AnnihilateSpawnedParts Subroutine

public subroutine AnnihilateSpawnedParts(ValidSpawned, TotWalkersNew, iter_data, err)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(inout) :: ValidSpawned
integer, intent(inout) :: TotWalkersNew
type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data
integer, intent(out) :: err


Source Code

    subroutine AnnihilateSpawnedParts(ValidSpawned, TotWalkersNew, iter_data, err)

        ! In this routine we want to search through the list of spawned
        ! particles. For each spawned particle, we search the list of particles
        ! in the main walker list (CurrentDets) to see if annihilation events
        ! can occur. The annihilated particles are then removed from the
        ! spawned list to the whole list of spawned particles at the end of the
        ! routine. In the main list, we change the 'sign' element of the array
        ! to zero.  These will be deleted at the end of the total annihilation
        ! step.

        use rdm_data, only: rdm_definitions, two_rdm_spawn, one_rdms
        use rdm_filling, only: check_fillRDM_DiDj

        type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data
        integer, intent(inout) :: TotWalkersNew
        integer, intent(inout) :: ValidSpawned
        integer, intent(out) :: err
        integer :: PartInd, i, j, PartIndex, run
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: CurrentSign, SpawnedSign, SignTemp
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: TempCurrentSign, SignProd
        integer :: ExcitLevel, DetHash, nJ(nel)
        real(dp) :: ScaledOccupiedThresh, scFVal, diagH
        HElement_t(dp) :: offdiagH
        logical :: tSuccess, tSuc, tDetermState
        logical :: abort(lenof_sign)
        logical :: tTruncSpawn, t_truncate_this_det

        ! 0 means success
        err = 0
        ! Only node roots to do this.
        if (.not. bNodeRoot) return

        call set_timer(AnnMain_time, 30)

        if (tHistSpawn) HistMinInd2(1:nEl) = FCIDetIndex(1:nEl)

        call set_timer(BinSearch_time, 45)

        do i = 1, ValidSpawned
            call decode_bit_det(nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i))
            ! Just to be sure
            CurrentSign = 0.0_dp
            ! Search the hash table HashIndex for the determinant defined by
            ! nJ and SpawnedParts(:,i). If it is found, tSuccess will be
            ! returned .true. and PartInd will hold the position of the
            ! determinant in CurrentDets. Else, tSuccess will be returned

            ! .false. (and PartInd shouldn't be accessed).
            ! Also, the hash value, DetHash, is returned by this routine.
            ! tSuccess will determine whether the particle has been found or not.
            call hash_table_lookup(nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i), nifd, HashIndex, &
                                   CurrentDets, PartInd, DetHash, tSuccess)

            tDetermState = .false.

            ! for scaled walkers, truncation is done here
            t_truncate_this_det = t_truncate_spawns .and. tEScaleWalkers

            if (tSuccess) then
                ! Our SpawnedParts determinant is found in CurrentDets.

                call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), CurrentSign)
                call extract_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign)

                SignProd = CurrentSign * SpawnedSign
                ! in GUGA we might also want to truncate occupied dets
                ! with no energy scaling we already truncate at the spawning event!
                if (tGUGA .and. tEScaleWalkers) then
                    if (t_truncate_spawns .and. .not. t_truncate_unocc) then
                        ! the diagonal element of H is to be stored anyway
                        ! evaluate the scaling function
                        scFVal = scaleFunction(det_diagH(PartInd))
                        do j = 1, lenof_sign
                            call truncateSpawn(iter_data, SpawnedSign, i, j, scFVal, SignProd(j))
#ifdef DEBUG_
                            if (abs(SpawnedSign(j)) > n_truncate_spawns * scFVal) then
                                print *, " ------------"
                                print *, " spawn unto an OCCUPIED CSF above Threshold!"
                                print *, " Parent was initiator?: ", &
                                    any_run_is_initiator(SpawnedParts(:, i))
                                print *, " Parent was in deterministic space?: ", &
                                    test_flag_multi(SpawnedParts(:, i), flag_deterministic)
                                print *, " Current det is initiator?: ", &
                                    any_run_is_initiator(CurrentDets(:, PartInd))
                                print *, " Current det is in deterministic space?: ", &
                                print *, " ------------"
                            end if
                        end do
                    end if
                    ! truncate if requested
                    if (t_truncate_this_det .and. .not. t_truncate_unocc) then
                        scFVal = scaleFunction(det_diagH(PartInd))
                        do j = 1, lenof_sign
                            call truncateSpawn(iter_data, SpawnedSign, i, j, scFVal, SignProd(j))
                        end do
                    end if
                end if

                tDetermState = test_flag_multi(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), flag_deterministic)
                ! Transfer new sign across.

