trial_ht_procs.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"
module trial_ht_procs

    use FciMCData, only: NConEntry, CurrentDets, TotWalkers, con_send_buf
    use load_balance_calcnodes
    use searching, only: hash_search_trial
    use sparse_arrays, only: trial_hashtable
    use hash
    use constants

    implicit none



    function buffer_trial_ht_entries(block, source_ht, source_ht_size) result(nsend)
        integer, intent(in) :: block
        type(trial_hashtable), intent(inout) :: source_ht(:)
        integer, intent(in) :: source_ht_size
        integer :: nsend
        integer :: clashes, j, k, det_block, det(nel)
        integer(n_int) :: source_state(0:NConEntry)
        ! get all entries from source_ht that belong to block and move them
        ! to con_send_buf, deleting them from source_ht in the process
        nsend = 0
        do j = 1, source_ht_size
            clashes = source_ht(j)%nclash
            if (clashes > 0) then
                k = 0
                    k = k + 1
                    call decode_bit_det(det, source_ht(j)%states(:, k))
                    det_block = get_det_block(nel, det, 0)
                    if (det_block == block) then
                        call extract_trial_ht_entry(j, k, source_state, source_ht)
                        nsend = nsend + 1
                        con_send_buf(:, nsend) = source_state
                        clashes = clashes - 1
                        k = k - 1
                    end if
                    if (k == clashes) exit
                end do
            end if
        end do
    end function buffer_trial_ht_entries


    subroutine extract_trial_ht_entry(hash_val, i, ht_entry, source_ht)
        implicit none
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ht_entry(0:NConEntry)
        integer, intent(in) :: hash_val, i
        type(trial_hashtable), intent(inout) :: source_ht(:)
        integer :: clashes
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "extract_trial_ht_entry"

        ! get the stores state
        ht_entry = source_ht(hash_val)%states(:, i)
        ! then remove it from the table
        clashes = source_ht(hash_val)%nclash
        call remove_trial_ht_entry(hash_val, i, clashes, source_ht)
    end subroutine extract_trial_ht_entry


    subroutine remove_trial_ht_entry(hash_val, index, clashes, source_ht)
        implicit none
        integer, intent(in) :: hash_val, index, clashes
        type(trial_hashtable), intent(inout) :: source_ht(:)
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: tmp(:, :)
        integer :: i, ierr
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "remove_trial_ht_entry"

        ! first, copy the contnet of the source_ht entry to a temporary
        ! if there is any to be left
        if (clashes - 1 > 0) then
            allocate(tmp(0:NConEntry, clashes - 1), stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Failed allocation")
            do i = 1, index - 1
                tmp(:, i) = source_ht(hash_val)%states(:, i)
            end do
            ! omitting the element to remove
            do i = index + 1, clashes
                tmp(:, i - 1) = source_ht(hash_val)%states(:, i)
            end do

            ! then, reallocate the source_ht entry (if required)
            deallocate(source_ht(hash_val)%states, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Failed deallocation")
            allocate(source_ht(hash_val)%states(0:NConEntry, clashes - 1), stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Failed allocation")
            ! and copy the temporary back (if it is non-empty)
            source_ht(hash_val)%states(0:NConEntry, :) = tmp(0:NConEntry, :)
            deallocate(tmp, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(this_routine, "Failed deallocation")
            ! just to be sure, allocate with size 0
            allocate(source_ht(hash_val)%states(0:NConEntry, 0))
        end if

        ! finally, update the nclashes information
        source_ht(hash_val)%nclash = clashes - 1
    end subroutine remove_trial_ht_entry


    subroutine add_trial_ht_entries(entries, n_entries, source_ht, source_ht_size)
        ! this adds n_entries entries to the source_ht hashtable
        implicit none
        integer, intent(in) :: n_entries
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: entries(0:NConEntry, n_entries)
        type(trial_hashtable), allocatable, intent(inout) :: source_ht(:)
        ! in principle, the source_ht can be resized if really required,
        ! thus changing source_ht_size
        integer, intent(inout) :: source_ht_size
        integer :: i, hash_val, nI(nel), clashes
        ! we need to be careful: if the source_ht happens to be empty,
        ! it needs to be resized, as lookups are not possible on
        ! empty hashtables and will throw an error
        if (source_ht_size == 0) then
            call resize_trial_ht(source_ht, source_ht_size, 1)
        end if

