subroutine init_get_helement_k_space_hub
if (iProcIndex == root) then
print *, "initialize k-space get_helement pointer"
end if
if (t_trans_corr_2body) then
three_body_prefac = real(bhub, dp) * 2.0_dp * (cosh(trans_corr_param_2body) - 1.0_dp) / real(omega**2, dp)
end if
call init_dispersion_rel_cache()
call init_tmat_kspace(lat)
call init_two_body_trancorr_fac_matrix()
n_opp(-1) = real(nel / 2 + lms, dp)
n_opp(1) = real(nel / 2 - lms, dp)
call init_three_body_const_mat()
get_umat_el => get_umat_kspace
! i guess i should also set the transcorr factor here or??
get_helement_lattice_ex_mat => get_helement_k_space_hub_ex_mat
get_helement_lattice_general => get_helement_k_space_hub_general
! maybe i have to initialize more here, especially if we are using the
! HPHF keyword I guess..
call initSltCndPtr()
end subroutine init_get_helement_k_space_hub