr"

        integer :: ind, elec, src, orb
        real(dp) :: cum_arr_t(nBasis / 2)
        ! i have to resolve this conflict:
        real(dp), allocatable :: cum_arr_o(:)
        integer, allocatable :: neighbors(:)
        real(dp) :: cum_sum, p_elec, p_orb


        ilutJ = 0_n_int
        ic = 0
        nJ(1) = 0
        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)

        hel = 0.0_dp
        if (present(run)) then
        end if

        ic = 1

        ! pick the electron randomly

        ! still choose an electron at random
        elec = 1 + int(genrand_real2_dsfmt() * nel)

        p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)
        ! and then from the neighbors of this electron we pick an empty
        ! spinorbital randomly, since all have the same matrix element
        src = nI(elec)

        ! and for alpha-electrons we have trans-correlation
        if (is_alpha(src)) then
            ! now we can have more than only nearest neighbor hopping!
            ! so implement a new cum-list creator
            call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single(nI, ilutI, src, cum_arr_t, cum_sum)
            ! only hopping to neighbors allowed

            ! now get neighbors
            neighbors = lat%get_spinorb_neighbors(src)

            call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard(ilutI, src, neighbors, cum_arr_o, cum_sum)

        end if

        ! the rest stays the same i guess..
        if (cum_sum < EPS) then
            nJ(1) = 0
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        if (is_alpha(src)) then
            call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr_t, cum_sum, ind, p_orb)
            ! we know it is alpha
            orb = 2 * ind
            call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr_o, cum_sum, ind, p_orb)
            orb = neighbors(ind)
        end if

        pgen = p_elec * p_orb

        call make_single(nI, nJ, elec, orb, ex, tParity)

        ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, 1)

    end subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr

    function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr(nI, ilutI, ex, ic) result(pgen)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ex(2, 2), ic
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp) :: pgen

        if (ic /= 1) then
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        if (is_alpha(ex(1, 1))) then
            pgen = calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr(nI, ilutI, ex, ic)
            pgen = calc_pgen_rs_hubbard(ilutI, ex, ic)
        end if

    end function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_spin_dependent_transcorr

    subroutine create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single(nI, ilutI, src, &
                                                           cum_arr, cum_sum, tgt, p_orb)
        ! with transcorrelation use a different cum-list creator, due to
        ! longer range single excitations possible now.
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), src
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: cum_arr(nBasis / 2), cum_sum
        integer, intent(in), optional :: tgt
        real(dp), intent(out), optional :: p_orb
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single"
        integer :: spin, ex(2, maxExcit), nJ(nel), i, orb
        integer, allocatable :: ex2(:, :)
        real(dp) :: elem

        ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src))

        cum_arr = 0.0_dp
        cum_sum = 0.0_dp

        ! 0.. alpha
        ! 1.. beta
        spin = get_spin(src) - 1

        ex = 0
        ex(1, 1) = src

        if (present(tgt)) then
            ASSERT(same_spin(src, tgt))

            p_orb = 0.0_dp

            do i = 1, nBasis / 2
                elem = 0.0_dp

                ! take the same spin
                orb = 2 * i - spin

                ASSERT(same_spin(src, orb))

                if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, orb)) then

                    ! i am still not sure about the ordering of these weights..
                    ex(2, 1) = orb
                    call swap_excitations(nI, ex, nJ, ex2)
                    elem = abs(get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(nJ, ex2(:, 1), .false.))
                    ! elem = abs(get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ex(:,1), .false.))

                end if
                cum_sum = cum_sum + elem

                if (tgt == orb) then
                    p_orb = elem
                end if
            end do
            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                p_orb = 0.0_dp
                p_orb = p_orb / cum_sum
            end if
            do i = 1, nBasis / 2
                elem = 0.0_dp
                orb = 2 * i - spin

                ASSERT(same_spin(src, orb))

                if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, orb)) then
                    ex(2, 1) = orb
                    call swap_excitations(nI, ex, nJ, ex2)
                    ! elem = abs(get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ex(:,1), .false.))
                    elem = abs(get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(nJ, ex2(:, 1), .false.))
                end if

                cum_sum = cum_sum + elem
                cum_arr(i) = cum_sum
            end do
        end if

    end subroutine create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single

    subroutine gen_double_excit_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, ex, tPar, pgen)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ex(2, 2)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NIfTot)
        logical, intent(out) :: tPar
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pgen
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_double_excit_rs_hub_transcorr"
        integer :: elecs(2), orbs(2), src(2), ind
        real(dp) :: p_elec, cum_arr(nBasis / 2), cum_sum, p_orb_a, p_orb_b, p_orb_switch

        call pick_spin_opp_elecs(nI, elecs, p_elec)

        src = nI(elecs)

