subroutine compute_ritz_vectors(this, k)
! now we project the eigenvalues of T into the full space to obtain
! estimates for the state vectors
! rows, columns: M N
! ritz_vectors(n_states, space_size) = T_eigenvectors(n_states, k) x basis_vectors(k, space_size)
! we want to do (column-major):
! ritz_vectors(space_size, n_states) = T_eigenvectors(k, n_states) x basis_vectors(space_size, k)
type(LanczosCalcType), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: k
integer :: i, j
associate(space_size => this%super%space_size)
if (this%super%t_store_subspace_basis) then
! for each state, find the ritz vector
! TODO: do this with BLAS
do i = 1, this%n_states
do j = 1, space_size
this%ritz_vectors(j, i) = inner_product(this%super%basis_vectors(j, 1:k), this%T_eigenvectors(1:k, i))
end do
end do
! TODO: must reconstitute the basis vectors one at a time
end if
end associate
end subroutine compute_ritz_vectors