function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_hop(nI) result(hel)
! with the hopping transcorrelation also the diagonal matrix
! elements change!
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
HElement_t(dp) :: hel
integer :: i, j, id(nel)
hel = 0.0_dp
id = get_spatial(nI)
! now also n_iu n_jd contribute to the diagonal elements!
do i = 1, nel
do j = 1, nel
if (.not. same_spin(nI(i), nI(j))) then
hel = hel + 0.5_dp * get_umat_rs_hub_trans(id(i), id(j), id(j), id(i))
end if
end do
end do
end function get_diag_helemen_rs_hub_transcorr_hop