        ! pick the first hole at random
        call pick_random_hole(ilutI, orbs(1), p_orb_a)

        if (orbs(1) == 0) then
            nJ(1) = 0
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        ! create the cum-list for b
        call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double(nI, ilutI, src, orbs(1), cum_arr, &

        if (cum_sum < EPS) then
            nJ(1) = 0
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr, cum_sum, ind, p_orb_b)

        ! pick the right spin
        if (is_beta(orbs(1))) then
            orbs(2) = 2 * ind
            orbs(2) = 2 * ind - 1
        end if

        ! now pick the other way around
        call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double(nI, ilutI, src, orbs(2), cum_arr, &
                                                         cum_sum, orbs(1), p_orb_switch)

        ! if cum_sum can be 0 here i made something wrong with the cum_sum
        ! check above!
        ASSERT(cum_sum > EPS)

        ! no factor of 2, since we add the a|b b|a already!
        pgen = 1.0_dp * p_elec * p_orb_a * (p_orb_b + p_orb_switch)

        call make_double(nI, nJ, elecs(1), elecs(2), orbs(1), orbs(2), ex, tPar)
        ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, 2)

    end subroutine gen_double_excit_rs_hub_transcorr

    subroutine create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double(nI, ilutI, src, orb_a, &
                                                           cum_arr, cum_sum, tgt, p_orb)
        ! routine to create the cum-list to pick the second orbital given
        ! the electrons (src) and the first orbital (orb_a)
        ! if second orbital (tgt) is given it calculates the probability (p_orb)
        ! to have picked this orbital.
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), src(2), orb_a
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: cum_arr(nBasis / 2), cum_sum
        integer, intent(in), optional :: tgt
        real(dp), intent(out), optional :: p_orb
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double"
        integer :: ex(2, 2), spin, b, nJ(nel), orb_b
        integer, allocatable :: ex2(:, :)
        real(dp) :: elem

        ASSERT(.not. same_spin(src(1), src(2)))
        ASSERT(IsNotOcc(ilutI, orb_a))
        ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src(1)))
        ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src(2)))

        cum_arr = 0.0_dp
        cum_sum = 0.0_dp

        ! make a spin factor for the orbital conversion
        ! 1...alpha
        ! 2...beta
        spin = get_spin(orb_a)

        ex(1, :) = src
        ex(2, 1) = orb_a

        if (present(tgt)) then
            ASSERT(.not. same_spin(orb_a, tgt))

            p_orb = 0.0_dp

            do b = 0, nBasis / 2 - 1
                elem = 0.0_dp

                ! add the spin to get correct anti-parallel spin-orbtial to (a)
                ! if (a) is alpha, spin = 1 -> so add
                orb_b = 2 * b + spin

                if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, orb_b)) then
                    ! with an occupancy everything is fine.. since a == b
                    ! is not possible due to opposite spin

                    ex(2, 2) = orb_b
                    call swap_excitations(nI, ex, nJ, ex2)
                    ! elem = abs(get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, .false.))
                    elem = abs(get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex2, .false.))

                end if
                cum_sum = cum_sum + elem

                if (tgt == orb_b) then
                    p_orb = elem
                end if
            end do
            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                p_orb = 0.0_dp
                p_orb = p_orb / cum_sum
            end if
            do b = 0, nBasis / 2 - 1

                elem = 0.0_dp
                orb_b = 2 * b + spin

                if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, orb_b)) then

                    ex(2, 2) = orb_b
                    call swap_excitations(nI, ex, nJ, ex2)
                    ! elem = abs(get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, .false.))
                    elem = abs(get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex2, .false.))

