subroutine enumerate_sing_doub_kpnt(ex_flag, only_keep_conn, nSing, nDoub, tStore, ilut_list, space_size)
! In/Out: ilut_list - List of determinants generated.
! In/Out: space_size - Number of determinants in the generated space.
! If ilut_list is not empty on input and you want to keep
! the states already in it, then on input space_size should
! be equal to the number of states to be kept in ilut_list,
! and new states will be added in from space_size+1.
! Otherwise, space_size must equal 0 on input.
! On output space_size will equal the total number of
! generated plus what space_size was on input.
integer, intent(in) :: ex_flag
logical, intent(in) :: only_keep_conn
integer, intent(out) :: nSing, nDoub
logical, intent(in) :: tStore
integer(n_int), optional, intent(inout) :: ilut_list(0:, :)
integer, optional, intent(inout) :: space_size
integer, allocatable :: excit_gen(:)
integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
integer :: iExcit, iMaxExcit, ierr
integer :: nJ(nel), nStore(6), nExcitMemLen(1)
logical :: tTempUseBrill
character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'enumerate_doubles_kpnt'
HElement_t(dp) :: HEl
nSing = 0
nDoub = 0
iMaxExcit = 0
nStore(1:6) = 0
! Use Alex's old excitation generators. However, we have to ensure
! that brillouins theorem isn't on!
if (tUseBrillouin) then
tTempUseBrill = .true.
tUseBrillouin = .false.
tTempUseBrill = .false.
end if
call gensymexcitit2par_worker(hfdet, nel, G1, nBasis, .true., nExcitMemLen, &
nJ, iMaxExcit, nStore, ex_flag, 1, nEl)
allocate(excit_gen(nExcitMemLen(1)), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, "Problem allocating excitation generator")
excit_gen = 0
call gensymexcitit2par_worker(hfdet, nel, G1, nBasis, .true., excit_gen, nJ, &
iMaxExcit, nStore, ex_flag, 1, nEl)
if (tGUGA) then
call stop_all("generate_sing_doub_determinants", &
"modify get_helement for GUGA")
end if
do while (.true.)
call gensymexcitit2par_worker(hfdet, nel, G1, nBasis, .false., excit_gen, &
nJ, iExcit, nStore, ex_flag, 1, nEl)
if (nJ(1) == 0) exit
if (tStore) then
call EncodeBitDet(nJ, ilut)
! If using a deterministic space connected to the Hartree-Fock
! then check that this determinant is actually connected to it!
if (only_keep_conn) then
HEl = get_helement(hfdet, nJ, ilutHF, ilut)
if (abs(real(HEl, dp)) < 1.e-12_dp) cycle
end if
call add_state_to_space(ilut, ilut_list, space_size, nJ)
end if
if (iExcit == 1) then
nSing = nSing + 1
else if (iExcit == 2) then
nDoub = nDoub + 1
call stop_all(t_r, "Trying to generate more than doubles!")
end if
end do
tUseBrillouin = tTempUseBrill
end subroutine enumerate_sing_doub_kpnt