adi_data | adi_data.F90 | |
adi_initiators | adi_initiators.F90 | |
adi_references | adi_references.F90 | |
aliasSampling | aliasSampling.F90 | This module contains the utility to use alias table lookup on lists,
requiring to precompute biases but making the lookup O(1) |
analyse_wf_symmetry | analyse_wf_symmetry.F90 | |
AnnihilationMod | Annihilation.F90 | |
back_spawn | back_spawn.F90 | |
back_spawn_excit_gen | back_spawn_excit_gen.F90 | |
basic_float_math | basic_float_math.F90 | |
binomial_lookup | binomial_lookup.F90 | |
binomial_lookup | binomial_lookup.F90 | |
BinSearch | BinSearch.F90 | |
BinSearch_double | BinSearch.F90 | |
BinSearch_int | BinSearch.F90 | |
BinSearch_int64 | BinSearch.F90 | |
BinSearch_int64_arr | BinSearch.F90 | |
BinSearch_int_arr | BinSearch.F90 | |
bit_rep_data | bit_rep_data.F90 | |
bit_reps | BitReps.F90 | |
blas_interface_mod | blas_interface.F90 | This module should contain the declaration of BLAS routines. Read more… |
breathing_Hub | modifiedHub.F90 | |
Calc | Calc.F90 | |
CalcData | CalcData.F90 | |
calcrho_mod | calcrho.F90 | |
CAS_distribution_init | CAS_distribution_init.F90 | |
cc_amplitudes | cc_amplitudes.F90 | |
CDF_sampling_mod | CDF_sampling.F90 | This module implements the sampling of non-uniform probability
distributions that are constructed on the fly
using the cumulated distribution function method.
cepa_shifts | cepa_shifts.F90 | |
constants | constants.F90 | |
constants | constants.F90 | |
cont_time | cont_time_fcimc.F90 | |
cont_time_rates | cont_time_rates.F90 | |
core_space_util | core_space_util.F90 | |
CPMDData | CPMDData.F90 | |
cpmdinit_mod | cpmdinit.F90 | |
cpmdstub_mod | cpmdstub.F90 | |
davidson_neci | davidson_neci.F90 | |
davidson_semistoch | davidson_semistoch.F90 | |
default_sets | default_sets.F90 | |
DetBitOps | DetBitOps.F90 | |
DetCalc | DetCalc.F90 | |
DetCalcData | DetCalcData.F90 | |
determ_proj | determ_proj.F90 | |
DeterminantData | DeterminantData.F90 | |
Determinants | Determinants.F90 | |
Determinants_impls | Determinants_impls.F90 | |
direct_ci | direct_ci.F90 | |
display_matrices | display_matrices.F90 | |
display_matrices | display_matrices.F90 | |
double_occ_mod | double_occ.F90 | |
dSFMT_interface | dSFMT_interface.F90 | |
dSFMT_interface | dSFMT_interface.F90 | |
enumerate_excitations | enumerate_excitations.F90 | |
error_handling_neci | error_handling_neci.F90 | |
error_handling_neci_impls | error_handling_neci_impls.F90 | |
error_handling_neci_impls | error_handling_neci_impls.F90 | |
error_handling_neci | error_handling_neci.F90 | |
errors | ErrorAnalysis.F90 | |
exact_diag | exact_diag.F90 | |
exact_spectrum | exact_spectrum.F90 | |
exc_gen_class_wrappers | exc_gen_class_wrappers.F90 | |
exc_gen_classes | exc_gen_classes.F90 | |
excit_gen_5 | excit_gen_5.F90 | |
excit_gens_int_weighted | excit_gens_int_weighted.F90 | |
excit_mod | excit.F90 | |
excitation_generators | excitation_generators.F90 | ! ClassicAbInitExcitationGenerator_t methods !!! |
excitation_types | excitation_types.F90 | A module for representing different excitations. Read more… |
fast_determ_hamil | fast_determ_hamil.F90 | |
fcimc_helper | fcimc_helper.F90 | |
fcimc_initialisation | fcimc_initialisation.F90 | |
fcimc_iter_utils | fcimc_iter_utilities.F90 | |
fcimc_output | fcimc_output.F90 | |
fcimc_pointed_fns | fcimc_pointed_fns.F90 | |
FciMCData | FciMCData.F90 | |
FciMCLoggingMod | FciMCLogging.F90 | |