                end if

                cum_sum = cum_sum + elem
                cum_arr(b + 1) = cum_sum
            end do
        end if

    end subroutine create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double

    function get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(nI, ex, tPar) result(hel)
        ! function to get the new 1-body matrix elements in the real-space
        ! hubbard with hopping transcorelation with influence from the
        ! newly introduced double excitations
        ! this is the standalone function outside get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ex(2)
        logical, intent(in) :: tPar
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr"
        ASSERT(same_spin(ex(1), ex(2)))

        hel = GetTMatEl(ex(1), ex(2))

        if (t_trans_corr_hop) then
            hel = hel + get_2_body_contrib_transcorr_hop(nI, ex)
        else if (t_spin_dependent_transcorr .and. is_alpha(ex(1))) then
            hel = hel + tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr(ex(1), ex(2))
        end if

        if (tpar) hel = -hel

    end function get_single_helem_rs_hub_transcorr

    function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr(nI, ilutI, ex, ic) result(pgen)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ex(2, 2), ic
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp) :: pgen
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr"
        integer :: src(2), tgt(2)
        real(dp) :: p_elec, p_orb, cum_arr(nBasis / 2), cum_sum, p_hole_1, &
                    p_orb_a, p_orb_b

        src = ex(1, :)
        tgt = ex(2, :)

        if (ic == 1) then

            ASSERT(same_spin(src(1), tgt(1)))

            p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)

            call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_single(nI, ilutI, src(1), &
                                                             cum_arr, cum_sum, tgt(1), p_orb)

            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            pgen = p_elec * p_orb * (1.0_dp - pDoubles)

        else if (ic == 2) then

            if (same_spin(src(1), src(2)) .or. same_spin(tgt(1), tgt(2))) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nOccAlpha * nOccBeta, dp)

            ! we need two holes..
            ! pick the first at random..
            p_hole_1 = 1.0_dp / real(nBasis - nel, dp)

            call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double(nI, ilutI, src, tgt(1), &
                                                             cum_arr, cum_sum, tgt(2), p_orb_a)

            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ! and the other way around
            call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard_transcorr_double(nI, ilutI, src, tgt(2), &
                                                             cum_arr, cum_sum, tgt(1), p_orb_b)

            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            pgen = 1.0_dp * p_elec * p_hole_1 * (p_orb_a + p_orb_b) * pDoubles

            ! every other ic is 0
            pgen = 0.0_dp

        end if

    end function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard_transcorr

    ! Generic excitaiton generator
    subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard(nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                                    ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store, run)
        !! An API interfacing function for generate_excitation to the rest of NECI:
        !! Requires guga_bitRepOps::current_csf_i to be set according to the ilutI.
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: hel
        type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store
        integer, intent(in), optional :: run

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_excit_rs_hubbard"

        integer :: ind, elec, src, orb
        integer, allocatable :: neighbors(:)
        real(dp), allocatable :: cum_arr(:)
        real(dp) :: cum_sum, p_elec, p_orb

        type(ExcitationInformation_t) :: excitInfo
        integer(n_int) :: ilutGj(0:nifguga)

        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
        if (present(run)) then
        end if


        ic = 1
        ! i only have single excitations in the hubbard model
        ! the first plan is to choose an electron at random
        elec = 1 + int(genrand_real2_dsfmt() * nel)

        p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)
        ! and then from the neighbors of this electron we pick an empty
        ! spinorbital randomly, since all have the same matrix element
        src = nI(elec)

        ! now get neighbors
        neighbors = lat%get_spinorb_neighbors(src)

        call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard(ilutI, src, neighbors, cum_arr, cum_sum)

        if (cum_sum < EPS) then
            nJ(1) = 0
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr, cum_sum, ind, p_orb)

        orb = neighbors(ind)

        pgen = p_elec * p_orb

        call make_single(nI, nJ, elec, orb, ex, tParity)

        ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilutI, ex, 1)

        ! change for the mixed guga implementation
        if (tgen_guga_crude) then

            if (nJ(1) == 0) then
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            call convert_ilut_toGUGA(ilutJ, ilutGj)

            if (.not. isProperCSF_ilut(ilutGJ, .true.)) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ASSERT(is_compatible(ilutI, current_csf_i))
            call calc_guga_matrix_element(ilutI, current_csf_i, ilutJ, CSF_Info_t(ilutJ), excitInfo, hel, .true.)

            if (abs(hel) < EPS) then
                nJ(1) = 0
                pgen = 0.0_dp
            end if

            global_excitinfo = excitInfo

        end if

    end subroutine gen_excit_rs_hubbard

    function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard(ilutI, ex, ic) result(pgen)
        ! i also need a pgen recalculator.. specifically for the HPHF
        ! implementation and i need to take the transcorrelated keyword
        ! into account here!
        integer, intent(in) :: ex(2, 2), ic
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp) :: pgen
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "calc_pgen_rs_hubbard"
        integer :: src, tgt
        real(dp) :: p_elec, p_orb, cum_sum
        real(dp), allocatable :: cum_arr(:)

