calc_projected_hamil Subroutine

public subroutine calc_projected_hamil(nvecs, krylov_array, krylov_ht, ndets, h_matrix, partial_vecs, full_vecs, h_diag)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nvecs
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: krylov_array(0:,:)
type(ll_node), intent(in), pointer :: krylov_ht(:)
integer, intent(in) :: ndets
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: h_matrix(:,:)
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), optional, allocatable :: partial_vecs(:,:)
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), optional, allocatable :: full_vecs(:,:)
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: h_diag(:)


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine calc_projected_hamil(nvecs, krylov_array, krylov_ht, ndets, h_matrix, partial_vecs, full_vecs, h_diag)

        use bit_rep_data, only: IlutBits
        use bit_reps, only: decode_bit_det
        use CalcData, only: ss_space_in, tDetermHFSpawning
        use constants
        use DetBitOps, only: return_ms, FindBitExcitLevel
        use enumerate_excitations, only: generate_connection_normal, generate_connection_kpnt
        use enumerate_excitations, only: init_generate_connected_space
        use FciMCData, only: fcimc_excit_gen_store, exFlag, SpawnVecKP, SpawnVecKP2
        use FciMCData, only: SpawnVec, SpawnVec2, SpawnedParts
        use core_space_util, only: cs_replicas
        use FciMCData, only: SpawnedParts2, InitialSpawnedSlots, ValidSpawnedList, ll_node
        use FciMCData, only: spawn_ht, subspace_hamil_time, iLutHF_True, max_calc_ex_level
        use FCIMCData, only: HFConn, Hii
        use global_det_data, only: det_diagH
        use hash, only: clear_hash_table
        use kp_fciqmc_data_mod, only: tSemiStochasticKPHamil, tExcitedStateKP, av_mc_excits_kp
        use kp_fciqmc_data_mod, only: tExactHamilSpawning, kp_hamil_exact_frac
        use procedure_pointers, only: generate_excitation, encode_child, get_spawn_helement
        use semi_stoch_procs, only: is_core_state, check_determ_flag
        use semi_stoch_procs, only: determ_projection_kp_hamil
        use SystemData, only: nbasis, tAllSymSectors, nOccAlpha, nOccBeta, nel
        use SystemData, only: tKPntSym, tUseBrillouin
        use timing_neci, only: set_timer, halt_timer
        use util_mod, only: stochastic_round, near_zero

        integer, intent(in) :: nvecs
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: krylov_array(0:, :)
        type(ll_node), pointer, intent(in) :: krylov_ht(:)
        integer, intent(in) :: ndets
        real(dp), intent(out) :: h_matrix(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable, intent(inout), optional :: partial_vecs(:, :), full_vecs(:, :)
        real(dp), intent(in), optional :: h_diag(:)

        integer :: idet, ispawn, nspawn, i, j, ex_level_to_hf
        integer :: determ_ind, flag_ind, ic, ex(2, maxExcit), ms_parent
        integer :: ex_flag, nStore(6)
        integer, allocatable :: excit_gen(:)
        integer :: nI_parent(nel), nI_child(nel)
        integer(n_int) :: ilut_child(0:NIfTot), ilut_parent(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp) :: prob, tot_pop, h_diag_elem
        real(dp), dimension(lenof_all_signs) :: child_sign, parent_sign
        integer(n_int) :: int_sign(lenof_all_signs)
        logical :: tChildIsDeterm, tParentIsDeterm, tParentUnoccupied, tParity
        logical :: tNearlyFull, tAllFinished, all_excits_found, tTempUseBrill
        logical :: tFinished
        HElement_t(dp) :: HElGen, HEl

        call set_timer(subspace_hamil_time)

        h_matrix(:, :) = 0.0_dp
        ilut_parent = 0_n_int
        flag_ind = nifd + lenof_all_signs + 1
        ValidSpawnedList = InitialSpawnedSlots
        call clear_hash_table(spawn_ht)
        tNearlyFull = .false.
        tFinished = .false.
        determ_ind = 1

        if (.not. tExcitedStateKP) then
            ! We want SpawnedParts and SpawnedParts2 to point to the 'wider' spawning arrays which
            ! hold all the signs of *all* the Krylov vectors. This is because SendProcNewParts uses
            ! SpawnedParts and SpawnedParts2.
            SpawnedParts => SpawnVecKP
            SpawnedParts2 => SpawnVecKP2
        end if

        do idet = 1, ndets

            ! The 'parent' determinant from which spawning is to be attempted.
            ilut_parent(0:nifd) = krylov_array(0:nifd, idet)
            ilut_parent(IlutBits%ind_flag) = krylov_array(flag_ind, idet)

            ! Indicate that the scratch storage used for excitation generation from the
            ! same walker has not been filled (it is filled when we excite from the first
            ! particle on a determinant).
            fcimc_excit_gen_store%tFilled = .false.

            call decode_bit_det(nI_parent, ilut_parent)
            int_sign = krylov_array(IlutBits%ind_pop:IlutBits%ind_pop + lenof_all_signs - 1, idet)
            parent_sign = transfer(int_sign, parent_sign)
            tot_pop = sum(abs(parent_sign))

            tParentIsDeterm = check_determ_flag(ilut_parent)
            tParentUnoccupied = all(abs(parent_sign) < 1.e-16_dp)