FciMCParMod | FciMCPar.F90 | |
fcoul_mod | fcoul.F90 | |
fmt_utils | util_mod_fmt.F90 | |
fmt_utils | util_mod_fmt.F90 | |
fortran_strings | fortran_strings.F90 | |
fortran_strings | fortran_strings.F90 | |
frsblk_mod | frsblk.F90 | |
ftlm_neci | ftlm_neci.F90 | |
gasci | gasci.F90 | |
gasci_discarding | gasci_discarding.F90 | |
gasci_disconnected | gasci_disconnected.F90 | |
gasci_on_the_fly_heat_bath | gasci_on_the_fly_heat_bath.F90 | |
gasci_pchb_doubles_main | gasci_pchb_doubles_main.F90 | |
gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles | gasci_pchb_doubles_select_particles.F90 | |
gasci_pchb_doubles_spatorb_fastweighted | gasci_pchb_doubles_spatorb_fastweighted.F90 | precomputed heat bath implementation for GASCI using spatial orbitals |
gasci_pchb_doubles_spinorb_fastweighted | gasci_pchb_doubles_spinorb_fastweighted.F90 | spin-orbital-resolved GASCI-PCHB using the “fast weighted” scheme |
gasci_pchb_doubles_spinorb_fullyweighted | gasci_pchb_doubles_spinorb_fullyweighted.F90 | precomputed heat bath implementation for GASCI using spin orbitals and full weighting |
gasci_pchb_main | gasci_pchb_main.F90 | Precomputed Heat Bath Implementation for GASCI. This modules implements
the excitation generator GASCI PCHB either resolve in spin- or spatial-
orbitals. |
gasci_singles_main | gasci_singles_main.F90 | |
gasci_singles_pc_weighted | gasci_singles_pc_weighted.F90 | |
gasci_supergroup_index | gasci_supergroup_index.F90 | |
gasci_util | gasci_util.F90 | This module contains functions for GAS that are not bound
to a specific GAS excitation generator. |
gdata_io | gdata_io.F90 | |
gen_coul_mod | gen_coul.F90 | |
gen_coul_ueg_mod | gen_coul_ueg.F90 | |
GenRandSymExcitNUMod | GenRandSymExcitNUMod.F90 | *** BIASED EXCITATION GENERATION ROUTINES ******! |
get_excit | excit_parity.F90 | |
global_det_data | global_det_data.F90 | |
global_utilities | global_utilities.F90 | |
gnd_work_type | gndwork.F90 | |
gndts_blk_mod | gndts_blk.F90 | |
gndts_mod | gndts.F90 | |
growing_buffers | growing_buffers.F90 | |
guga_bitRepOps | guga_bitRepOps.F90 | |
guga_crude_approx_mod | guga_crude_approx.F90 | |
guga_data | guga_data.F90 | |
guga_excitations | guga_excitations.F90 | |
guga_init | guga_init.F90 | |
guga_main | guga_main.F90 | |
guga_matrixElements | guga_matrixElements.F90 | |
guga_pchb_class | guga_pchb_class.F90 | |
guga_pchb_excitgen | guga_pchb_excitgen.F90 | |
guga_plugin | guga_plugin.F90 | |
guga_procedure_pointers | guga_procedure_pointers.F90 | |
guga_rdm | guga_rdm.F90 | |
guga_types | guga_types.F90 | |
guga_write_H_matrix | guga_write_H_matrix.F90 | |
hamiltonian_linalg | hamiltonian_linalg.F90 | |
hash | hash.F90 | |
hdf5_popsfile | hdf5_popsfile.F90 | |
hdf5_util | hdf5_util.F90 | |
hdf5_util | hdf5_util.F90 | |
hdiag_from_excit | hdiag_from_excit.F90 | |
hdiag_mod | hdiag.F90 | |
HElem | HElem.F90 | |
hfbasis_mod | hfbasis.F90 | |
HFCalc | HFCalc.F90 | |
hilbert_space_size | hilbert_space_size.F90 | WARNING The determinants created in this way are NOT* uniform.
Determinants of a certain excitation level are more likely to be generated than others.
The bias towards a given determinant is given by:
(NEl-ExcitLev) Choose (iExcitLevTest-ExcitLev)
This routine finds the size of the determinant space in terms, including all symmetry allowed determinants.
This is written to IUNIT. This is only available for molecular (i.e. abelian) systems with a maximum of eigth irreps.