        ! only single excitations in the real-space hubbard
        if (ic /= 1) then
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        src = ex(1, 1)
        tgt = ex(2, 1)

        ! can i assert the same spin of the 2 involved orbitals?
        ! just return 0 if both have different spin?
        ASSERT(same_spin(src, tgt))

        ! and assert that we actually take a valid excitation:
        ASSERT(any(tgt == lat%get_spinorb_neighbors(src)))
        ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src))
        ASSERT(IsNotOcc(ilutI, tgt))

        p_elec = 1.0_dp / real(nel, dp)

        call create_cum_list_rs_hubbard(ilutI, src, lat%get_spinorb_neighbors(src), &
                                        cum_arr, cum_sum, tgt, p_orb)
        if (cum_sum < EPS) then
            pgen = 0.0_dp
        end if

        pgen = p_elec * p_orb

    end function calc_pgen_rs_hubbard

    subroutine create_cum_list_rs_hubbard(ilutI, src, neighbors, cum_arr, cum_sum, &
                                          tgt, cpt)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(in) :: src, neighbors(:)
        real(dp), intent(out) :: cum_sum
        real(dp), intent(out), allocatable :: cum_arr(:)
        integer, intent(in), optional :: tgt
        real(dp), intent(out), optional :: cpt
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "create_cum_list_rs_hubbard"

        real(dp) :: elem
        integer :: i, nI(nel), ex(2), ex2(2), nJ(nel)

        ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src))

        call decode_bit_det(nI, ilutI)

        ex(1) = src

        cum_arr = 0.0_dp
        cum_sum = 0.0_dp
        if (present(tgt)) then
            do i = 1, ubound(neighbors, 1)
                elem = 0.0_dp
                ASSERT(is_beta(src) .eqv. is_beta(neighbors(i)))
                if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i))) then
                    ! change the order of determinants to reflect
                    ! non-hermiticity correctly
                    ! old implo:
                    ex(2) = neighbors(i)
                    call swap_excitations(nI, ex, nJ, ex2)
                    elem = abs(get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nJ, ex2, .false.))

                end if
                cum_sum = cum_sum + elem
                if (neighbors(i) == tgt) then
                    cpt = elem
                end if
            end do
            if (cum_sum < EPS) then
                cpt = 0.0
                cpt = cpt / cum_sum
            end if
            do i = 1, ubound(neighbors, 1)
                elem = 0.0_dp
                ASSERT(is_beta(src) .eqv. is_beta(neighbors(i)))
                if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i))) then
                    ex(2) = neighbors(i)
                    call swap_excitations(nI, ex, nJ, ex2)
                    elem = abs(get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nJ, ex2, .false.))
                end if
                cum_sum = cum_sum + elem
                cum_arr(i) = cum_sum
            end do
        end if

    end subroutine create_cum_list_rs_hubbard

    subroutine create_avail_neighbors_list(ilutI, neighbors, orbs, n_orbs)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(in) :: neighbors(:)
        integer, intent(out), allocatable :: orbs(:)
        integer, intent(out) :: n_orbs

        integer :: i, temp_orbs(size(neighbors))

        n_orbs = 0
        temp_orbs = 0

        do i = 1, ubound(neighbors, 1)
            if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i))) then
                n_orbs = n_orbs + 1
                temp_orbs(n_orbs) = neighbors(i)
            end if
        end do

        allocate(orbs(n_orbs), source=temp_orbs(1:n_orbs))

    end subroutine create_avail_neighbors_list

    function trans_corr_fac(ilutI, src, tgt) result(weight)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(in) :: src, tgt
        real(dp) :: weight
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "trans_corr_fac"
        real(dp) :: ni_opp, nj_opp

