pure function get_umat_kspace(i, j, k, l) result(hel)
! simplify this get_umat function for the k-space hubbard..
! since there was a lot of unnecessary stuff going on in the other
! essentially we only have to check if the momenta involved
! fullfil k_k + k_l = k_i + k_j
integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l
HElement_t(dp) :: hel
! or just use the symtable information?
! do i have to access this with the symmetry label or the orbital
! number?? i think i need the symmetry labels..
! i could set this on the site level!
if (SymTable(lat%get_sym(i), lat%get_sym(j))%S == &
SymTable(lat%get_sym(k), lat%get_sym(l))%S) then
hel = Umat(1)
hel = 0.0_dp
end if
end function get_umat_kspace