subroutine init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr()
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr"
integer :: n_sites, i, j
real(dp) :: elem
integer :: iunit
if (allocated(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr) .and. .not. t_recalc_tmat) then
if (allocated(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr)) deallocate(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr)
end if
call init_hop_trancorr_fac_cached_vec(trans_corr_param, lat)
n_sites = lat%get_nsites()
if (t_print_tmat) then
iunit = get_free_unit()
open(iunit, file="TMAT")
end if
root_print "initializing spin-dependent TMAT"
! tmat is stored with spin-orbitals!
allocate(tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr(2 * n_sites, 2 * n_sites))
tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, n_sites
do j = 1, n_sites
! the alpha spin are the transcorrelated ones! even numbers!
! but the sum_ function gets accessed with spatial orbitals!
elem = nOccBeta * uhub * sum_spin_transcorr_factor(i, j)
if (abs(elem) > matele_cutoff) then
if (t_print_tmat) then
write(iunit, *) 2 * i, 2 * j, elem
end if
tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr(2 * i, 2 * j) = elem
end if
end do
end do
if (t_print_tmat) then
end if
root_print "Done!"
end subroutine init_tmat_rs_hub_spin_transcorr