ReadPropInts Subroutine

public subroutine ReadPropInts(nBasis, PropFile, CoreVal, OneElInts)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nBasis
character(len=100) :: PropFile
real(kind=dp) :: CoreVal
real(kind=dp) :: OneElInts(nBasis,nBasis)


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE ReadPropInts(nBasis, PropFile, CoreVal, OneElInts)

        integer, intent(in) :: nBasis
        HElement_t(dp) :: OneElInts(nBasis, nBasis)
        HElement_t(dp) z
        real(dp) :: CoreVal
        integer :: i, j, k, l, iunit
        integer :: NORB, NELEC, MS2, ISYM, SYML(1000), IUHF
        integer(int64) :: ORBSYM(1000)
        integer :: iSpins, ispn, SYMLZ(1000), ST, III
        integer(int64) :: ZeroedInt
        real(dp) :: diff, core
        character(len=100) :: file_name, PropFile
        logical :: TREL, UHF
        real(dp), allocatable :: FOCK(:)
        character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'ReadPropInts'
                       SYMLZ, PROPBITLEN, NPROP, ST, III, FOCK

        ZeroedInt = 0
        UHF = .false.
        allocate(FOCK(nbasis/2), source=0.0_dp)

        if (iProcIndex == 0) then
            iunit = get_free_unit()
            file_name = PropFile
            write(stdout, *) 'Reading integral from the file:', trim(file_name)
            open(iunit, FILE=file_name, STATUS='OLD')
            read(iunit, FCI)
        end if

        ! Currently, FOCK array has been introduced to prevent crashing calculations
        ! It is deallocated here, as it is not used in the code anymore.
        ! If you want to use FOCK, don't forget to add MPIBCast(FOCK).

        ! Re-order the orbitals symmetry labels if required

!Now broadcast these values to the other processors (the values are only read in on root)
        CALL MPIBCast(NORB, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(NELEC, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(MS2, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(ORBSYM, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYML, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(SYMLZ, 1000)
        CALL MPIBCast(ISYM, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(IUHF, 1)
        CALL MPIBCast(UHF)
        CALL MPIBCast(TREL)
        CALL MPIBCast(NPROP, 3)

        core = 0.0d0
        iSpins = 2
        IF ((UHF .and. (.not. tROHF)) .or. tReltvy) ISPINS = 1

        if (iProcIndex == 0) then
101         continue
            read(iunit, *, END=199) z, i, j, k, l

            ! Remove integrals that are too small
            if (abs(z) < UMatEps) then
                if (ZeroedInt < 100) then
                    write(stdout, '(a,2i4,a,2i4,a)', advance='no') &
                        'Ignoring integral (chem. notation) (', i, j, '|', k, &
                        l, '): '
                    write(stdout, *) z
                else if (ZeroedInt == 100) then
                    write(stdout, *) 'Ignored more than 100 integrals.'
                    write(stdout, *) 'Further threshold truncations not reported explicitly'
                end if
                ZeroedInt = ZeroedInt + 1
                goto 101
            end if

            if (i == 0) then
! Reading the zero-electron part of the integrals
                core = real(z, dp)
            else if (k == 0) then
! Reading the one-electron part of the integrals
                do ispn = 1, iSpins
                    ! Have read in T_ij.  Check it's consistent with T_ji
                    ! (if T_ji has been read in).
                    diff = abs(OneElInts(iSpins * i - ispn + 1, iSpins * j - ispn + 1) - z)
                    if (abs(OneElInts(iSpins * i - ispn + 1, iSpins * j - ispn + 1)) > 0.0d-6 .and. diff > 1.0e-7_dp) then
                        write(stdout, *) i, j, z, OneElInts(iSpins * i - ispn + 1, iSpins * j - ispn + 1)
                        call Stop_All(t_R, "Error filling OneElInts - different values for same orbitals")
                    end if

                    OneElInts(iSpins * I - ispn + 1, iSpins * J - ispn + 1) = z
#ifdef CMPLX_
                    OneElInts(iSpins * J - ispn + 1, iSpins * I - ispn + 1) = conjg(z)
                    OneElInts(iSpins * J - ispn + 1, iSpins * I - ispn + 1) = z
                end do

                call stop_all(t_r, 'Cannot currently deal with two-electron properties')
            end if
            goto 101
        end if
199     continue
        if (iProcIndex == 0) close(iunit)

        CoreVal = core