aim | lattice_mod | lattice | |
aim_chain | lattice_mod | aim | |
aim_star | lattice_mod | aim | |
AliasSampler_1D_t | aliasSampling | None | |
AliasSampler_2D_t | aliasSampling | None | |
AliasSampler_3D_t | aliasSampling | None | |
AliasSampler_t | aliasSampling | None | Alias Sampler class Read more… |
AliasTable_t | aliasSampling | None | This class implements the Walker-Vose Alias Sampling method. Read more… |
AttachedFileReader_t | input_parser_mod | FileReader_t | A class for tokenized reading of lines, that can be attached to open file handles. Read more… |
auxiliary_array | fast_determ_hamil | None | |
auxiliary_bool_t | shared_ragged_array | None | |
auxiliary_cmplx_t | shared_ragged_array | None | |
auxiliary_int32_t | shared_ragged_array | None | |
auxiliary_int64_t | shared_ragged_array | None | |
auxiliary_real_t | shared_ragged_array | None | |
BasisFN | SystemData | None | |
bath | lattice_mod | site | |
BitRep_t | bit_rep_data | None | |
BranchWeightArr_t | guga_matrixElements | None | |
buffer_hel_1D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_hel_2D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_int32_1D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_int32_2D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_int64_1D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_int64_2D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_int_1D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_int_2D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_real_1D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_real_2D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_token_1D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
buffer_token_2D_t | growing_buffers | None | @brief
Re-sizeable array type that can be filled elementwise to build up a contiguous data chunk
that can then be dumped to an allocatable Read more… |
cc_amplitude | cc_amplitudes | None | |
cc_hash | cc_amplitudes | None | |
CDF_Sampler_t | CDF_sampling_mod | None | |
chain | lattice_mod | lattice | |
CI_coefficients_t | sdt_amplitudes | None | |
ClassicAbInitExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | ExcitationGenerator_t | this abstract excitation generator covers all ab initio Hamiltonians
in the typical sense (i.e. up to double excitations) |
CommI | MPI_wrapper | None | |
core_hashtable | sparse_arrays | None | |
core_space_t | core_space_util | None | |
CSF_Info_t | guga_bitRepOps | None | |
cube | lattice_mod | lattice | |
CumulGASSpec_t | gasci | GASSpec_t | |
davidson_ss | davidson_semistoch | None | |
DavidsonCalcType | davidson_neci | None | |
dense_lMat_t | LMat_class | lMat_t | Implementation for densely stored 6-index objects |
direct_ci_excit | ras_data | None | |
DoubleExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | ExcitationGenerator_t | |
doubles_t | sdt_amplitudes | CI_coefficients_t | |
en_pert_t | rdm_data | None | |
EnumBase_t | util_mod | None | |
excit_gen_store_type | SymExcitDataMod | None | |
excit_store | enumerate_excitations | None | |
Excitation_t | excitation_types | None | Abstract base class for excitations. |
ExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | None | |
ExcitationInformation_t | guga_data | None | |
ExcitationTypeNames_t | guga_data | None | |
ExcitationTypeValues_t | guga_data | None | |
Excite_0_t | excitation_types | Excitation_t | Represents the orbital indices of a 0-order excitation
The array is sorted like:
[srcs, tgts] |
Excite_1_t | excitation_types | Excitation_t | Represents the orbital indices of a 1-order excitation
The array is sorted like:
[srcs, tgts] |
Excite_2_t | excitation_types | Excitation_t | Represents the orbital indices of a 2-order excitation
The array is sorted like:
[srcs, tgts] |
Excite_3_t | excitation_types | Excitation_t | Represents the orbital indices of a 3-order excitation
The array is sorted like:
[srcs, tgts] |
