DiagRDM Subroutine

public subroutine DiagRDM(rdm, SumTrace)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: rdm
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: SumTrace


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine DiagRDM(rdm, SumTrace)

        ! The diagonalisation routine reorders the orbitals in such a way that
        ! the corresponding orbital labels are lost. In order to keep the spin
        ! and spatial symmetries, each symmetry must be fed into the
        ! diagonalisation routine separately. The best way to do this is to
        ! order the orbitals so that all the alpha orbitals follow all the beta
        ! orbitals, with the occupied orbitals first, in terms of symmetry, and
        ! the virtual second, also ordered by symmetry. This gives us
        ! flexibility w.r.t rotating only the occupied or only virtual and
        ! looking at high spin states.

        use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, one_rdm_t
        use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc
        use SystemData, only: G1, tUseMP2VarDenMat, tFixLz, iMaxLz

        type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: rdm
        real(dp), intent(out) :: SumTrace

        real(dp) :: SumDiagTrace
        real(dp), allocatable :: WORK2(:), EvaluesSym(:), NOMSym(:, :)
        integer :: ierr, i, j, spin, Sym, LWORK2, WORK2Tag, SymStartInd, NoSymBlock
        integer :: EvaluesSymTag, NOMSymTag, k, MaxSym
        logical :: tDiffSym, tDiffLzSym
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'DiagRDM'

        ! Test that we're not breaking symmetry.
        ! And calculate the trace at the same time.
        SumTrace = 0.0_dp

        do i = 1, NoOrbs
            do j = 1, NoOrbs
                tDiffSym = .false.
                tDiffLzSym = .false.
                if (tOpenShell) then
                    if ((int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S) /= &
                         int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S))) tDiffSym = .true.
                    if ((int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml) /= &
                         int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml))) tDiffLzSym = .true.
                    if ((int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S) /= &
                         int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S))) tDiffSym = .true.
                    if ((int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml) /= &
                         int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml))) tDiffLzSym = .true.
                end if
                if (tDiffSym) then
                    if (abs(rdm%matrix(i, j)) >= 1.0E-15_dp) then
                        write(stdout, '(6A8,A20)') 'i', 'j', 'Label i', 'Label j', 'Sym i', &
                            'Sym j', 'Matrix value'
                        if (tOpenShell) then
                            write(stdout, '(6I3,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), &
                                int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S), &
                                int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S), rdm%matrix(i, j)
                            write(stdout, '(6I3,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), &
                                int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%sym%S), &
                                int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%sym%S), rdm%matrix(i, j)
                        end if
                        if (tUseMP2VarDenMat) then
                            write(stdout, *) '**WARNING** - There is a non-zero 1-RDM &
                            &value between orbitals of different symmetry.'
                            write(stdout, *) 'These elements will be ignored, and the symmetry &
                            &maintained in the final transformation matrix.'
                            write(stdout, *) 'k,SymLabelList2_rot(k),SymLabelListInv_rot(k)'
                            do k = 1, NoOrbs
                                write(stdout, *) k, SymLabelList2_rot(k), SymLabelListInv_rot(k)
                            end do
                            call neci_flush(stdout)
                            call Stop_All(t_r, 'Non-zero rdm%matrix value between &
                            &different symmetries.')
                        end if
                    end if
                    rdm%matrix(i, j) = 0.0_dp
                end if
                if (tDiffLzSym) then
                    if (abs(rdm%matrix(i, j)) >= 1.0E-15_dp) then
                        write(stdout, '(6A8,A40)') 'i', 'j', 'Label i', 'Label j', 'Lz i', &
                            'Lz j', 'Matrix value'
                        if (tOpenShell) then
                            write(stdout, '(6I8,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), &
                                int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml), &
                                int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml), rdm%matrix(i, j)
                            write(stdout, '(6I8,F40.20)') i, j, SymLabelList2_rot(i), SymLabelList2_rot(j), &
                                int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(i))%Ml), &
                                int(G1(2 * SymLabelList2_rot(j))%Ml), rdm%matrix(i, j)
                        end if
                        write(stdout, '(A)') ' **WARNING** - There is a non-zero 1-RDM element &
                        &between orbitals of different Lz symmetry.'
                    end if
                end if
            end do
            SumTrace = SumTrace + rdm%matrix(i, i)
        end do

        write(stdout, *) ''
        write(stdout, *) 'Calculating eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the 1-RDM'
        call neci_flush(stdout)