                if (sum(abs(CurrentSign)) >= 1.e-12_dp .or. tDetermState) then

                    ! If the sign changed, the adi check has to be redone
                    if (any(real(SignProd, dp) < 0.0_dp)) &
                        call clr_flag(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), flag_adi_checked)

                    ! this det is not prone anymore
                    if (t_prone_walkers) call clr_flag(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), flag_prone)

                    do j = 1, lenof_sign
                        run = part_type_to_run(j)

                        if (is_run_unnocc(CurrentSign, run)) then
                            ! This determinant is actually *unoccupied* for the
                            ! run we're considering. We need to
                            ! decide whether to abort it or not.
                            if (tTruncInitiator .and. .not. tAllowSpawnEmpty) then
                                if (.not. test_flag(SpawnedParts(:, i), get_initiator_flag(j)) .and. &
                                    .not. tDetermState) then
                                    ! Walkers came from outside initiator space.
                                    ! have to also keep track which RK step
                                    if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc .or. runge_kutta_step == 2) then
                                        NoAborted(j) = NoAborted(j) + abs(SpawnedSign(j))
                                    end if
                                    iter_data%naborted(j) = iter_data%naborted(j) + abs(SpawnedSign(j))
                                    call encode_part_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), 0.0_dp, j)
                                    SpawnedSign(j) = 0.0_dp
                                end if
                            end if
                        end if

                        !If we are fixing the population of reference det, skip spawing into it.
                        if (tSkipRef(run) .and. DetBitEQ(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), iLutRef(:, run), nIfD)) then
                            NoAborted(j) = NoAborted(j) + abs(SpawnedSign(j))
                            iter_data%naborted(j) = iter_data%naborted(j) + abs(SpawnedSign(j))
                            call encode_part_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), 0.0_dp, j)
                            SpawnedSign(j) = 0.0_dp
                        end if

                        if (SignProd(j) < 0) then
                            ! in the real-time for the final combination
                            ! y(n) + k2 i have to check if the "spawned"
                            ! particle is actually a diagonal death/born
                            ! walker
                            ! This indicates that the particle has found the
                            ! same particle of opposite sign to annihilate with.
                            ! In this case we just need to update some statistics:
                            ! in the real-time fciqmc i have to keep track of
                            ! the runge-kutta-step

                            if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc .or. runge_kutta_step == 2) then
                                Annihilated(run) = Annihilated(run) + &
                                                   2 * (min(abs(CurrentSign(j)), abs(SpawnedSign(j))))
                            end if
                            iter_data%nannihil(j) = iter_data%nannihil(j) + &
                                                    2 * (min(abs(CurrentSign(j)), abs(SpawnedSign(j))))

                            if (tHistSpawn) then
                                ! We want to histogram where the particle
                                ! annihilations are taking place.
                                ExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(SpawnedParts(:, i), iLutHF, nel)
                                if (ExcitLevel == NEl) then
                                    call BinSearchParts2(SpawnedParts(:, i), HistMinInd2(ExcitLevel), Det, PartIndex, tSuc)
                                else if (ExcitLevel == 0) then
                                    PartIndex = 1
                                    tSuc = .true.
                                    call BinSearchParts2(SpawnedParts(:, i), HistMinInd2(ExcitLevel), &
                                                         FCIDetIndex(ExcitLevel + 1) - 1, PartIndex, tSuc)
                                end if
                                HistMinInd2(ExcitLevel) = PartIndex
                                if (tSuc) then
                                    AvAnnihil(j, PartIndex) = AvAnnihil(j, PartIndex) + &
                                                              real(2 * (min(abs(CurrentSign(j)), abs(SpawnedSign(j)))), dp)
                                    InstAnnihil(j, PartIndex) = InstAnnihil(j, PartIndex) + &
                                                                real(2 * (min(abs(CurrentSign(j)), abs(SpawnedSign(j)))), dp)
                                    write(stdout, *) "***", SpawnedParts(0:NIftot, i)
                                    Call writebitdet(stdout, SpawnedParts(0:NIfTot, i), .true.)
                                    call stop_all(this_routine, "Cannot find corresponding FCI "&
                                            & //"determinant when histogramming")
                                end if
                            end if
                        end if
                    end do ! over all components of the sign