Excite_Further_t | excitation_types | Excitation_t | Represents an excitation with so many different indices, it has to be zero |
ExcitGenSessionType | SymExcit4 | None | |
ExcitWeight | SymExcit2 | None | |
ext_input | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
FCI_PCHB_Options_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCI_PCHB_Options_vals_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCI_PCHB_OptionsUserInput_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCI_PCHB_OptionsUserInput_vals_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCI_PCHB_singles_algorithm_t | pchb_excitgen | EnumBase_t | |
FCI_PCHB_singles_algorithm_vals_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCI_PCHB_SinglesOptions_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCI_PCHB_SinglesOptions_vals_t | pchb_excitgen | None | |
FCIDoubleExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | DoubleExcitationGenerator_t | |
FciDumpWriter_t | unit_test_helper_excitgen | Writer_t | |
fcimc_iter_data | FciMCData | None | |
FCISingleExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | SingleExcitationGenerator_t | |
FileReader_t | input_parser_mod | None | An abstract class that supports tokenized reading of lines. |
FlexibleGASSpec_t | gasci | GASSpec_t | |
GAS_disc_ExcGenerator_t | gasci_disconnected | ExcitationGenerator_t | |
GAS_DiscardingGenerator_t | gasci_discarding | ExcitationGenerator_t | |
GAS_doubles_heat_bath_ExcGenerator_t | gasci_on_the_fly_heat_bath | DoubleExcitationGenerator_t | The heath bath GAS on-the-fly excitation generator |
GAS_exc_gen_t | gasci | EnumBase_t | |
GAS_heat_bath_ExcGenerator_t | gasci_on_the_fly_heat_bath | ExcitationGenerator_t | |
GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpatOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_spatorb_fastweighted | DoubleExcitationGenerator_t | The GAS PCHB excitation generator for doubles |
GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpinOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_spinorb_fastweighted | DoubleExcitationGenerator_t | GAS PCHB excitation generator for doubles using spin orbitals, with
“fast weighting”
This means we choose holes via
GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpinorbFullyWeightedExcGenerator_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_spinorb_fullyweighted | DoubleExcitationGenerator_t | The GAS PCHB excitation generator for doubles using spin orbitals
and doing full weighting.
This means that first a hole is chosen via ( p( A | I J) |{A \notin D_i} ) !! then a second hole is chosen via ( p( B | I J A) | ). Read more… |
GAS_PCHB_ExcGenerator_t | gasci_pchb_main | ClassicAbInitExcitationGenerator_t | |
GAS_PCHB_options_t | gasci_pchb_main | None | |
GAS_PCHB_options_vals_t | gasci_pchb_main | None | |
GAS_PCHB_OptionsUserInput_t | gasci_pchb_main | None | |
GAS_PCHB_OptionsUserInput_vals_t | gasci_pchb_main | None | |
GAS_PCHB_SinglesAlgorithm_t | gasci_singles_main | EnumBase_t | |
GAS_PCHB_SinglesAlgorithm_vals_t | gasci_singles_main | None | |
GAS_PCHB_SinglesOptions_t | gasci_singles_main | None | |
GAS_PCHB_SinglesOptions_vals_t | gasci_singles_main | None | |
GAS_singles_heat_bath_ExcGen_t | gasci_on_the_fly_heat_bath | SingleExcitationGenerator_t | The heath bath GAS on-the-fly excitation generator |
GAS_singles_PC_uniform_ExcGenerator_t | gasci_singles_main | SingleExcitationGenerator_t | The precomputed GAS uniform excitation generator |
GASSpec_t | gasci | None | Speficies the GAS spaces. |
gdata_io_t | gdata_io | None | |
GeneratorType_Values_t | guga_data | None | |
GNDWork | gnd_work_type | None | |
GugaAliasSampler_t | guga_pchb_class | None | |
HamiltonianCalcType | hamiltonian_linalg | None | |
hexagonal | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
impurity | lattice_mod | site | |
index_rhash_t | index_rhash | None | |
InputWriter_t | unit_test_helper_excitgen | Writer_t | |
kagome | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
kMat_t | kMatProjE | None | |
