BitRep_t Derived Type

type, public :: BitRep_t


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: len_orb = -1
integer, public :: ind_pop = -1
integer, public :: len_pop = -1
integer, public :: ind_flag = -1
integer, public :: len_tot = -1
integer, public :: len_bcast = -1
integer, public :: ind_spawn = -1
integer, public :: ind_hdiag = -1
integer, public :: ind_rdm_ind = -1
integer, public :: ind_rdm_x0 = -1
integer, public :: ind_rdm_x1 = -1
integer, public :: ind_x0 = -1
integer, public :: ind_x1 = -1
integer, public :: ind_b = -10
integer, public :: ind_rdm_fac = -1
integer, public :: ind_parent_flag = -1
integer, public :: ind_source = -1
integer, public :: ind_parent = -1

Source Code

    type :: BitRep_t
        ! number of integers (-1) to store the orbital occupation
        integer :: len_orb = -1
        ! position of the first entry for walker population
        integer :: ind_pop = -1
        ! length necessar to store the population (for complex and mneci..)
        integer :: len_pop = -1
        ! the index where the flag is stored
        integer :: ind_flag = -1
        ! the total length of the bit-representation
        integer :: len_tot = -1
        ! the length how much of the bit-rep is broadcasted
        integer :: len_bcast = -1
        ! the index for truncated spawning events
        integer :: ind_spawn = -1
        ! the index for hdiag in some implementation
        integer :: ind_hdiag = -1

        ! GUGA specific entries:
        ! the index of the communicated rdm-index (containing info about
        ! the excit-level and excit-type)
        integer :: ind_rdm_ind = -1
        ! the index of the x0 coupling coefficient contribution
        integer :: ind_rdm_x0 = -1
        ! the index of the x1 coupling coefficient contribution
        integer :: ind_rdm_x1 = -1
        ! the x0 element (in the hamiltonian matrix element calc.)
        integer :: ind_x0 = -1
        ! the x1 element -||-
        integer :: ind_x1 = -1
        ! the delta b element in the stochastic excit-gen
        integer :: ind_b = -10

        ! RDM specific entries:
        ! the index of the rdm biasing factor
        integer :: ind_rdm_fac = -1
        ! the flags (initiator) of the parent
        integer :: ind_parent_flag = -1
        ! the index where the information where the spawn came from is stored
        integer :: ind_source = -1
        ! the index of the parent ci coeff ( in the enlarged SpawnedParts!)
        integer :: ind_parent = -1

    end type BitRep_t