        ! If we want to maintain the symmetry, we cannot have all the orbitals
        ! jumbled up when the  diagonaliser reorders the eigenvectors. Must
        ! instead feed each symmetry block in separately. This means that
        ! although the transformed orbitals are jumbled within the symmetry blocks,
        ! the symmetry labels are all that are relevant and these are unaffected.
        Sym = 0
        LWORK2 = -1
        if (tOpenShell) then
            if (tFixLz) then
                MaxSym = (16 * ((2 * iMaxLz) + 1)) - 1
                MaxSym = 15
            end if
            if (tFixLz) then
                MaxSym = (8 * ((2 * iMaxLz) + 1)) - 1
                MaxSym = 7
            end if
        end if
        do while (Sym <= MaxSym)

            NoSymBlock = SymLabelCounts2_rot(2, Sym + 1)

            SymStartInd = SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, Sym + 1) - 1
            ! This is one less than the index that the symmetry starts, so that when we
            ! run through i=1,..., we can start at SymStartInd+i.

            if (NoSymBlock > 1) then

                allocate(NOMSym(NoSymBlock, NoSymBlock), stat=ierr)
                call LogMemAlloc('NOMSym', NoSymBlock**2, 8, t_r, NOMSymTag, ierr)
                if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating NOMSym.")
                allocate(EvaluesSym(NoSymBlock), stat=ierr)
                call LogMemAlloc('EvaluesSym', NoSymBlock, 8, t_r, EvaluesSymTag, ierr)
                if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating EvaluesSym.")

                LWORK2 = 3 * NoSymBlock + 1
                allocate(WORK2(LWORK2), stat=ierr)
                call LogMemAlloc('WORK2', LWORK2, 8, t_r, WORK2Tag, ierr)
                if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating WORK2.")

                do j = 1, NoSymBlock
                    do i = 1, NoSymBlock
                        NOMSym(i, j) = rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + i, SymStartInd + j)
                    end do
                end do

                call dsyev('V', 'L', NoSymBlock, NOMSym, NoSymBlock, EvaluesSym, WORK2, LWORK2, ierr)
                ! NOMSym goes in as the original NOMSym, comes out as the
                ! eigenvectors (Coefficients).
                ! EvaluesSym comes out as the eigenvalues in ascending order.

                do i = 1, NoSymBlock
                    rdm%evalues(SymStartInd + i) = EvaluesSym(NoSymBlock - i + 1)
                end do

                ! CAREFUL if eigenvalues are put in ascending order, this may not be
                ! correct, with the labelling system.
                ! may be better to just take coefficients and transform TMAT2DRot
                ! in transform2elints.
                ! a check that comes out as diagonal is a check of this routine anyway.

                do j = 1, NoSymBlock
                    do i = 1, NoSymBlock
                        rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + i, SymStartInd + j) = NOMSym(i, NoSymBlock - j + 1)
                    end do
                end do
                ! Directly fill the coefficient matrix with the eigenvectors from
                ! the diagonalization.

                call LogMemDealloc(t_r, WORK2Tag)

                call LogMemDealloc(t_r, NOMSymTag)

                call LogMemDealloc(t_r, EvaluesSymTag)

            else if (NoSymBlock == 1) then
                ! The eigenvalue is the lone value, while the eigenvector is 1.

                rdm%evalues(SymStartInd + 1) = rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + 1, SymStartInd + 1)
                rdm%matrix(SymStartInd + 1, SymStartInd + 1) = 1.0_dp
            end if

            Sym = Sym + 1
        end do

        write(stdout, *) 'Matrix diagonalised'
        call neci_flush(stdout)

        SumDiagTrace = 0.0_dp
        do i = 1, NoOrbs
            SumDiagTrace = SumDiagTrace + rdm%evalues(i)
        end do

        if ((abs(SumDiagTrace - SumTrace)) > 1.0_dp) then
            write(stdout, *) 'Sum of diagonal 1-RDM elements : ', SumTrace
            write(stdout, *) 'Sum of eigenvalues : ', SumDiagTrace
            write(stdout, *) 'WARNING : &
            &The trace of the 1RDM matrix before diagonalisation is '
            write(stdout, *) 'not equal to that after.'
        end if

        ! The MO's still correspond to SymLabelList2_rot.
        ! Although the NO's are slightly jumbled, they are only jumbled within
        ! their symmetry blocks. They still correspond to the symmetries of
        ! SymLabelList2_rot, which is the important part.

        ! But in order to look at the output, it is easier to consider them in
        ! terms of highest occupied to lowest occupied - i.e. in terms of the
        ! NO eigenvalues (occupation numbers).
        call order_one_rdm(rdm)

    end subroutine DiagRDM