HElement_t(dp) function rpa_contrib_ksym(J, p, a, spin)
! same as above just with symmetry symbols instead of vectors
! BUT here i have to be careful to determine the substraction p - k
! already before calling this function! it is the k-symbol of the
! hole correspinding to p!
real(dp), intent(in) :: J
type(symmetry), intent(in) :: p, a
integer, intent(in) :: spin
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "rpa_contrib_ksym"
real(dp) :: n_opp_loc
ASSERT(spin == -1 .or. spin == 1)
if (spin == -1) then
n_opp_loc = real(nOccAlpha, dp)
n_opp_loc = real(nOccBeta, dp)
end if
rpa_contrib_ksym = -2.0_dp * real(bhub, dp) * (cosh(J) - 1.0_dp) / real(omega, dp) * &
n_opp_loc * (epsilon_kvec(p) + epsilon_kvec(a))
end function rpa_contrib_ksym