calc_mixed_end_contr_pgen Subroutine

public subroutine calc_mixed_end_contr_pgen(ilut, csf_i, t, excitInfo, branch_pgen, pgen)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:nifguga)
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: t(0:nifguga)
type(ExcitationInformation_t), value :: excitInfo
real(kind=dp), value :: branch_pgen
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: pgen


Source Code

    subroutine calc_mixed_end_contr_pgen(ilut, csf_i, t, excitInfo, branch_pgen, &
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:nifguga), t(0:nifguga)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), value :: excitInfo
        real(dp), value :: branch_pgen
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pgen
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "calc_mixed_end_contr_pgen"

        integer :: st, se, en, step, sw, elecInd, holeInd, i, j
        real(dp) :: top_cont, stay_mat, end_mat, orb_pgen, new_pgen, &
                    posSwitches(nSpatOrbs), negSwitches(nSpatOrbs), &
                    tmp_pos(nSpatOrbs), tmp_neg(nSpatOrbs)
        logical :: above_flag
        type(BranchWeightArr_t) :: weight_funcs(nSpatOrbs)
        type(WeightObj_t) :: weights

        ! do as much stuff as possible beforehand
        st = excitInfo%fullStart
        se = excitInfo%secondStart
        en = excitInfo%fullEnd
        if (excitInfo%typ == excit_type%fullstop_L_to_R) then
            elecInd = st
            holeInd = se
        else if (excitInfo%typ == excit_type%fullstop_R_to_L) then
            elecInd = se
            holeInd = st
            call stop_all(this_routine, "should not be here!")
        end if

        ! also here i didn't consider the actual end contribution or? ...
        call calc_orbital_pgen_contrib_end(csf_i, [2 * elecInd, 2 * en], &
            holeInd, orb_pgen)

        pgen = orb_pgen * branch_pgen

        step = csf_i%stepvector(en)

        sw = findLastSwitch(ilut, t, se, en)

        call calcRemainingSwitches_excitInfo_double(csf_i, excitInfo, posSwitches, &

        ! need temporary switch arrays for more efficiently recalcing
        ! weights
        tmp_pos = posSwitches
        tmp_neg = negSwitches
        ! after last switch only dB = 0 branches! consider that
        call setup_weight_funcs(t, csf_i, st, se, weight_funcs)

        if (en < nSpatOrbs) then
            select case (step)
            case (1)
                if (isOne(t, en)) then
                    top_cont = -Root2 * sqrt((csf_i%B_real(en) + 2.0_dp) / &

                    top_cont = -Root2 / sqrt(csf_i%B_real(en) * (csf_i%B_real(en) + 2.0_dp))

                end if
            case (2)
                if (isOne(t, en)) then
                    top_cont = -Root2 / sqrt(csf_i%B_real(en) * (csf_i%B_real(en) + 2.0_dp))

                    top_cont = Root2 * sqrt(csf_i%B_real(en) / &
                                            (csf_i%B_real(en) + 2.0_dp))
                end if

            case default
                call stop_all(this_routine, "wrong stepvalues!")

            end select

            if (.not. near_zero(top_cont)) then

                above_flag = .false.

                ! to avoid to recalc. remaining switches all the time
                ! just increment them correctly
                if (step == 1) then
                    tmp_neg(se:en - 1) = tmp_neg(se:en - 1) + 1.0_dp
                    tmp_pos(se:en - 1) = tmp_pos(se:en - 1) + 1.0_dp
                end if

                do i = en + 1, nSpatOrbs
                    if (csf_i%Occ_int(i) /= 1) cycle

                    ! then check if thats the last step
                    if (csf_i%stepvector(i) == 2 .and. csf_i%B_int(i) == 0) then
                        above_flag = .true.
                    end if

                    ! then calc. orbital probability
                    call calc_orbital_pgen_contrib_end(csf_i, [2 * elecInd, 2 * i], &
                        holeInd, orb_pgen)

