calc_single_excitation_ex Subroutine

private pure subroutine calc_single_excitation_ex(csf_i, csf_j, excitInfo, mat_ele, t_calc_full, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_j
type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(in) :: excitInfo
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: mat_ele
logical, intent(in), optional :: t_calc_full
integer(kind=int_rdm), intent(out), optional, allocatable :: rdm_ind(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(out), optional, allocatable :: rdm_mat(:)


Source Code

    pure subroutine calc_single_excitation_ex(csf_i, csf_j, excitInfo, mat_ele, &
                                         t_calc_full, rdm_ind, rdm_mat)
        ! routine to exactly calculate the matrix element between so singly
        ! connected CSFs, with the option to output also all the indices and
        ! overlap matrix elements necessary for the rdm calculation
        type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i, csf_j
        type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(in) :: excitInfo
        HElement_t(dp), intent(out) :: mat_ele
        logical, intent(in), optional :: t_calc_full
        integer(int_rdm), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: rdm_ind(:)
        real(dp), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: rdm_mat(:)
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "calc_single_excitation_ex"

        integer :: iOrb, db, step1, step2
        real(dp) :: bVal
        HElement_t(dp) :: integral
        logical :: t_calc_full_
        ! just mimick the stochastic single excitation!
        real(dp) :: tmp_mat
        integer :: delta_b(nSpatOrbs)

        def_default(t_calc_full_, t_calc_full, .true.)

        ASSERT(present(rdm_ind) .eqv. present(rdm_mat))

        ! set defaults for the output if we excit early..
        mat_ele = h_cast(0.0_dp)
        delta_b = csf_i%B_int - csf_j%B_int

        associate (i => excitInfo%i, j => excitInfo%j, st => excitInfo%fullstart, &
                   en => excitInfo%fullEnd, gen => excitInfo%currentGen)

            if (present(rdm_ind) .and. present(rdm_mat)) then
                allocate(rdm_ind(1), source=0_int_rdm)
                allocate(rdm_mat(1), source=0.0_dp)
                rdm_ind = contract_1_rdm_ind(i, j)
                rdm_mat = 0.0_dp
            end if

            ! this deltaB info can slip through the excitation identifier..
            if (any(abs(delta_b) > 1)) return

            if (t_calc_full_) then
                integral = getTmatEl(2 * i, 2 * j)
                integral = h_cast(1.0_dp)
            end if

            tmp_mat = 1.0_dp

            ! what do i need from the 2 CSFs to calculate all the matrix elements?
            ! the 2 stepvalues: d, d' -> write a routine which only calculates those
            ! the generator type: gen
            ! the currentB value of I, b -> also calc. that in the routine to get d
            ! and the deltaB value: db

            ! since i mostly use this function to calculate the overlap with
            ! the reference determinant it is probably a good idea to
            ! calculate the necessary information for the reference determinant
            ! once and store it.. and maybe use a flag here to check what
            ! kind of usage of this function is.. or outside in the calling
            ! function..

            ! then i can just loop over the whole excitation range without
            ! distinction between start.. (mabye end i have to deal with specifically!)

            ! here i have to calculate the starting element
            step1 = csf_i%stepvector(st)
            step2 = csf_j%stepvector(st)
            bVal = csf_i%b_real(st)
            ! i think i have to take the deltaB for the next orb or?
            ! because i need the outgoing deltaB value..
            ! nah.. i need the incoming!
            ! damn i think i need the deltaB value from the previous orbital..
            ! no.. for the single start i need the outgoing deltab, that the
            ! convention how to access the matrix elements, but then i need the
            ! incoming deltaB value.. or lets check that out how this works
            ! exactly
            db = delta_b(st)

            tmp_mat = tmp_mat * getSingleMatrixElement(step2, step1, db, gen, bVal)

            ! i think it can still always happen that the matrix element is 0..
            ! but maybe for the rdm case i have to do something more involved..
            ! to set all the corresponding indices to 0..

            if (near_zero(tmp_mat)) return

            do iOrb = st + 1, en - 1

                step1 = csf_i%stepvector(iOrb)
                step2 = csf_j%stepvector(iOrb)
                bVal = csf_i%b_real(iOrb)
                db = delta_b(iOrb - 1)

                tmp_mat = tmp_mat * getSingleMatrixElement(step2, step1, db, gen, bVal)

                if (near_zero(tmp_mat)) return

                if (t_calc_full_) then
                    if (.not. (t_new_real_space_hubbard .or. t_heisenberg_model &
                               .or. t_tJ_model .or. t_mixed_hubbard)) then
                        integral = integral + get_umat_el(i, iOrb, j, iOrb) * csf_i%Occ_real(iOrb)

                        integral = integral + get_umat_el(i, iOrb, iOrb, j) * &
                                   getDoubleContribution(step2, step1, db, gen, bVal)
                    end if
                end if

            end do

            step1 = csf_i%stepvector(en)
            step2 = csf_j%stepvector(en)
            bVal = csf_i%b_real(en)
            db = delta_b(en - 1)

            tmp_mat = tmp_mat * getSingleMatrixElement(step2, step1, db, gen, bVal)

            if (near_zero(tmp_mat)) return

            ! i think i could also exclude the treal case here.. try!
            if (t_calc_full_) then
                if (.not. (treal .or. t_new_real_space_hubbard .or. &
                           t_heisenberg_model .or. t_tJ_model .or. t_mixed_hubbard)) then
                    call calc_integral_contribution_single(csf_i, csf_j, i, j, st, en, integral)
                end if
            end if

            mat_ele = tmp_mat * integral

            if (present(rdm_mat)) rdm_mat = tmp_mat

        end associate

    end subroutine calc_single_excitation_ex