CalcApproxpDoubles Subroutine

public subroutine CalcApproxpDoubles()




Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE CalcApproxpDoubles()
        implicit none
        real(dp) :: denom
        INTEGER :: iTotal
        integer :: nSingles, nDoubles, nSing_spindiff1, nDoub_spindiff1, nDoub_spindiff2
        integer :: nTot
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "CalcApproxpDoubles"
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: dummy_list(:, :)

        nSingles = 0
        nDoubles = 0
        if (tReltvy) then
            nSing_spindiff1 = 0
            nDoub_spindiff1 = 0
            nDoub_spindiff2 = 0
            pDoub_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp
            pDoub_spindiff2 = 0.0_dp
        end if

!NSing=Number singles from HF, nDoub=No Doubles from HF

        write(stdout, "(A)") " Calculating approximate pDoubles for use with &
                       &excitation generator by looking a excitations from &
        exflag = 3
        if (tReltvy) then
            write(stdout, *) "Counting magnetic excitations"
            ! subroutine CountExcitations4(nI, minRank, maxRank, minSpinDiff, maxSpinDiff, tot)
            call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 1, 1, 0, 0, nSingles)
            call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 1, 1, 1, 1, nSing_spindiff1)
            call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 2, 2, 0, 0, nDoubles)
            call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 2, 2, 1, 1, nDoub_spindiff1)
            call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 2, 2, 2, 2, nDoub_spindiff2)
            call CountExcitations4(hfdet, 1, 2, 0, 2, nTot)
            ASSERT(nTot == (nSingles + nSing_spindiff1 + nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2))

            iTotal = nSingles + nDoubles + nSing_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2

            if (tKPntSym) THEN
                if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
                    ! change this to the new implementation
                    call gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard(HFDet, nDoubles, dummy_list)
                    call enumerate_sing_doub_kpnt(exFlag, .false., nSingles, nDoubles, .false.)
                end if
                call CountExcitations3(hfdet, exflag, nSingles, nDoubles)
            end if
            iTotal = nSingles + nDoubles
        end if

        IF (tHub .or. tUEG) THEN
            IF (tReal) THEN
                write(stdout, *) "Since we are using a real-space hubbard model, only single excitations are connected &
                &   and will be generated."
                pDoubles = 0.0_dp
                if (tReltvy) then
                    pDoub_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp
                    pDoub_spindiff2 = 0.0_dp
                    pSingles = real(nSingles, dp) / real(nSingles + nSing_spindiff1, dp)
                    pSing_spindiff1 = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                    pSingles = 1.0_dp
                end if
                write(stdout, *) "Since we are using a momentum-space hubbard model/UEG, only double excitaitons &
     &                          are connected and will be generated."
                pSingles = 0.0_dp
                if (tReltvy) then
                    pSing_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp
                    pDoubles = real(nDoubles, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp)
                    pDoub_spindiff1 = real(nDoub_spindiff1, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp)
                    pDoub_spindiff2 = 1.0_dp - pDoubles - pDoub_spindiff1
                    pDoubles = 1.0_dp
                end if
            end if

        else if (tNoSingExcits) then
            pSingles = 0.0_dp
            if (tReltvy) then
                pSing_spindiff1 = 0.0_dp
                pDoubles = real(nDoubles, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp)
                pDoub_spindiff1 = real(nDoub_spindiff1, dp) / real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp)
                pDoub_spindiff2 = 1.0_dp - pDoubles - pDoub_spindiff1
                pDoubles = 1.0_dp
            end if
            write(stdout, *) "Only double excitations will be generated"
        end if

        write(stdout, "(I7,A,I7,A)") nDoubles, " double excitations, and ", nSingles, &
            " single excitations found from reference. This will be used to calculate pDoubles."

        IF (abs(SinglesBias - 1.0_dp) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
            write(stdout, *) "Singles Bias detected. Multiplying single excitation connectivity of HF determinant by ", &
                SinglesBias, " to determine pDoubles."
        end if