        do i = 1, n_entries
            call decode_bit_det(nI, entries(:, i))
            hash_val = FindWalkerHash(nI, source_ht_size)
            ! just add them one by one
            call add_single_trial_ht_entry(entries(:, i), hash_val, source_ht)
        end do
    end subroutine add_trial_ht_entries


    subroutine add_single_trial_ht_entry(ht_entry, hash_val, source_ht)
        implicit none
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ht_entry(0:NConEntry)
        integer, intent(in) :: hash_val
        type(trial_hashtable), intent(inout) :: source_ht(:)
        integer :: clashes, ntrial, ncon
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: tmp(:, :)

        ! add a single entry to trial_ht with hash_val
        clashes = source_ht(hash_val)%nclash
        ! store the current entries in a temporary
        allocate(tmp(0:NConEntry, clashes + 1))
        ! if there are any, copy them now
        if (allocated(source_ht(hash_val)%states)) then
            tmp(:, :clashes) = source_ht(hash_val)%states(:, :)
            ! then deallocate
        end if
        ! add the new entry
        tmp(:, clashes + 1) = ht_entry

        ! and allocoate the new entry
        allocate(source_ht(hash_val)%states(0:NConEntry, clashes + 1))
        ! fill it
        source_ht(hash_val)%states = tmp
        ! and update the nclashes info
        source_ht(hash_val)%nclash = clashes + 1

    end subroutine add_single_trial_ht_entry


    subroutine resize_trial_ht(source_ht, source_ht_size, new_size)
        ! take a trial_hashtable of size source_ht_size and resize it to new_size
        implicit none
        type(trial_hashtable), allocatable, intent(inout) :: source_ht(:)
        integer, intent(inout) :: source_ht_size
        integer, intent(in) :: new_size

        type(trial_hashtable), allocatable :: tmp(:)
        integer :: ierr, i

        ! no support for shrinking down hashtables
        if (source_ht_size > new_size) return

        if (allocated(source_ht)) then
            ! if the source_ht contains data, save it
            if (source_ht_size > 0) then
                allocate(tmp(source_ht_size), stat=ierr)
                tmp = source_ht
            end if
            ! if source_ht is already there, deallocate it
        end if

        ! now, create the new source_ht
        allocate(source_ht(new_size), stat=ierr)
        ! if we saved data, move it now
        if (allocated(tmp)) then
            source_ht(1:source_ht_size) = tmp(1:source_ht_size)
        end if

        ! then, fill up the newly created entries with empty lists
        do i = source_ht_size + 1, new_size
            source_ht(i)%nclash = 0
        end do

        ! finally, declare that source_ht is now of size new_size
        source_ht_size = new_size
    end subroutine resize_trial_ht


    subroutine count_trial()
        use Parallel_neci, only: MPISumAll
        implicit none
        integer ::  ntrialtot, ncontot, ntrial, ncon

        call count_trial_this_proc(ntrial, ncon)
        call MPISumAll(ntrial, ntrialtot)
        call MPISumAll(ncon, ncontot)
        write(stdout, *) "Trial states ", ntrialtot
        write(stdout, *) "Connected states ", ncontot
    end subroutine count_trial


    subroutine count_trial_this_proc(ntrial, ncon)
        use searching, only: hash_search_trial
        use FciMCData, only: ntrial_excits
        implicit none
        integer, intent(out) :: ntrial, ncon
!       integer :: i, nI(nel)
        integer(int64) :: i
        integer :: nI(nel)
        real(dp) :: sgn(lenof_sign)
        logical :: tTrial, tCon
        HElement_t(dp) :: amp(ntrial_excits)

        ntrial = 0
        ncon = 0
        do i = 1, TotWalkers
            call decode_bit_det(nI, CurrentDets(:, i))
            call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, i), sgn)
            if (IsUnoccDet(sgn)) cycle
            call hash_search_trial(CurrentDets(:, i), nI, amp, tTrial, tCon)
            if (tTrial) ntrial = ntrial + 1
            if (tCon) ncon = ncon + 1
        end do

    end subroutine count_trial_this_proc

end module trial_ht_procs