        ! if the spins are not the same, something went wrong..
        ASSERT(is_beta(src) .eqv. is_beta(tgt))

        ni_opp = 0.0_dp
        nj_opp = 0.0_dp

        if (is_beta(src)) then
            ! check if alpha orbital (i) and (j) in ilutI is occupied
            if (IsOcc(ilutI, get_alpha(src))) then
                nj_opp = 1.0_dp
            end if
            if (IsOcc(ilutI, get_alpha(tgt))) ni_opp = 1.0_dp
            if (IsOcc(ilutI, get_beta(src))) nj_opp = 1.0_dp
            if (IsOcc(ilutI, get_beta(tgt))) ni_opp = 1.0_dp
        end if

        weight = exp(trans_corr_param * (nj_opp - ni_opp))

    end function trans_corr_fac

    function get_helement_rs_hub_ex_mat(nI, ic, ex, tpar) result(hel)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        integer, intent(in) :: ic, ex(2, ic)
        logical, intent(in) :: tpar
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel

        if (ic == 0) then
            ! diagonal matrix element -> sum over doubly occupied orbitals!
            hel = get_diag_helemen_rs_hub(nI)

        else if (ic == 1) then
            ! one-body operator:
            ! here we need to make the distinction, if we are doing a
            ! transcorrelated hamiltonian or not
            hel = get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nI, ex(:, 1), tpar)

        else if (ic == 2 .and. t_trans_corr_hop) then
            hel = get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, tpar)

            ! zero matrix element!
            hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)

        end if

    end function get_helement_rs_hub_ex_mat

    function get_helement_rs_hub_general(nI, nJ, ic_ret) result(hel)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), nJ(nel)
        integer, intent(inout), optional :: ic_ret
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: ic, ex(2, maxExcit)
        logical :: tpar
        integer(n_int) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot), ilutJ(0:NIfTot)

        if (present(ic_ret)) then
            if (ic_ret == 0) then
                hel = get_diag_helemen_rs_hub(nI)

            else if (ic_ret == 1) then
                ex(1, 1) = 1
                ! exchange for fix with twisted BCs
                call GetExcitation(nI, nJ, nel, ex, tpar)
                hel = get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nI, ex(:, 1), tpar)

            else if (ic_ret == 2 .and. t_trans_corr_hop) then

                ex(1, 1) = 2
                call GetExcitation(nI, nJ, nel, ex, tpar)
                hel = get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, tpar)

            else if (ic_ret == -1) then
                ! this indicates that ic_ret wants to get returned instead of
                ! beeing calculated
                ! its the same as if no ic_ret is present
                call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilutI)
                call EncodeBitDet(nJ, ilutJ)

                ic_ret = FindBitExcitLevel(ilutI, ilutJ)

                if (ic_ret == 0) then
                    hel = get_diag_helemen_rs_hub(nI)
                else if (ic_ret == 1) then
                    ex(1, 1) = 1
                    ! exchange for fix with twisted BCs
                    call GetBitExcitation(ilutI, ilutJ, ex, tpar)
                    hel = get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nI, ex(:, 1), tpar)

                else if (ic_ret == 2 .and. t_trans_corr_hop) then
                    ex(1, 1) = 2
                    call GetBitExcitation(ilutI, ilutJ, ex, tpar)

                    hel = get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, tpar)

                    hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)

                end if
                hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
            end if
            call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilutI)
            call EncodeBitDet(nJ, ilutJ)

            ic = FindBitExcitLevel(ilutI, ilutJ)

            if (ic == 0) then
                hel = get_diag_helemen_rs_hub(nI)
            else if (ic == 1) then
                ex(1, 1) = 1
                ! exchange for fix with twisted BCs
                call GetBitExcitation(ilutI, ilutJ, ex, tpar)
                hel = get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nI, ex(:, 1), tpar)

            else if (ic == 2 .and. t_trans_corr_hop) then
                ex(1, 1) = 2
                call GetBitExcitation(ilutI, ilutJ, ex, tpar)
                hel = get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, tpar)
                hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
            end if
        end if

    end function get_helement_rs_hub_general

    ! also optimize the matrix element calculation
    function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub(nI) result(hel)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel

