logical pure function det_int_arr_eq(a, b, len)
! If two specified integer arrays are equal, return true. Otherwise
! return false.
! In: a, b - The arrays to consider
! len - The maximum length to consider. Otherwise will use whole
! length of array
!NOTE: These will sort by the bit-string integer length, n_int.
!Therefore, these may be 32 or 64 bit integers and should
!only be used as such.
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in), dimension(:) :: a, b
integer, intent(in), optional :: len
integer llen, i
! Obtain the lengths of the arrays if a bound is not specified.
! Return false if mismatched sizes and not specified.
if(present(len)) then
llen = len
if(size(a) /= size(b)) then
det_int_arr_eq = .false.
llen = size(a)
! Run through the arrays. Return if they differ at any point.
do i = 1, llen
if(a(i) /= b(i)) then
det_int_arr_eq = .false.
! If we get this far, they are equal
det_int_arr_eq = .true.
end function det_int_arr_eq