@brief Append a value to the buffer, expanding the capacity if necessary.
@param[in] val Value to be added
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(buffer_int32_2D_t), | intent(inout) | :: | this | |||
integer(kind=int32), | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | val |
pure subroutine add_val_int32_2D (this, val)
class(buffer_int32_2D_t), intent(inout) :: this
integer(int32), dimension(:), intent(in) :: val
! If the buffer still has room, add the entry
if (this%pos < size(this%buf, 2, kind=int64)) then
this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
! else, expand the buffer by another block
integer(int32), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp
integer(int64) :: new_buf_size
! Fortran 2003 automatic allocation/assignment
tmp = this%buf
! We add a constant offset to allow growth if start_size == 0.
! The grow_factor then takes over for larger numbers and prevents the O(n^2) scaling.
new_buf_size = ceiling(real(size(this%buf, 2), kind=dp) * this%grow_factor, kind=int64) + 10_int64
allocate(this%buf(size(tmp, 1), new_buf_size))
this%buf(:, : size(tmp, 2)) = tmp
this%pos = this%pos + 1_int64
this%buf(:, this%pos) = val
end block
end if
end subroutine add_val_int32_2D