subroutine communicate_cc_amps(n_excits)
integer, intent(in) :: n_excits(cc_order)
integer :: i, j
! only deal with systems with no single excitations, so we just
! have to communicate the doubles!
do i = 1, 2
all_cc_ops(i)%order = i
allocate(all_cc_ops(i)%operators(n_excits(i), 2, i))
all_cc_ops(i)%operators = 0
all_cc_ops(i)%amplitudes = 0.0_dp
all_cc_ops(i)%set_flag = 0
all_cc_ops(i)%n_ops = n_excits(i)
call MPIReduce(cc_ops(i)%amplitudes, MPI_SUM, all_cc_ops(i)%amplitudes)
do j = 1, i
call MPIReduce(cc_ops(i)%operators(:, :, j), MPI_SUM, all_cc_ops(i)%operators(:, :, j))
end do
call MPIReduce(cc_ops(i)%set_flag, MPI_SUM, all_cc_ops(i)%set_flag)
end do
! i just want to store up to triples or? but for these special
! case only consider systems with no single excitations..
end subroutine communicate_cc_amps