                    ! should be able to do that without second loop too!
                    ! figure out!
                    step = csf_i%stepvector(i)

                    call getDoubleMatrixElement(step, step, 0, gen_type%L, gen_type%R, csf_i%B_real(i), &
                                                1.0_dp, x1_element=stay_mat)

                    call getMixedFullStop(step, step, 0, csf_i%B_real(i), &

                    ! this check should never be true, but just to be sure
                    if (near_zero(stay_mat)) above_flag = .true.

                    if (.not. near_zero(end_mat)) then

                        ! also only recalc. pgen if matrix element is not 0
                        excitInfo%fullEnd = i
                        excitInfo%firstEnd = i

                        weights = init_semiStartWeight(csf_i, se, i, tmp_neg(se), &
                                                       tmp_pos(se), csf_i%B_real(se))

                        new_pgen = 1.0_dp

                        ! deal with the start and semi-start seperately
                        if (csf_i%Occ_int(st) /= 1) then
                            new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(st)%ptr(weights, &
                                   csf_i%B_real(st), tmp_neg(st), tmp_pos(st))
                        end if

                        do j = st + 1, se - 1
                            ! can and do i have to cycle here if its not
                            ! singly occupied??
                            if (csf_i%Occ_int(j) /= 1) cycle

                            new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(j)%ptr(weights, &
                                      csf_i%B_real(j), tmp_neg(j), tmp_pos(j))
                        end do

                        ! then need to reinit double weight
                        weights = weights%ptr

                        ! and also with the semi-start
                        if (csf_i%Occ_int(se) /= 1) then
                            new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(se)%ptr(weights, &
                                   csf_i%B_real(se), tmp_neg(se), tmp_pos(se))
                        end if

                        do j = se + 1, i - 1
                            if (csf_i%Occ_int(j) /= 1) cycle

                            new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(j)%ptr(weights, &
                                      csf_i%B_real(j), tmp_neg(j), tmp_pos(j))
                        end do

                        if (t_trunc_guga_pgen .or. &
                            (t_trunc_guga_pgen_noninits .and. .not. is_init_guga)) then
                            if (new_pgen < trunc_guga_pgen) then
                                new_pgen = 0.0_dp
                            end if
                        end if

                        pgen = pgen + new_pgen * orb_pgen

                    end if

                    if (above_flag) exit

                    ! update the switches
                    if (csf_i%stepvector(i) == 1) then
                        tmp_neg(se:i - 1) = tmp_neg(se:i - 1) + 1.0_dp
                        tmp_pos(se:i - 1) = tmp_pos(se:i - 1) + 1.0_dp
                    end if
                end do
            end if
        end if

        if (sw < en) then

            step = csf_i%stepvector(en)

            ! have to change the switches before the first cycle:
            ! but for cycling backwards, thats not so easy.. need todo

            do i = en - 1, sw + 1, -1

                if (csf_i%Occ_int(i) /= 1) cycle

                ! get orbital pgen
                call calc_orbital_pgen_contrib_end(csf_i, [2 * elecInd, 2 * i], &
                    holeInd, orb_pgen)

                if (csf_i%stepvector(i) == 1) then
                    ! by looping in this direction i have to reduce
                    ! the number of switches at the beginning
                    ! but only to the left or??
                    ! i think i have to rethink that.. thats not so easy..
                    negSwitches(se:i - 1) = negSwitches(se:i - 1) - 1.0_dp

                    posSwitches(se:i - 1) = posSwitches(se:i - 1) - 1.0_dp

                end if

                step = csf_i%stepvector(i)

                call getMixedFullStop(step, step, 0, csf_i%B_real(i), x1_element=end_mat)

                if (.not. near_zero(end_mat)) then

                    ! only recalc. pgen if matrix element is not 0
                    excitInfo%fullEnd = i
                    excitInfo%firstEnd = i

                    weights = init_semiStartWeight(csf_i, se, i, negSwitches(se), &
                                                   posSwitches(se), csf_i%B_real(se))

                    new_pgen = 1.0_dp

                    ! deal with the start and semi-start seperately
                    if (csf_i%Occ_int(st) /= 1) then
                        new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(st)%ptr(weights, &
                               csf_i%B_real(st), negSwitches(st), posSwitches(st))
                    end if

                    do j = st + 1, se - 1
                        if (csf_i%Occ_int(j) /= 1) cycle

                        new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(j)%ptr(weights, &
                              csf_i%B_real(j), negSwitches(j), posSwitches(j))
                    end do

