get_3_body_helement_ks_hub Function

public function get_3_body_helement_ks_hub(ex, tpar) result(hel)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ex(2,3)
logical, intent(in) :: tpar

Return Value real(kind=dp)


Source Code

    function get_3_body_helement_ks_hub(ex, tpar) result(hel)
        ! the 3-body matrix element.. here i have to be careful about
        ! the sign and stuff.. and also if momentum conservation is
        ! fullfilled ..
        integer, intent(in) ::  ex(2, 3)
        logical, intent(in) :: tpar
        HElement_t(dp) :: hel
        integer :: ms_elec, ms_orbs, opp_elec, opp_orb, par_elecs(2), par_orbs(2)
        logical :: sgn
        type(symmetry) :: p_sym, hole_sym, k_sym, k1_sym, k2_sym
        type(symmetry) :: ka_sym, kb_sym, kc_sym, kd_sym

        hel = h_cast(0.0_dp)

        ms_elec = sum(get_spin_pn(ex(1, :)))
        ms_orbs = sum(get_spin_pn(ex(2, :)))

        ! check spin:
        if (.not. (ms_elec == ms_orbs)) return
        if (.not. (ms_elec == 1 .or. ms_elec == -1)) return

        ! check momentum conservation:
        if (.not. check_momentum_sym(ex(1, :), ex(2, :))) return

        ! i have to get the correct momenta for the epsilon contribution
        ! see the sheets for the k-vec relations.
        ! we need the momentum p + (s-b) or variations thereof..
        ! p, we know, since it is the momentum of the minority spin-electron
        ! and (s-b) is the difference of an majority spin electron and the
        ! fitting hole, so the total momentum conservation a + b + c = s + p + q
        ! is fulfilled
        ! the same ofc is a + (c-q)
        ! is the minority hole always in ex(2,1)? otherwise we have to find it
        ! it is not!

        ! i think i have figured it out with the help of Manu
        ! the k-vector of the minority spin is always involved
        ! but of the electron.. or can we transform it?
        ! any way we have to calculate
        ! W(k_p + k_s - k_b) - W(k_p + k_q - k_b)
        ! for this we have to figure out what the minority and majority
        ! electrons are!
        opp_elec = find_minority_spin(ex(1, :))

        ! although i really can't be sure about the minority whole always
        ! being at the first position in ex(2,:)..
        opp_orb = find_minority_spin(ex(2, :))

        p_sym = G1(opp_elec)%sym
        hole_sym = G1(opp_orb)%sym

        par_elecs = pack(ex(1, :), ex(1, :) /= opp_elec)
        par_orbs = pack(ex(2, :), ex(2, :) /= opp_orb)

        k_sym = SymTable(p_sym%s, hole_sym%s)

        ! we have to define an order here too
        par_elecs = [minval(par_elecs), maxval(par_elecs)]
        par_orbs = [minval(par_orbs), maxval(par_orbs)]

        ! BZ conserving addition:
        k1_sym = SymTable(G1(par_orbs(1))%sym%s, SymConjTab(G1(par_elecs(1))%sym%s))
        k2_sym = SymTable(G1(par_orbs(1))%sym%s, SymConjTab(G1(par_elecs(2))%sym%s))

        ! need to do the correct k additions!
        ! for some reason the compiler does not recognize the output of
        ! add_k_vec and subtract_k_vec as a vector...
        ! so do it intermediately
        ka_sym = SymTable(hole_sym%s, k1_sym%s)
        kb_sym = SymTable(hole_sym%s, k2_sym%s)
        kc_sym = SymTable(k1_sym%s, SymConjTab(p_sym%s))
        kd_sym = SymTable(k2_sym%s, SymConjTab(p_sym%s))

        hel = three_body_prefac * ( &
              epsilon_kvec(ka_sym) - epsilon_kvec(kb_sym) + &
              epsilon_kvec(kc_sym) - epsilon_kvec(kd_sym))

        ! i have to decide on a sign here depending on the order of the
        ! operators.. todo!
        sgn = get_3body_sign(ex)

        if (.not. sgn) hel = -hel

        if (tpar) hel = -hel

    end function get_3_body_helement_ks_hub