subroutine pick_bc_orbitals_hubbard(nI, ilutI, src, orb_a, orbs, p_orb)
! this is the main routine, which picks the final (b,c) orbital for
! the 3-body excitation
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), src(3), orb_a
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:niftot)
integer, intent(out) :: orbs(2)
real(dp), intent(out) :: p_orb
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "pick_bc_orbitals_hubbard"
real(dp) :: test
real(dp) :: cum_arr(nbasis / 2), cum_sum
integer :: orb_list(nbasis / 2, 2), ind
! do it similar to the other routines..
call create_bc_list_hubbard(nI, ilutI, src, orb_a, orb_list, cum_arr, cum_sum)
if (cum_sum < EPS) then
end if
call pick_from_cum_list(cum_arr, cum_sum, ind, p_orb)
orbs = orb_list(ind, :)
#ifdef DEBUG_
! the influence of orb_a is important in the pgen recalc!!
call create_bc_list_hubbard(nI, ilutI, src, orb_a, orb_list, cum_arr, cum_sum, &
orbs(2), test)
if (abs(test - p_orb) > 1.e-8) then
print *, "pgen assumption wrong: in ", this_routine
print *, "p_orb: ", p_orb
print *, "test: ", test
print *, "ijk: ", src
print *, "a: ", orb_a
print *, "orbs: ", orbs
print *, "cum_arr: ", cum_arr
print *, "orb_list(:,1): ", orb_list(:, 1)
print *, "orb_list(:,2): ", orb_list(:, 2)
end if
p_orb = 2.0_dp * p_orb
end subroutine pick_bc_orbitals_hubbard