subroutine check_real_time_iteration()
! routine to check if somthing wrong happened during the main
! real-time fciqmc loop or the external CHANGEVARS utility does smth
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "check_real_time_iteration"
logical :: tSingBiasChange, tWritePopsFound, tStartedFromCoreGround
if (mod(iter, StepsSft) == 0) then
call ChangeVars(tSingBiasChange, tWritePopsFound)
if (tWritePopsFound) call WriteToPopsfileParOneArr(CurrentDets, TotWalkers)
if (tSingBiasChange) call CalcApproxpDoubles()
! also re-read the trajectory if in live-trajectory mode
if (tLiveTrajectory) call read_in_trajectory()
end if
if (semistoch_shift_iter /= 0) then
if (Iter == semistoch_shift_iter + 1) then
tSemiStochastic = .true.
call init_semi_stochastic(ss_space_in, tStartedFromCoreGround)
end if
end if
end subroutine check_real_time_iteration