        IF ((nSingles == 0) .or. (nDoubles == 0)) THEN
            write(stdout, *) "Number of singles or doubles found equals zero. pDoubles will be set to 0.95. Is this correct?"
            pDoubles = 0.95_dp
            pSingles = 0.05_dp
        else if ((nSingles < 0) .or. (nDoubles < 0)) then
            call stop_all("CalcApproxpDoubles", &
                          "Number of singles, doubles or Yamanouchi symbols &
                          &found to be a negative number. Error here.")
        end if
        if (tReltvy) then
            denom = real(nSingles + nSing_spindiff1, dp) * SinglesBias &
                    + real(nDoubles + nDoub_spindiff1 + nDoub_spindiff2, dp)
            pSingles = real(nSingles, dp) * SinglesBias / denom
            pSing_spindiff1 = real(nSing_spindiff1, dp) * SinglesBias / denom
            pDoubles = real(nDoubles, dp) / denom
            pDoub_spindiff1 = real(nDoub_spindiff1, dp) / denom
            pDoub_spindiff2 = 1.0_dp - pSingles - pSing_spindiff1 &
                              - pDoubles - pDoub_spindiff1 - pDoub_spindiff2
            denom = real(nSingles, dp) * SinglesBias + real(nDoubles, dp)
            pSingles = real(nSingles, dp) * SinglesBias / denom
            pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
        end if

        IF (abs(SinglesBias - 1.0_dp) > 1.0e-12_dp) THEN
            write (stdout, '("pDoubles set to ", f14.6, &
                       &" rather than (without bias): ", f14.6)') &
                       pDoubles, real(nDoubles, dp) / real(iTotal, dp)
            write (stdout, '("pSingles set to ", f14.6, &
                       &" rather than (without bias): ", f14.6)') &
                       pSingles, real(nSingles, dp) / real(iTotal, dp)

!            write(stdout,"(A,F14.6,A,F14.6)") "pDoubles set to: ",pDoubles, " rather than (without bias): ", &
!                & real(nDoub,dp)/real(iTotal,dp)
            if (tReltvy) then
                write(stdout, '(A)') " Where s and t are alpha or beta spin function labels: "
                write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pSingles(s->s) set to: ", pSingles
                write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pSingles(s->s') set to: ", pSing_spindiff1
                write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pDoubles(st->st) set to: ", pDoubles
                write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pDoubles(st->s't) set to: ", pDoub_spindiff1
                write(stdout, '(A30,F14.6)') " pDoubles(st->s't') set to: ", pDoub_spindiff2
                write(stdout, '(A,F14.6)') " pDoubles set to: ", pDoubles
                write(stdout, '(A,F14.6)') " pSingles set to: ", pSingles
            end if
        end if

        if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .or. allocated(pDoublesIn) .or. allocated(pTriplesIn)) then
            if (allocated(pSinglesIn) .and. allocated(pDoublesIn)) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'It is not possible to define pSingles and pDoubles.')
            else if (.not. (allocated(pSinglesIn) .or. allocated(pDoublesIn))) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'One of pSingles or pDoubles is required.')
            end if
            if (t_mol_3_body) then
                ! We allow the users to input absolute values for the probabilities.
                ! Note that pSingles and pDoubles are internally conditional probabilities.
                ! Even for triple we still have that `pSingles + pDoubles .isclose. 1.0`.
                ! It first decides upon triple excitation or something else and then about singles or doubles.
                ! We have to convert the absolute probabilities into conditional ones.
                if (.not. allocated(pTriplesIn)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriples is required as input.")
                    pTriples = pTriplesIn
                    if (allocated(pSinglesIn)) then
                        if (pTriples + pSinglesIn > 1.0_dp) call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriplesIn + pSinglesIn > 1.0_dp")
                        pSingles = pSinglesIn / (1.0_dp - pTriplesIn)
                        pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                        write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pSingles:",1x, f14.6)') pSinglesIn
                    else if (allocated(pDoublesIn)) then
                        if (pTriples + pDoublesIn > 1.0_dp) call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriplesIn + pDoublesIn > 1.0_dp")
                        pDoubles = pDoublesIn / (1.0_dp - pTriplesIn)
                        pSingles = 1.0_dp - pDoubles
                        write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pDoubles:",1x, f14.6)') pDoublesIn
                    end if
                end if
                if (allocated(pTriplesIn)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "pTriples can only be given if triple excitations are performed.")
                else if (allocated(pSinglesIn)) then
                        pSingles = pSinglesIn
                        pDoubles = 1.0_dp - pSingles
                        write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pSingles:",1x, f14.6)') pSingles
                else if (allocated(pDoublesIn)) then
                    pDoubles = pDoublesIn
                    pSingles = 1.0_dp - pDoubles
                    write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pDoubles:",1x, f14.6)') pDoubles
                end if
            end if
        end if

        if (allocated(pParallelIn)) then
            write(stdout, '(" Using the input value of pParallel:",1x, f14.6)') pParallelIn
            pParallel = pParallelIn
        end if

    END SUBROUTINE CalcApproxpDoubles