This is done in a very crude way. Feel free to optimise it! |
hist | hist.F90 | |
hist_data | hist_data.F90 | |
hphf_integrals | HPHFIntegrals.F90 | |
HPHFRandExcitMod | HPHFRandExcit.F90 | This routine will take a HPHF nI, and find Iterations number of excitations of it. Read more… |
hubbard_mod | hubbard.F90 | |
impurity_models | impurity_models.F90 | |
index_rhash | index_rhash.F90 | |
init_coul2D_mod | init_coul2D.F90 | |
init_coul_mod | init_coul.F90 | |
initial_trial_states | initial_trial_states.F90 | |
initiator_space_procs | initiator_space_procs.F90 | |
input_parser_mod | input_parser_mod.F90 | A module for parsing input files. Read more… |
Integrals_neci | Integrals_neci.F90 | |
IntegralsData | IntegralsData.F90 | |
k_space_hubbard | k_space_hubbard.F90 | |
kMatProjE | kMatProjE.F90 | |
kp_fciqmc | kp_fciqmc.F90 | |
kp_fciqmc_data_mod | kp_fciqmc_data.F90 | |
kp_fciqmc_init | kp_fciqmc_init.F90 | |
kp_fciqmc_procs | kp_fciqmc_procs.F90 | |
kp_fciqmc_proj_est | kp_fciqmc_proj_est.F90 | |
lanczos_general | lanczos_general.F90 | |
lanczos_wrapper | lanczos_wrapper.F90 | |
lattice_mod | lattice_mod.F90 | |
lattice_models_utils | lattice_models_utils.F90 | |
legacy_data | legacy_data.F90 | |
lineup_mod | lineup.F90 | |
LMat_aux | LMat_aux.F90 | |
LMat_calc | LMat_calc.F90 | |
LMat_class | LMat_class.F90 | |
LMat_freeze | LMat_freeze.F90 | |
lMat_indexing | LMat_indexing.F90 | |
LMat_mod | LMat_mod.F90 | |
load_balance | load_balancer.F90 | |
load_balance_calcnodes | load_balance_calcnodes.F90 | |
local_spin | local_spin.F90 | |
Logging | Logging.F90 | |
LoggingData | LoggingData.F90 | |
matel_getter | matel_getter.F90 | |
matmul_mod | matmul.F90 | |
matrix_util | matrix_util.F90 | |
matrix_util | matrix_util.F90 | |
MemoryManager | MemoryManagement.F90 | |
MemoryManager | MemoryManagement.F90 | |
MolproPlugin | MolproPlugin.F90 | |
MPI_wrapper | MPI_wrapper.F90 | |
NatOrbsMod | NatOrbs.F90 | |
neci_intfce | neci_intfce.F90 | |
neci_signals | signals.F90 | |
neci_signals | signals.F90 | |
OneEInts | OneEInts.F90 | |
orb_idx_mod | orb_idx.F90 | |
orthogonalise | orthogonalise.F90 | |
Orthonorm_mod | Orthonorm.F90 | |
par_internal | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr2_comp | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr2_doub | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr2_int | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr2_int64 | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr3_comp | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr3_doub | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr3_int | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr4_doub | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr4_int | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr4_int64 | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr_comp | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr_doub | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr_int | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_arr_int64 | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_comp | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_doub | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_int | Parallel.F90 | |
par_internal_int64 | Parallel.F90 | |
Parallel_Calc | Parallel_Calc.F90 | |
parallel_hdf5_utils | parallel_hdf5_utils.F90 | |
Parallel_neci | parallel_workarounds.F90 | |
pchb_excitgen | pchb_excitgen.F90 | |
pcpp_excitgen | tc_precomputed_excitgen.F90 | |
perturbations | perturbations.F90 | |
PopsfileMod | Popsfile.F90 | |
Popsfile_impls | Popsfile_impls.F90 | |
procedure_pointers | proc_ptrs.F90 | |
ras | ras.F90 | |
ras_data | ras_data.F90 | |
rdm_data | rdm_data.F90 | |
rdm_data_utils | rdm_data_utils.F90 | |
rdm_estimators | rdm_estimators.F90 | |
rdm_explicit | rdm_explicit.F90 | |
rdm_filling | rdm_filling.F90 | |
rdm_finalising | rdm_finalising.F90 | |
rdm_general | rdm_general.F90 | |
rdm_hdf5 | rdm_hdf5.F90 | |
rdm_integral_fns | rdm_integral_fns.F90 | |
rdm_nat_orbs | rdm_nat_orbs.F90 | |
rdm_reading | rdm_reading.F90 | |
read_fci | readint.F90 | |
read_psi_mod | read_psi.F90 | |
ReadInput_neci | readinput.F90 | |
real_space_hubbard | real_space_hubbard.F90 | |
real_time | real_time.F90 | |
real_time_aux | real_time_aux.F90 | |
real_time_data | real_time_data.F90 | |
real_time_init | real_time_init.F90 | |
real_time_procs | real_time_procs.F90 | |
real_time_read_input_module | real_time_read_input.F90 | |
replica_data | replica_data.F90 | |
replica_estimates | replica_estimates.F90 | |
rhodiag_mod | rhodiag.F90 | |
RotateOrbsData | RotateOrbsData.F90 | |
RotateOrbsMod | RotateOrbs.F90 | |
RPA_Mod | RPA.F90 | |
scalar_shared_memory_mpi | scalar_shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
scalar_shared_memory_mpi_comp | scalar_shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
scalar_shared_memory_mpi_doub | scalar_shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
scalar_shared_memory_mpi_int | scalar_shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
scalar_shared_memory_mpi_int64 | scalar_shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
scrtransf_mod | scrtransf.F90 | |
SD_spin_purification_mod | SD_spin_purification.F90 | |
sdt_amplitudes | sdt_amplitudes.F90 | |
searching | searching.F90 | |
semi_stoch_gen | semi_stoch_gen.F90 | |
semi_stoch_procs | semi_stoch_procs.F90 | |
sets_mod | sets_mod.F90 | |
shared_array | shared_array.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_arr_int | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_arr_int64 | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_bool | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_comp | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_comp2D | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_doub | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_int | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_memory_mpi_int64 | shared_memory_mpi.F90 | |
shared_ragged_array | shared_ragged_array.F90 | |
shared_rhash | shared_rhash.F90 | |
sltcnd_mod | sltcnd.F90 | @brief
A module to evaluate the Slater-Condon Rules.