                    ! Transfer new sign across.
                    call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), SpawnedSign + CurrentSign)
                    call encode_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), null_part)

                    if (.not. tDetermState) then
                        call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), SignTemp)
                        if (IsUnoccDet(SignTemp)) then
                            ! All walkers in this main list have been annihilated
                            ! away. Remove it from the hash index array so that
                            ! no others find it (it is impossible to have another
                            ! spawned walker yet to find this determinant).
                            if (.not. tAccumEmptyDet(CurrentDets(:, PartInd))) then
                                call RemoveHashDet(HashIndex, nJ, PartInd)
                            end if
                        end if
                    end if
                end if

                if (tFillingStochRDMonFly .and. (.not. tNoNewRDMContrib)) then
                    call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, PartInd), TempCurrentSign)
                    ! We must use the instantaneous value for the off-diagonal
                    ! contribution. However, we can't just use CurrentSign from
                    ! the previous iteration, as this has been subject to death
                    ! but not the new walkers. We must add on SpawnedSign, so
                    ! we're effectively taking the instantaneous value from the
                    ! next iter. This is fine as it's from the other population,
                    ! and the Di and Dj signs are already strictly uncorrelated.

                    if (tInitsRDM) then
                        call check_fillRDM_DiDj(rdm_inits_defs, two_rdm_inits_spawn, &
                                                inits_one_rdms, i, CurrentDets(:, PartInd), TempCurrentSign, .false.)
                    end if
                    call check_fillRDM_DiDj(rdm_definitions, two_rdm_spawn, one_rdms, i, &
                                            CurrentDets(:, PartInd), TempCurrentSign)
                end if
                ! Determinant in newly spawned list is not found in CurrentDets.
                ! Usually this would mean the walkers just stay in this list and
                ! get merged later - but in this case we want to check where the
                ! walkers came from - because if the newly spawned walkers are
                ! from a parent outside the active space they should be killed,
                ! as they have been spawned on an unoccupied determinant.
                if (tTruncInitiator) then

                    call extract_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign)

                    ! Are we about to abort this spawn (on any replica) due to
                    ! initiator criterion?
                    do j = 1, lenof_sign
                        abort(j) = test_abort_spawn(SpawnedParts(:, i), j)
                    end do

                    ! If calculating an EN2 correction to initiator error,
                    ! check now if we should add anything.
                    if (tEN2Init) then
                        call add_en2_pert_for_init_calc(i, abort, nJ, SpawnedSign)
                    end if

                    do j = 1, lenof_sign

                        if (abort(j)) then

                            ! If this option is on, include the walker to be
                            ! cancelled in the trial energy estimate.
                            if (tIncCancelledInitEnergy) then
                                call add_trial_energy_contrib(SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign(j), j)
                            end if

                            ! Walkers came from outside initiator space.
                            NoAborted(j) = NoAborted(j) + abs(SpawnedSign(j))
                            iter_data%naborted(j) = iter_data%naborted(j) &
                                                    + abs(SpawnedSign(j))

                            ! We've already counted the walkers where SpawnedSign
                            ! become zero in the compress, and in the merge, all
                            ! that's left is those which get aborted which are
                            ! counted here only if the sign was not already zero
                            ! (when it already would have been counted).
                            SpawnedSign(j) = 0.0_dp
                            call encode_part_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign(j), j)
                        end if

                    end do

                    if (t_prone_walkers) then
                        if (get_num_spawns(SpawnedParts(:, i)) < 2.0_dp) then
                            call set_flag(SpawnedParts(:, i), flag_prone)
                        end if
                    end if

                    if (.not. IsUnoccDet(SpawnedSign)) then

                        ! if we did not kill the walkers, get the scaling factor
                        call getEScale(nJ, i, diagH, offdiagH, scFVal, ScaledOccupiedThresh)
                        do j = 1, lenof_sign
                            call stochRoundSpawn(iter_data, SpawnedSign, i, j, scFVal, &
                                                 ScaledOccupiedThresh, t_truncate_this_det)
                        end do

