subroutine check_fillRDM_DiDj(rdm_defs, spawn, one_rdms, Spawned_No, iLutJ, realSignJ, &
! The spawned parts contain the Dj's spawned by the Di's in CurrentDets.
! If the SpawnedPart is found in the CurrentDets list, it means that
! the Dj has a non-zero cj - and therefore the Di.Dj pair will have a
! non-zero ci.cj to contribute to the RDM. The index i tells us where
! to look in the parent array, for the Di's to go with this Dj.
use FciMCData, only: iLutHF_True
use rdm_data, only: one_rdm_t, rdm_definitions_t
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: one_rdms(:)
integer, intent(in) :: Spawned_No
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: iLutJ(0:NIfTot)
real(dp), intent(in) :: realSignJ(lenof_sign)
logical, intent(in), optional :: tNonInits
logical :: tAllContribs
! optionally only sum in initiator contributions
if (present(tNonInits)) then
tAllContribs = tNonInits
tAllContribs = .true.
end if
if (.not. DetBitEQ(iLutHF_True, iLutJ, nifd)) then
call DiDj_Found_FillRDM(rdm_defs, spawn, one_rdms, Spawned_No, &
iLutJ, realSignJ, tAllContribs)
end if
end subroutine check_fillRDM_DiDj