soft_exit | soft_exit.F90 | |
soft_exit | soft_exit.F90 | |
sort_mod | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_d_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_d_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_d_a_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_d_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_a_d_custom | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_a_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_a_i64_custom | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_custom | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_d_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_i64_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_i64_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_i_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i64_i_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_a_i_custom | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_custom | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_i64_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_i64_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_i_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_a_i_i_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_c_c_c | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_cmplx | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_a_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_a_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_a_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_d_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_d_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_d_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_doub | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_c | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_i64_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_i64_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_i64_l | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_i_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_a_i_d_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_d_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_i64_i_i_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i64_i_i_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_c | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i64_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i64_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i64_l | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_a_i_d_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_d_d | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_i_i_i64_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_int | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_int64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_int64_arr_int64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_sym | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_sym_a_i | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_sym_a_i64 | quicksort.F90 | |
sort_mod_sympairprod | quicksort.F90 | |
sparse_arrays | sparse_arrays.F90 | |
spectral_data | spectral_data.F90 | |
spectral_lanczos | spectral_lanczos.F90 | |
sym_general_mod | sym_general.F90 | |
sym_mod | sym.F90 | |
SymData | SymData.F90 | |
SymExcit2 | symexcit2.F90 | |
SymExcit3 | symexcit3.F90 | |
SymExcit4 | symexcit4.F90 | |
SymExcitDataMod | symexcitData.F90 | |
symrandexcit3 | symrandexcit3.F90 | |
symrandexcit_Ex_mag | symrandexcit_Ex_Mag.F90 | |
System | System_neci.F90 | |
SystemData | SystemData.F90 | |
tau_main | tau_main.F90 | |
tau_main_impls | tau_main_impls.F90 | |
tau_main_impls | tau_main_impls.F90 | |
tau_main | tau_main.F90 | |
tau_search_conventional | tau_search_conventional.F90 | |
tau_search_conventional | tau_search_conventional.F90 | |
tau_search_hist | tau_search_hist.F90 | |
tau_search_hist | tau_search_hist.F90 | |
tc_three_body_data | tc_three_body_data.F90 | |
tc_three_body_excitgen | tc_three_body_excitgen.F90 | |
timing_neci | timing.F90 | |
timing_neci | timing.F90 | |
tJ_model | tJ_model.F90 | |
trial_ht_procs | trial_ht_procs.F90 | |
trial_wf_gen | trial_wf_gen.F90 | |
ueg_excit_gens | symrandexcit_ueg.F90 | |
UMatCache | UMatCache.F90 | |
unit_test_helper_excitgen | unit_test_helper_excitgen.F90 | |
unit_test_helpers | unit_test_helpers.F90 | |
util_mod | util_mod.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons_doub | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons_int | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons_int64 | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons_real | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons_spp | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_comparisons_sym | util_mod_comparisons.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_cplx | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_cplx_doub | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_doub | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_int | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_int64 | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_logical | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_real | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_sym | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_cpts_sympairprod | util_mod_cpts.F90 | |
util_mod_numerical | util_mod_numerical.F90 | |
util_mod_numerical_doub | util_mod_numerical.F90 | |
util_mod_numerical_int32 | util_mod_numerical.F90 | |
util_mod_numerical_int64 | util_mod_numerical.F90 | |
util_mod_numerical_real | util_mod_numerical.F90 | |
vasp_interface | vasp_interface.F90 | |
vasp_neci_interface | vasp_neci_interface_stub.F90 | |
verlet_aux | verlet_aux.F90 | |