logical function check_momentum_sym(elecs, orbs)
! routine to check the momentum conservation for double and triple
! spawns
! although this could in fact be used for a general check of
! symmetry adaptability
integer, intent(in) :: elecs(:), orbs(:)
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "check_momentum_sym"
integer :: i
type(Symmetry) :: sym_1, sym_2
ASSERT(size(elecs) == size(orbs))
! make this more efficient here! and do not use all the old
! functionality
check_momentum_sym = .true.
if (.not. sum(get_spin_pn(elecs)) == sum(get_spin_pn(orbs))) then
check_momentum_sym = .false.
end if
! get the symmetry symbol
sym_1 = G1(elecs(1))%Sym
sym_2 = G1(orbs(1))%Sym
do i = 2, size(elecs)
! i could ofc also use G1 here again
sym_1 = SymTable(sym_1%s, G1(elecs(i))%sym%s)
sym_2 = SymTable(sym_2%s, G1(orbs(i))%sym%s)
end do
if (sym_1%s /= sym_2%s) then
check_momentum_sym = .false.
end if
end function check_momentum_sym