PC_singles_drawing_vals_t Derived Type

type, private :: PC_singles_drawing_vals_t



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(PC_singles_drawing_t), public :: UNDEFINED = PC_singles_drawing_t(-1, 'UNDEFINED')

We draw from and then and both probabilites come from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t We only guarantee that is occupied.

type(PC_singles_drawing_t), public :: FULL_FULL = PC_singles_drawing_t(1, 'FULL:FULL')

We draw from and then and both probabilites come from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t We only guarantee that is occupied.

type(PC_singles_drawing_t), public :: UNIF_FULL = PC_singles_drawing_t(2, 'UNIF:FULL')

We draw from and then and both probabilites come from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t We only guarantee that is occupied.

type(PC_singles_drawing_t), public :: UNIF_FAST = PC_singles_drawing_t(3, 'UNIF:FAST')

We draw from and then and both probabilites come from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t. We guarantee that is occupied and is unoccupied. We draw from uniformly and then from . I.e. only the second electron comes from the weighting scheme given in possible_PC_singles_weighting_t We only guarantee that is occupied.

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public, nopass :: from_str => drawing_from_keyword

  • private pure function drawing_from_keyword(w) result(res)

    Parse a given keyword into the possible drawing schemes.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: w

    Return Value type(PC_singles_drawing_t)