read_pops_general Function

public function read_pops_general(iunit, PopNel, det_tmp, binary_pops, det_list, max_dets, ReadBatch, EndPopsList, PopNIfSgn, gdata_read_handler, trimmed_parts) result(CurrWalkers)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: iunit
integer, intent(in) :: PopNel
integer, intent(out) :: det_tmp(PopNel)
logical, intent(in) :: binary_pops
integer(kind=n_int), intent(out) :: det_list(0:NIfTot,max_dets)
integer, intent(in) :: max_dets
integer, intent(in) :: ReadBatch
integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: EndPopsList
integer, intent(in) :: PopNIfSgn
type(gdata_io_t), intent(in) :: gdata_read_handler
logical, intent(inout) :: trimmed_parts

Return Value integer(kind=int64)


Source Code

Source Code

    function read_pops_general(iunit, PopNel, det_tmp, binary_pops, det_list, &
                               max_dets, ReadBatch, EndPopsList, &
                               PopNIfSgn, gdata_read_handler, trimmed_parts) &

        ! General all-purpose pops reading routine.
        ! In: iunit     - The popsfile being read from
        !     ReadBatch - The size of the buffer array to use. Normally
        !                 MaxSpawned, unless specified manually.

        integer, intent(in) :: iunit, PopNel, ReadBatch, max_dets
        integer, intent(out) :: det_tmp(PopNel)
        integer, intent(in) :: PopNIfSgn
        logical, intent(in) :: binary_pops
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: det_list(0:NIfTot, max_dets)
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: EndPopsList
        type(gdata_io_t), intent(in) :: gdata_read_handler
        integer(int64) :: CurrWalkers
        logical, intent(inout) :: trimmed_parts
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'read_pops_general'

        logical :: tEOF
        logical :: tReadAllPops
        integer(MPIArg) :: sendcounts(nNodes), disps(nNodes), recvcount
        integer :: PopsInitialSlots(0:nNodes - 1), PopsSendList(0:nNodes - 1)
        integer :: batch_size, MaxSendIndex, i, j, nBatches, err, proc
        integer(n_int) :: ilut_tmp(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdataRead(:, :), gdata(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdata_tmp(:)
        integer :: gdata_size
        integer(int64) :: det_attempt, nread
        integer :: nelem
        real(dp) :: gdata_factor
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: BatchRead(:, :)

        ! If we are on the root processor, we need a buffer array which stores
        ! the particles as they are read in.
        ! If we are on another processor, allocate a one-element array to avoid
        ! segfaults in MPIScatter.
        allocate (BatchRead(0:NIfTot, merge(ReadBatch, 1, iProcIndex == root)))

        ! global determinant data (if available)
        gdata_size = gdata_read_handler%entry_size()
        allocate (gdataRead(gdata_size, ReadBatch))
        allocate (gdata_tmp(gdata_size))

        if (iProcIndex == root) then

            ! This is the size of the batches in the above array (only has
            ! meaning on the root processor)
            batch_size = int(real(ReadBatch, dp) / real(nNodes, dp))

            ! What is the first element in the buffer array that the particles
            ! for ! each processor are placed in?
            forall (i=0:nNodes - 1) PopsInitialSlots(i) = batch_size * i + 1

            write (stdout, '(a,i12,a)') "Reading in a maximum of ", ReadBatch, &
                " determinants at a time from POPSFILE"
            call neci_flush(stdout)
        end if

        ! Keep reading until all of the particles have been read in!
        det_attempt = 1
        tReadAllPops = .false.
        CurrWalkers = 0
        pops_norm = 0.0_dp
        nBatches = 0
        sendcounts = 0
        disps = 0
        MaxSendIndex = 1
        r_loop: do while (.not. tReadAllPops)

            ! We read in the particles on the root node.
            ! --> Only do particle receiving on teh other nodes
            if (iProcIndex == root) then

                ! Get ready for reading in the next batch of walkers
                nBatches = nBatches + 1
                BatchRead(:, :) = 0
                PopsSendList(:) = PopsInitialSlots(:)

                do while (.true.)

