subroutine CalcHashTableStats(TotWalkersNew, iter_data)
use FciMCData, only: CurrentDets, n_prone_dets
use LoggingData, only: FCIMCDebug
use bit_rep_data, only: IlutBits
integer, intent(inout) :: TotWalkersNew
type(fcimc_iter_data), intent(inout) :: iter_data
integer :: i, j, AnnihilatedDet, lbnd, ubnd, part_type
real(dp) :: CurrentSign(lenof_sign)
real(dp) :: pRemove, r
integer :: nI(nel), run
logical :: tIsStateDeterm
real(dp) :: scaledOccupiedThresh
character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'CalcHashTableStats'
if (.not. bNodeRoot) return
TotParts = 0.0_dp
norm_psi_squared = 0.0_dp
norm_semistoch_squared = 0.0_dp
iHighestPop = 0
AnnihilatedDet = 0
tIsStateDeterm = .false.
InstNoAtHf = 0.0_dp
n_prone_dets = 0
if (TotWalkersNew > 0) then
do i = 1, TotWalkersNew
call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, i), CurrentSign)
if (tSemiStochastic) tIsStateDeterm = test_flag_multi(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_deterministic)
if (IsUnoccDet(CurrentSign) .and. (.not. tIsStateDeterm)) then
if (.not. tAccumEmptyDet(CurrentDets(:, i))) AnnihilatedDet = AnnihilatedDet + 1
! count the number of walkers that are single-spawns at the threshold
if (t_prone_walkers) then
if (test_flag(CurrentDets(:, i), flag_prone)) n_prone_dets = n_prone_dets + 1
end if
if (tEScaleWalkers) then
scaledOccupiedThresh = OccupiedThresh * scaleFunction(det_diagH(i))
scaledOccupiedThresh = OccupiedThresh
end if
do j = 1, lenof_sign
run = part_type_to_run(j)
if (.not. tIsStateDeterm) then
if ((abs(CurrentSign(j)) > 1.e-12_dp) .and. (abs(CurrentSign(j)) < scaledOccupiedThresh)) then
!We remove this walker with probability 1-RealSignTemp
pRemove = (scaledOccupiedThresh - abs(CurrentSign(j))) / scaledOccupiedThresh
r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
if (pRemove > r) then
!Remove this walker
NoRemoved(run) = NoRemoved(run) + abs(CurrentSign(j))
iter_data%nremoved(j) = iter_data%nremoved(j) &
+ abs(CurrentSign(j))
CurrentSign(j) = 0.0_dp
call nullify_ilut_part(CurrentDets(:, i), j)
call decode_bit_det(nI, CurrentDets(:, i))
if (IsUnoccDet(CurrentSign) .and. .not. tAccumEmptyDet(CurrentDets(:, i))) then
call RemoveHashDet(HashIndex, nI, i)
! also update both the number of annihilated dets
AnnihilatedDet = AnnihilatedDet + 1
! and the number of holes
HolesInList = HolesInList + 1
end if
NoBorn(run) = NoBorn(run) + scaledOccupiedThresh - abs(CurrentSign(j))
iter_data%nborn(j) = iter_data%nborn(j) &
+ scaledOccupiedThresh - abs(CurrentSign(j))
CurrentSign(j) = sign(scaledOccupiedThresh, CurrentSign(j))
call encode_part_sign(CurrentDets(:, i), CurrentSign(j), j)
end if
end if
end if
end do
TotParts = TotParts + abs(CurrentSign)
call addNormContribution(CurrentSign, tIsStateDeterm)
if (tCheckHighestPop) then
! If this option is on, then we want to compare the
! weight on each determinant to the weight at the HF
! determinant.
! Record the highest weighted determinant on each
! processor. If double run, only consider set 1 to keep things simple.
do run = 1, inum_runs
lbnd = min_part_type(run)
ubnd = max_part_type(run)
if (abs_sign(CurrentSign(lbnd:ubnd)) > iHighestPop(run)) then
iHighestPop(run) = int(abs_sign(CurrentSign(lbnd:ubnd)))
HighestPopDet(:, run) = CurrentDets(:, i)
end if
end do
end if
end if
if (tFillingStochRDMonFly) then
if (IsUnoccDet(CurrentSign) .and. (.not. tIsStateDeterm)) then
if (DetBitEQ(CurrentDets(:, i), iLutHF_True, nifd)) then
! We have to do this such that AvNoAtHF matches up with AvSign.
! AvSign is extracted from CurrentH, and if the HFDet is unoccupied
! at this moment during annihilation, it's CurrentH entry is removed
! and the averaging information in it is lost.
! In some cases (a successful spawning event) a CurrentH entry will
! be recreated, but with AvSign 0, so we must match this here.
AvNoAtHF = 0.0_dp
IterRDM_HF = Iter + 1
end if
end if
end if
! This InstNoAtHF call must be placed at the END of the routine
! as the value of CurrentSign can change during it!
if (DetBitEQ(CurrentDets(:, i), iLutHF_True, nifd)) then
InstNoAtHF = CurrentSign
end if
end do
end if
write(stdout, *) "After annihilation: "
write(stdout, *) "TotWalkersNew: ", TotWalkersNew
write(stdout, *) "AnnihilatedDet: ", AnnihilatedDet
write(stdout, *) "HolesInList: ", HolesInList
write(stdout, "(A,I12)") "Walker list length: ", TotWalkersNew
write(stdout, "(A)") "TW: Walker Det"
do j = 1, int(TotWalkersNew)
CurrentSign = &
transfer(CurrentDets(IlutBits%ind_pop:IlutBits%ind_pop + lenof_sign - 1, j), &
write(stdout, "(A,I10,a)", advance='no') 'TW:', j, '['
do part_type = 1, lenof_sign
write(stdout, "(f16.3)", advance='no') CurrentSign(part_type)
end do
call WriteBitDet(stdout, CurrentDets(:, j), .true.)
call neci_flush(stdout)
end do
! RT_M_Merge: i have to ask werner why this check makes sense
! AnnihilatedDet is only affected by empty dets and emptying a det increses HolesInList
! But adding a new det decreases HolesInList and does not affect AnnihilatedDet ->?
if (AnnihilatedDet /= HolesInList) then
write(stdout, *) "TotWalkersNew: ", TotWalkersNew
write(stdout, *) "AnnihilatedDet: ", AnnihilatedDet
write(stdout, *) "HolesInList: ", HolesInList
write(stdout, *) "iStartFreeSlot, iEndFreeSlot:", iStartFreeSlot, iEndFreeSlot
write(stdout, *) "TotParts: ", TotParts
call neci_flush(stdout)
call stop_all(t_r, "Error in determining annihilated determinants")
end if
end subroutine CalcHashTableStats