subroutine calcFullStopR2L(ilut, csf_i, excitInfo, excitations, nExcits, &
posSwitches, negSwitches, t_no_singles_opt)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:nifguga)
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
type(ExcitationInformation_t), intent(inout) :: excitInfo
integer(n_int), intent(out), allocatable :: excitations(:, :)
integer, intent(out) :: nExcits
real(dp), intent(in) :: posSwitches(nSpatOrbs), negSwitches(nSpatOrbs)
logical, intent(in), optional :: t_no_singles_opt
! not sure if single or double weight is necessary here...
type(WeightObj_t) :: weights
integer(n_int), allocatable :: tempExcits(:, :)
integer(n_int) :: t(0:nifguga)
integer :: iOrb, iEx, cnt, st, se, en, ierr
real(dp) :: minusWeight, plusWeight, zeroWeight
logical :: t_no_singles
st = excitInfo%fullStart
se = excitInfo%secondStart
en = excitInfo%fullEnd
if (present(t_no_singles_opt)) then
t_no_singles = t_no_singles_opt
t_no_singles = .false.
end if
if (t_no_singles .and. csf_i%stepvector(en) == 3) then
allocate(excitations(0, 0), stat=ierr)
nExcits = 0
end if
! init weights
weights = init_semiStartWeight(csf_i, se, en, negSwitches(se), &
posSwitches(se), csf_i%B_real(se))
excitInfo%currentGen = excitInfo%firstGen
! create start
call createSingleStart(ilut, csf_i, excitInfo, posSwitches, negSwitches, &
weights, tempExcits, nExcits)
! loop until semi-start
do iOrb = excitInfo%fullStart + 1, excitInfo%secondStart - 1
call singleUpdate(ilut, csf_i, iOrb, excitInfo, posSwitches, negSwitches, &
weights, tempExcits, nExcits)
end do
! can i write a general raisingSemiStart function, to reuse in
! other types of excitations?
! have to init specific prob. weights
weights = weights%ptr
! depending if there is a 3 at the fullend there can be no switching
! possible
if (csf_i%stepvector(en) == 3) then
zeroWeight = weights%proc%zero(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, csf_i%B_real(se), weights%dat)
! is plus and minus weight zero then? i think so
minusWeight = 0.0_dp
plusWeight = 0.0_dp
if (t_mixed_hubbard) then
nExcits = 0
allocate(excitations(0, 0), stat=ierr)
end if
minusWeight = weights%proc%minus(negSwitches(se), csf_i%B_real(se), weights%dat)
plusWeight = weights%proc%plus(posSwitches(se), csf_i%B_real(se), weights%dat)
zeroWeight = weights%proc%zero(negSwitches(se), posSwitches(se), &
csf_i%B_real(se), weights%dat)
end if
! do i have to give them posSwitches and negSwitches or could I
! just put in actual weight values?
call calcLoweringSemiStart(ilut, csf_i, excitInfo, tempExcits, nExcits, &
plusWeight, minusWeight, zeroWeight)
if (csf_i%stepvector(en) == 3) then
! in mixed generator case there is no sign coming from the
! overlap region, so only finish up the excitation, by just
! giving it the correct matrix element
! and have to check if non-zero and store in final
! excitations list
cnt = 1
do iEx = 1, nExcits
t = tempExcits(:, iEx)
if (near_zero(extract_matrix_element(t, 1))) cycle
! also no change in stepvector in this case
call update_matrix_element(t, Root2, 1)
call encode_matrix_element(t, 0.0_dp, 2)
tempExcits(:, cnt) = t
cnt = cnt + 1
end do
nExcits = cnt - 1
allocate(excitations(0:nifguga, nExcits), stat=ierr)
excitations = tempExcits(:, 1:nExcits)
! then i have to do a proper double excitation until the end
! with the new weights also
do iOrb = excitInfo%secondStart + 1, excitInfo%fullEnd - 1
call doubleUpdate(ilut, csf_i, iOrb, excitInfo, weights, tempExcits, nExcits, &
negSwitches, posSwitches)
end do
! and then do a mixed fullstop. also write a general function for that
call mixedFullStop(ilut, csf_i, excitInfo, tempExcits, nExcits, excitations, &
end if
end subroutine calcFullStopR2L