write_rdm_estimates Subroutine

public subroutine write_rdm_estimates(rdm_defs, est, final_output, write_to_separate_file, tInitsRDM)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
type(rdm_estimates_t), intent(in) :: est
logical, intent(in) :: final_output
logical, intent(in) :: write_to_separate_file
logical, intent(in) :: tInitsRDM


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine write_rdm_estimates(rdm_defs, est, final_output, write_to_separate_file, &

        ! Write RDM estimates to the RDMEstimates file. Specifically, the
        ! numerator of the energy and spin^2 estimators are output, as is the
        ! trace (the denominator of these estimator).

        ! Also, if final_output is true, then output the final total estimates
        ! to standard output, and close the RDMEstimates unit.

        use CalcData, only: tEN2
        use FciMCData, only: Iter, PreviousCycles
        use LoggingData, only: tRDMInstEnergy, tCalcPropEst, iNumPropToEst
        use rdm_data, only: rdm_estimates_t, rdm_definitions_t
        use util_mod, only: int_fmt

        type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
        type(rdm_estimates_t), intent(in) :: est
        logical, intent(in) :: final_output, write_to_separate_file, tInitsRDM

        integer :: irdm, iprop

        write(stdout, *) "Writing RDMs to file at iteration ", iter

        if (write_to_separate_file) then
            if (tRDMInstEnergy) then
                write(est%write_unit, '(1x,i13)', advance='no') Iter + PreviousCycles
                do irdm = 1, est%nrdms_standard
                    write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                    if (.not. tGUGA) then
                        write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                    end if
                    if (tEN2) then
                        write(est%write_unit, '(2(3x,es20.13))', advance='no') &
                            est%energy_pert_inst(irdm), est%energy_pert_inst(irdm) + est%energy_num_inst(irdm)
                    end if
                    if (tCalcPropEst) then
                        do iprop = 1, iNumPropToEst
                            write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                                est%property_inst(iprop, irdm)
                        end do
                    end if
                    write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                end do
                do irdm = est%nrdms_standard + 1, est%nrdms_standard + est%nrdms_transition
                    if (tCalcPropEst) then
                        do iprop = 1, iNumPropToEst
                            write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                                est%property_inst(iprop, irdm)
                        end do
                    end if
                end do
                write(est%write_unit, '()')
                write(est%write_unit, '(1x,i13)', advance='no') Iter + PreviousCycles
                do irdm = 1, est%nrdms_standard
                    write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                    if (.not. tGUGA) then
                        write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                    end if
                    if (tEN2) then
                        write(est%write_unit, '(2(3x,es20.13))', advance='no') &
                            est%energy_pert(irdm), est%energy_pert(irdm) + est%energy_num(irdm)
                    end if
                    if (tCalcPropEst) then
                        do iprop = 1, iNumPropToEst
                            write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                                est%property(iprop, irdm)
                        end do
                    end if
                    write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                end do
                do irdm = est%nrdms_standard + 1, est%nrdms_standard + est%nrdms_transition
                    if (tCalcPropEst) then
                        do iprop = 1, iNumPropToEst
                            write(est%write_unit, '(3x,es20.13)', advance='no') &
                                est%property(iprop, irdm)
                        end do
                    end if
                end do
                write(est%write_unit, '()')
            end if

            call neci_flush(est%write_unit)
        end if

        if (final_output) then
            ! Banner for the start of the 2-RDM section in output.
            if (tInitsRDM) then
                write(stdout, '(1x,2("="),1x,"INFORMATION FOR FINAL 2-RDMS (Initiators)",1x,57("="),/)')
            else if (tAdaptiveShift) then
                write(stdout, '(1x,2("="),1x,"INFORMATION FOR FINAL 2-RDMS (Lagrangian)",1x,57("="),/)')
                write(stdout, '(1x,2("="),1x,"INFORMATION FOR FINAL 2-RDMS",1x,57("="),/)')
            end if

            do irdm = 1, est%nrdms_standard
                write(stdout, '(1x,"2-RDM ESTIMATES FOR STATE",1x,'//int_fmt(irdm)//',":",)') irdm

