fill_frequency_histogram_sd Subroutine

public subroutine fill_frequency_histogram_sd(mat_ele, pgen, ic)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: mat_ele
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: pgen
integer, intent(in) :: ic


Source Code

    subroutine fill_frequency_histogram_sd(mat_ele, pgen, ic)
        ! this is the routine, which for now i can use in the symmetry
        ! adapted GUGA code, where i only distinguish between single and
        ! double excitation for now..
        ! if i adapt that to the already used method in nosym_guga to
        ! distinguish between more excitaiton i have to write an additional
        ! subroutine which deals with that
        ! and this can also be used in the case where we dont differentiate
        ! between parallel or antiparallel double excitations in the old
        ! excitation generators
        real(dp), intent(in) :: mat_ele, pgen
        integer, intent(in) :: ic
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "fill_frequency_histogram_sd"
        integer, parameter :: cnt_threshold = 50

        real(dp) :: ratio
        integer :: ind

        ASSERT(pgen > EPS)
        ASSERT(ic == 1 .or. ic == 2 .or. ic == 3)

        if (mat_ele < matele_cutoff) then
            select case (ic)
            case (1)
                zero_singles = zero_singles + 1
            case (2)
                zero_doubles = zero_doubles + 1
            case (3)
                if (mat_ele < lMatEps) zero_triples = zero_triples + 1
            end select
        end if

        if (mat_ele < thresh) then
            select case (ic)
            case (1)
                below_thresh_singles = below_thresh_singles + 1
            case (2)
                below_thresh_doubles = below_thresh_doubles + 1
            case (3)
                below_thresh_triples = below_thresh_triples + 1
            end select
        end if

        if (pgen < EPS) return

        ratio = mat_ele / pgen

        if (t_mol_3_body .and. ic < 3) ratio = ratio * (1.0 - pTriples)

        if (ic == 1) then

            ! change to unbias the stored ratios:
            ratio = ratio * pSingles

            if (ratio < max_frequency_bound) then

                if (.not. enough_sing_hist) then
                    cnt_sing_hist = cnt_sing_hist + 1
                    if (cnt_sing_hist > cnt_threshold) enough_sing_hist = .true.
                end if

                ind = int(ratio / frq_step_size) + 1

                frequency_bins_singles(ind) = frequency_bins_singles(ind) + 1

                above_max_singles = above_max_singles + 1
                print *, "Warning: single excitation H_ij/pgen above max_frequency_bound!"
                print *, " H_ij/pgen: ", ratio, " ; bound: ", max_frequency_bound
                print *, " Consider increasing the bound!"
            end if

            if (ratio > gamma_sing) gamma_sing = ratio
            if (ratio < min_sing) min_sing = ratio

        else if (ic == 2) then

            ratio = ratio * pDoubles

            if (ratio < max_frequency_bound) then

                if (.not. enough_doub_hist) then
                    cnt_doub_hist = cnt_doub_hist + 1
                    if (cnt_doub_hist > cnt_threshold) enough_doub_hist = .true.
                end if

                ind = int(ratio / frq_step_size) + 1

                frequency_bins_doubles(ind) = frequency_bins_doubles(ind) + 1

                above_max_doubles = above_max_doubles + 1
                print *, "Warning: double excitation H_ij/pgen above max_frequency_bound!"
                print *, " H_ij/pgen: ", ratio, " ; bound: ", max_frequency_bound
                print *, " Consider increasing the bound!"
            end if

            if (ratio > gamma_doub) gamma_doub = ratio
            if (ratio < min_doub) min_doub = ratio


            ratio = ratio * pTriples
            ! check if ratio is within range
            if (ratio < max_frequency_bound) then

                ! check if enough triple spawns have been logged
                if (.not. enough_trip_hist) then
                    cnt_trip_hist = cnt_trip_hist + 1
                    if (cnt_trip_hist > cnt_threshold) enough_trip_hist = .true.
                end if

                ! get the corresponding bin in the histogram
                ind = int(ratio / frq_step_size) + 1
                frequency_bins_triples(ind) = frequency_bins_triples(ind) + 1

                ! the ratio is not within range, log this event
                above_max_triples = above_max_triples + 1
            end if

            ! update largest/smallest ratio for triples
            if (ratio > gamma_trip) gamma_trip = ratio
            if (ratio < min_trip) min_trip = ratio

        end if

    end subroutine fill_frequency_histogram_sd