init_rdm_spawn_t Subroutine

public subroutine init_rdm_spawn_t(spawn, nrows, sign_length, max_nelements_send, nhashes)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(out) :: spawn
integer, intent(in) :: nrows
integer, intent(in) :: sign_length
integer, intent(in) :: max_nelements_send
integer, intent(in) :: nhashes


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine init_rdm_spawn_t(spawn, nrows, sign_length, max_nelements_send, nhashes)

        ! Initialise an rdm_spawn_t object.

        ! Out: spawn - rdm_spawn_t object to be initialised.
        ! In:  nrows - the number of rows in the RDM.
        ! In:  sign_length - the number of signs which can be stored for each element.
        ! In:  max_nelements_send - the length of the spawn%rdm_send%elements array.
        ! In:  nhashes - the number of unique hashes for indexing spawn%rdm_send%hash_table.

        type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(out) :: spawn
        integer, intent(in) :: nrows, sign_length, nhashes
        integer, intent(in) :: max_nelements_send

        integer :: iproc, ierr
        real(dp) :: slots_per_proc

        spawn%nrows = nrows

        call init_rdm_list_t(spawn%rdm_send, sign_length, max_nelements_send, nhashes)

        allocate(spawn%free_slots(0:nProcessors - 1), stat=ierr)
        ! init_free_slots has one extra element compared to free_slots. This
        ! is set equal to the total number of elements + 1, which allows us to
        ! avoid an extra if-statement for an edge case in add_to_rdm_spawn_t.
        allocate(spawn%init_free_slots(0:nProcessors), stat=ierr)

        ! Equally divide RDM rows across all processors.
        slots_per_proc = real(max_nelements_send, dp) / real(nProcessors, dp)
        do iproc = 0, nProcessors - 1
            spawn%init_free_slots(iproc) = nint(slots_per_proc * iproc) + 1
        end do
        ! For edge cases - see comment above.
        spawn%init_free_slots(nProcessors) = max_nelements_send + 1

        ! Set the free slots array to its initial value.
        spawn%free_slots = spawn%init_free_slots(0:nProcessors - 1)

    end subroutine init_rdm_spawn_t