init_current_trial_amps Subroutine

public subroutine init_current_trial_amps()




Source Code

    subroutine init_current_trial_amps()

        use FciMCData, only: ll_node, trial_space, trial_space_size, con_space, con_space_size
        use FciMCData, only: con_space_vecs, current_trial_amps, HashIndex, trial_wfs, nWalkerHashes
        use FciMCData, only: CurrentDets
        use hash, only: FindWalkerHash
        use SystemData, only: nel

        integer :: i, hash_val
        integer :: nI(nel)
        type(ll_node), pointer :: temp_node

        ! Don't do anything is this is called before the trial wave function
        ! initialisation.
        if (.not. allocated(current_trial_amps)) return

        current_trial_amps = 0.0_dp

        do i = 1, trial_space_size
            call decode_bit_det(nI, trial_space(:, i))
            hash_val = FindWalkerHash(nI, nWalkerHashes)
            temp_node => HashIndex(hash_val)
            if (temp_node%ind /= 0) then
                do while (associated(temp_node))
                    if (all(trial_space(0:nifd, i) == CurrentDets(0:nifd, temp_node%ind))) then
                        call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, temp_node%ind), flag_trial)
                        current_trial_amps(:, temp_node%ind) = trial_wfs(:, i)
                    end if
                    temp_node => temp_node%next
                end do
            end if
            nullify (temp_node)
        end do

        do i = 1, con_space_size
            call decode_bit_det(nI, con_space(:, i))
            hash_val = FindWalkerHash(nI, nWalkerHashes)
            temp_node => HashIndex(hash_val)
            if (temp_node%ind /= 0) then
                do while (associated(temp_node))
                    if (all(con_space(0:nifd, i) == CurrentDets(0:nifd, temp_node%ind))) then
                        ! If not also in the trial space. If it is, then we
                        ! don't want the connected flag to be set, or the
                        ! connected vector amplitude to be used.
                        if (.not. test_flag(CurrentDets(:, temp_node%ind), flag_trial)) then
                            call set_flag(CurrentDets(:, temp_node%ind), flag_connected)
                            current_trial_amps(:, temp_node%ind) = con_space_vecs(:, i)
                        end if
                    end if
                    temp_node => temp_node%next
                end do
            end if
            nullify (temp_node)
        end do

    end subroutine init_current_trial_amps