                write(stdout, '(1x,"Trace of 2-el-RDM before normalisation:",1x,es17.10)') est%trace(irdm)
                if (tGUGA) then
                    write(stdout, '(1x,"Trace of 2-el-RDM after normalisation:",1x,es17.10)') est%trace(irdm) / est%norm(irdm) / 2.0_dp
                    write(stdout, '(1x,"Trace of 2-el-RDM after normalisation:",1x,es17.10)') est%trace(irdm) / est%norm(irdm)
                end if

                write(stdout, '(1x,"Energy contribution from the 1-RDM:",1x,es17.10)') est%energy_1_num(irdm) / est%norm(irdm)
                write(stdout, '(1x,"Energy contribution from the 2-RDM:",1x,es17.10)') est%energy_2_num(irdm) / est%norm(irdm)
                write(stdout, '(1x,"*TOTAL ENERGY* CALCULATED USING THE *REDUCED DENSITY MATRICES*:",1x,es20.13,/)') &
                    est%energy_num(irdm) / est%norm(irdm)

                if (tEN2) then
                    write (stdout, '(1x,"EN2 corrections are below. Note that these may have a much &
                                  &larger error bar than the",/," variational energy above. Please do a &
                                  &blocking analysis rather than just using the energies below.")')
                    write(stdout, '(1x,"EN2 energy correction:",1x,es17.10)') est%energy_pert(irdm) / est%norm(irdm)
                    write(stdout, '(1x,"*TOTAL ENERGY* including the EN2 correction:",1x,es17.10,/)') &
                        (est%energy_num(irdm) + est%energy_pert(irdm)) / est%norm(irdm)
                end if

                ! Hermiticity error measures.
                write(stdout, '(1x,"Hermiticty error estimates:")')
                write(stdout, '(1x,i15,f30.20,5x,a41)') Iter + PreviousCycles, est%max_error_herm(irdm), &
                    '(Iteration, MAX ABS ERROR IN HERMITICITY)'
                write(stdout, '(1x,i15,f30.20,5x,a41,/)') Iter + PreviousCycles, est%sum_error_herm(irdm), &
                    '(Iteration, SUM ABS ERROR IN HERMITICITY)'
            end do
            do irdm = est%nrdms_standard + 1, est%nrdms
                associate(state_labels => rdm_defs%state_labels, repeat_label => rdm_defs%repeat_label)
                    write(stdout, '(1x,"2-RDM ESTIMATES FOR TRANSITION",1x,'//int_fmt(state_labels(2, irdm))//'," -> ",&
                              &'//int_fmt(state_labels(1, irdm))//',1x,"(",i1,")",)') &
                              state_labels(2, irdm), state_labels(1, irdm), repeat_label(irdm)
                end associate

                write(stdout, '(1x,"Trace of 2-el-RDM before normalisation:",1x,es17.10)') est%trace(irdm)
                write(stdout, '(1x,"Trace of 2-el-RDM after normalisation:",1x,es17.10,/)') est%trace(irdm) / est%norm(irdm)

                ! Hermiticity difference measures - these shouldn't be zero for
                ! transition RDMs, but it useful to give them to the test
                ! suite, to make sure somebody doesn't change something to
                ! start adding an RDM element on the wrong side of the diagonal.
                write(stdout, '(1x,"Hermiticty difference estimates, for test suite:")')
                write(stdout, '(1x,i15,f30.20,5x,a41)') Iter + PreviousCycles, est%max_error_herm(irdm), &
                    '(Iteration, MAX ABS DIFF IN HERMITICITY)'
                write(stdout, '(1x,i15,f30.20,5x,a41,/)') Iter + PreviousCycles, est%sum_error_herm(irdm), &
                    '(Iteration, SUM ABS DIFF IN HERMITICITY)'
            end do

            ! Banner for the end of the 2-RDM section in output.
            write(stdout, '(1x,89("="))')
        end if

    end subroutine write_rdm_estimates