logical function get_3body_sign(ex)
! i need to find some sign convention on the 3-body term, depending
! on the spin of the involved orbitals
integer, intent(in) :: ex(2, 3)
integer :: src(3), tgt(3), i, elec_pos, orb_pos
! we also have to define an order of the parallel spins..
! or is this ensured? i guess it should..
src = get_src(ex)
tgt = get_tgt(ex)
if (sum(get_spin_pn(src)) == -1) then
! then alpha is the opposite spin
do i = 1, 3
if (is_alpha(src(i))) elec_pos = i
if (is_alpha(tgt(i))) orb_pos = i
end do
! otherwise beta is minority
do i = 1, 3
if (is_beta(src(i))) elec_pos = i
if (is_beta(tgt(i))) orb_pos = i
end do
end if
if (elec_pos == orb_pos .or. abs(elec_pos - orb_pos) == 2) then
get_3body_sign = .false.
get_3body_sign = .true.
end if
end function get_3body_sign