generate_init_config_this_proc Subroutine

private subroutine generate_init_config_this_proc(nwalkers, nwalkers_per_site_init, tOccupyDetermSpace)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nwalkers
real(kind=dp) :: nwalkers_per_site_init
logical, intent(in) :: tOccupyDetermSpace


Source Code

    subroutine generate_init_config_this_proc(nwalkers, nwalkers_per_site_init, tOccupyDetermSpace)

        ! This routine will distribute nwalkers walkers uniformly across all possible determinants.

        use CalcData, only: tSemiStochastic
        use dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT
        use FciMCData, only: HashIndex, TotWalkers, CurrentDets, HFDet
        use FciMCData, only: TotParts, TotPartsOld, AllTotParts, AllTotPartsOld, ilutHF
        use core_space_util, only: cs_replicas
        use load_balance_calcnodes, only: DetermineDetNode
        use hash, only: rm_unocc_dets_from_hash_table, hash_table_lookup
        use hash, only: add_hash_table_entry
        use hilbert_space_size, only: CreateRandomExcitLevDetUnbias, create_rand_heisenberg_det
        use hilbert_space_size, only: create_rand_det_no_sym
        use semi_stoch_procs, only: copy_core_dets_to_spawnedparts, add_core_states_currentdet_hash
        use SystemData, only: nel, tHeisenberg, tAllSymSectors

        integer, intent(in) :: nwalkers
        real(dp) :: nwalkers_per_site_init
        logical, intent(in) :: tOccupyDetermSpace
        integer :: proc, excit, nattempts, hash_val, det_ind, nI(nel)
        integer :: ideterm, ndets
        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot), int_sign(lenof_sign_kp)
        real(dp) :: real_sign_1(lenof_sign_kp), real_sign_2(lenof_sign_kp)
        real(dp) :: new_sign(lenof_sign_kp)
        real(dp) :: r
        logical :: tDetermAllOccupied, tDetFound

        ilut = 0_n_int
        ndets = 0
        TotParts = 0.0_dp

        ideterm = 0
        tDetermAllOccupied = .false.
        associate(rep => cs_replicas(1))
            ! If using the tOccupyDetermSpace option then we want to put walkers
            ! on states in the deterministic space first.
            ! If not, or if we have finished doing this, generate determinants
            ! randomly and uniformly.
            if (tOccupyDetermSpace .and. (.not. tDetermAllOccupied)) then
                ideterm = ideterm + 1
                ilut = rep%core_space(:, ideterm + rep%determ_displs(iProcIndex))
                call decode_bit_det(nI, ilut)
                ! If we have now occupied all deterministic states.
                if (ideterm == rep%determ_sizes(iProcIndex)) tDetermAllOccupied = .true.
                ! Generate a random determinant (returned in ilut).
                if (tAllSymSectors) then
                    call create_rand_det_no_sym(ilut)
                    if (tHeisenberg) then
                        call create_rand_heisenberg_det(ilut)
                        call CreateRandomExcitLevDetUnbias(nel, HFDet, ilutHF, ilut, excit, nattempts)
                    end if
                end if

                ! If it doesn't belong to this processor, pick another.
                call decode_bit_det(nI, ilut)
                proc = DetermineDetNode(nel, nI, 0)
                if (proc /= iProcIndex) cycle
            end if

            ! Choose whether the walker should have a positive or negative amplitude, with
            ! 50% chance of each.
            real_sign_1 = nwalkers_per_site_init
            r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
            if (r < 0.5_dp) real_sign_1 = -1.0_dp * real_sign_1
            int_sign = transfer(real_sign_1, int_sign)

            tDetFound = .false.
            ! Search the hash table to see if this determinant is in CurrentDets
            ! already.
            call hash_table_lookup(nI, ilut, nifd, HashIndex, CurrentDets, det_ind, hash_val, tDetFound)
            if (tDetFound) then
                ! This determinant is already in CurrentDets. Just need to add
                ! the sign of this new walker on and update stats.
                int_sign = CurrentDets(IlutBits%ind_pop:IlutBits%ind_pop + lenof_sign_kp - 1, det_ind)
                real_sign_2 = transfer(int_sign, real_sign_2)
                new_sign = real_sign_1 + real_sign_2
                call encode_sign(CurrentDets(:, det_ind), new_sign)
                TotParts = TotParts - abs(real_sign_2) + abs(new_sign)
                ! A new determiant needs to be added.
                ndets = ndets + 1
                det_ind = ndets
                ! Add the new determinant to the hash table.
                call add_hash_table_entry(HashIndex, det_ind, hash_val)
                ! Copy determinant data across.
                CurrentDets(0:nifd, det_ind) = ilut(0:nifd)
                CurrentDets(IlutBits%ind_pop:IlutBits%ind_pop + lenof_sign_kp - 1, det_ind) = int_sign
                CurrentDets(IlutBits%ind_flag, det_ind) = 0_n_int
                TotParts = TotParts + abs(real_sign_1)
            end if

            ! If we've reached the total requested number of walkers, finish.
            if (TotParts(1) >= nwalkers) exit

        end do

        call MPISum(TotParts, AllTotParts)
        TotPartsOld = TotParts
        AllTotPartsOld = AllTotParts
        TotWalkers = int(ndets, int64)

        if (tSemiStochastic) then
            ! Always need the core determinants to be at the top of CurrentDets, even when unoccupied.
            ! These routines will do this.
            call copy_core_dets_to_spawnedparts(rep)
            call add_core_states_currentdet_hash(core_run)
            ! Some determinants may have become occupied and then unoccupied in
            ! the course of the above. We need to remove the entries for these
            ! determinants from the hash table. For semi-stochastic calculations
            ! this is done in add_core_states_currentdet_hash.
            call rm_unocc_dets_from_hash_table(HashIndex, CurrentDets, ndets)
        end if
        end associate

    end subroutine generate_init_config_this_proc