subroutine correct_hdiag_hphf(nJ, iLutnJ, hel)
! <X|H|X> = 1/2 [ <i|H|i> + <j|H|j> ] + <i|H|j> where i and j are
! the two spin-coupled dets which make up X.
integer, intent(in) :: nJ(nel)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: iLutnJ(0:NIfTot)
HElement_t(dp), intent(inout) :: hel
integer(n_int) :: iLutnJ2(0:NIfTot)
integer :: ExcitLevel, OpenOrbs
HElement_t(dp) :: MatEl2
if (.not. TestClosedShellDet(iLutnJ)) then
! See if there is a cross-term. If there is, then remove this
! from hel_old to get the desired value
call FindExcitBitDetSym(iLutnJ, iLutnJ2)
ExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutnJ, iLutnJ2, 2)
if (ExcitLevel <= 2) then
call CalcOpenOrbs(iLutnJ, OpenOrbs)
MatEl2 = sltcnd(nJ, iLutnJ, iLutnJ2)
if (tOddS_HPHF) then
if (mod(OpenOrbs, 2) == 1) then
! Subtract cross terms if determinant is antisymmetric.
hel = hel + MatEl2
hel = hel - MatEl2
end if
if (mod(OpenOrbs, 2) == 1) then
! Subtract cross terms if determinant is antisymmetric.
hel = hel - MatEl2
hel = hel + MatEl2
end if
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine correct_hdiag_hphf