                    ! then need to reinit double weight
                    weights = weights%ptr

                    ! and also with the semi-start
                    if (csf_i%Occ_int(se) /= 1) then
                        new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(se)%ptr(weights, &
                           csf_i%B_real(se), negSwitches(se), posSwitches(se))
                    end if

                    do j = se + 1, i - 1
                        if (csf_i%Occ_int(j) /= 1) cycle

                        new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(j)%ptr(weights, &
                              csf_i%B_real(j), negSwitches(j), posSwitches(j))
                    end do

                    if (t_trunc_guga_pgen .or. &
                        (t_trunc_guga_pgen_noninits .and. .not. is_init_guga)) then
                        if (new_pgen < trunc_guga_pgen) then
                            new_pgen = 0.0_dp
                        end if
                    end if

                    pgen = pgen + new_pgen * orb_pgen

                end if
            end do

            ! deal with switch specifically:

            ! figure out orbital pgen
            call calc_orbital_pgen_contrib_end(csf_i, [2 * elecInd, 2 * sw], &
                holeInd, orb_pgen)

            if (.not. near_zero(orb_pgen)) then

                step = csf_i%stepvector(sw)

                if (step == 1) then
                    ! then a -2 branch arrived!
                    call getMixedFullStop(2, 1, -2, csf_i%B_real(sw), x1_element=end_mat)

                    ! also reduce negative switches then
                    ! only everything to the left or?
                    negSwitches(se:sw - 1) = negSwitches(se:sw - 1) - 1.0_dp

                    ! +2 branch arrived!
                    call getMixedFullStop(1, 2, 2, csf_i%B_real(sw), x1_element=end_mat)

                    ! reduce positive switchtes otherwise
                    posSwitches(se:sw - 1) = posSwitches(se:sw - 1) - 1.0_dp

                end if

                ! loop to get correct pgen
                new_pgen = 1.0_dp

                weights = init_semiStartWeight(csf_i, se, sw, negSwitches(se), &
                                               posSwitches(se), csf_i%B_real(se))

                ! deal with the start and semi-start seperately
                if (csf_i%Occ_int(st) /= 1) then
                    new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(st)%ptr(weights, &
                           csf_i%B_real(st), negSwitches(st), posSwitches(st))
                end if

                do j = st + 1, se - 1
                    if (csf_i%Occ_int(j) /= 1) cycle

                    new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(j)%ptr(weights, &
                              csf_i%B_real(j), negSwitches(j), posSwitches(j))
                end do

                weights = weights%ptr

                ! and also with the semi-start
                if (csf_i%Occ_int(se) /= 1) then
                    new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(se)%ptr(weights, &
                           csf_i%B_real(se), negSwitches(se), posSwitches(se))
                end if

                do j = se + 1, sw - 1
                    if (csf_i%Occ_int(j) /= 1) cycle

                    new_pgen = new_pgen * weight_funcs(j)%ptr(weights, &
                              csf_i%B_real(j), negSwitches(j), posSwitches(j))
                end do

                if (t_trunc_guga_pgen .or. &
                    (t_trunc_guga_pgen_noninits .and. .not. is_init_guga)) then
                    if (new_pgen < trunc_guga_pgen) then
                        new_pgen = 0.0_dp
                    end if
                end if

                pgen = pgen + new_pgen * orb_pgen

            end if
        end if

        pgen = pgen / real(ElecPairs, dp)

        if (csf_i%stepvector(elecInd) == 3) pgen = pgen * 2.0_dp

    end subroutine calc_mixed_end_contr_pgen