kp_fciqmc_data | kp_fciqmc_data_mod | None | |
LanczosCalcType | lanczos_general | None | |
lattice | lattice_mod | None | |
lexicographic_store | DeterminantData | None | |
ll_node | FciMCData | None | |
lMat_hdf5_read_t | LMat_class | None | Handler for reading hdf5 tcdump files. Calls the read_op_hdf5 of the calling lMat_t |
lMat_t | LMat_class | None | Abstract base class for lMat_t objects (6-index integrals) |
LocalGASSpec_t | gasci | GASSpec_t | |
ManagingFileReader_t | input_parser_mod | FileReader_t | A class for tokenized reading of lines, that manages the file access. Read more… |
MemLogEl | MemoryManager | None | |
MemLogEl | MemoryManager | None | |
ole | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
one_rdm_t | rdm_data | None | |
opt_space_data | CalcData | None | |
OrbIdx_t | orb_idx_mod | None | |
ParticleSelector_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | None | |
PC_FastWeightedParticles_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | PC_Particles_t | |
PC_FullyWeightedParticles_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | PC_Particles_t | |
PC_Particles_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | ParticleSelector_t | |
PC_singles_drawing_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | EnumBase_t | |
PC_singles_drawing_vals_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | None | |
PC_SinglesFastWeighted_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | PC_Weighted_t | |
PC_SinglesFullyWeighted_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | PC_Weighted_t | |
PC_SinglesWeighted_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | PC_Weighted_t | |
PC_Weighted_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | SingleExcitationGenerator_t | |
PC_WeightedParticles_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | PC_Particles_t | |
PC_WeightedSinglesOptions_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | None | |
PC_WeightedSinglesOptions_vals_t | gasci_singles_pc_weighted | None | |
PCHB_DoublesOptions_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_main | None | |
PCHB_DoublesOptions_vals_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_main | None | |
PCHB_FCI_excit_generator_t | pchb_excitgen | ClassicAbInitExcitationGenerator_t | |
PCHB_HoleSelection_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_main | EnumBase_t | |
PCHB_HoleSelection_vals_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_main | None | |
PCHB_OptionSelection_t | gasci_pchb_main | EnumBase_t | |
PCHB_OptionSelection_vals_t | gasci_pchb_main | None | |
PCHB_ParticleSelection_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | EnumBase_t | |
PCHB_ParticleSelection_vals_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | None | |
perturbation | FciMCData | None | |
perturbed_state | real_time_data | None | |
PgenUnitTestSpec_t | CalcData | None | |
possible_GAS_exc_gen_t | gasci | None | |
Possible_SD_SpinPurificationMethods_t | SD_spin_purification_mod | None | |
PossibleStartValTau_t | tau_main | None | |
PossibleStartValTau_t | tau_main | None | |
PossibleStopMethods_t | tau_main | None | |
PossibleStopMethods_t | tau_main | None | |
PossibleTauSearchMethods_t | tau_main | None | |
PossibleTauSearchMethods_t | tau_main | None | |
ProcedurePtrArray_t | guga_data | None | |
ProcPtrArrTwo_t | guga_data | None | |
ProjE_t | guga_data | None | |
RandomFcidumpWriter_t | unit_test_helper_excitgen | FciDumpWriter_t | |
ras_class_data | ras_data | None | |
ras_factors | ras_data | None | |
ras_parameters | ras_data | None | |
ras_vector | ras_data | None | |
rdm_definitions_t | rdm_data | None | |
rdm_estimates_t | rdm_data | None | |
rdm_list_t | rdm_data | None | |
rdm_spawn_t | rdm_data | None | |
RdmContribList_t | guga_data | None | |
real_time_type | real_time_data | None | |
rectangle | lattice_mod | lattice | |
SD_SpinPurificationMethods_t | SD_spin_purification_mod | EnumBase_t | |