        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
        ! the diagonal matrix element is essentialy just the number of
        ! doubly occupied sites times U

        call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilut)

        if (t_trans_corr_hop) then
            hel = get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_hop(nI)
        else if (t_spin_dependent_transcorr) then
            hel = get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_spin(nI)
            hel = h_cast(uhub * count_double_orbs(ilut))
        end if

    end function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub

    function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_spin(nI) result(hel)
        ! the spin-dependent transcorr diagonal elements
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel

        integer :: i, j, id(nel), ri(3), rj(3), ind_1(3), ind_2(3)

        hel = 0.0_dp

        id = get_spatial(nI)

        do i = 1, nel
            do j = 1, nel
                if (.not. same_spin(nI(i), nI(j))) then
                    ri = lat%get_r_vec(id(i))
                    rj = lat%get_r_vec(id(j))

                    if (is_alpha(nI(i))) then
                        ind_1 = ri - rj
                        ind_2 = rj - ri
                        ind_1 = rj - ri
                        ind_2 = ri - rj
                    end if
                    hel = hel + 0.5_dp * hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_1(1), ind_1(2), ind_1(3)) * &
                          hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_2(1), ind_2(2), ind_2(3)) * uhub
                end if
            end do
        end do

    end function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_spin

    function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_hop(nI) result(hel)
        ! with the hopping transcorrelation also the diagonal matrix
        ! elements change!
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel

        integer :: i, j, id(nel)

        hel = 0.0_dp

        id = get_spatial(nI)

        ! now also n_iu n_jd contribute to the diagonal elements!
        do i = 1, nel
            do j = 1, nel
                if (.not. same_spin(nI(i), nI(j))) then

                    hel = hel + 0.5_dp * get_umat_rs_hub_trans(id(i), id(j), id(j), id(i))

                end if
            end do
        end do

    end function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_hop

    function get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr(ex, tpar) result(hel)
        ! newly introduced 2-body matrix element in the hopping
        ! transcorrelated real-space hubbard model
        integer, intent(in) :: ex(2, 2)
        logical, intent(in) :: tpar
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr"
        integer :: src(2), tgt(2), ij(2), ab(2)


        if (same_spin(ex(1, 1), ex(1, 2)) .or. &
            same_spin(ex(2, 1), ex(2, 2))) then
            hel = 0.0_dp
        end if

        src = get_src(ex)
        tgt = get_tgt(ex)

        ij = get_spatial(src)
        ab = get_spatial(tgt)

        ! this weird combined sign convention..
        ! NOTE: i have to be careful due to the non-hermitian hamiltonian..
        ! i guess it matters now where i put the holes and electrons!
        ! and maybe it even matters where i put the indices for electrons
        ! and their corresponding fitting hole.. to be tested!
        if (same_spin(src(1), tgt(1)) .and. same_spin(src(2), tgt(2))) then

            hel = get_umat_rs_hub_trans(ij(1), ij(2), ab(1), ab(2))

        else if (same_spin(src(1), tgt(2)) .and. same_spin(src(2), tgt(1))) then

            hel = -get_umat_rs_hub_trans(ij(1), ij(2), ab(1), ab(2))

        end if

        if (tpar) hel = -hel

    end function get_double_helem_rs_hub_transcorr

    ! TODO(@Oskar, @Werner): This has to be probably split up into a GUGA and a non-GUGA function.
    function get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub(nI, ex, tpar) result(hel)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ex(2)
        logical, intent(in) :: tpar
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel

        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot), ilutJ(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp) :: n_i, n_j
        type(ExcitationInformation_t) :: excitInfo

        if (tGUGA) then
            call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilut)
            ilutJ = make_ilutJ(ilut, ex, 1)

            call calc_guga_matrix_element(ilut, CSF_Info_t(ilut), ilutJ, CSF_Info_t(ilutJ), excitInfo, hel, .true.)

            if (tpar) hel = -hel
        end if

        ! in case we need it, the off-diagonal, except parity is just
        ! -t if the hop is possible
        hel = GetTMatEl(ex(1), ex(2))

        ! like niklas, choose the alpha spins to be the correlated ones
        if (t_spin_dependent_transcorr .and. is_alpha(ex(1))) then
            hel = hel + get_1_body_contrib_spin_transcorr(nI, ex)
        end if

        if (t_trans_corr_hop) then
            hel = hel + get_2_body_contrib_transcorr_hop(nI, ex)
        end if

        if (tpar) hel = -hel

        ! put the transcorrelated stuff here for now, alhtough it would be
        ! better to do it as a procedure pointer..
        if (t_trans_corr) then
            call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilut)
            if (t_trans_corr_new) then
                n_j = get_opp_spin(ilut, ex(1))
                n_i = get_opp_spin(ilut, ex(2))

                ! try to go one step further before the transformation to
                ! the momentum space.. and check if the results are still
                ! correct..

