subroutine rm_unocc_dets_from_hash_table(hash_table, walker_list, list_length)
use DetBitOps, only: tAccumEmptyDet
! This routine loops through all determinants in walker_list removes
! all entries from hash_table for determinants which are both
! unoccupied and not core determinants.
type(ll_node), pointer, intent(inout) :: hash_table(:)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: walker_list(0:, :)
integer, intent(in) :: list_length
integer :: i, hash_val, nI(nel)
real(dp) :: real_sign(lenof_sign)
logical :: found, tCoreDet
type(ll_node), pointer :: temp_node, prev
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = "rm_unocc_dets_from_hash_table"
do i = 1, list_length
call extract_sign(walker_list(:, i), real_sign)
tCoreDet = .false.
if (tSemiStochastic) tCoreDet = test_flag_multi(walker_list(:, i), flag_deterministic)
if (IsUnoccDet(real_sign) .and. (.not. tCoreDet) .and. (.not. tAccumEmptyDet(walker_list(:, i)))) cycle
found = .false.
call decode_bit_det(nI, walker_list(:, i))
ASSERT(all(nI <= nBasis))
ASSERT(all(nI > 0))
hash_val = FindWalkerHash(nI, size(hash_table))
temp_node => hash_table(hash_val)
prev => null()
if (.not. temp_node%ind == 0) then
! Loop over all entries with this hash value.
do while (associated(temp_node))
if (temp_node%ind == i) then
found = .true.
call remove_node(prev, temp_node)
end if
! Move on to the next determinant with this hash value.
prev => temp_node
temp_node => temp_node%next
end do
end if
end do
end subroutine rm_unocc_dets_from_hash_table