            ! If this determinant is in the deterministic space then store the relevant
            ! data in arrays for later use.
            if (tParentIsDeterm) then
                ! Add the amplitude to the deterministic vector.
                partial_vecs(:, determ_ind) = parent_sign
                determ_ind = determ_ind + 1
            end if

            if (tParentUnoccupied) cycle

            if (ss_space_in%tDoubles .and. tDetermHFSpawning) then
                ex_level_to_hf = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF_true, ilut_parent, max_calc_ex_level)
                if (ex_level_to_hf == 0) cycle
            end if

            if (tAllSymSectors) then
                ms_parent = return_ms(ilut_parent)
                ! If this condition is met (if all electrons have spin up or all have spin
                ! down) then there will be no determinants to spawn to, so don't attempt spawning.
                if (abs(ms_parent) == nbasis / 2) cycle
                nOccAlpha = (nel + ms_parent) / 2
                nOccBeta = (nel - ms_parent) / 2
            end if

            if (tExactHamilSpawning .and. av_mc_excits_kp * tot_pop >= real(HFConn, dp) * kp_hamil_exact_frac) then

                ! We no longer want to treat these deterministic states by the
                ! usual deterministic projection. So set the corresponding
                ! amplitude in the deterministic vector to 0 and add in the
                ! diagonal element separately.
                if (tParentIsDeterm) then
                    partial_vecs(:, determ_ind - 1) = 0.0_dp

                    if (present(h_diag)) then
                        h_diag_elem = h_diag(idet) + Hii
                        h_diag_elem = det_diagH(idet) + Hii
                    end if

                    child_sign = calc_amp_kp_hamil(parent_sign, 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, h_diag_elem)
                    call create_particle_kp_estimates(nI_parent, ilut_parent, child_sign, tNearlyFull)
                end if

                call init_generate_connected_space(nI_parent, ex_flag, all_excits_found, ex, excit_gen, &
                                                   nstore, tTempUseBrill)

                do while (.true.)
                    if (tKPntSym) then
                        call generate_connection_kpnt(nI_parent, ilut_parent, nI_child, ilut_child, ex_flag, &
                                                      all_excits_found, nstore, excit_gen, hel=HEl)
                        call generate_connection_normal(nI_parent, ilut_parent, nI_child, ilut_child, ex_flag, &
                                                        ex, all_excits_found, hel=HEl)
                    end if

                    if (all_excits_found) exit

                    child_sign = calc_amp_kp_hamil(parent_sign, 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, real(HEl, dp))
                    call create_particle_kp_estimates(nI_child, ilut_child, child_sign, tNearlyFull)

                    if (tNearlyFull) then
                        call add_in_contribs(nvecs, krylov_array, krylov_ht, tFinished, tAllFinished, 1.0_dp, h_matrix)
                        call clear_hash_table(spawn_ht)
                        tNearlyFull = .false.
                    end if
                end do

                if (tKPntSym) then
                    tUseBrillouin = tTempUseBrill
                end if


                nspawn = stochastic_round(av_mc_excits_kp * tot_pop)

                do ispawn = 1, nspawn

                    ! Zero the bit representation, to ensure no extraneous data gets through.
                    ilut_child = 0_n_int

                    call generate_excitation(nI_parent, ilut_parent, nI_child, &
                                             ilut_child, exFlag, ic, ex, tParity, prob, &
                                             HElGen, fcimc_excit_gen_store)

                    ! If a valid excitation.
                    if (.not. IsNullDet(nI_child)) then

                        call encode_child(ilut_parent, ilut_child, ic, ex)

                        ! If spawning is both too and from the core space, abort it.
                        if (tSemiStochasticKPHamil .and. tParentisDeterm) then
                            if (is_core_state(ilut_child, nI_child)) cycle
                        end if

                        HEl = get_spawn_helement(nI_parent, nI_child, ilut_parent, ilut_child, ic, ex, &
                                                 tParity, HElGen)

                        child_sign = calc_amp_kp_hamil(parent_sign, prob, av_mc_excits_kp * tot_pop, real(HEl, dp))
                        child_sign = 0.0_dp
                    end if

                    ! If any (valid) children have been spawned.
                    if (.not. (all(near_zero(child_sign)) .or. ic == 0 .or. ic > 2)) then

                        call create_particle_kp_estimates(nI_child, ilut_child, child_sign, tNearlyFull)

                        if (tNearlyFull) then
                            call add_in_contribs(nvecs, krylov_array, krylov_ht, tFinished, tAllFinished, 1.0_dp, h_matrix)
                            call clear_hash_table(spawn_ht)
                            tNearlyFull = .false.
                        end if

                    end if ! If a child was spawned.

                end do ! Over mulitple spawns from the same determinant.
            end if

        end do ! Over all determinants.

        tFinished = .true.
            call add_in_contribs(nvecs, krylov_array, krylov_ht, tFinished, tAllFinished, 1.0_dp, h_matrix)
            if (tAllFinished) exit
        end do

        call calc_hamil_contribs_diag(nvecs, krylov_array, ndets, h_matrix, h_diag)

        if (tSemiStochasticKPHamil) then
            associate(rep => cs_replicas(core_run))
                call determ_projection_kp_hamil(partial_vecs, full_vecs, rep)
            end associate
            call calc_hamil_contribs_semistoch(nvecs, krylov_array, h_matrix, partial_vecs)
        end if

        ! Symmetrise the projected Hamiltonian.
        do i = 1, nvecs
            do j = 1, i - 1
                h_matrix(i, j) = h_matrix(j, i)
            end do
        end do

        if (.not. tExcitedStateKP) then
            ! Now let SpawnedParts and SpawnedParts2 point back to their
            ! original arrays.
            SpawnedParts => SpawnVec
            SpawnedParts2 => SpawnVec2
        end if

        call halt_timer(subspace_hamil_time)

    end subroutine calc_projected_hamil