                hel = hel * (1.0_dp + (exp(trans_corr_param) - 1.0_dp) * n_j + &
                             (exp(-trans_corr_param) - 1.0_dp) * n_i - &
                             2.0_dp * (cosh(trans_corr_param) - 1.0_dp) * n_i * n_j)


                hel = hel * exp(trans_corr_param * &
                                (get_opp_spin(ilut, ex(1)) - get_opp_spin(ilut, ex(2))))
            end if

        end if

        ! it is not really a 2-body trans, but still use the flag and
        ! parameter
        if (t_trans_corr_2body) then
            call EncodeBitDet(nI, ilut)
            hel = hel * exp(trans_corr_param_2body * &
                            (get_spin_opp_neighbors(ilut, ex(1)) - get_spin_opp_neighbors(ilut, ex(2))))
        end if
    end function get_offdiag_helement_rs_hub

    function get_1_body_contrib_spin_transcorr(nI, ex) result(hel)
        ! get the contribution to the one-body matrix elements for the spin-
        ! dependent transcorrelated real-space hubbard model.
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ex(2)
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_1_body_contrib_spin_transcorr"
        integer :: i, idX(2), id(nel), r1(3), r2(3), r_vec(3), ind_1(3), ind_2(3)

        ASSERT(same_spin(ex(1), ex(2)))

        idX = get_spatial(ex)
        id = get_spatial(nI)

        r1 = lat%get_r_vec(idX(1))
        r2 = lat%get_r_vec(idX(2))

        hel = 0.0_dp

        do i = 1, nel
            ! i have to sum over the beta spin-contributions
            if (is_beta(nI(i))) then
                r_vec = lat%get_r_vec(id(i))

                ! r1 is the hole vector
                ! r2 is the electron vector
                ind_1 = r2 - r_vec
                ind_2 = r_vec - r1

                hel = hel + hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec(ind_1(1), ind_1(2), ind_1(3)) * &
                      hop_transcorr_factor_cached_vec_m(ind_2(1), ind_2(2), ind_2(3))

            end if
        end do

        hel = hel * uhub

    end function get_1_body_contrib_spin_transcorr

    function get_2_body_contrib_transcorr_hop(nI, ex) result(hel)
        ! new single excitation matrix element calculation
        ! in the hopping transcorrelation this has influence from the
        ! 2-body term now. the original 1-body term is already calulated
        ! outside this function
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ex(2)
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_2_body_contrib_transcorr_hop"
        integer :: i, idX(2), idN

        ASSERT(same_spin(ex(1), ex(2)))

        hel = 0.0_dp

        idX = get_spatial(ex)

        ! i have to loop over the occupied sites from the opposite spin
        ! and retrieve the correct integral
        if (is_beta(ex(1))) then
            do i = 1, nel
                if (is_alpha(nI(i))) then
                    ! get the correct indices.
                    ! NOTE: i also have to think about the hermiticity here!
                    ! so the order in umat counts i guess!!! also important
                    ! for the setup of umat!
                    idN = get_spatial(nI(i))
                    hel = hel + get_umat_rs_hub_trans(idX(1), idN, idN, idX(2))
                end if
            end do
            do i = 1, nel
                if (is_beta(nI(i))) then
                    idN = get_spatial(nI(i))
                    hel = hel + get_umat_rs_hub_trans(idX(1), idN, idN, idX(2))
                end if
            end do
        end if

    end function get_2_body_contrib_transcorr_hop

    pure function get_umat_el_hub(i, j, k, l) result(hel)
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_umat_el_hub"

        if (i == j .and. i == k .and. i == l) then
            hel = h_cast(uhub)
            hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
        end if

        ASSERT(i > 0)
        ASSERT(i <= nbasis / 2)
        ASSERT(j > 0)
        ASSERT(j <= nbasis / 2)
        ASSERT(k > 0)
        ASSERT(k <= nbasis / 2)
        ASSERT(l > 0)
        ASSERT(l <= nbasis / 2)

    end function get_umat_el_hub

    pure function get_umat_rs_hub_trans(i, j, k, l) result(hel)
        ! do i need an explicit get_umat_rs_hub_trans? or can i just reuse
        ! the one, whhich access the "normal" fcidump.. figure out!
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel

        hel = umat_rs_hub_trancorr_hop(i, j, k, l)

    end function get_umat_rs_hub_trans

end module real_space_hubbard