subroutine Fill_Spin_Coupled_RDM(spawn, one_rdms, iLutnI, iLutnJ, nI, nJ, realSignI, realSignJ)
! It takes to HPHF functions, and calculates what needs to be summed
! into the RDMs.
! If the two HPHF determinants we're considering consist of I + I' and
! J + J', where X' is the spin coupled (all spins flipped) version of X,
! then we have already considered the I -> J excitation. And if I and
! J are connected by a double excitation, tDoubleConnection is true
! and we have also considered I' -> J'. But we need to also account
! for I -> J' and I' -> J.
use DetBitOps, only: TestClosedShellDet, FindBitExcitLevel
use hphf_integrals, only: hphf_sign
use HPHFRandExcitMod, only: FindExcitBitDetSym, FindDetSpinSym
use rdm_data, only: one_rdm_t
use SystemData, only: nel
type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: one_rdms(:)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: iLutnI(0:NIfTot), iLutnJ(0:NIfTot)
real(dp), intent(in) :: realSignI(:), realSignJ(:)
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), nJ(nel)
integer(n_int) :: iLutnI2(0:NIfTot)
integer :: nI2(nel), nJ2(nel)
real(dp) :: NewSignJ(size(realSignJ)), NewSignI(size(realSignI))
real(dp) :: PermSignJ(size(realSignJ)), PermSignI(size(realSignI))
integer :: I_J_ExcLevel, ICoup_J_ExcLevel
if (TestClosedShellDet(iLutnI)) then
if (TestClosedShellDet(iLutnJ)) then
! Closed shell -> Closed shell - just as in determinant case
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ, realSignI, realSignJ)
! Closed shell -> open shell.
call FindDetSpinSym(nJ, nJ2, nel)
NewSignJ = realSignJ / Root2
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ, realSignI, NewSignJ)
! What is the permutation between Di and Dj'
NewSignJ = NewSignJ * hphf_sign(iLutnJ)
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ2, realSignI, NewSignJ)
end if
else if (TestClosedShellDet(iLutnJ)) then
! Open shell -> closed shell
call FindDetSpinSym(nI, nI2, nel)
NewSignI = realSignI / Root2
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ, NewSignI, realSignJ)
! What is the permutation between Di' and Dj?
NewSignI = NewSignI * hphf_sign(iLutnI)
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI2, nJ, NewSignI, realSignJ)
! Open shell -> open shell
NewSignI = realSignI / Root2
NewSignJ = realSignJ / Root2
PermSignJ = NewSignJ * real(hphf_sign(iLutnJ), dp)
PermSignI = NewSignI * real(hphf_sign(iLutnI), dp)
call FindExcitBitDetSym(iLutnI, iLutnI2)
call FindDetSpinSym(nI, nI2, nel)
call FindDetSpinSym(nJ, nJ2, nel)
I_J_ExcLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutnI, iLutnJ, 2)
ICoup_J_ExcLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutnI2, iLutnJ, 2)
if (I_J_ExcLevel <= 2) then
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ, NewSignI, NewSignJ)
! Di -> Dj
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI2, nJ2, PermSignI, PermSignJ)
! Di' -> Dj' (both permuted sign)
end if
if (ICoup_J_ExcLevel <= 2) then
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI2, nJ, PermSignI, NewSignJ)
! Di' -> Dj (i permuted sign)
call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ2, NewSignI, PermSignJ)
! Di -> Dj' (j permuted sign)
end if
end if
end subroutine Fill_Spin_Coupled_RDM