subroutine InitLanczosCalc(this, det_list, print_info, hamil_type, n_states, max_lanczos_vecs, &
t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise, max_restarts, energy_precision, ritz_overlap_precision)
type(LanczosCalcType), intent(out) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: det_list(:, :), hamil_type, n_states, max_lanczos_vecs, max_restarts, &
energy_precision, ritz_overlap_precision
logical, intent(in) :: t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise
character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = "init_lanczos"
logical, intent(in) :: print_info
integer :: i, HFindex, mem_reqd, residual_mem_reqd, ierr
integer(MPIArg) :: mpi_temp
real(dp), allocatable :: hamil_diag_temp(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: lowest_energies(:)
integer, allocatable :: lowest_energy_det_indices(:)
call InitHamiltonianCalc(this%super, print_info, hamil_type, max_lanczos_vecs, t_store_subspace_basis, t_orthogonalise)
associate ( &
space_size => this%super%space_size, &
max_subspace_size => this%super%max_subspace_size &
if (n_states > space_size) then
call stop_all(t_r, "Not enough determinants in the space to produce the required number of approximate eigenpairs")
end if
! TODO: given a target multiplicity for the many body ground state, an initial
! lanczos vector guess is chosen to have a good overlap with each of the
! ground_state_multiplicity states in the ground state WF
! verify the given target multiplicity for the ground state
if (mod(nel * ground_state_multiplicity) == 0) then
! odd target multiplicities correspond to singlet, triplet, ... states
! these are only possible in closed shell systems
! even target multiplicities correspond to doublet, quadruplet, ... states
! these are only possible in open shell systems
call stop_all(t_r, "Invalid target multiplicites for Lanczos initialisation")
end if
this%n_states = n_states
this%max_restarts = max_restarts
this%convergence_error = 10**(-real(energy_precision, dp))
this%orthog_tolerance = 10**(-real(ritz_overlap_precision, dp))
! these will be larger than neccessary until the final iteration:
safe_malloc(this%ritz_values, (max_subspace_size))
safe_calloc(this%eigenvalues, (n_states), 0.0_dp)
safe_calloc(this%t_states_converged, (n_states), .false.)
safe_malloc(this%ritz_values_old, (n_states))
safe_malloc(this%T_eigenvectors, (max_subspace_size, max_subspace_size))
safe_calloc(this%lanczos_vector, (space_size), 0.0_dp)
if (.not. t_store_subspace_basis) then
safe_malloc(this%first_v, (max_subspace_size))
safe_malloc(this%current_v, (max_subspace_size))
safe_malloc(this%old_v, (max_subspace_size))
end if
! check for previous allocation of the eigenvector estimates
if (allocated(this%ritz_vectors)) then
deallocate(this%ritz_vectors, stat=ierr)
call logmemdealloc(t_r, lanczosTag, ierr)
end if
! nstates columns, holding approx eigenvectors of length space_size
safe_calloc_e(this%ritz_vectors, (space_size, n_states), 0.0_dp, ierr)
call logmemalloc("ritz_vectors", space_size * n_states, 8, t_r, lanczosTag, ierr)
safe_calloc_e(this%eigenvectors, (space_size, n_states), 0.0_dp, ierr)
call logmemalloc("eigenvectors", space_size * n_states, 8, t_r, lanczosTag, ierr)
if (iProcIndex == root) then
safe_malloc(hamil_diag_temp, (size(hamil_diag)))
hamil_diag_temp(:) = -hamil_diag(:)
safe_calloc(lowest_energies, (n_states), 0.0_dp)
safe_calloc(lowest_energy_det_indices, (n_states), 0)
lowest_energy_det_indices(1) = maxloc(hamil_diag_temp, dim=1)
lowest_energies(1) = hamil_diag(lowest_energy_det_indices(1))
do i = 2, n_states
lowest_energy_det_indices(i) = maxloc(hamil_diag_temp, dim=1, mask=hamil_diag_temp < -lowest_energies(i - 1))
lowest_energies(i) = hamil_diag(lowest_energy_det_indices(i))
end do
end if
! If there is only one determinant per state in the space being diagonalised:
if (space_size == n_states) then
if (iProcIndex == root) then
this%eigenvalues(:) = lowest_energies(:)
do i = 1, n_states
this%eigenvectors(lowest_energy_det_indices(i), i) = 1.0_dp
end do
end if
this%super%skip_calc = .true.
end if
if (iProcIndex == root) then
! with the memory management done, now we can start setting up the pre-iteration
! numerics. Set the first basis vector to be an equal, normalised superposition
! of the nstates lowest lying determinants
do i = 1, n_states
write(stdout, *) det_list(:, lowest_energy_det_indices(i))
this%lanczos_vector(lowest_energy_det_indices(i)) = 1.0_dp / sqrt(real(n_states, dp))
end do
this%lanczos_vector(:) = this%lanczos_vector(:) / euclidean_norm(this%lanczos_vector(:))
end if
end associate
end subroutine InitlanczosCalc