                        if (.not. IsUnoccDet(SpawnedSign)) then
                            ! Walkers have not been aborted and so we should copy the
                            ! determinant straight over to the main list. We do not
                            ! need to recompute the hash, since this should be the
                            ! same one as was generated at the beginning of the loop.
                            if (.not. tEScaleWalkers) then
                                diagH = get_diagonal_matel(nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i))
                                offdiagH = get_off_diagonal_matel(nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i))
                            end if
                            call AddNewHashDet(TotWalkersNew, SpawnedParts(0:NIfTot, i), DetHash, nJ, &
                                               diagH, offdiagH, PartInd, err)
                            ! abort upon error
                            if (err /= 0) return
                        end if
                    end if
                    ! Running the full, non-initiator scheme.
                    ! Determinant in newly spawned list is not found in
                    ! CurrentDets. If coeff <1, apply removal criterion.
                    call extract_sign(SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign)

                    ! no chance to kill the spawn by initiator criterium
                    ! so get the diagH immediately
                    call getEScale(nJ, i, diagH, offdiagH, scFVal, ScaledOccupiedThresh)

                    ! If using an EN2 perturbation to correct a truncated
                    ! calculation, then this spawn may need to be truncated
                    ! away now. Check this here:
                    tTruncSpawn = .false.
                    if (tEN2Truncated) then
                        tTruncSpawn = .not. CheckAllowedTruncSpawn(0, nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i), 0)
                    end if

                    if (tTruncSpawn) then
                        ! Needs to be truncated away, and a contribution
                        ! added to the EN2 correction.
                        call add_en2_pert_for_trunc_calc(i, nJ, SpawnedSign, iter_data)
                        do j = 1, lenof_sign
                            ! truncate the spawn if required
                            call stochRoundSpawn(iter_data, SpawnedSign, i, j, scFVal, &
                                                 ScaledOccupiedThresh, t_truncate_this_det)
                        end do

                        if (.not. IsUnoccDet(SpawnedSign)) then
                            ! Walkers have not been aborted and so we should copy the
                            ! determinant straight over to the main list. We do not
                            ! need to recompute the hash, since this should be the
                            ! same one as was generated at the beginning of the loop.
                            if (.not. tEScaleWalkers) then
                                diagH = get_diagonal_matel(nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i))
                                offdiagH = get_off_diagonal_matel(nJ, SpawnedParts(:, i))
                            end if
                            call AddNewHashDet(TotWalkersNew, SpawnedParts(:, i), DetHash, nJ, &
                                               diagH, offdiagH, PartInd, err)
                            ! abort annihilation upon error
                            if (err /= 0) return
                        end if
                    end if
                end if

                ! store the spawn in the global data
                if (tLogAverageSpawns) call store_spawn(PartInd, SpawnedSign)

                if (tFillingStochRDMonFly .and. (.not. tNoNewRDMContrib)) then
                    ! We must use the instantaneous value for the off-diagonal contribution.
                    ! Here, one side was unoccupied -> not an initiator -> only matters
                    ! if non-inits are counted
                    if (tNonInitsForRDMs) then
                        call check_fillRDM_DiDj(rdm_definitions, two_rdm_spawn, &
                                                one_rdms, i, SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign)
                    end if
                    ! Same argument, this only matters in the non-variational case, where one
                    ! side does not have to be an initiator
                    if (tInitsRDM .and. tNonVariationalRDMs) then
                        call check_fillRDM_DiDj(rdm_inits_defs, two_rdm_inits_spawn, &
                                                inits_one_rdms, i, SpawnedParts(:, i), SpawnedSign, .false.)
                    end if
                end if
            end if
            ! store the spawn in the global data
            if (tLogAverageSpawns) call store_spawn(PartInd, SpawnedSign)
        end do

        call halt_timer(BinSearch_time)

        ! Update remaining number of holes in list for walkers stats.
        if (iStartFreeSlot > iEndFreeSlot) then
            ! All slots filled
            HolesInList = 0
            HolesInList = iEndFreeSlot - (iStartFreeSlot - 1)
        end if

        call halt_timer(AnnMain_time)

    end subroutine AnnihilateSpawnedParts