shared_array_bool_t | shared_array | None | |
shared_array_cmplx_t | shared_array | None | |
shared_array_int32_t | shared_array | None | |
shared_array_int64_t | shared_array | None | |
shared_array_real_t | shared_array | None | |
shared_ragged_array_bool_t | shared_ragged_array | None | Shared memory 2-D array template with non-uniform 2nd dimension (“ragged”) of type bool |
shared_ragged_array_cmplx_t | shared_ragged_array | None | Shared memory 2-D array template with non-uniform 2nd dimension (“ragged”) of type cmplx |
shared_ragged_array_int32_t | shared_ragged_array | None | Shared memory 2-D array template with non-uniform 2nd dimension (“ragged”) of type int32 |
shared_ragged_array_int64_t | shared_ragged_array | None | Shared memory 2-D array template with non-uniform 2nd dimension (“ragged”) of type int64 |
shared_ragged_array_real_t | shared_ragged_array | None | Shared memory 2-D array template with non-uniform 2nd dimension (“ragged”) of type real |
shared_rhash_t | shared_rhash | None | The shared read-only hash table stores a given number of arbitrary input values
in one contiguous array and addresses this contiguous array using a hashtable
The input values are stored in order of ascending hash value, with conflicts stored
adjacently. For each hash value, the position of the first value with that hash value
is stored. The lookup then searches for a given value between the first and the last
stored value with the same hash value. |
simple_excit_store | enumerate_excitations | None | |
SingleExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | ExcitationGenerator_t | |
singles_t | sdt_amplitudes | CI_coefficients_t | |
site | lattice_mod | None | |
sparse_lMat_t | LMat_class | lMat_t | Implementation for sparsely stored 6-index objects |
sparse_matrix_int | core_space_util | None | |
sparse_matrix_real | core_space_util | None | |
SpatOrbIdx_t | orb_idx_mod | OrbIdx_t | |
SpinOrbIdx_t | orb_idx_mod | OrbIdx_t | We assume order [beta_1, alpha_1, beta_2, alpha_2, …] |
SpinProj_t | orb_idx_mod | None | |
star | lattice_mod | lattice | |
StopMethod_t | tau_main | EnumBase_t | |
StopMethod_t | tau_main | EnumBase_t | |
StopOptions_t | tau_main | None | |
StopOptions_t | tau_main | None | |
subspace_in | CalcData | None | |
sujun | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
SuperGroupIndexer_t | gasci_supergroup_index | None | |
SymClass | SymData | None | |
Symmetry | SystemData | None | |
SymPairProd | SymData | None | |
TauSearchConventionalStats_t | tau_search_conventional | None | |
TauSearchConventionalStats_t | tau_search_conventional | None | |
TauSearchData_t | tau_main | None | |
TauSearchData_t | tau_main | None | |
TauSearchMethod_t | tau_main | EnumBase_t | |
TauSearchMethod_t | tau_main | EnumBase_t | |
TauStartVal_t | tau_main | EnumBase_t | |
TauStartVal_t | tau_main | EnumBase_t | |
tilted | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
timer | timing_neci | None | |
timer | timing_neci | None | |
timer_object | timing_neci | None | |
timer_object | timing_neci | None | |
Token_t | fortran_strings | None | |
Token_t | fortran_strings | None | |
TokenIterator_t | input_parser_mod | None | A class for looping over tokens parsed from semantic lines. Read more… |
trial_hashtable | sparse_arrays | None | |
triangular | lattice_mod | rectangle | |
TripleExcitationGenerator_t | excitation_generators | ExcitationGenerator_t | |
triples_t | sdt_amplitudes | CI_coefficients_t | |
UniformParticles_t | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | ParticleSelector_t | |
UniformSingles_t | exc_gen_class_wrappers | FCISingleExcitationGenerator_t | |
WeightData_t | guga_data | None | |
WeightedSingles_t | exc_gen_class_wrappers | FCISingleExcitationGenerator_t | |
WeightObj_t | guga_types | None | |
WeightProc_t | guga_types | None | |
write_state_t | constants | None | |
write_state_t | constants | None | |
Writer_t | unit_test_helper_excitgen | None | |