recursive function checkMomentumInvalidity(nI, cK, targetK, rElsUp, &
rElsDown) result(momcheck)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nI, rElsUp, rElsDown
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: cK
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: targetK
integer, dimension(3) :: bufK
logical :: momcheck
integer :: lI, rElsUpNew, rElsDownNew
! returns true if nI can not appear
momcheck = .true.
if (G1(brr(nI))%Ms == -1) then
rElsUpNew = rElsUp - 1
rElsDownNew = rElsDown
rElsDownNew = rElsDown - 1
rElsUpNew = rElsUp
end if
! in case there are no electrons left matching the spin of nI
if (rElsUpNew < 0 .or. rElsDownNew < 0) return
! this is the momentum from which we want to reach targetK
bufK = cK + G1(brr(nI))%k
if (tHub .or. Tperiodicinmom) then
if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
! add in a way to never leave the first BZ instead of mapping!
bufK = lat%add_k_vec(cK, G1(brr(nI))%k)
call MomPbcSym(bufK, nBasisMax)
end if
end if
! for the last electron, the total momentum has to be hit
if ((rElsUpNew + rElsDownNew) == 0) then
if (all(abs(bufK - targetK) == 0)) momcheck = .false.
end if
! try if the target momentum can still be reached
! this requires some computational effort, but the number of orbitals is not that large
do lI = nI + 1, nbasis
momcheck = checkMomentumInvalidity(lI, bufK, targetK, rElsUpNew, rElsDownNew)
if (.not. momcheck) return
end do
end function checkMomentumInvalidity