calc_fullstop_mixed_ex Subroutine

private pure subroutine calc_fullstop_mixed_ex(ilutI, csf_i, ilutJ, csf_j, excitInfo, mat_ele, t_hamil, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:niftot)
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilutJ(0:niftot)
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_j
type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(inout) :: excitInfo
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: mat_ele
logical, intent(in), optional :: t_hamil
integer(kind=int_rdm), intent(out), optional, allocatable :: rdm_ind(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(out), optional, allocatable :: rdm_mat(:)


Source Code

    pure subroutine calc_fullstop_mixed_ex(ilutI, csf_i, ilutJ, csf_j, excitInfo, mat_ele, &
                                      t_hamil, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)
        ! from the excitInfo i know the first switch position.
        ! this makes things a bit easier for the exact calculation
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:niftot), ilutJ(0:niftot)
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i, csf_j
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(inout) :: excitInfo
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: mat_ele
        logical, intent(in), optional :: t_hamil
        integer(int_rdm), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: rdm_ind(:)
        real(dp), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: rdm_mat(:)

        integer :: i, step1, step2, db
        real(dp)  :: bVal, temp_mat0, temp_mat1, temp_x0, temp_x1
        HElement_t(dp) :: integral
        integer(n_int) :: tmp_I(0:nifguga), tmp_J(0:nifguga)

        integer :: st, se, en, delta_b(nSpatOrbs)
        real(dp) :: guga_mat
        logical :: t_hamil_

        def_default(t_hamil_, t_hamil, .true.)
        delta_b = csf_i%B_int - csf_j%B_int

        ! i can not associate to all stuff of excitInfo, since it will
        ! get changed later on..
        st = excitInfo%fullStart
        se = excitInfo%secondStart
        en = excitInfo%fullEnd

        associate (ii => excitInfo%i, jj => excitInfo%j, kk => excitInfo%k, &
                   ll => excitInfo%l, firstGen => excitInfo%firstgen, &
                   typ => excitInfo%typ)

            ! set defaults in case of early exit
            mat_ele = h_cast(0.0_dp)

            if (any(abs(delta_b(st:se - 1)) > 1) .or. &
                any(abs(delta_b(se:en)) > 2)) return

            ! first do single overlap region
            guga_mat = 1.0_dp

            step1 = csf_i%stepvector(st)
            step2 = csf_j%stepvector(st)
            bVal = csf_i%b_real(st)
            db = delta_b(st)

            guga_mat = guga_mat * getSingleMatrixElement(step2, step1, db, firstgen, bval)

            if (near_zero(guga_mat)) return

            do i = st + 1, se - 1

                step1 = csf_i%stepvector(i)
                step2 = csf_j%stepvector(i)
                db = delta_b(i - 1)
                bVal = csf_i%b_real(i)

                guga_mat = guga_mat * getSingleMatrixElement(step2, step1, db, firstgen, bVal)

                if (near_zero(guga_mat)) return

            end do

            ! i also do not have to consider if there is a d=3 at the end since
            ! i determine the last spin-coupling change and thus know it is
            ! definetly a singly occupied orbital at the end

            ! and actually the x0 matrix element has to be 0, otherwise it is
            ! not the excitation i thought it was.. do this as a check to
            ! abort if anything else happens
            temp_x0 = guga_mat
            temp_x1 = guga_mat

            do i = se, en - 1

                step1 = csf_i%stepvector(i)
                step2 = csf_j%stepvector(i)
                db = delta_b(i - 1)
                bVal = csf_i%b_real(i)

                call getDoubleMatrixElement(step2, step1, db, gen_type%R, gen_type%L, bVal, &
                                            1.0_dp, temp_mat0, temp_mat1)

                temp_x0 = temp_x0 * temp_mat0
                temp_x1 = temp_x1 * temp_mat1

                if (near_zero(temp_x0) .and. near_zero(temp_x1)) return
            end do

            ! to the fullstop
            step1 = csf_i%stepvector(en)
            step2 = csf_j%stepvector(en)
            db = delta_b(en - 1)
            bVal = csf_i%b_real(en)

            call getMixedFullStop(step2, step1, db, bVal, temp_mat0, temp_mat1)

            temp_x0 = temp_x0 * temp_mat0
            temp_x1 = temp_x1 * temp_mat1

            ! so if x0 > 0 abort!

            ! and here misuse the stochastic routine to calculate the influence
            ! of all the other singly-occupied orbitals..
            ! i probably should write a function which does that only for the
            ! integral and stores the specific indices and matrix elements for
            ! the rdm calculation, but to that later! todo
            ! but to use this function i have to transform the 2 iluts to
            ! GUGA iluts and store the matrix element in them..

            call convert_ilut_toGUGA(ilutI, tmp_I)
            call convert_ilut_toGUGA(ilutJ, tmp_J)

            ! is the matrix element transformed within these functions?
            ! no apparently not and not event touched.. so no need to encode the
            ! matrix element

            real(dp) :: discard
            discard = 1.0_dp
            if (t_hamil_ .or. (tFillingStochRDMOnFly .and. present(rdm_mat))) then
                if (typ == excit_type%fullstop_L_to_R) then
                    ! L -> R
                    ! what do i have to put in as the branch pgen?? does it have
                    ! an influence on the integral and matrix element calculation?
!                     call calc_mixed_end_contr_sym(tmp_I, csf_i, tmp_J, excitInfo, discard, &
!                                                   also_discard, integral, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)

                    call calc_mixed_end_contr_integral(tmp_I, csf_i, tmp_J, &
                        excitInfo, integral, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)

                    ! need to multiply by x1
                    if (present(rdm_mat)) rdm_mat = rdm_mat * temp_x1

                    mat_ele = temp_x1 * ((get_umat_el(en, se, st, en) + &
                                          get_umat_el(se, en, en, st)) / 2.0_dp + integral)

                else if (typ == excit_type%fullstop_R_to_L) then
                    ! R -> L
!                     call calc_mixed_end_contr_sym(tmp_I, csf_i, tmp_J, excitInfo, discard, &
!                                                   also_discard, integral, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)

                    call calc_mixed_end_contr_integral(tmp_I, csf_i, tmp_J, &
                        excitInfo, integral, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)

                    if (present(rdm_mat)) rdm_mat = rdm_mat * temp_x1

                    mat_ele = temp_x1 * ((get_umat_el(en, st, se, en) + &
                                          get_umat_el(st, en, en, se)) / 2.0_dp + integral)

                end if
                mat_ele = h_cast(temp_x1)
            end if
            end block
        end associate

    end subroutine calc_fullstop_mixed_ex