                    ! Read the next entry, and store the walker in ilut_tmp.
                    ! The decoded form is placed in det_tmp
                    tEOF = read_popsfile_det(iunit, PopNel, binary_pops, &
                                             ilut_tmp, det_tmp, PopNIfSgn, &
                                             .true., nread, gdata_tmp, &
                    det_attempt = det_attempt + nread
                    ! When we have got to the end of the file, we are done.
                    if (tEOF) then
                        if (det_attempt <= EndPopsList) then
                            call stop_all(this_routine, &
                                          "Too few determinants found.")
                        end if
                    end if

                    ! Add the contribution from this determinant to the
                    ! norm of the popsfile wave function.
                    call add_pops_norm_contrib(ilut_tmp)

                    ! Where should this particle be going?
                    proc = DetermineDetNode(PopNel, det_tmp, 0)

                    ! Store the found determinant in the temporary list,
                    ! and if we have filled up the slot in the list then
                    ! distribute it when it is full.
                    BatchRead(:, PopsSendList(proc)) = ilut_tmp(:)
                    gdataRead(:, PopsSendList(proc)) = gdata_tmp(:)
                    PopsSendList(proc) = PopsSendList(proc) + 1

                    ! If we have filled up the lists, exit the loop so that the
                    ! particles get distributed
                    if (proc /= nNodes - 1) then
                        if (PopsInitialSlots(proc + 1) - PopsSendList(proc) < 2) &
                        if (ReadBatch - PopsSendList(proc) < 2) exit

                ! Have we read in all of the particles?
                if (det_attempt > EndPopsList) tReadAllPops = .true.

                ! Prep the counts for transmitting the particles to all of
                ! the nodes.
                do j = 0, nNodes - 1
                    sendcounts(j + 1) = &
                        int((PopsSendList(j) - PopsInitialSlots(j)) * &
                            (NIfTot + 1), MPIArg)
                    disps(j + 1) = &
                        int((PopsInitialSlots(j) - 1) * (NIfTot + 1), MPIArg)
                MaxSendIndex = (disps(nNodes) + sendcounts(nNodes)) &
                               / (nIfTot + 1)


            ! Now scatter the particles read in to their correct processors.
            if (bNodeRoot) then

                ! How much data goes to each processor?
                call MPIScatter(sendcounts, recvcount, err, roots)
                ! allocate the buffer for the acc/tot spawns
                allocate (gdata(gdata_size, recvcount / (NIfTot + 1)))
                if (err /= 0) &
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "MPI scatter error")

                ! Transfer the walkers.
                call MPIScatterV(BatchRead(:, 1:MaxSendIndex), sendcounts, &
                                 disps, &
                                 det_list(:, CurrWalkers + 1:CurrWalkers + 1 + (recvcount / (NIfTot + 1))), &
                                 recvcount, err, Roots)
                if (err /= 0) &
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "MPI scatterV error")

                ! number of communicated elements
                nelem = int(recvcount) + 1)
                ! in auto-adaptive shift mode, also communicate the accumulated
                ! acc/tot spawns so far
                ! same for the Hij/pgen ratios, if available
                ! aas data has a different first dimension -> rescale
                gdata_factor = real(gdata_size, dp) / real(NIfTot + 1, dp)
                recvcount = int(recvcount * gdata_factor, MPIArg)
                sendcounts = int(sendcounts * gdata_factor, MPIArg)
                call MPIScatterV(gdataRead(1:gdata_size, 1:MaxSendIndex), sendcounts, disps, &
                                 gdata(1:gdata_size, 1:nelem), recvcount, err, Roots)
                call gdata_read_handler%read_gdata(gdata, nelem, int(CurrWalkers) + 1)
                deallocate (gdata)

                CurrWalkers = CurrWalkers + nelem

            end if

            ! Are we done?
            call MPIBCast(tReadAllPops)
        end do r_loop

        write (stdout, "(a,i8)") "Number of batches required to distribute all &
                          &determinants in POPSFILE: ", nBatches
        write (stdout, *) "Number of configurations read in to this process: ", &

        deallocate (gdataRead)
        deallocate (BatchRead)

    end function read_pops_general